This is the progress of the things I have been working on since last meeting...
Art Work (official development)
Progress over past week
Pablo and his gang have finished their end-of-the-year exams so they have some time to help me with the 3 proposals for GNOME desktop themes.
We had our first "official" meeting yesterday evening and we'll have a summary of the proposal near January 16th, 2006. If the EdubuntuCommunity likes the proposals, we'll start working on the actual design and get the themes done according to DapperReleaseSchedule.
Management and or Community
Edubuntu Chile
Progress over past week
We had one of the most important meetings for us with a well-known company that works with over 1000 schoos in Chile. We asked for financing for EdubuntuChileanTour. We have to wait for 4 days before we know if they'll help us.
Edubuntu Training
I am analizing different courses that can be used to design EdubuntuTraining for School IT Admins and Teachers.
Edubuntu Talks
Today, at 19:40 local time, our first "getting-feedback" talk to parents and teachers (about 30-40 people)
Invitations were delivered and people seemed to like them (http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuInvitationArtwork)
Artwork (community development)
Edubuntu WindowMaker
Progress over past week
I worked on resizing and slightly customized Gartoon icons for 64x64.
Progress over past week
ogra mentioned some very good points to consider before I continue with this idea, so I'll have to find out and analyze if I go on or move to XFCE4.
Still needing community opinion on...
wiki/content Transaltion
How are going to do it? DefaultEnglishPage/TranslatedPageIntoAnyLanguage or edubuntu.ubuntu-cl.org/AlreadyTranslatedPageIntoAnyLanguage ?
Are we going to consider SCORM ?
We have a set of file for English classes (for diff applications)...
- what names will we use to package them?
- how will they be present in / so applications get aware these files are available?
MauricioHernandez/WeeklyUpdates/2005Dec14 (last edited 2009-03-04 18:31:07 by chance)