
Revision 12 as of 2013-06-04 20:00:10

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About me

hackergotchi.png Name

Mattia Migliorini Nickname

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Dueville, Vicenza, Italy My Website ubuntu-it Profile

MattiaMigliorini Launchpad

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My name is Mattia and I am from Veneto, Italy. I was born on November 18th, 1992 and studied in a scientific high school, where I approached German language too (only a little bit though). In 2008 I started learning the basic languages to build a simple website (mainly HTML and CSS) on my own. That began as a joke, but became my job some years later.
Now I study Computer Science at the University of Padova and at the same time work as a Web Designer freelance (head on to my website and have a look. If I haven't already, I'll make a section on that matter).
I use Linux since 2005, when my uncle introduced me to Kubuntu, which I abandoned three years later when they implemented KDE 4.0. I switched to Ubuntu and loved it, but then - again, some years later - it became too havy for my 512MB RAM-powered PC. So I tried something else (Xubuntu, Lubuntu), landing on ArchLinux for quite some time and trying Gentoo Linux, with Kernel Panics. Now I am again on Ubuntu and love Unity: it's beautiful and intuitive!



ubuntu-it Member since April 17th, 2013

As an Ubuntu Italy contributor I am active in the following groups:

Translations Team

Even if I am not really a member of this team, I like contributing when I can. I began contributing in July, 2012 and so far I worked on the following translations:

Website Team

Since September 3rd, 2012 I am a member of the Italian Website Team, in which I can contribute with my knowledge and passion, mostly by writing and reviewing page contents.

Press Team

Since February 2013 I am leader of the Italian Press Team, along with Flavia Weisghizzi. I'm working hard to let this group work at its best.

Other projects


I am one of the founder of Dueville Linux User Group, 2viLUG, and I see it as a creature of mine. I really love it, especially because it is born in a little town, but immediately caused a lot of interest in other people.


This is half a job and half an hobby. Engeene is a "Social Tech Blog" that writes about Google, Amazon and Canonical. I work in it as Editor specialized on Chrome World since January 2012 and on various things around Canonical, Ubuntu and ubuntu-it since April 17th, 2013, when this section was born.



  • 06/01/2013 - "The new ubuntu-it Press Team" at DUCC-IT in Fermo, Italy.

  • 05/14/2013 - "Ubuntu Community: a good example of positive virtual reality?" with 2viLUG at "Eticamente" in Dueville, Vicenza, Italy.
  • 02/16/2013 - "WordPress and Web Design" at G.B. Quadri High School, Vicenza, Italy.

  • 02/16/2013 - "Introduction to Linux terminal" at G.B. Quadri High School, Vicenza, Italy.



Mattia is a pillar of the Italian LocoTeam. He showed an impressive effort in putting back on the track the ubuntu-it press office, is among the most active members of the italian marketing team and gave quite a big help organizing our meetings (including the Debian/Ubuntu Community Conference - Italia 2013, where he has proven to be very collaborative with important upstreams like Debian). I definitely recommend him for the membership, it's well deserved. -- warp10 2013-05-31 11:49:26

Mattia is a great contributor. He's passionate, dedicated, enthusiastic and considerate. I fully support his application for the Ubuntu Memebership. -- xdatap1 2013-06-04 07:25:59

Mattia is a very helpful and friendly person, that actively participates in the ubuntu-it press office of the Italian LocoTeam as coordinator. He also participates in the web team, so I strongly support the membership Smile :) -- palma-salvatore 2013-06-04 19:39:59

Mattia is a great guy. He showed an impressive effort in putting back on the track the ubuntu-it press office. I definitely recommend him for the membership, it's well deserved -- 2013-06-04 20:00:10