07:32 elmo ok, let's get started 07:33 elmo We'll skip the IRC item .. again 07:33 Seveas 07:33 elmo do we need to revisit the localisation / translation team leader thing yet? 07:33 elmo Seveas: mark isn't here 07:33 Seveas elmo, I know, that's why I typed the smiley 07:34 elmo Seveas: oh - that looked like a '?' in my broken client 07:34 zakame it is a ? 07:34 mako i just assumed you were saying "tu" 07:34 tomveens Who has a broken client? 07:34 Seveas ah, sorry about that, I'll cut down on my unicode addiction. Anyway, what do people actually want from the CC regarding the localization business? 07:35 elmo I'm not sure - let's skip it for now, I'll talk to Mark OOB === mako nods 07:35 makl10n elmo: before you move ofrward I want to draw your attention toward my nomination 07:35 elmo makl10n: for the localization? sure, did you want to say something about it? 07:36 Kamion makl10n: which one are you? just trying to map IRC nicks to wikinames 07:36 Seveas Mahay Alam Khan 07:37 Kamion ok 07:37 makl10n Seveas: yap 07:37 makl10n shall I change my nick 07:37 Kamion no 07:37 Kamion makl10n: would be nice if you set up your client so that /whois told us your name, though 07:37 Kamion doesn't require changing your nick 07:38 zakame hmm we forgot that; who's who? === zakame is Zak elep 07:38 makl10n me using a bad client, can't find the option 07:39 makl10n better change my nick......... 07:39 Seveas makl10n, what did you want to say regarding your nomination? === makl10n is now known as xmakl10n 07:39 Kamion don't worry about the IRC configuration business now - we know who you are now 07:39 xmakl10n I want to withdraw my name ......... I === xmakl10n is now known as makl10n 07:40 makl10n I thought you were having a tab complition conflict with mako 07:41 makl10n Kamion: I want to withdraw my nomination from the localisation / translation team leader 07:41 elmo makl10n: ok - any particular reason? 07:42 makl10n mmm... I guess OgMaciel is better than after going through his profile. 07:42 OgMaciel makl10n: ;) 07:43 elmo ok 07:43 mako that's fine 07:43 makl10n When I get the mail regarding the call for nomination, I thought you were asking leader for individual language 07:43 elmo OgMaciel: does your new job change anything for you? 07:43 OgMaciel elmo: it just may 07:43 makl10n OgMaciel: hi 07:43 Kamion makl10n: ah, that seems to have been a not uncommon misunderstanding 07:43 OgMaciel makl10n: hello there 07:44 elmo OgMaciel: ok - can you let us (CC) know by email once you know for sure? 07:44 elmo shall we move onto loco teams? 07:44 elmo or team === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 07:44 OgMaciel elmo: will do... mind you I still don't have internet at home though 07:44 OgMaciel ;( 07:45 makl10n OgMaciel: I shall love to assist you ...if you ask. Only if the Localisation / Translation Leader needs an assistant ;) 07:46 mako lets move onto loco teams 07:46 OgMaciel makl10n: I believe this "job" is too big for someone going at it alone part-time... so a group of "assistants" would be awsome 07:46 elmo RussellJohn - here? 07:46 OgMaciel ;) 07:46 mako any word from sabdfl? 07:46 Ekushey elmo: present 07:47 Ekushey i represent the ubuntu-bd loco team 07:47 elmo mako: no - I wonder if he got lost :/ - I'll SMS ping him 07:47 zakame OgMaciel: is there some ToDo now up? :) === Ekushey is lagging badly 07:48 Seveas Ekushey, could you please introduce the team 07:48 Ekushey Seveas: the wikipage of the ubuntu-bd team lives at 07:49 OgMaciel zakame: we have actually drawn a few "duties" 07:49 Ekushey Seveas: and our site is at, which is localised in bengali === amachu [n=amachu@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 07:49 zakame OgMaciel: ooh! where can I find moreinfo 07:50 makl10n Seveas: what are duties of a LoCo team, and who should lead the team ? 07:50 Ekushey Seveas: we've a team of 20+ dedicated volunteers who are helping to spread ubuntu in bangladesh 07:50 mako Ekushey: wow, that's great 07:51 Ekushey Seveas: we're particularly intersted in promoting Edubuntu and Xubuntu 07:51 mako it sounds like your showing at the conference was also very strong 07:52 Ekushey mako: yeah, we're very happy about the week-long fair that we attended. some snapshots here: 07:53 Ekushey the best part is that we got a lot press attention and the journalists got to know that there's something called ubuntu! 07:53 makl10n I regret to say, but I've objection about Bangladeshi loco team 07:53 Ekushey mako: do u have any particular question? i'm lagging badly and i might get disconnected in any time 07:54 Seveas makl10n, please share them 07:54 zakame mako: hmm why is that? === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 07:55 makl10n they just started doing these...but there are lots of people who has been doing things for OSS / Linux and particularly for Ubuntu.....why they are not in the team 07:55 mako makl10n: are you suggesting that they are not welcome in the team? 07:55 zakame err I mean makl10n 07:55 Ekushey makl10n: for instance, whom? 07:55 makl10n yap, they are not welcome....... like me. I am not welcome nin the team 07:56 zakame hmm, why aren't you welcome? 07:56 makl10n zakame: I don't know ! 07:57 Ekushey mak10n: u don't know? then how can u say this? 07:57 Kamion makl10n: did you try to join the team and were rejected? 07:57 zakame makl10n: you mean to say you an Ekushey belong to the same locality? 07:57 makl10n have you ever heard about Ankur Group of Bangladesh. they are doing the most of effort.....but the lead of that group Mr. Jamil Ahmed is not in the loco team 07:58 gnomefreak makl10n: you were deactivated if mak is you LP id 07:58 Ekushey Kamion: he left the launchpad team twice 07:58 makl10n yes, I can forward e-mail correspondence regardings this. (anyone can join online, but not welcome in their events) 07:58 Ekushey mak10n: can u please keep your personal interests out of this? 07:59 Kamion e-mails can be sent in confidence to 07:59 Kamion Ekushey: personal interests? 07:59 Seveas Ekushey, this does not seem to be 'personal interests' 07:59 zakame makl10n: but is this other group pushing for ubuntu, or just FOSS in general? 08:00 makl10n zakame: have you heard of Ankur Group 08:00 Ekushey Seveas: he's mentioning about the LUG that i belonng to, not Ubuntu-BD 08:00 zakame makl10n: no, that's why I'm asking? 08:00 Seveas Ekushey, ah 08:00 makl10n this is the group working for last couple of years.......and the team working for lots of projects...just visit 08:01 Kamion I can't make head or tail out of this. Please remember that the CC is not an expert in Bangladeshi LUG politics, and explain with that in mind 08:01 zakame makl10n: a LoCoTeam isn't exactly the same as a LUG, from my understanding 08:01 Kamion makl10n: it's perfectly reasonable for there to be a separate group doing Ubuntu-specific things, even if there are other local groups working to advance free software in general. Is that what you object to? 08:02 zakame makl10n: I for example belong to both PLUG and ubuntu-PH; each grp has their own goals and the means of achieving them 08:02 mako it's even ok to have overlapping locos, although it should definitely be avoided 08:02 gnomefreak ok that link doesnt say anything about ubuntu it is FLOSS 08:02 makl10n Yap, there should be a LoCo team, but who is leading the team 08:03 makl10n the man who is isolated for the FOSS community of a country 08:03 mako if the current membership or leadership of any loco is barring or making certain groups or individuals unwelcome, that's important for us to know 08:03 Kamion makl10n: "isolated"? 08:03 Ekushey ???? 08:03 jenda <suggestion>I think both parties should send an email explaining their PoV to the CC, and perhaps bring back the topic next time? </suggestion> === lfittl_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:03 makl10n jenda: you're correct. 08:04 mako it's not clear to me that all sides even understand what the problem is 08:04 zakame ummm, yes, perhaps more info ought to be brought up 08:04 Kamion I agree with jenda; there's obviously a lot of background argument here, which we need to be filled in on before making a decision 08:04 makl10n zakame: lets brought up in the next meeting 08:04 jenda mako: I think that would be clear from teh emails sent. 08:04 makl10n is anyone of you attended "debconf' in extremadura ? 08:05 mako no, although i don't see what that has to do with the ubuntu loco team 08:05 Ekushey mako: this guy was after us from the beginning 08:05 Ekushey mako: i really don't understand why he's after us 08:05 Ekushey mako: he's taking the entire issue personally... 08:05 zakame mako: thats a `many' :P 08:05 Ekushey mako: and he sent me hate mails when we formed the team! 08:06 zakame and yeah, what does debconf hav to do with this? 08:06 makl10n mako: then I would introduce someone better them him who deserve to be our (Bangladesh) loco team leader 08:06 Kamion Ekushey: if this is a case of a single person with a grudge, then that's not a barrier; but I'm sure you understand that we need to take complaints seriously 08:06 Kamion so it needs to be investigated 08:06 Seveas Ekushey, makl10n: please summarize your points of view in a mail to the council. This fight isn't going anywhere and in the interest of time we should be moving on 08:06 zakame Ekushey: well present some proof of it then 08:06 mako makl10n: you're going to need to explain what the problem is first 08:06 mako yes 08:07 mako and i'm running out of time here 08:07 Ekushey Kamion: sure thing. let him proof if he can. 08:07 makl10n thanks.... 08:07 makl10n I don't want to prove anything, I just want to suggest better name for the LoCo team leader 08:07 zakame its kinda weird though; ai'nt ubuntu all about community? :P 08:08 Kamion makl10n: this isn't about nominations; other people who want to be involved in leading a loco team should step up themselves 08:08 Kamion we expect leaders to take their own initiative 08:08 makl10n please just go through this.......and rest will be in next meeting or in you mail boxes.... 08:08 Ekushey God, this guy has personal problems with me and he's trying to ruin everything! 08:09 zakame ok, perhaps its time to move on 08:09 makl10n Ekushey: I didn't say anything personal. but you are bashing me ....... 08:09 Ekushey mako, Seveas, zakame: what's my next step? 08:09 amachu hi 08:09 amachu every one 08:09 zakame yo amachu 08:09 Seveas makl10n, Ekushey: please calm down 08:09 zakame Ekushey: heed Seveas 08:10 Seveas Ekushey: please summarize your points of view in a mail to the council so this can be revisited next time 08:10 mako Ekushey: just email the council email list 08:10 Kamion Ekushey: best is to send a calm, reasoned mail to describing the situation and what effect it has on the bd team 08:10 Ekushey mako: sure, np 08:10 tomveens All we need is a smoke and a next subject 08:10 mako i really need to run, still no sign of mark? 08:11 zakame hmm I thought he's just walking to his flat or something? 08:11 superm1 as we move on, i'm not sure how quickly we're going thru each applicant. if we are running around 45 minutes from now, and I won't be making it up - could I possibly be bumped ahead? I have to leave in 50 min 08:11 amachu zakame: i am here to volunteer for "Localisation / Translation Team Leader" 08:11 zakame superm1: better prepare your arsenal then 08:12 zakame amachu: ping OgMaciel 08:12 elmo mako: I'll phone him 08:12 mako great.. 08:12 elmo while I'm doing that - we should decide if we want to do the kamion+elmo show, with you reading logs, or simply postpone or what 08:12 amachu OgMaciel: Hi, i am here to volunteer for "Localisation / Translation Team Leader" 08:12 superm1 I'll do the best I can, so long as i have MOTU buddies around :) 08:13 LaserJock heh 08:13 zakame superm1: ooh MOTU aspirant! :) === sabdfl [n=sabdfl@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:14 sabdfl hi folks 08:14 gnomefreak hi sabdfl 08:14 matid Hi sabdfl 08:14 tseliot hi 08:14 mako sabdfl: great 08:14 sabdfl elmo: sorry, got to the phone as you hung up and realised... === keescook waves hello 08:14 zakame heya sabdfl 08:14 sabdfl hi all 08:14 mako sabdfl: i've got another meeting i need to run to 08:14 mako sabdfl: we're at new member candidates new 08:14 amachu zakame: is OgMaciel around? 08:14 mako now 08:14 mako i might be able to pop back in a bit 08:14 zakame amachu: he ought to be 08:14 mako and i'll definitely read teh log 08:14 sabdfl mako: ok i'll step into them shoes 08:14 OgMaciel amachu: hold on... be right back 08:14 mako talk to you soon! === crimsun [n=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:15 zakame yo crimsun 08:15 sabdfl who's first! === Admiral_Chicago [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:15 amachu OgMaciel: Ok 08:15 elmo DaveSullivan lophyte (September 18) 08:15 lophyte that's me 08:15 zul cd 08:15 elmo lophyte: go for it 08:15 lophyte Hey everyone, my name is Dave Sullivan. My wiki page is, and my launchpad can be found at I recently started the Toronto chapter of the ubuntu-ca team, and in just a week's time we managed to organize a successful Software Freedom Day celebration, in which we handed out nearly 100 CDs and over 150 brochures, advocating and raising awareness for Ubuntu 08:15 lophyte More details about my activity can be found on my wikipage. Thanks for your consideration. Any questions? 08:16 sabdfl lophyte: what kind of class? 08:16 OgMaciel amachu: let's take this offline but I'm afraid I don't have too much time 08:16 lophyte class? 08:16 sabdfl OgMaciel: congrats on the new post 08:16 sabdfl lophyte: "presentation on ubuntu to a class" 08:16 amachu OgMaciel: sure.. Please guide me what should i do? 08:17 OgMaciel sabdfl: thanks... I'm very happy here indeed... I think for the first time in a long time too 08:17 lophyte sabdfl: ahh.. the presentation was in a "professional skills" class, of mostly average end-users 08:17 sabdfl lophyte: what do you do in real life? 08:17 lophyte unemployed at the moment 08:18 lophyte looking for work.. preferably linux adminstrator type work 08:18 sabdfl lophyte: toronto loco team sounds very positive, what kind of folks are mostly members of the team? === rexbron [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:18 lophyte we had about 10 people come out to our first meeting.. a few people who were completely new to Linux, a few who had used Linux but were new to Ubuntu, and a few who had been using Ubuntu for a while 08:18 lophyte so we had a good mix 08:19 sabdfl any interesting observations from the completely new folks? 08:19 zakame hmm intersting 08:19 sivang hi sabdfl 08:19 lophyte well there was one guy who actually lives outside of the city.. he suggested we start a 'mentoring' program where more advanced users would mentor new users 1-on-1, and that's something we're definitely going to be discussing soon 08:19 sabdfl hey sivang! 08:19 rexbron hay lophyte 08:19 lophyte heya rexbron 08:20 sabdfl ok, +1 from for the loco work, elmo? === sivang hugs sabdfl 08:20 nixternal elmo, Seveas, Kamion, mako, sabdfl: Thanks for holding this meeting first and foremost. lophyte is an outstanding contributor to the advocation of Ubuntu. He has successfully setup and runs the Ubuntu Toronto LoCo. He helps out tremendously with the UWN and is journying out further every day in the community. Outstanding candidate for Ubuntu Member! 08:20 sabdfl s/from/from me/ 08:20 nixternal that took forever to type ;) 08:20 lophyte we also hope to get a few video-minded members together and shoot some ubuntu promotional videos to be posted on 08:20 rexbron yup 08:21 tomveens I'm thinking 08:21 lophyte rexbron's one of our members, actually :) 08:21 rexbron =D 08:21 Kamion ah, didn't realise you'd started on UWN work as well - that's listed as future plans on your wiki page 08:21 sabdfl hi kamion 08:22 Kamion hi, just alternating between dinner and meeting here 08:22 jenda I'll second nixternal on the UWN business. 08:22 rexbron I'm gussing that SFD has been mentioned... 08:22 rexbron eh lophyte? 08:22 Kamion I was just reading the SFD link off Dave's wiki page 08:22 lophyte rexbron: yup, its on my wikipage and I mentioned it earlier 08:22 rexbron good 08:23 nixternal yes Kamion, he helps out big time with UWN work and within the Ubuntu Marketing Team. Great ideas, and enjoys working on anything Ubuntu that he can. That I really appreciate in lophyte! 08:23 Kamion it sounds like it was a great success; impressive 08:23 lophyte also, the CC should have a recommendation for me from Corey Burger in their email 08:23 lophyte he sent it 2 weeks ago, approximately 08:23 nixternal as long as Ubuntu Toronto don't outshine Ubuntu Chicago I am OK :) muhehe 08:23 lophyte haha 08:24 Kamion ah, yes, indeed 08:24 zakame lol 08:24 Kamion "I have worked with Dave as part of the Ubuntu Canada loco team and have found him to be both consistency courteous and a hard worker. He recently organized the 2006 Software Freedom Day celebration in Toronto, including getting 6 other people to help out and securing a venue in a high traffic location. He has also been doing some general organization of Ubuntu users in Toronto." 08:24 Kamion (corey) 08:24 Seveas impressive 08:25 Kamion so I'm happy with lophyte, good testimonials for Ubuntu advocacy work and documentation 08:26 sabdfl do we need a third from elmo, or is two considered sufficient? 08:26 Seveas 2 down, one to go 08:27 Seveas sabdfl, so far the CC used majority voting === lophyte wonders where elmo took off to 08:27 nixternal ice cream truck must have drove by his place 08:28 lophyte haha 08:28 zakame lol 08:28 highvoltage hehe 08:28 Kamion I wonder if they do Subway trucks ... 08:28 nixternal i wish 08:28 sabdfl elmo will be back in a sec 08:28 Kamion ok, let's keep going and he can catch up === lfittl [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:28 elmo sorry, ack 08:28 zakame as in subway sandwich? 08:29 Seveas woo! 08:29 sabdfl welcome aboard lophyte! 08:29 Seveas lophyte, congratulations! 08:29 Kamion who wants to drive lp? 08:29 zakame oh there he is with the radio 08:29 jenda must've been the icecream. 08:29 sabdfl Kamion: willdo 08:29 lophyte thanks :D 08:29 jenda lophyte: congrats :) 08:29 Kamion well voluntold 08:29 nixternal lophyte: congrats homer! 08:29 matid lophyte: Congrats 08:29 lophyte thanks everyone 08:29 Seveas frodon, you're up 08:30 frodon yes i am ;) 08:30 zakame rock on lophyte 08:30 frodon i will start presenting myself 08:30 Seveas good 08:30 frodon I'm a french 25 years old digital designer for a semi-conductor company. 08:30 frodon Really impressed by ubuntu, i use this distribution since the beginning of hoary and decided to get involved helping users, writing guides and archiving usefull informations. 08:30 frodon I'm involved in the UDSF project since (almost) the beginning and i spend as many time as i can to make this project a success. 08:31 frodon I mainly provide support (more than 2500 posts) through where i am a moderator since may 2006. 08:31 frodon I'm, in general, interested in providing support and documentation for ubuntu users. 08:31 frodon launchpad profile : 08:31 Seveas I'm still confused by the UDSF/docteam split - what's up with that? 08:31 jenda frodon has been a great help in the forums, but also in the forums' IRC channel (#ubuntuforums) - especially since he joined the forum staff. 08:31 tseliot Frodon is really an asset of the forum. He is doing an impressive work to keep the forum clean and ordered. And I guarantee that it's not an easy task, given the always increasing number of members (hence also of posts, spam, flamewars, etc.) of the forum. He's very efficient. Furthermore he is also an invaluable member of the UDSF and, in my opinion, one of the reasons of its success. 08:32 LaserJock Seveas: I believe it is a "work in progress" ;-) 08:32 frodon Seveas, it's just 2 differents ways to provide documentaion to ubuntu users 08:32 jenda (The question has been on my mind for a long time, Seveas. Would love to hear a good answer) 08:32 Seveas frodon, is there any collaboration between the 2 teams? 08:32 frodon the UDSF reach 2 milions hits last week :) 08:33 frodon yes there's a team created for this purpose 08:33 Seveas how's that going? 08:33 jenda frodon: isn't it a bit of effort waste, there? Why don't the teams work together on a single resource? The approaches don't seem all that different. 08:33 frodon 08:34 frodon unfortunatly this team isn't really active for the moment 08:34 frodon we have planned to share a page to collect togetther all the good guides generated by the forum 08:34 Burgwork basically the issue was that the UDSF viewed themselves are archivers of forum content, rather than creators of docuemntation 08:34 nixternal i can back frodon up on why it isn't that active right now. USDF posters/authors aren't responding to emails we send asking for their permission to post on our wiki 08:34 frodon exactly Burgwork 08:35 Burgwork except that is not the view of the documentation team 08:35 Burgwork however, I am not certain we need to be discussing this right now 08:35 Seveas good point 08:36 Seveas but do you as docteam member think the udsf and thus frodons contribution to it is a good thing for the Ubuntu community? 08:36 Burgwork yes, totally 08:36 sabdfl frodon: what's ubuntu-graphic-drivers all about? 08:36 Burgwork given how inactive the doc team has been during edgy, we need all the people we can get 08:37 tseliot sabdfl: you can check this about the ubuntu-graphic-drivers 08:37 frodon it' a team created by tseliot, which maintain a repositoy with latest nvidia and ATI drivers 08:37 tseliot 08:37 Seveas sabdfl: tseliot expressed interest in integrating this with ubuntu proper at the previous meeting 08:38 sabdfl can either of you guys come to UDS Mountain View, Nov 5-10? 08:38 Kamion I was under the impression that l-r-m was reasonably up-to-date at the moment 08:38 sabdfl we'll be talking a lot about graphics drivers, aiglx 08:38 tseliot Unfortunately I can't 08:38 Seveas Kamion, for edgy yes, for dapper it may need an update 08:38 tseliot :-( 08:38 sabdfl and we'll have folks there from nvidia and ati as well as intel 08:38 Kamion Seveas: true 08:38 Seveas sabdfl, I'll be there and intend to join tseliots effort 08:38 sabdfl ok 08:39 tseliot great 08:39 frodon about doc team colaboration, we can easily on the UDSF side provide all the links to the good guides generated by the forum to the doc team and it's what we planned 08:39 Seveas (I already do updated fglrx) 08:39 sabdfl frodon: are you a forum moderator? 08:39 Seveas frodon, that would rock 08:39 frodon yes i am sabdfl 08:39 sabdfl frodon: +1 from me on the basis of sustained forums contribution - kamion, elmo? 08:40 elmo ack WRT the forums. it's perhaps orthogonal to frodon's application, but I'm a little concerned by the UDSF/wiki split 08:40 elmo sorry, typing and talking 08:41 elmo I meant. 'ack to frodon, also on the basis of sustained forums and UDSF work' 08:41 sabdfl agreed on the udsf / docteam needs addressing, i wonder if there will be reps of both at uds? 08:42 Kamion I remember we went over the UDSF fairly exhaustively a year or so back - might be worth digging out the IRC logs and seeing what's changed 08:42 frodon other point, the wiki license is not really compliant to collect information from the forum 08:42 LaserJock sabdfl: I'll be there for doc team 08:42 Kamion I'm fine with frodon for membership on the basis of sustained forums staff work 08:42 Seveas frodon, congratulations! 08:43 tseliot Congrats! 08:43 LaserJock I believe the biggest issue is licensing, wrt to doc team/UDSF 08:43 zakame congrats frodon 08:43 matid Congratulations 08:43 frodon thanks :) 08:43 Seveas sebastean, you're up next 08:43 sebastean hello 08:44 superm1 Now, sebastean, joejaxx ahod__ would you mind me jumping ahead of you given how long these are running? I'm going to be having to leave in about 15-20 min. 08:44 sebastean ok 08:44 ahod__ You can go ahead of me 08:44 joejaxx sure i think i might have to go next time at the current moment 08:44 superm1 ok 08:44 Seveas superm1, ok, please go ahead 08:44 superm1 ok thx 08:44 superm1 Hi, My name is Mario Limonciello ( I was present at the last CC meeting. 08:45 superm1 I have been doing some work with the MOTU team the last few weeks with regards to backstep, mythtv, and mythplugins and was looking to apply for membership, and eventually MOTUship. 08:45 superm1 I've put in a big effort in getting the mythtv suite up to the current release version, and had quite a few late nights in #ubuntu-motu straightening out correct format for packaging and such. 08:45 superm1 Last time you guys mentioned to bring along someone, so i wooed Laserjock & imbrandon into tagging along :) 08:45 Seveas superm1, how long have you been active within the MOTU? 08:46 superm1 well i'd say its been about a month now === ozamosi [n=ozamosi@ubuntu/member/ozamosi] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:46 superm1 i did the packaging for backstep myself, with a few revus 08:46 superm1 since it wasn't in debian 08:47 Seveas superm1, if MOTU contibutions are your only contributions then we will have to ask you to come back later. Generally we look for at least two months of sustained activity 08:47 Kamion there's quite a bit on that wiki page - just reading 08:48 superm1 Seveas, i have been maintaining a myth repo actually the last few months 08:48 tomveens are these rules written? 08:48 superm1 before i started to get into MOTU 08:48 Seveas ah 08:48 superm1 since around aprilish 08:48 superm1 i just wanted to make this official 08:48 superm1 and start getting things into universe and multiverse properly 08:48 sabdfl superm1: i'm very excited by the mythtv work, it's an amazing platform but i think one where the quality of packaging is essential 08:48 Seveas that is great === Seveas agrees with sabdfl 08:49 Seveas LaserJock, imbrandon: can you comment on/cheerlead for superm1? 08:49 LaserJock sure === keescook is looking forward to getting some time to try out superm1's mythtv packages. :) 08:49 LaserJock I helped superm1 with backstep 08:50 LaserJock he's doing good work in -motu 08:50 LaserJock learning packaging, integrating into the team 08:50 LaserJock there are a few MOTUs looking at mythtv 08:50 LaserJock so it's good to have somebody else hop on board and put time into it 08:51 superm1 I remember back in breezyish days how myth just worked out of the box without compiling and such. I am hoping to help keep it that way for edgy, edgy+n 08:51 sabdfl +1 from me on the back of motu contribution, ati driver beta team, mythtv and a clear picture of what superm1 is working on 08:52 sabdfl superm1: any chance you can make it to Mountain View, Nov 5-10, to meet with the other multimedia guys who are gathering there? 08:52 superm1 I'd have to see 08:52 superm1 i'd love to 08:53 superm1 have to talk to real life employer and such :) 08:53 sabdfl ok, see if you can make it - should be a big multimedia buzz 08:54 sabdfl kamion, elmo? 08:55 Kamion just reading still 08:55 elmo ack from me 08:55 Kamion yeah, this is looking good to me, really glad to have somebody looking after mythtv properly 08:56 Kamion +1 08:56 superm1 yay! :) 08:56 sabdfl superm1: have you applied for membership in ubuntumembers in LP?> 08:56 Seveas congratulations superm1! 08:56 sabdfl i am trying to approve you there but don't see the request 08:56 Seveas sebastean, now you're really up next 08:56 matid Congratulations! 08:56 superm1 Oh no i haven't, i didn't realize i was supposed to 08:56 zakame rock the MOTU superm1 08:56 superm1 i'll look for it really quick and add myself 08:57 Kamion superm1: 08:57 sebastean Hello, I'm a member of the LoCo Ubuntu Sweden, and what I do is to check so everything works because I'm the leader, after ozamosi who started the LoCo. We have this website,, with a a forum and a wiki, and I help admin and moderators out, plan for the future and so on, I'm also the contact person for members. I like graphics and I hav design the theme for the forum and some posters... 08:57 Kamion (from memory) 08:57 sebastean was it my turn.. ? 08:57 Kamion sebastean: yep 08:57 superm1 sabdfl, okay i added 08:57 sabdfl sebastean: how long have you been leading 08:57 sebastean good, I did som preporation.. 08:57 sebastean 1 month maybe.. 08:58 sebastean not a long time 08:58 ozamosi he's been very active in the loco before that as well 08:58 sebastean a started to write alot in the forum helpin out.. 08:59 sabdfl sebastean: wiki page? lp url? 08:59 sebastean I 08:59 sebastean what is lp? 08:59 matid Launchpad 09:00 sabdfl we usually ask folks to prepare a wiki page for themselves which outlines their contribution and plans 09:00 sebastean 09:00 sabdfl also, folks usually register in Lp so we can see what bug tracking, translation etc they are contributing 09:00 sebastean here it is ;) 09:01 sebastean I've not done any translation yet but I will to get to know all of the parts of the LoCo 09:01 sabdfl sebastean: ok, i very much like the fact that you are stepping up to a leadership role in your loco team, but I think you need to spend a bit more time learning more about how the ubuntu community organises itself 09:01 sabdfl for example, LP (translation, bug fixing, etc) 09:02 sabdfl i think if you make some good contributions there over the course of the next month you would IMO be over the threshold 09:02 sabdfl sound reasonable? 09:02 sebastean ok 09:02 sebastean yeah thats fine 09:03 sabdfl ok cool - generally very good work, loco teams are very important 09:03 sabdfl unless elmo or kamion feel differently, let's jump to the next candidate. 09:04 gnomefreak joejaxx: are we skipping you today? 09:04 Kamion no, that's fine by me, sounds like he's on the right track but ... 09:04 gnomefreak you were 2 people ago 09:04 joejaxx no we are not i was wanting my turn 09:04 gnomefreak k 09:04 sabdfl joejaxx: roll on 09:04 joejaxx gnomefreak: superm1 wanted to go ahead of me 09:04 joejaxx Good Afternoon Everyone. My name is Joseph Jackson IV (I am also known in the open source world as Joe Jaxx). I am 19, a student, os developer and windows sys/net administrator. I love programming and operating system development. I discovered the Ubuntu Linux Project about a year ago and I have been involved ever since. I am a strong advocate for Ubuntu because of its excellent hardware support and open community. I am mostly involved in pr 09:04 elmo (fine by me too) 09:05 Kamion joejaxx: you were cut off at "involved in pr" 09:05 Kamion (IRC has a line length limit) 09:05 joejaxx whoops 09:06 joejaxx I am mostly involved in providing support to Ubuntu users and I am also involved in the Mubuntu Project. The future that I whould like to see for Ubuntu is having it run on a vast range of computers (older and newer), which is why i created Fluxbuntu. My wiki page is and my Launchpad page is 09:06 tomveens looks great 09:07 Seveas doesn't look too great me, to be honest. Most of joejaxx' effort is spent on fluxbuntu, which is not part of the ubuntu project. And grep joejaxx #ubuntu.log | wc -l only says 10 09:08 Seveas other than that, he'sa great guy and fluxbuntu is cool 09:08 joejaxx Seveas: i most give support outside of that channel 09:08 Seveas I wish it'd be integrated in ubuntu proper 09:08 joejaxx mostly* 09:08 sabdfl tell us about fluxbuntu? 09:08 gnomefreak i agree with Seveas 09:08 Seveas joejaxx, unfortunately there's no way for us to confirm that 09:08 joejaxx Seveas: yeah i know 09:08 joejaxx it is quite alright 09:09 zakame IRQ: I'm supposed to cheer keescook on his membership, but I have to go now since I've pretty much lost sleep tonight. I've left my testimony to him, however, so he can present that when its his turn. 09:09 joejaxx sabdfl: basically the idea behind fluxbuntu is it is supposed to be able to run on a vast amonut of computers 09:09 joejaxx sabdfl: it can run on a Pentium2 with 32MB 09:09 joejaxx that is the lowest we have tested it 09:10 Seveas zakame, noted. Thanks and goodnight! 09:10 joejaxx sabdfl: it allows people who cannot afford to get a Pentium4 to reuse their older computers 09:10 joejaxx sabdfl: for example schools, and other organizations 09:10 LaserJock I'd also like to note that joejaxx has recently been working with MOTU to get fluxbuntu packages into Universe 09:11 zakame Seveas: merci, good night all! :D 09:11 juliux joejaxx, why should they use fluxbuntu instead of xubuntu? 09:12 joejaxx juliux: xubuntu is lightweight in a since 09:12 gnomefreak LaserJock: joejaxx is there a way to get a fluxbuntu-desktop package instead of say seperate packages? 09:12 joejaxx juliux: but with fluxbuntu it is lighter runs on more computers it also has a strict diet of lightwight applications 09:12 juliux joejaxx, thxs 09:12 joejaxx juliux: you are most welcome 09:12 LaserJock gnomefreak: of course 09:13 joejaxx gnomefreak: yes 09:13 juliux joejaxx, i will test it if i found some old hardware at home;) 09:13 gnomefreak :) 09:13 joejaxx juliux: ;) 09:14 sabdfl joejaxx: i very much support your goals with fluxbuntu, +1 from me on the basis of commitment to join the MOTU team and get that into ubuntu through the MOTU 09:15 sabdfl joejaxx: any particular changes, other than selection of apps and window manager? 09:15 joejaxx sabdfl: well customization of fluxbox for the user 09:15 joejaxx sabdfl: fluxbox can be a pain to setup 09:15 sabdfl and you make it Just Work? 09:15 joejaxx also the menu updating works which is great 09:16 joejaxx sabdfl: we configure everything with fluxbox for the end user 09:16 joejaxx right now we are releasing developmental releases so we are still adding things === nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:16 sabdfl does the user have to make any decisions, or is it a standard, good-by-default config? 09:16 joejaxx sabdfl: it is good by default 09:16 joejaxx sabdfl: some of the users are advance fluxbox users so they change things on there own though 09:17 sabdfl right 09:17 joejaxx sabdfl: we are also developing somthing called the Dashboard 09:17 sabdfl elmo, kamion? === gnomefreak would maybe change the livecd boot up screen to use the fluxbuntu logo instead of ubuntu (just out of maybe a confused user) 09:17 joejaxx which is like a common control panel to configure fluxbuntu 09:17 joejaxx gnomefreak: well the thing with that is 09:18 joejaxx i cannot set vga=785 09:18 joejaxx so when i install the custom usplash 09:18 joejaxx it comes up black on the livecd 09:18 joejaxx but works on the hdd install 09:18 Kamion you shouldn't have to - usplash uses svgalib, not the vesa framebuffer 09:18 elmo ack - but with the same basis of commitment to better integration with ubuntu as a whole 09:18 joejaxx so i left the usplash 09:18 Kamion at least in edgy 09:19 joejaxx Kamion: yes we are currently using dapper until edgy is finalized 09:19 sabdfl we *love* the new u-splash, it showed up for me on my laptop for the first time today 09:19 Kamion joejaxx: how much effort are you putting into mubuntu vs. fluxbuntu? 09:19 joejaxx Kamion: well with mubuntu 09:19 Kamion incidentally that's a really confusing name - we'd been talking about mubuntu as an embedded distro, and multimedia is just about the other end of the spectrum 09:20 Kamion (mu as in the Greek micro) 09:20 joejaxx i am helping MMA create the base system === dolson [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:20 joejaxx and also with the mubutnu-* meta package once we get the paackage list finalized for each 09:21 _MMA_ Hi all. Post some ideas. ;) 09:21 joejaxx i am using my knowledge from my fluxbuntu development with the mubuntu 09:22 joejaxx Kamion: the funny thing is i was coming out with a "mubuntu" (multimedia) and i joined the canonical mubuntu project afeter i found out one was being created 09:23 joejaxx so i am helping that project instead 09:23 joejaxx mubuntu that is 09:23 joejaxx the canonical one 09:23 Kamion ok, just try not to get involved in so many pies that you can't do a good job on all of them ... 09:24 gnomefreak i would think alot of legal issues would go along with mubuntu 09:24 Kamion that would be my main concern, since they seem like very different projects 09:24 Kamion but aside from that, and with the note raised by sabdfl and elmo that we'd like to get your fluxbox work integrated better, +1 09:24 _MMA_ I would love to get with others to pull our ideas together. Right now the plan if for me to go to the UDS Mountain View. I would love to talk with anyone there. 09:24 sabdfl welcome aboard, joejaxx 09:25 dolson congrats joejaxx 09:25 matid Congrats, joejaxx 09:25 joejaxx sabdfl: dolson thanks 09:25 gnomefreak congrats joejaxx 09:25 Seveas congratulations! 09:25 joejaxx gnomefreak: thank you 09:25 lophyte congrats joejaxx 09:25 joejaxx Seveas: lophyte :) 09:25 gnomefreak joejaxx: yw 09:25 joejaxx Seveas: lophyte thanks 09:25 Seveas Andrew Hodgkinson? 09:25 sabdfl who's up next? 09:25 ahod__ I'll go. 09:26 ahod__ Hi. I'm a senior software engineer and have worked for Novell for the past 11 years. For most of that time, my efforts have been focused on developing and supporting the FLAIM database technology. FLAIM is used in projects such as iFolder, Hula, CASA, and Novell's eDirectory (closed source). 09:26 nalioth w00t joejaxx ! 09:26 ahod__ I recently created a native Ubuntu package for FLAIM and would like to see it kept up-to-date in Ubuntu Universe. My purpose in joining the community is to volunteer to maintain the native Ubuntu package for FLAIM. More info can be found at my wiki site My launchpad info can be found at 09:27 Kamion it would be great to have somebody actively maintaining flaim, ifolder, et al; Mez packaged libflaim ages ago, and it's in universe, but it hasn't been maintained 09:27 Kamion do you think you can take on any of the other flaim-using projects you mentioned? 09:27 ahod__ I know. We (the FLAIM maintainers) have made a lot of changes and improvements since then. 09:27 sabdfl xflaim in particular looks interesting 09:28 ahod__ I have helped with iFolder on a limited basis, but wouldn't mind doing more. 09:28 ahod__ We just added c# and java bindings to xflaim. 09:28 sabdfl ahod__: have you spent any time with the MOTU? 09:29 sabdfl they would be good to help i.t.o. packaging etc, which is quite different to the rpm world as you know === whiprush [n=jorge@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:29 whiprush hi guys 09:29 ahod__ No a lot up to this point. I have submitted FLAIM and XFLAIM to the REVU site. 09:29 sabdfl out of curiosity, are the MOTU good about getting back to folks who submit stuff to REVU? 09:29 ahod__ We have .deb packages available for FLAIM and XFLAIM. 09:30 sabdfl as part of your upstream build and publish process? 09:30 ahod__ sabdfl: No, they aren't. 09:30 slomo ahod__: for c# stuff you might want to join the mono team :) more members would be always good, especially someone caring about ifolder,etc 09:30 sabdfl not good at getting back? or not part of the build process? === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: | Logs: | 04 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Oct 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Oct 21:00 UTC: Kubuntu | 10 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 11 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 12 Oct 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team 09:30 ahod__ Yes. We build .deb packages as part of our standard build process. 09:30 sabdfl ah, ok 09:31 ahod__ Not good at getting back. 09:31 sabdfl dholbach: can you put REVU and MOTU onto the agenda for UDS Mountain View please? we should straighten that out 09:32 dholbach sabdfl: Yeah, I'll take care of that. 09:33 LaserJock heh 09:33 sabdfl i'm very intrigued and would like to have you involved but normally would have more behind someone before +1 on membership 09:34 sabdfl i think we need to hook you up with dholbach for some quality motu time, get the packages in, and then +1 on membership and motu simultaneously 09:34 Seveas sounds sane 09:34 ahod__ ok 09:34 sabdfl ahod__: do you think your flaim packages are edgy material? 09:34 Kamion I'd have been inclined to say +1 on the basis that getting knowledgeable upstreams involved is always a good thing, but if it doesn't slow down Andrew's MOTU acceptance, then that's fine too 09:35 Kamion consider me on the record as +1 for later 09:35 ahod__ They have been well tested. I think that they should be included in Edgy so that they are available to support iFolder, etc. 09:35 sabdfl dholbach: could you put ahod__ in touch with a very good motu for now, to get flaim and others into shape for edgy, then follow up with him yourself after the release to see how it's gone? 09:35 Kamion dholbach or one of the other MOTUs would need to ack a universe freeze exception, but given that flaim has been languishing it sounds a worthwhile one to me 09:35 dholbach sabdfl: I'm happy to do that 09:36 dholbach Kamion: yeah, I agree :) 09:36 whiprush ahod__: I've been waiting for a flaim/ifolder person for a year, I'd like to help also. 09:36 ahod__ whiprush: That would be great. 09:36 sabdfl can't do better than whiprush :-) 09:37 sabdfl ahod__: holler in my direction ( if there are glitches in getting your latest stuff into edgy, i'll iron out any wrinkles 09:37 sabdfl then after that i would also +1 membership 09:37 ahod__ ok. If anyone has more questions, feel free to send me an e-mail ( 09:38 Seveas ok, matid: you're up next 09:38 matid Ok 09:38 matid Hello. My name is Mateusz Drozdzynski ( and I'm very passionate about OSS, I've been using Linux for about 6 years now and I doubt I could ever turn away from it. 09:38 Seveas (ahod__ welcome to Ubuntu, I'd love to see you as member in the future) 09:38 matid I'm an Ubuntu user since Warty and I've been testing the development releases since Hoary. I'm encouraging all of my friends to use Ubuntu and I provide them with free, life-time, round-a-clock support. 09:38 matid I'm involved in the bug triage as a member of the Bug Squad, Ubuntu Desktop Bugs and Ubuntu QA Team. I'm also willing to help out with the packaging and I'd like to become a MOTU in the future. 09:38 matid I've joined Telepathy team make sure Telepathy will rock in Edgy+1 by contributing my bug triage abilities together with some coding and packaging. 09:38 matid Together with Polish Linux Users Group, which I'm a member of, we organized an event promoting the Linux amongst windows users called "Poznaj Linuksa". I'd like to start coordinating out efforts to promote Linux between PLUG and Ubuntu LoCo teams. 09:39 matid One of my current plans is to create localized Quality Assurance teams to form a bridge between Ubuntu developers and users who can't file bugs in English. 09:39 matid You can read more on my wiki page: 09:39 matid I've also brought some fellow BugSquad, Desktop Bugs and QA members: Daniel Holbach (dholbach), Simon Law (sfllaw), Sebastien Bacher (seb128), John Vivirito (gnomefreak) and Richard Johnson (nixternal). I hope they can say something positive about me ;) 09:39 matid Sorry for such a long intro ;) 09:39 Seveas localized QA ftw! 09:40 gnomefreak he has done alot of bug work. i have seen his name for a whjile just never knew who he was until 3 days ago 09:40 seb128 matid has been doing some good bug triage work and is playing with telepathy packages which is nice too 09:40 gnomefreak s/whjile/while === co_op_er [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:41 dholbach Yeah, I'm happy with his triage efforts too and am glad he became member of the telepathy team some days ago 09:41 dholbach ahod__: I sent you a private message - hope that's ok 09:42 sfllaw I'm very pleased with matid's work. === Seveas too 09:42 Seveas more triagers on the block is a good idea 09:42 Seveas and he's serious about it 09:43 sabdfl very nice to see the bug karma there matid 09:43 matid Seveas: Thanks 09:43 matid sabdfl: Thanks 09:43 sabdfl matid: how long have you been active on the bug squad? 09:43 matid And thanks for all my fellow QA members ;) 09:44 matid sabdfl: About two months right now 09:44 sabdfl ok, +1 from me on the back of ongoing bug triage over the course of 2 months 09:46 Seveas elmo, Kamion ? 09:46 matid I'm currently spending ab. 1/2 of my free time to contribute to Ubuntu 09:46 matid And I'm really serious about the localized QA teams 09:46 Kamion well, I did have to tell Mateusz off a while back for rejecting one of my bugs when he shouldn't, but that happens to a fair few people :) 09:47 Kamion and that *was* a while backk 09:47 matid I have many friends who would likely file many bugs but they can't do it since the language barrier 09:47 Kamion +1 for sustained bugsquad work and helping out with telepathy 09:47 matid Kamion: Sorry about that :) 09:47 Kamion it happens :) 09:47 sabdfl matid: how do we get more people to help out on the LP support tracker? i see you've helped solve someone's issue there too 09:48 Seveas Kamion, tbh, ubiquity is one of the hardest-to-triage packages ;) 09:48 sabdfl Kamion: that's because your software has such subtle bugs :-) === dholbach hugs matid === matid hugs dholbach back 09:48 matid sabdfl: Hmm... === EtienneG [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:49 gnomefreak there are only like 6 support requests open atm 09:49 matid sabdfl: I think it should be easier to file support request from the Ubuntu itself, we lack an application to do it 09:49 matid sabdfl: And localizing the support tracker would help a lot too 09:49 matid sabdfl: I'm still pointing the same issue out, but I think that's crucial to have Launchpad translated. 09:50 sabdfl the "Get help online..." links should take people more directly there 09:50 Kamion Seveas: yeah, I've been trying to improve that ... problem with the installer is that you have to live with last release's bugs for a long time 09:50 matid It should be given a higher priority 09:50 sabdfl matid: we definitely plan to make the support tracker multilingual, more so than the rest of LP 09:50 sabdfl flacoste is working on that, chat to him on #launchpad if you're interested and have ideas 09:51 sabdfl not sure we want to encourage multilingual bug reports though 09:51 sabdfl :-) 09:51 sabdfl did elmo ack? 09:51 matid sabdfl: About this 'Get help online...', I think that's a good idea. It should help the support tracker become a default way of handling support requests 09:51 Seveas sabdfl, not yet 09:51 matid sabdfl: We should at least have some teams to help non-English users file the bugs 09:52 Seveas whilst waiting for elmo should we continue with the next candidate? 09:53 elmo please carry on, I'm on the phone 09:53 Seveas ok 09:53 elmo will catach up ASAP 09:53 Seveas kristog is up next 09:53 matid Ok 09:53 kristog hello, i'm Riccardo Setti, i live in Milano (Italy), and i'm a high school student. In my spare time i help Debian and since may 09:53 kristog i'm an official Debian developer (you can find more information about my Debian work 09:53 kristog 09:53 kristog I joined the Ubuntu community one year ago, in this period i was not really active, i started to do real work for Ubuntu 09:53 kristog when dholbach started the telepathy team. 09:53 kristog My (directly) contributions to Ubuntu are some telepathy packages, (in fact this is a team, i cannot say wich package is "mine" and wich 09:53 kristog not ;) ) we work close with upstream to do our best to provide a good support for it in Ubuntu, 09:53 kristog i joined the galago team and the qa team . 09:53 kristog My future work will be integrate as much as I can telepathy galago and tapioca in Ubuntu (IM, desktop presence, voip framework), start 09:53 kristog maintain some Desktop apps like gnome-power-manager, network-manager, and..who will know this? 09:54 Seveas dholbach, any comments on the telepathy effort? 09:54 dholbach kristog ROCKs and was a huge asset in the telepathy team - we talked a year ago about galago packages already and it was great to collaborate with him 09:54 Seveas wow 09:55 dholbach he's a nice a guy, friendly, helped other people to do packaging - I'm *very happy* with him 09:55 seb128 kristog does a really good job === robitaille [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:56 dholbach his packaging skills are good, he's good to talk to people (upstream, users, fellow package maintainers), maintains an overview and is easy to work with 09:56 dholbach for his work in telepathy === Plug [n=crb@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 09:57 seb128 and he seems to be wanting to help on gnome-power-manager bugs, which is really welcome 09:57 slomo i can completely agree to daniel here... i already worked with him in Debian before and it was nice to work with him there and in Ubuntu, he has very good packaging knowledge, etc 09:58 Seveas sabdfl, Kamion ? 09:59 sabdfl kristog: do you have an ubuntu wiki or LP data to point to? 09:59 dholbach 09:59 kristog sabdfl: LP: 09:59 elmo (ack for matid) 09:59 Seveas elmo, thanks, matid: welcome! 09:59 gnomefreak congrats matid 09:59 kristog sabdfl: 09:59 matid Thanks everyone! 10:00 Seveas (sabdfl: member candidate wikipages are linked from the CC agenda) === matid hugs everyone 10:01 sabdfl ok, +1 for kristog from me on the back of seb128 and dholbach's recommendations 10:01 sabdfl welcome, matid 10:01 kristog sabdfl: thank you :) 10:01 matid sabdfl: Thanks 10:01 slomo also it would probably be really good to have him caring about n-m i guess as nobody does yet and it could really need some work and i would be fine sponsoring his work for main :) 10:01 Kamion I'm happy with kristog on the basis of recommendations, Debian work, and oh god please somebody look after n-m 10:02 sabdfl n-m? 10:02 Kamion network-manager 10:02 Seveas network-manager 10:02 sabdfl YES! 10:02 Seveas ok, so that's +2 from sabdfl ;) 10:02 sabdfl my rarely-used casting vote :-) 10:02 sabdfl elmo? 10:02 kristog ahhaha 10:03 elmo ack 10:03 kristog thank you elmo 10:03 Seveas welcome aboard kristog ! 10:03 kristog thank you everyone :) 10:03 Seveas now make n-m rock kthxbye ;) 10:03 slomo congrats kristog :) 10:03 sabdfl kristog: have you applied to join the ubuntumembers team in LP? 10:03 Seveas next up is keescook 10:03 dholbach congratulations kristog - great to have you here! 10:03 keescook Hello! I'm Kees Cook ( and I've been using Ubuntu since Hoary (and switched most of the OSDL infrastructure to it from Redhat). I've gotten involved in bug triage and packaging, and I now work with pitti on the Ubuntu Security Team, where I have been helping release security updates since August (sendmail, krb5, clamav, coreutils, gdb, and more on the way). I want to see U 10:03 keescook I asked pitti, zakame, and crimsun to say good things about me. If I smile real nice, I'm hoping other will too. :) 10:03 keescook Here's what zakame asked me to pass on before he left: 10:03 keescook <zakame> "I've been observing Kees' work on resolving bugs in Malone, and I believe he's doing great work in making Ubuntu better; furthermore, I have worked with him as my mentor closely during my stint on the Google Summer of Code to great success: I have learned a lot of new stuff thanks to him and his project Sendpage, and hence I totally believe that he will be a valuable Ubuntu member." 10:03 seb128 dholbach: congrat 10:03 seb128 ups 10:03 seb128 kristog: congrat 10:04 kristog sabdfl: no, ATM i was busy with telepathy and ohters thig :) 10:04 kristog seb128: thank you :) 10:04 matid seb128: ;) 10:04 dholbach seb128: thanks for congratulating me for another good desktop / telepathy members - congrats to you too! ;-) === dholbach hugs seb128 10:04 sabdfl kristog: then ping me 10:04 pitti I have worked with kees for a fair while now; he's marvellous at all kinds of security related stuff, a quick learner wrt. packaging issues, dived into bug triaging as well as new packaging, etc. === kristog hugs seb128 dholbach slomo 10:04 pitti kristog: welcome! 10:05 sabdfl keescook: methinks we need package upload karma to do you justice 10:05 sabdfl (and all the other dev's) 10:05 Seveas pitti, so you're *finally* no longer almost on your own wrt security? 10:05 keescook sabdfl: yeah. :) 10:05 Seveas sabdfl, indeed 10:05 pitti Seveas: indeed, and I can't tell you how grateful I am :) 10:05 pitti sabdfl: yeah, I want upload karma for langpacks :) 10:05 sabdfl how many USN's can we attribute to keescook to date? 10:06 sabdfl pitti: ...with a pony, no doubt 10:06 pitti one officially released one, and about 5 that are in the works 10:06 dholbach Although I didn't work too closely with Kees yet, I saw he started triaging bugs in no time, changed wiki pages, etc - he really takes things really seriously. :) 10:06 keescook 2, I think. krb5, gdb. 10:06 pitti ah, right, krb5, too; sorry 10:07 keescook dholbach: got you your QA emblem too. ;) 10:07 pitti he's curious to understand everything in the Ubuntu community and has good ideas, too 10:07 dholbach hehe, yeah right - his artistic skills are marveloous :) === zul looks forward to eventually being bugged by keescook :) 10:07 keescook woohoo someone thinks I can draw! (the inkscape guys will not agree) 10:08 sabdfl i know you'll make a substantial contribution very quickly, but for membership we usually look for a couple months contribution 10:08 sabdfl is it pedantic to hold off a month or so? 10:08 keescook sabdfl: sure, I kept that in mind. I was hoping my krb5 (aug) would count. 10:08 keescook but I'm happy to wait if that's needed. 10:08 elmo sabdfl: we've waived the requirement in the past for Canonical people 10:08 Seveas sabdfl, other canonical employees (eg jono) were accepted given that being employed by canonical almost ensures a continued contribution 10:08 elmo sabdfl: on the assumption that they're contract will guarantee the couple of months of contribution 10:09 elmo s/they're/their/ 10:09 sabdfl elmo: and this is for distro team folks, i assume? 10:09 sabdfl as opposed to dodgy suits? === pitti thinks it won't be easy to stop keescook now :) 10:09 elmo sabdfl: distro + community so far, yeah 10:09 Kamion we generally can't assume that non-distro-team employees will continue to contribute to Ubuntu directly 10:09 sabdfl ok, +1 from me since I know kees will make a great contribution and is already full time 10:10 Kamion I'm entirely happy with keescook for membership 10:10 elmo Kamion: I don't think we've had any non-distro people apply 10:10 Kamion for all the completely obvious reasons 10:10 elmo have we? 10:10 sabdfl sigh 10:10 Seveas elmo, not that I know of 10:10 Kamion elmo: Etienne Goyer did, I think? Robert Collins? 10:10 elmo anyway, ack for me keescook from me too, as a no brainer 10:10 elmo Kamion: ah, I guess so 10:10 sabdfl he most definitely has some brains === zorglu_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 10:10 Kamion I think there've been others 10:10 sabdfl welcome aboard, kees, are you in the LP queue? 10:10 keescook yay! thanks everyone. :) 10:10 Seveas kees, welcome aboard! 10:11 sabdfl got it 10:11 pitti keescook: \o/ welcome 10:11 keescook sabdfl: LP ubuntu-members queue? yup, should be. 10:11 sabdfl approved 10:11 Seveas We're at the end of the list, I just want to know whether the council already decided about Rolando Blanco 10:11 sabdfl is that it? any latecomers? 10:12 nixternal i will go again, the first time was so much fun ;) 10:12 Kamion I don't think there's been anything by mail about Rolando, unless I missed it? 10:12 lophyte haha 10:12 lophyte nice, nixternal :P 10:12 Seveas Kamion, I sent it yesterday 10:12 Kamion oh yes 10:12 sabdfl got it 10:12 Kamion there've been no followups yet I'm afraid 10:13 Seveas ok, then I'll leave him on the agenda for now. I'd appreciate it to hear a decision at the next meeting 10:13 sabdfl +1 from me for rolando on the back of the .ve loco team 10:13 Seveas (or now, thanks sabdfl ;)) 10:14 sabdfl OK! 10:15 sabdfl well done, and thanks everybody (Seveas for steering, mako, elmo, kamion for listening) 10:15 sabdfl any other business? 10:15 Seveas datetime of next meeting 10:15 sabdfl i've been poor about attendance, and i see some items are pending me on the agenda 10:15 Kamion just read through the mails, I'm OK with Rolando as well 10:15 Seveas Kamion, great! 10:16 Seveas sabdfl, maybe it's better if we speak about that in person at UDS, I forgot to bring it up in Brussels 10:16 sabdfl have things settled on freenode after the sad death of lilo? 10:16 Seveas sabdfl, not sure, will ask the freenode staff 10:16 keescook if only there was SSL on freenode... 10:16 sabdfl ok, will we have the whole CC at UDS? 10:17 Kamion assuming I can actually manage to get in touch with the US embassy about that, er, little visa waiver matter === mc44 [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 10:17 sabdfl Kamion: you and me both :-) 10:17 sabdfl mako? === sivang wonders which event took place in Brussels 10:18 Seveas EuroOscon 10:18 Kamion sabdfl: oh, did you see my mail to community-council@ saying that I'd like to retire from the CC and let others have a turn? 10:18 sivang Seveas: oh :) 10:18 sabdfl i'll definitely mail mako re sponsorship if he's available and not already on the list 10:18 sabdfl Kamion: yes, wanted to discuss succession recommendations! 10:19 Seveas elmo, if you'd be so kind as to vote for/against Rolando Blanco, I can remove him from the agenda 10:19 elmo Seveas: ack 10:19 sabdfl Kamion: thank you for an outstanding contribution setting the standard for future CC members 10:19 Seveas elmo, great, thanks a lot! 10:19 Seveas Kamion, indeed, thanks a lot! 10:20 Kamion it's been a fun ride, but my family have been complaining about all the late-night meetings for some time ;-) 10:20 Kamion if we want to talk about succession at UDS, that could be doable === Seveas has to go now - please decide on a datetime for next meeting today, see you all next time 10:21 jenda Will we still talk a bit about the IRC problem when this is finished? 10:21 jenda aha, right. === robitaille will have to start reserving 4-hour slots for future CC meeting on the Fridge calendar :) 10:22 elmo hey, I'm stuck at the office without food - this isn't fun for me either :-P 10:23 sabdfl elmo: indian? 10:23 elmo sabdfl: they only deliver for you 10:24 sabdfl i could deliver for you 10:24 juliux if you are in germany in the next months take a look at we are happy if somebody can join us at one of this expos ;) === Plug [n=crb@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === remon [] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] 10:25 elmo sabdfl: haha, thanks, but it's OK, I'll just run away home, if we're done here 10:25 sabdfl we're done. next datetime? 10:25 sabdfl 17th? === keescook [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 10:26 Kamion yes - 1200 UTC maybe? 10:26 elmo works for me 10:26 sharms I was wondering if anyone knows who made those ubuntu t-shirts printed on ubutnu brown? 10:26 sabdfl tollef, iirc 10:27 sabdfl is 12:00 UTC still 13:00 BST then? 10:27 mc44 sabdfl, yes 10:27 mc44 until 29th 10:28 matid 10:28 matid ;) 10:29 sabdfl ok see you folks then - i'll update the page === tseliot [] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Kopete] 10:30 Kamion sabdfl: thanks 10:30 sabdfl done 10:30 sabdfl night all!
MeetingLogs/CC-2006-10-3 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:14:15 by localhost)