
Revision 17 as of 2005-07-18 02:41:57

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About Me

Hi I'm Matthew East. I am a 23 year old English guy, and I am nearly a lawyer. My site is [ here]. I'm an Ubuntu Community Member.

Playing around with wiki macros

My interest in Ubuntu

I help out in the documentation team and Italian community.

My current top dream for Ubuntu is for it to have user friendly documentation which matches the OS in quality. This documentation should be translated. I'm interested in the Ubuntu Community spirit and relations and believe that the most important factor for Ubuntu Love to prosper is communication.


  • I am mdke at, and generally hang out in #ubuntu-doc #ubuntu-it and sometimes #ubuntu. COME AND FIND ME TO CHAT!

  • Email me if you like: matthew {dot} east {dot} ubuntu {at} breathe {dot} com
  • My [ GPG] key is: 0E6B06FF.

What I am involved in



  • Italian Mailing List Admin
  • [:ItalianGruppoDocumentazione:Italian Documentation Team]

  • [:ItalianStrutturaComunita:Italian Locoteam]
