Branding: (hoary+1 goal)
- brand any distro/derivate completely
What needs to be done
- exchange text, images in applications, configuration-files
- documentation changes
- code changes (d-i, vim)
- infrastructure change (bug tracking system, live CD, install CD, archive)
- use Replace on hundreds of packages
- use Divert on hundreds of packages
- change hundreds of source packages (patch it or use hct with tagged branches)
- use gettext (and push the problem to rosetta)
- make a general branding framework (make each package brandable and provide branding packages)
proposed solution
- parameterized source packages change + buildd (dh_brand) and a environment variable include file replacement
- have one $distro-branding and one $distro-artwork package
- we'll get fuzzy translations because of the branding changes (rosetta needs to optimize for it)
- some dispute about what parts of the branding need to be done at run-time and what at build-time
what needs to be branded:
- apache:
- - "no site here" page:
- remove it from the apache package and make it depend on $distro-branding package that contains this page
- - serverstring: try to make it configurable and push it upstream
- - "no site here" page:
- bug-buddy: should magically work
- gdm:
- - default theme: try to push a patch upstream to make that easy - Disable the gdm face configuration item: ?
- gnome-cups-manager: neutralize test-page printing
- gnome-desktop: can be done at build-time (--with-gnome-distributor)
- lsb, lsb_release: ?
- gnome-system-tools: not a branding issue
- mozilla, epiphany: get homepage from $distro-branding, bookmarks, menu-items, homepage-url
- - need more work/thought on the application-branding
- ?
ubuntu-artwork -> $distro-artwork, branding
- xscreensaver: needs upstream love to make it configurable (bounty)
- boot-splash: usplash-images: branding can go into the $distro-artwork
- kernel-image: neutralize it
- installer:
- - initial image when the you boot the cd: need to parameterize boot-cd, build-depends on ubuntu-artwork
MataroSessionsWorkshops/ManagingBrandingChanges (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:35 by localhost)