

Canonical Limited, Hispalinux, and the Secretaria de Telecomunicacions i Societat de la Informació of the Generalitat de Catalunya are hosting a series of workshops on of particular interest to those involved in translation/internationalisation efforts and custom distributions. The workshops are intended to be open discussion forums rather than formal presentations. Events scheduled for the day include the following.

  • Date: Saturday, 11 December 2004
  • Location: NH Ciutat de Mataro Hotel


  • Time: 10:00-10:15
  • Name: Welcome & Introduction

  • Facilitators: Mark Shuttleworth and Carlos González

  • Time: 10:15 - 12:00
  • Name: /ManagingDerivedDistros

  • Facilitators: Mark Shuttleworth and Alfonso de Cala
  • Description: A discussion of the development and maintenance requirements of derived distributions. The discussion will include an introduction to Ubuntu and the tools being developed to support custom distributions and a roadmap for release management and maintenance. This session will be of interest to anyone working on a custom or derived distribution.

  • Time: 12:00 - 12:15
  • Name: Break

  • Time: 12:15 - 13:15
  • Name: /SupportingTranslations

  • Facilitators: Steve Alexander and Jordi Mallach
  • Description: This workshop focuses on the needs of the free software translation community, and the technical and coordination support available for those efforts. Catalan will be used as an example. This session will be of interest to free software users, developers, documentation writers and translators.

  • Time: 13:15 - 14:15
  • Name: /CollaborationAndConvergence

  • Facilitators: Mako Hill and Ismael Olea
  • Description: This session will focus on the potential for collaboration and convergence between various distributions in Spain such as Linex and Guadalinex. The discussion will include how the free software community may participate and/or benefit from that process and will be of interest to developers and decision-makers from distributions in Spain.

  • Time: 14:15 - 14:30
  • Name: Wrap-up
  • Facilitator: Mark Shuttleworth

MataroSessionsWorkshops (last edited 2008-08-06 16:35:33 by localhost)