
Revision 12 as of 2008-08-06 16:13:32

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ŐRY Máté (aka. maat, hunmaat)

I'm one of the core members of Hungarian local community. Among other activities I translate Ubuntu, develop the website and build the community.


  • Email: <orymate AT gmail DOT com>

  • Personal home page: (Hungarian)

  • IRC: hunmaat @ (#ubuntu-hu, #ubuntu-hu-web); hunmaat @ IRCNet
  • Jabber: orymate at gmail, Skype: hunmaat
  • Launchpad: orymate

Contributions to Ubuntu

  • I proof and write rough translations on translation weekends.
  • …regularly translate some other packages from Ubuntu main.
  • …have written a specification about using Ubuntu or an Ubuntu remix in Hungarian secondary schools. (Unsuccessful.)
  • …file and comment bug reports, I also fix ubuntu-hu-web related ones.
  • …have written a lot of documentations to the former (wiki-based) Hungarian Ubuntu Linux Community site.
  • …obtained a party tent for free for Hungarian Ubuntu Community to the Hegyalja Festival 2008. Smile :)

  • I’m one of's main web developers, Drupal and accessibility ‘expert’.
  • …one of the organizers of Hungarian Ubuntu Conference 2006.
  • …frequently on #ubuntu-hu (building community, supporting)
  • …frequent participant of translation weekends and community events.
  • …the Hungarian distributor of System76’s Ubuntu stickers. Smile :)

Open Source

  • I help GaborKelemen translating GNOME before its releases.

  • …contribute to Drupal (modules, translation, documentation, web page).
  • …file bugs to GNOME bugzilla.

About me

I’m a 18-year-old student from Hungary. I installed my first Linux distro (Mandrake) in summer 2002. Then I used SuSE before changing to Debian. Since Hoary (5.04) I use Ubuntu, and I'm satisfied with it.

My name is Őry Máté /IPA: øːri maːteː/ in Hungarian (eastern) name order, which is Máté Őry (or lazily Mate Ory) in the ‘western’ fashion. Please, do not call me Ory, it’s my family name.
