
11:00   mako    greetings
11:01   Seveas  konnichiwa
11:01   mako    let me switch to my laptop.. give me 1 minute
=== mvo waves to mako
11:01   \sh     wow mako
11:01   Simira  mako :) Long time and all that. Missed you in Montreal
11:01   kjcole  Saluton!
11:01   mako    i missed me in montreal
11:02   ogra    mako, we too
11:02   Seveas  23:02 - any sign of elmo Kamion and/or sabdfl yet?
11:02   elmo    I'm around
11:03   ogra    ah
11:03   sivang  mako !
11:03   Seveas  welcome elmo :)
11:03   mako    greetings everyone
11:03   mdke    hiya
11:03   mitsuhiko       hi all
=== \sh is serving some snaks, beer, water, coffee
11:03   GnuKemist       mako: hello
11:03   mako    i turn into a pumpkin in a little under an hour
11:03   kjcole  Woopsie.  23:03?  UTC? I was hoping for 22:00 UTC.
11:04   mdke    it's 22
11:04   MagicFab        Hello
11:04   Seveas  it's 22:00 UTC now
11:04   ogra    mako, could we get a pic of this ?
11:04   mako    ogra: absolutely not
11:04   ogra    or better a shortcut :)
11:04   smurf   awwww...
11:04   elmo    sending SMS pings
11:04   Seveas  cool, ICMP over SMS :)
11:04   mako    elmo: thanks dude.. i was about do it :)
=== Kamion is here
11:05   Seveas  mako, David Larlet got accepted last time but had not joined ubuntu-members on launchpad back then. He has joined that team now, but needs to be approved. Would you be so kind? :)
11:05   Kamion  my mobile's out of charge, so good luck trying to SMS me ;)
11:06   ogra    heh
11:06   Simira  :-)
11:06   mako    alrighte
11:06   kjcole  Seveas: I'm just an Ugly American.  I don't "cotton" to all this international brotherhood B.S.  (Re: UTC) ;-)
11:06   mako    Kamion: i turn into a pumpkin in an hour so we should ge through the voting stuff quickly
11:06   Seveas  s/last time/25 oct (
=== \sh is StephanHermann
=== Seveas is Dennis Kaarsemaker
=== smurf == Matthias Urlichs
11:06   Kamion  ok
=== mitsuhiko is Armin Ronacher
=== juliux is Julius Bloch
11:06   elmo    I'll ring sabdfl in a couple of minutes, but given his laptop is in the office and he isn't, I think we should assume he can';t make it
=== ogra is Oliver Grawert
=== GnuKemist is Og Maciel
=== Simira is Karianne Grnningster
11:06   mdke    matthew east
=== kjcole is Kevin Cole
=== Kamion is Colin Watson
=== sivang is Sivan Greenberg
=== MarioMeyer is Mario Meyer
=== mako is Benjamin Mako Hill
=== dholbach is Daniel Holbach
11:07   Simira  Seveas : ey, I didn't even know you were you...
=== david`bgk is David Larlet
11:07   Seveas  Simira, neither did I ;)
=== Ju is Julien Rottenberg
=== mhz [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:07   Kamion  mpathy is again not here, so let's skip that item
11:07   mako    alright.. it's gonna be rush rush for me since i turn into a pumpkin in one hour :)
11:07   bhuvan  bhuvan: Bhuvaneswaran
11:07   mhz     MauricioHernandez is here
=== MagicFab is Fabian ROdriguez
11:07   Simira  Seveas : you didn't know who you were?
11:08   juliux  Kamion, he said that you can kick this itme
11:08   Seveas  RolandoBlanco isn't here either
11:08   ogra    mhz, hey ! :)
11:08   mako    alright then, loco team introductions
11:08   mhz     Seveas: said it is 'not possible to be here'
11:08   Seveas  So mhz is the first on the agenda (Chilean team)
11:08   mhz     ogra: thx for inviting me
=== [NikO] [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:09   ogra    Seveas, what about Latin american Team ?
11:09   Seveas  mhz, can you tell us a bit more about your team?
11:09   mhz     yup
11:09   Seveas  ogra, see the notes at RolandoBlanco in the proposed members
11:09   ogra    Seveas, yes, sorry, missed it
11:09   Seveas  mhz, then please do :)
11:10   mhz     ChileanLoCoTeam was meant to spread Edubuntu and Ubuntu. However, in Chile, there's someone (i still can't find his email) who is using
11:10   mako    mhz: that's an issue we can handle
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:10   mako    smurf and jane know all about that :)
11:10   Amaranth        i made it to one, finally!
11:10   mhz     So, personally, I do feel 100% cmmited to Edubuntu. Mainly because, there are plenty of LUGs in LA
11:10   mhz     and Spain
11:10   ogra    jane == silbs, not JaneW :)
11:11   mako    ogra: yes, sorry :)
11:11   sivang  Amaranth: lol
11:11   MagicFab        ubuntu-es is pretty active
11:11   mhz     Seveas: our plans are simple, yet agressive
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11:11   mako    mhz: overlapping LUGS and loco teams are perfectly alright
11:11   mhz     Seveas: we can work together with any LUG that wants to work hard, no problem.
11:12   mako    people need/want local community and supporst on a number of different locality issues
11:12   ogra    mhz is one of the most active promoters for edubuntu in whole latin america i guess
11:12   mhz     mako: oh, i didnt know it
11:12   mako    mhz: sure, they exist :)
=== Seveas brb - fiancee yelling
11:12   mako    Seveas: it's fine
11:12   mdke    mhz, who is in the team?
11:12   mako    right, what sort of membership and interest that you have
11:13   mhz     mako: Seveas however, I am very honest and I believe LA needs much more help on educational areas than linux related. So yes, I can spread Ubuntu. Nevertheless, my passion is Edubuntu :)
11:14   mhz     mdke: so far, Sergio Vergara (student of Chemestry), Rodrigo Morales (tecnocimiento guy who is the Biz plans guy), Victor Moral (tecnocimiento guy who is the IT expert and web developer), Me.
11:14   mhz     the 4 of us are well commited to ICT on education
11:14   MagicFab        mhz: I could be liaison with Colombia
11:14   mdke    cool
11:15   kjcole  mhz: ICT?
11:15   mako    mhz: well, that sounds great
11:15   mdke    mhz, there is an Ubuntu forum on, is that anything to do with your team?
11:15   ogra    btw, this is mostly the work of the chilenian team:
11:15   mhz     However, I do participate a lot in CDSL ( and they would help us on this. For EdubuntuChilean Tour, we have already contacted ColegioInteractivo, and institution that works with over 1000 teachers in Chile
11:15   mako    mhz: but you should welcome to working with other people from chile who want to tackle other issues
11:15   mhz     mdke: nop
11:16   mako    mhz: so that we don't *have* to have competing locos :)
11:16   mdke    mhz, it looks quite well developed
11:16   mako    mhz: if you have a primary intersting one area or two, that's great
11:16   mhz     mdke: so far, I only know them via forum. I have never klnown of any InstallFest organized by them
11:16   mhz     mako: absolutely
11:16   mako    but it's good to be willing to work with people have have other ubuntu interests
11:16   mdke    mhz, perhaps you can join forces with the organisers of it
11:16   mako    cool
11:16   mhz     mako: the diff. is how commited people are in the end, on daily basis.
11:17   mhz     mako: sure, I am trying to get his leader email (they were off line for long period)
11:17   mdke    great stuff
11:17   mhz     CDSL and us, are organizing install fest for next saturday
11:17   mako    great stuff
11:18   Seveas  cool, install fests rock
11:18   mhz     mako: and so far, we have not heard from them. I guess it's mainly because they live in diff areas (we are divided by regions)
11:18   mdke    mhz, did you try posting to the forum?
11:18   mhz     yup, last week
11:18   mako    well, in interests of time, we shoudl move on
11:19   mdke    good
11:19   mhz     no answer yet
11:19   mhz     but i know i will
11:19   mdke    mako is going orange
11:19   ogra    whhops
11:19   mhz     Seveas: we are planing also HowTo Fests
11:19   mitsuhiko       hehe
11:20   mdke    mako, you wanna move on?
11:20   kjcole  mhz: Nice. Keep good records of those.  Might come in handy for others.
11:20   Seveas  mhz, sounds great, good luck with all that and when you have other interesting stuff to report, don't hesitate
11:20   mako    yes, lets do it :)
11:20   Seveas  next would be rolando blanco
11:20   mako    new member candidates
11:20   Seveas  but he can't make tuesdays, can we schedule a meeting on wednesday for once?
11:20   mhz     kjcole: sure. At least on IRC I am reporting as much as we can :)
11:21   mako    Seveas: we can :)
11:21   MagicFab        mhz: pictures, pictures, pictures :)
11:21   Seveas  mako, great, shall I do that for next meeting and coordinate it a bit with him?
11:21   mako    Seveas: we need to run it by other people
11:22   mhz     MagicFab: sure. form next saturdays
11:22   mako    Seveas: we also need tdo shift the times back and forth
11:22   mako    Seveas: we've been having too many late meeting times
11:22   mako    Seveas: but we can do that at the end of hte meeting
11:22   mako    lets move on
11:22   Seveas  juliux, you're up
11:22   mdke    JuliusBloch
11:22   juliux  yes i am here
11:22   mako    juliux: alright, do you know the drill?
11:22   ogra    juliux, youre no member yet ? o_O
11:22   juliux  ogra, no
11:22   kjcole  Mako: Late is a relative term. ;-) (5:22 PM here)
11:22   Seveas  please give a 3-line intro about what you did, what your plans are and your vision on Ubuntu
11:23   juliux  at the moment many people in Germany heard something about ubuntu, but don't know what  exactly it is. my dream is that everybody knows what ubuntu is. so i have  decided to present ubuntu on fairs in Germany and tell the people what ubuntu is and to make my dream a little bit more real.
=== ogra wonders if 3 lines are enough ...
11:23   mdke    nice wiki page
11:23   mhz     :)
11:23   Seveas  mitsuhiko, bhuvan, mhz please prepare such a 3-liner so you can paste it when you're up
11:23   mhz     okidoki
11:23   \sh     oh...juliux and mitsuhiko are great workers in things like ubuntu and promoting it
11:23   bhuvan  Seveas, ok
11:23   juliux  in the past i have do many support for ubuntu in Germany
11:23   mitsuhiko       Seveas: i've prepared one :)
11:23   ogra    juliux is organizing a lot in the german community ... preparing booths and presence at fairs
11:24   Seveas  awesome
11:24   ogra    he's busy in #edubuntu as well
11:24   mdke    great work juliux
11:24   juliux  thanks mdke
11:24   Kamion  I'm impressed by the pile of stuff there
=== Seveas too
11:25   \sh     he is one of the founding members of ubuntu Deutschland e.V. and works on is awesome
11:25   juliux  hm i think i can do more, but i have to study
11:25   GnuKemist       juliux: if you don't mind me ask, how do you pay for your travelling?
11:25   \sh     (same applies to mitsuhiko)
11:25   juliux  GnuKemist, i paid it my self
11:25   GnuKemist       juliux: wow
11:25   mdke is exceptional
11:26   GnuKemist       juliux: I have done the same as far as buying and burning CDs to give out...  awsome!
11:26   ogra    he organized my talk at at dec 3rd
11:26   mdke    oh dear
11:26   juliux  ogra, no is the one in march next year
11:26   mako    juliux: have you been involved in the gnome community fo much longer?
11:26   mdke    unleashing ogra on the public
11:26   mdke    -1
11:26   mhz     Seveas: my 3 lines are ready
11:26   mitsuhiko       mine too :)
11:26   juliux  mako, yes
11:26   \sh     he convienced me to do a "Photo With A MOTU" at the Essener Linuxtage fair ,)
=== mdz [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:26   juliux  mako, the last few years
11:27   mdke    \sh, LOL
11:27   dholbach        \sh: hehe :)
11:27   juliux  \sh, psst
11:27   mitsuhiko       hehe
11:27   dholbach        \sh: he did the "interview with a motu" too :)
11:27   juliux  ogra, the right url for december is
11:27   ogra    mdke, come on, i'm not *this* ugly :)
11:27   mdke    ogra, :D
11:27   mako    juliux: great, i'm glad that you've moved over to this community :)
=== crimsun [i=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:28   Seveas <-- you don't mention xmoto, kobo deluxe and xgala ;)
11:28   Seveas  but that wiki is indeed exceptional
11:28   Seveas  VERY informative
11:28   Kamion  ok, happy to approve juliux if elmo and mako are
11:28   mako    right
11:28   mitsuhiko       Seveas: Spiele is outdated, we move it into the german holarse wiki
11:28   ogra    even if i develop a bread of wisdom now (according to makos definition)
11:28   mdke    Seveas, that wiki is flair
11:28   mitsuhiko       AFIAK
11:28   mako    juliux: i appreciate you contributions
11:28   juliux  thanks a lot
11:28   elmo    ack
11:28   ogra    *beard
11:28   mako    you've got a thumbs up from me
11:28   GnuKemist       juliux: congrats!
11:28   mako    sounds good
11:28   mdke    welcome juliux
11:29   dholbach        excellent, juliux :)
11:29   ogra    congratds juliux
11:29   mako    Armin Ronacher
11:29   mitsuhiko       juhuu :)
11:29   Seveas  juliux, welcome aboard, don't forget to do the launchpad/signing ritual
11:29   juliux  Seveas, i have done this
11:29   mitsuhiko       Since the beginning of november
11:29   mitsuhiko       2004 i'm ubuntu user. One month after my first contact with ubuntu and linux
11:29   mitsuhiko       Since Dezember the Admin of beside Sascha Morr.
11:29   mitsuhiko       I work on the Portal Software and try to answer user questions. My account
11:29   mitsuhiko       there is named "blackbird" and with about 3000 posts i'm one of the most
11:29   \sh     juliux: finally u made it, dude :) congratulations :) welcome aboard :)
11:29   mitsuhiko       active authors.
11:29   mdke    mitsuhiko is a god
11:29   mitsuhiko       lol
11:29   mdke    he has written loads of cool wiki things for the german wiki
11:29   \sh     yeah...he is young, he is fresh, he works for ubuntu even during his schooltime...
11:30   mdke    and is very helpful in the locoteam area in sharing ideas and such
11:30   mitsuhiko       \sh: *psst* don't tell ^^
11:31   mako    mitsuhiko: that's impressive :)
11:31   mako    not the schooltime thing
11:31   \sh     and he is friendly, community orientated..and the best what you can get for ubuntu...smurf, juliux, mitsuhiko, and sascha are the base of the most of the ubuntu work in germany...
11:31   mako    i'm actually in a research group meeting RIGHT NOW :)
11:31   mitsuhiko       :)
11:31   mako    (but my group all uses ubuntu so it's tolerated)
11:31   juliux  \sh, there are much more in germany
11:32   \sh     juliux: i know...but you are one of the big guns
11:32   mako    mitsuhiko: so has been around for a while, right?
11:32   mako    how long have you been at it?
11:32   mitsuhiko       mako: since Dec. 2004
11:32   mitsuhiko       user founded it 2 days after the warty release
11:32   mitsuhiko       so. somewhere in october 2004
11:32   Seveas  Anmeldungsdatum  19.11.2004
11:33   Seveas  (according to the forum profile :)
11:33   mitsuhiko       Seveas: jep. that's true :)
11:33   smurf   mitsuhiko has been very active for quite some time, I'd be happy to sponsor hi for membership just on his consistency ;-)
11:33   mako    wow,
11:33   mdke    yeah the guy is good
11:33   mako    smurf: that's good to hear :)
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:33   Seveas  I think it says enough :)
11:33   mdke    long overdue for membership
11:33   Seveas  Beitrge insgesamt   3182 [2.85% aller Beitrge / 8.62 Beitrge pro Tag]
11:33   Kamion  ok, sure, I'm happy, plenty of material and recommendations
11:33   elmo    ack too
11:34   mako    looks like sustained and sustained contributions to me
11:34   mako    looks great
11:34   Seveas  mitsuhiko, welcome aboard
11:34   GnuKemist       mitsuhiko: congrats!
11:34   mako    looks great :)
11:34   mitsuhiko       thx
11:34   mako    bhuvan: hey there
11:34   mako    i think you're up
11:34   \sh     mitsuhiko: congratulations :)
11:34   bhuvan  yes
11:34   juliux  mitsuhiko, congratds
11:34   bhuvan  wiki page: I belong to docteam. I've submitted many patches to docteam svn repository. I've also contributed couple of wiki pages. I've also made changes/corrections to many wiki pages.
11:34   bhuvan  i'm one of the maintainer for ServerGuide for Dapper. I've already prepared the  spec and got the appropral from team members.  w.u.c/ServerGuide
11:35   bhuvan  Currently, I'm preparing the server guide for Dapper with the help of my team mates.
11:35   mako    bhuvan: where are you from?
11:35   bhuvan  india
11:35   mako    bhuvan: where about?
11:35   bhuvan  india, chennai (chennai is a metro in south india)
11:35   mdke    i would like to support bhuvan too. He has been helping around the docteam for a while now, and has submitted several helpful patches. He is enthusiastic and has excellent team-working. he learns fast and is patient, and is contributing steadily in the docteam
11:35   mako    bhuvan: sure, i know :)
11:35   bhuvan  mako, cool
=== Simira gives a + to India
11:36   mako    mdke: thanks, that's helpful
11:37   Seveas  bhuvan, any other interests beside documentation?
11:37   Kamion  bhuvan: how much of the server guide do you think can be sourced (modified or otherwise) from existing documentation?
11:37   mako    bhuvan: how long have you been involved? where do you want to take ubuntu?
11:37   bhuvan  i'm interested in MOTU. but, as i wish to learn new stuff, i prefer documentation for some time before moving to MOTU
11:37   Kamion  (er that sounds like a bit of a leading question, that's not the intent, just a simple question)
11:38   mdke    Kamion, we will be relying heavily on the debian guide i imagine
11:38   bhuvan  Kamion, so far i've referred redhat. sure, we may make use of debian document
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:39   Kamion  yeah, that or the HOWTOs (minus all the "if you're running <this> system from 1997, do this, otherwise ..." stuff)
11:39   \sh     bhuvan: why the redhat documentation?
11:39   mako    i would be surprised if the debian document didn't offer us good things we could use
11:39   mdke    oh btw, if you want an idea of the quality of his work, check out the SubVersion and Mailman wiki pages that he has done
11:39   mdke    mako, from what I've seen, it definitely does
11:39   bhuvan  mako, for the past 3 months. i've been using ubuntu for the past 2 months
11:39   mako    nice
11:40   Seveas  it's good that people who are new to ubuntu immediately contribute
11:40   Seveas  shows dedication :)
11:40   mako    wait.. you've been writing documents for longer than youv'e been using it
11:41   Kamion  hmm, I could proofread that, but it's basically clear and simple documentation, and my command of Indian languages is hardly excellent so ... :)
11:41   bhuvan  Seveas, i'm used to debian though
11:41   mdke    Kamion, for a first and immediate contribution, it is so much better than a lot of wiki pages that spring up :)
11:42   \sh     Kamion: come on learn hindi :)
11:42   Kamion  mdke: yeah, certainly
11:42   Kamion  (BTW Subversion is spelt thus, no capital V)
11:42   mdke    yeah that looks like some fake camelcase ;)
11:42   bhuvan  Kamion, no!
11:42   bhuvan  seems, it must be spelled SubVersion
11:42   bhuvan  one of the SVN developer suggested that change
11:42   Seveas  it should be spelled bazaar-ng ;)
11:43   \sh     .oO(correct spelling should be subVersion, and bzr is now called DomVersion)
11:43   mako    bhuvan: well, i'm thrilled with your contributions
=== mitsuhiko is wispering "git"
11:43   bhuvan  mako, ok
11:43   mako    and, as Seveas said, i'm happy to see you contributing already
11:43   Kamion  bhuvan: odd, that's not the way it was spelled when I used to be on subversion-devel, and it's not how spells it
11:43   Kamion  but anyway
11:43   bhuvan  Kamion, ok
11:44   mdke    bhuvan, do you have commit access for the docteam svn repo yet?
11:44   Kamion  detailed quibbles aside :-), I'm fine with bhuvan for membership
11:44   bhuvan  as i work for CollabNet, i referred my developer over here .. he suggested couple of changes to that document, its one of them ..
11:44   elmo    me too
11:44   Seveas  bhuvan, welcome on the Ubuntu ship
11:44   Kamion  maybe there's been a policy change
11:44   GnuKemist       bhuvan: congrats!
11:44   Seveas  congratulations!
11:44   bhuvan  mdke, not yet
11:45   mhz     bhuvan: congrats
11:45   ogra    congrats bhuvan
11:45   Seveas  MagicFab, you're next
11:45   bhuvan  oh, thankx
11:45   mako    bhuvan: personally, i'd prefer to see a little more sustained contribution
11:45   mdke    bhuvan, right let's sort that out. elmo is that to be rt'ed?
11:45   \sh     congrats bhuvan
11:45   Seveas  (for the people who are puzzled, look 6cm down on the agenda)
11:45   juliux  congrats bhuvan
11:45   mako    but yeah, that's great :)
=== mitsuhiko too
=== vincent_ [n=vincent@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:45   elmo    mdke: yeah
11:45   mako    bhuvan: so stay involved dude :)
11:45   MagicFab        I am here
11:45   bhuvan  sure, thankx
11:45   mdke    mako, you will, I have the feeling that this guy is here to stay
11:45   mako    bhuvan: keep up the good work :)
11:45   Seveas  MagicFab, the 3-line introduction please
=== ogra tries to measure 6cm on the display ...
11:46   mdke    bhuvan, nice work
11:46   mako    Seveas: how else is on the stack?
11:46   Seveas  FabianRodriguez (Wasn't there 8/11) - Confirming I'll be there as MagicFab - -- FabinRodrguez 2005-11-22 15:48:13
11:46   MagicFab        Mhh... I have a bit more than 3 lines
11:46   mako    i gotta run in like 5 minutes
11:46   MagicFab        WikiPage: - stuff I find significant in bold. I am originally from Colombia, have been living in Quebec Canada since I was 16 while visiting family there yearly - so I've known about the horrors of remote support of proprietary software, webcams etc. :) You may remember me from UBZ when I told the true story of having converted my parents' PC to Ubuntu only.
11:46   mdke    bhuvan, can you come into -doc for a while?
11:46   bhuvan  mdke, ok
11:46   ogra    Seveas, doesnt that depend on the DPI setting ?
11:46   Seveas  mako, only this and a few non-voting things
=== \sh was looking 6cm down..and saw...his panel
11:46   Seveas  ogra, sort-of
11:46   mako    Seveas: perfect
11:46   MagicFab        I currently work full-time as an Open Source software solutions consultant, focusing on security and migration issues in Montreal. Curiously, I am the first link in U. Marketplace - NorthAmerica :) I have strong links to the local community and I am mostly interested in advocacy/marketing (events, etc.), local support & training and new users introduction / migration to Gnu/Linux.
11:47   mako    MagicFab: have you been doing much ubuntu business?
11:47   MagicFab        I'd say Debian so far. My first Ubuntu server proposal is out this week :)
11:47   mako    that's nice
=== Kamion would be interested to hear how the marketing team's work is progressing; haven't heard much from that side
11:48   MagicFab        Ah, wait, several custom training sessions, yes.
=== mako nods to Kamion
11:48   Seveas  MagicFab was at UBZ, any UBZ-ists you talked to there MagicFab ?
11:48   mitsuhiko       Kamion: i'm waiting for some work of the art team
11:48   MagicFab        Sivang, at a BOF
11:48   mdke    elmo, what do you need, email address, gpg # and preferred nick?
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Later]
11:49   MagicFab        any UBZers here ? I personally know hub (not here) - also go to meet Corey Burger
11:49   elmo    mdke: s/nick/username/ but yes, that'll work
11:49   Simira  MagicFab : a lot of us were there
11:49   kjcole  MagicFab: I was there, but more of a lurker...
11:49   mako    MagicFab: many of your contributions have been in the last month or so
11:49   ogra    MagicFab, i was there
11:50   \sh     MagicFab: many of us ... ogra, \sh, kamion, elmo ....
11:50   mako    which is great, but i like to look for slightly more long term contributions
11:50   mako    MagicFab: do you have any testimonials from existing developers?
11:50   MagicFab        mako: I've been on since 4.10
11:50   mako    MagicFab: right, i understand you've been using ubuntu until 4.10
11:51   mako    but our job is to recogized a series of sustained and significant contributions
11:51   Amaranth        whoops, gotta go
=== Simira too
11:51   Simira  g'night
11:51   mako    Simira: good night
11:51   ogra    night Simira
11:51   GnuKemist       night
11:51   MagicFab        mako: well, I do this full time and some of the stuff has not been online - like advocacy in Colombia
11:51   mako    MagicFab: you do what full time?
11:52   MagicFab        mako: OSS consulting, training and migration from Win to Linux
11:52   mdke    :))
11:52   mako    yes, i understand that, and i understand your committment to ubuntu
11:52   Seveas  MagicFab, what we are looking for are contributions to Ubuntu - not to OSS in general
11:52   mako    but i'm trying to gague contributions to the ubuntu community
11:52   MagicFab        I'd say 1/2 of what I do is Mozilla related, 1/2 is now Ubuntu
11:52   mako    MagicFab: ok.. but the nature and extent of those is not known to me or obvious from my wiki page
11:53   mako    sorry, from your wikipage
11:53   mako    MagicFab: do you have any other members who can give you testimonials
11:53   MagicFab        sivang could, he's here
11:53   MagicFab        Some of you may see me on IRC
11:54   MagicFab        Corey Burger too
11:54   Seveas  I never really saw you in #ubuntu actually
11:54   MagicFab        ONe of my main projects is a doc to accompany Ubuntu CDs, a work in progress for more than a year
11:54   mako    Seveas: that's fine though, you rarely see me there either :)
11:54   mako    using irc is by no means a requirement
11:54   mako    MagicFab: cool :)
11:54   mako    that sounds great
11:54   MagicFab
11:55   Seveas  mako, no but he said that some would, and I'm in there 'sometimes' :)
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11:55   mako    MagicFab: in any case, i'd suggest we postpone this until you can collect a few testimontials
11:55   mako    Seveas: sorry, missed that
11:55   Ubuntuser_BA    Hello Folks/1
11:55   mako    MagicFab: and keep working on the directly commmunity engaged projects you've started in the last month or so
11:56   david`bgk       MagicFab, why don't you get yann and me in touch for french documentation ?
11:56   MagicFab        ? last month ?
11:57   david`bgk       yes for your CDs accompany
11:57   mako    MagicFab: the stuff that is down with "oct 2005"
11:57   mako    in any case
11:57   ogra    hmm, is there a reason we skipped mhz's membership Seveas ? he's above MagicFab on the agenda
11:57   david`bgk       we're interested in this
11:57   mhz     Seveas: Can I paste my lines once last candidate is introduced? when you asked me to introduce myself I thought that to be invited here is because work was already recognized :)
11:57   MagicFab        Well, I can't see how it's considered recent or last month
11:58   Kamion  MagicFab: mako's referring to the marketing team work I think?
11:58   mako    yes
11:58   mako    MagicFab: i'm not suggesting that ALL of your contributiosn started last month
11:58   Seveas  ogra, he didn't put himself on the list and the 'covered in recent meetings' is usually not treated, but he made a note there
11:58   Kamion  if the public speaking work goes back some time, I'm happy to consider that a contribution; we've taken members on the basis of advocacy before
11:58   MagicFab        david`bgk: if you're in ubuntu-fr I think we're already in touch
11:58   ogra    mhz, wait until mako/Seveas call you
11:58   mako    i'm suggesting that some of the most directly community-engaged projects, like marketing team stuff, is relatively recent
11:58   mhz     ogra: ok, thx.
11:59   mako    MagicFab: i'm more comfortable postponing this
11:59   ogra    Seveas, i dont see MagicFab either in the above list
11:59   sivang  Seveas: MagicFab also participated in a BOF and spec I was in charge of and gave some good ideas
11:59   mako    MagicFab: it may just be that you need to do a better job documenting this
11:59   Seveas  sivang, nice, put that in a wikipage
11:59   mako    yes
11:59   mako    and we need to do this before the meeting
11:59   david`bgk       MagicFab, yes of course we are, you have been added to the planet a week ago
11:59   MagicFab        mako: I'd love to - I spent quite some time on the my wiki page. How can I improve that ?
11:59   mako    MagicFab: work with me in the next two weeks
11:59   sivang  Seveas: I should add it?
11:59   mako    MagicFab: and lets see how we can improve it
12:00   mako    i'm happy to do it offline
12:00   mako    right now, i'm going to turn into a pumpkin
12:00   Seveas  mako, wait
12:00   mako    Seveas: ?
12:00   Seveas  one more candidate (I missed it on the agenda)
12:00   mdke    mhz
12:00   mako    right
12:01   mhz     mdke: wait until Seveas calls me?
12:01   mako    please, go ahead, i'll reconnect ASAP and comment on the log.. take votes from the other two :)
12:01   Seveas  mhz, your wikipage mentions very little Ubuntu contributions
12:01   mako    if i'm lucky, it will be in ~10 minutes
12:01   Kamion  I've seen mhz around on the Edubuntu project for quite some months
12:01   mako    otherwise, 2.5h
12:01   mdke    mhz, go ahead now
12:01   mako    if you get kamion and elmo to agree, i doubt you will get a fight from me :)
12:01   mhz     Seveas: Debian user for 3 years and Ubuntu since warty. My first commitment is to freedom of access because knowledge is key for sustainable development. Education is one of the most important areas to achieve such development. Ergo, Ed/Ubuntu is the key actor in my plans:
12:01   mhz     Edubuntu Chilean Tour + Fairs of free Technology.
12:01   mhz     So far I edit some wiki stuff in, I keep and I am coordinating the EdubuntuCdLabelAndCdCover and EdubuntuStudyContents.
12:01   mhz     Also, I have installed Ubuntu in 2 medium sized-companies servers and over 25 desktops, and edubuntu in over 16 machines now, 3 of them at a university.
12:01   Kamion  although I'm not sure the wiki page reflects that as much as it might do
12:01   mhz     On december one article I wrote on Ubuntu for Education, for a Education Magazine, will be handed to over 1000 schools. Also, I'll present Ubuntu and Edubuntu on a local TV show for teens.
12:01   mako    alright guys.. ttys
12:01   mhz     I am sure ogra and JaneW can give good testimonials of my contributions, so far.
12:01   ogra    Seveas, he did nearly all of the wiki stuff for edubuntu, is very active in the edubuntu community
12:01   mako    alright guys, see you soon
12:01   Kamion  FWIW I tend to skip over the "life story" bits of people's wiki pages :)
12:02   mdke    bye mako
12:02   Seveas  ogra, that's a nice + for him
12:02   ogra    he does a great job promoting edubuntu in latin america
12:02   mhz     Kamion: thx for that
12:02   ogra    additionally he and his mates made the for us
12:02   mhz     mako: bye
12:03   \sh     which looks really nice...good work mhz
12:03   kjcole  mako: bye!
12:03   mhz     \sh: thx
12:04   Seveas  nice artwork
12:04   ogra    i'd like to see him as member, and he wants to take over responsibility for a chilenian/latin american edubuntu mailing list ... which i appreciate very much
12:04   mhz     \sh: thxubunut
12:04   mhz     Seveas: also, one of the new comers and us are organizing the Free Software Institute for LAtin America, and are already working on training course about ubuntu
12:04   Seveas  ogra, how long has he been contributing to edubuntu?
12:04   ogra    Seveas, since #edubunt exists
12:04   ogra    +u
12:04   Seveas  mhz, very cool, please make it available in english too :)
12:04   Kamion  ~5 months I think
12:05   ogra    he's a guy of the first hour in #edubuntu
12:05   Kamion  is that accurate?
12:05   ogra    yup
12:05   Seveas  fwiw, my doubts about mhz that I had after reading the wikipage are gone
12:05   mhz     Seveas: sure as soon as we can finish the spanish one and test it, then we can translate it
12:05   mhz     Seveas: hehee, thx
12:05   Kamion  I'm happy to say yes based on what I know from beforehand
12:06   mhz     Kamion: i appreciate it
12:06   ogra    elmo, ?
12:06   mhz     ogra: thank you very much for your confidence
12:07   mhz     elmo: can i add i did some help to Henrik when you guys were even thinking of moving to Moin?
12:07   elmo    sorry, one sec, need to catch up
12:07   ogra    oh, yes, mhz is moin wiki specialist :)
12:07   mhz     maybe that doesnt involve ubuntu directly :)
12:07   ogra    not really, but was very helpful very often already *g*
12:08   mdke    yes he helped when we moved away from zwiki
12:08   mhz     heheh
12:08   MagicFab        Can someone explain what mako meant by "work with me for the next 2 weeks"?
12:08   ogra    MagicFab, you ?
12:08   mdke    MagicFab, exchange emails etc
12:08   Seveas  MagicFab, he'll contact you and give pointers on what to do
12:08   elmo    ogra: what are you pinging me for?
12:08   Seveas  elmo, +1/0/-1 on mhz
12:08   ogra    elmo, mhz membership approval
12:08   elmo    didn't we lose mako tho?
12:08   ogra    hmm, yes
12:08   ogra    grmpf
12:09   Seveas  yes, but mako said that Kamion and elmo could vote already
12:09   Seveas  <mako> please, go ahead, i'll reconnect ASAP and comment on the log.. take votes from the other two :)
12:09   ogra    elmo, <mako> if you get kamion and elmo to agree, i doubt you will get a fight from me :)
12:09   mhz     hehhe
12:09   elmo    blah, one more sec, then
12:09   ogra    take your time :)
12:10   mhz     elmo: you can also see info about my talks
12:10   mhz     :)
12:10   Seveas  After that there are 2 more iems on the agenda: Scheduling the next meeting and the SebPayne issue
12:10   Seveas  (the latter is not on the wiki, we all forgot about it I think :))
12:10   elmo    ack for mhz
12:11   ogra    yay
12:11   Seveas  cool
12:11   Seveas  mhz,you'll make it :)
12:11   mhz     what is the meaning of ack (me not english native)
12:11   Kamion  mhz: acknowledge
12:11   GnuKemist       mhz: congrats!
=== kjcole waited patiently...
12:11   Seveas  mhz, that he wants you as member
12:11   mhz     elmo: thx!!!
12:11   ogra    mhz congrats
12:11   Seveas  kjcole, oops
12:11   MarioMeyer      congrats, mhz
12:11   mhz     Seveas: gooooogle
12:11   \sh     congrats mhz :)
12:11   mhz     ogra: educooool
12:11   Seveas  completely skipped that
12:11   juliux  congrats mhz
12:11   kjcole  I had an item earlier on the agenda that got missed.
12:11   ogra    hehe
12:11   mhz     Kamion: thx, indeed
12:11   Seveas  kjcole, you should have shouted :)
12:12   Seveas  sorry
12:12   mhz     \sh: me much more relief now, thx
12:12   mhz     juliux: 2 u 2
12:12   kjcole  I'm not an assertive guy. ;-)
12:12   mdke    seveas you are losing your touch
12:12   \sh     mhz: it can be a hard time :)
12:12   Seveas  kjcole's proposal is about 3-letter codes for locoteams
12:12   mdke    :)
12:12   Seveas  Kamion, elmo, what are your thoughts about this?
12:12   mdke    welcome mhz
12:12   mhz     GnuKemist: thx
12:12   mhz     mdke: thx
12:12   mhz     thx to you all guys :D
12:12   \sh     iso code?
12:12   Seveas  airport codes
12:13   \sh     oh well..
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12:13   elmo    I'm not sure I understand the proposal?
12:13   Seveas  (don't know whether that's an iso standard - anyone?)
12:13   kjcole  Background:
12:13   MagicFab        I have to go - but I must say there should be some other way of measuring involvement, I almost feel insulted
12:13   GnuKemist       MagicFab: don't
=== ogra would have a hard time to get airport code for his area ... there are some sports airports though
12:14   kjcole  I was talking to mdub at UBZ about mailing lists, etc for the Washington, DC loco
12:14   Kamion  is this like
12:14   GnuKemist       MagicFab: I'm sure you'll make it
12:14   \sh     ogra: u have a 4 letter airport code ,-)
12:14   Seveas  elmo, simply said: if you want 2 locoteams in the US, name them ubuntu-lax and ubuntu-wdc for instamce (for LA and DC)
12:14   ogra    \sh, ??
12:14   \sh     ogra: rohr :)
12:14   kjcole  He said it LoCo's sorta became CoCo's (Country Communities) and there wasn't namespace for
12:14   mdke    let's hear kjcole's proposal
12:14   Kamion  I would have thought that the DNS subdivisions would be a better way to do that
12:14   kjcole  smaller stuff.  
12:14   ogra    \sh, lets keep it english.... pipe ;)
12:15   smurf   ogra: airports have a four-letter-code (every one of them, cryptic) and a three-letter-one (commercial airports only, somewhat understandable abbrev unless you're in canada)
12:15   kjcole  I argued that "LoCo" usually meant more "local" than that, and he agreed, but didn't want to create "ubuntu-us-washington-dc" etc
12:15   Seveas  Kamion, I'd think so too - plus it's easier to setup since all domains are already in canonicals hands
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12:16   ogra    smurf, even sports airports ? i live 10km away from one :)
12:16   kjcole  Something short and sweet.  ubuntu-dca would work... (DCA being the code for Washington National Airport)
12:16   Seveas  kjcole, how about ubuntu-us-dca and/or
12:16   Kamion  I really think airport codes are a pretty obscure way to do this sort of thing
12:16   smurf   ogra: it should have one
12:16   mdke    me too
=== smurf agrees with kamion
12:16   ogra    smurf, cool, i'll try to find it out then :)
12:16   GnuKemist       not sure this is really usefull... no insult...
12:17   kjcole  3-leter codes are more uiniversal. Would work well in other countries that have airports.
12:17   MarioMeyer      in Brazil we are already planning regional subdomains to
12:17   Seveas  MarioMeyer, how are you going to name them?
12:17   \sh     Kamion: it is
12:17   MarioMeyer      like
12:17   GnuKemist       MarioMeyer: we are?  ;)
12:17   Seveas  rj for Rio?
12:17   MarioMeyer      where RJ is the 2 letter code for the state of Rio de Janeiro
12:17   smurf   IMHO regional subdomains make more sense, and I wouldn't proscribe their form -- that's too country specific
12:17   Seveas  smurf++
12:18   Kamion  kjcole: I don't think it needs to be universal - you can do country+subdivision
12:18   dholbach        yes, that makesmost sense
12:18   Kamion  which is easier to handle if you don't happen to have a list of airport codes in your head :)
12:18   \sh     smurf: i think the idea of having is much better then having airportcodes as suffix
12:18   smurf   as we already have *lots* of ubuntu-??.org domains, I do hesitate to register even more of them
12:18   Seveas  \sh, you could even du :)
12:19   GnuKemist       \sh:  and ffm stands for?
12:19   \sh     Seveas: yeah..:)
12:19   Seveas  Frankfurt am Main
12:19   \sh     GnuKemist: frankfurt/main
12:19   ogra    GnuKemist, frenkfurt
12:19   GnuKemist       ahh
12:19   Seveas  there's frankfurt/universe too
12:19   Seveas  for the MOTU :)
12:19   ogra    lol
=== smurf is not looking forward to sending Canonical a 100-page invoice for 5000 domains in a few years
12:19   GnuKemist       so we'd add the 2 letter abbreviation of the local states to the team?
12:19   dholbach        :)
12:19   kjcole  I'm not committed to the airport code idea, but it was one option.  As for remembering them, that's what the wiki's for. ;-)  (Whatever scheme is chosen, longer name could be provided on the
12:19   \sh     smurf: peanuts ,)
12:20   Seveas  kjcole, cool, so this is settled then?
12:20   kjcole  LoCoTeams page and a link to the short name.
12:20   Kamion  create this sort of thing on demand, I think - e.g. the UK doesn't need subdivided teams, but the US does
12:20   \sh     kjcole: subdomains with country or area codes are much easier for the local people...airportcodes..i think nobody can think about that
12:20   GnuKemist       how many letters?
12:21   Seveas  GnuKemist, you decide :)
12:21   GnuKemist       hehe
12:21   GnuKemist       2 then
12:21   GnuKemist       it is universal I think
12:21   Seveas  ok, anyone has more questions/remarks?
12:21   GnuKemist       all US staes use 2
12:21   GnuKemist       states
12:21   \sh     GnuKemist: i think this depends on the fantasy of the or rj or whatever
12:21   kjcole  OK.  (Guess I've always had some familiarity with the airport codes of interest to me. I was assuming local folks would know their own.)
12:21   Seveas  kcole, for the administsative tasks regarding setting up these subdomains you can simply contact smurf, he administers all domains
12:22   MarioMeyer      rio would sound like the City of Rio.. and rj would be the State...
12:22   MarioMeyer      which are named equally
12:22   GnuKemist       \sh: people could do riolandofcarnival.blah
12:22   Seveas  let's move on and not get dragged away in names...
12:22   GnuKemist       ;)
12:22   kjcole  Will contact Smurf then.
12:22   Seveas  SebPayne was supposed to deliver a progress report today as part of being approved as a member
12:23   smurf   kjcole: Just make sure you all agree on a naming scheme *first*. ;-)
12:23   Seveas  however, his wikipage hasn't changed since oct. 30 and apart from begging for an IRC cloak I heared nothing from him
12:23   Seveas  anyone with better news?
12:23   dholbach        Seveas: none
12:23   Kamion  (did we explicitly tell him *he* needed to deliver a report? my memory is that we said "we'll revisit this in a month" or something equally vague :-/)
12:23   dholbach        Seveas: i didnt see him much around in #ubuntu-motu either
12:23   ogra    nope
12:23   Seveas  Kamion, we did
12:23   smurf   Kamion: I think so
12:23   ogra    yp
12:23   ogra    yup
12:23   Kamion  ok
=== MarioMeyer leaving.. cyall
12:24   Seveas  cya MarioMeyer
12:24   smurf   Ping him and tell him to give us an update at the next cc meeting?
12:24   \sh     sebpayne was who?
12:24   Seveas  So what to do with this? Insist that he shows up next time with this report? deactivate?
12:24   Seveas  spayne
12:25   Kamion  there is a progress report there, even though it was last edited on the 30th
12:25   Ubuntuser_BA    i'll be back in 2 weeks... ;)
12:25   GnuKemist       Ubuntuser_BA: ;)
12:25   Seveas  Shall I ask him to come to the next meeting?
12:25   Kamion  if somebody could ping him, that would be good; he does need to show up
12:25   Seveas  ok, I;ll do that
12:25   smurf   Seveas: +1
12:26   Ubuntuser_BA    ;)
12:26   Kamion  his membership will automatically deactivate on the 26th
12:26   Seveas  If i'm not forgetting more, only datetime of next meeting should be decided
12:26   \sh     ah..
12:26   Kamion  (I set the expiration date to one month from the meeting in which he was approved ...)
12:26   \sh
12:26   dsas    Could I just quickly bring something up re launchpad and ubuntu teams?
12:26   mhz     Seveas: what about ? or those flavours?
12:26   mhz     .oO(too many flavours could mean too many problems with names)
12:26   mhz     Seveas: I like that
12:26   Kamion  dsas: sure (under any other business)
12:26   mhz     or
12:26   mhz     etc
12:26   dsas    Would it be possible to encourage a policy which says that each ubuntu group on launchpad has at least two administrators, where feasible?
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12:26   mhz     smurf: that is good because we reuse same resources, more efficently. I agree
12:26   dsas    At the moment groups with only one Administrator run the risk of having that administrator be a bottleneck for approving new members. That will become more of an issue closer to release date as everyone gets busier.
12:27   mhz     smurf: maybe in Chile we have more problems with regions unless we can use  In chile we use numbers for regions
12:27   Seveas  dsas, that should be decided within the group
12:27   Kamion  dsas: from personal experience I know that's not feasible for all groups
12:27   smurf   mhz: not a problem, if somewhat unusual
12:27   mhz     good
12:27   Kamion  but perhaps something can be done in the Launchpad UI to encourage adding people you trust as administrators
12:27   mdke    dsas, if you have a problem with a group, best thing is to email them or contact them another way
12:28   mhz     smurf: I had booked  So it is not necesary? should we use
12:28   Seveas  Kamion, while you're approving, could you approve David Larlet
12:28   Seveas  he was accepted oct. 25
12:28   dsas    Right ok, having difficulty getting in touch with the admin of a group, but apparently he's not been saw online for the last few days, so I'll try and get in touch in a weeks time.
12:28   Seveas  but wasn't registered on launchpad back then
12:28   Kamion  if there are possible UI enhancements, do bring those up on #launchpad, or as bug reports
12:28   StrikeForce     When do you go through the approval process?
12:28   StrikeForce     or have I missed that?
12:29   StrikeForce     I came in a bit late :(
12:29   Seveas  we already did that StrikeForce
12:29   StrikeForce     no worries
12:30   Kamion  StrikeForce: see for instructions; we're looking for sustained (multi-month), significant contributions
12:30   StrikeForce     Kamion, I have but I did it through launchpad
12:30   Seveas  last item: Date/time of the next meeting. Shall I ping all regular CC meeting visitors and ubuntu-devel to coordinate new times?
12:30   StrikeForce     Kamion, the signing and all of that
12:30   ogra    at least 4 weeks of contribution and forseeable ongoing activity ...
12:31   \sh     Seveas: in 2 weeks time :)
12:31   StrikeForce     ogra, re packaging?
12:31   Seveas  \sh, it's feasible :)
12:31   ogra    StrikeForce, yes ?
12:31   Seveas  StrikeForce, please discuss this after the meeting
12:31   Kamion  Seveas: David Larlet done, thanks for chasing that up
12:31   Seveas  Kamion, thnx
12:31   Kamion  StrikeForce: for the moment, you do need to bring this up on the agenda or we won't notice, sorry
12:32   Seveas  \sh, I have a secret plan already :)
12:32   \sh     Seveas: post it on the fridge :)
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12:32   Kamion  let's do the next meeting two weeks from now as per usual; perhaps we can convene people specially to talk to Rolando Blanco, since he can't do Tuesdays
12:32   david`bgk       thanks Kamion
12:33   Seveas  Kamion, ok, but mako sort of complained abot the scheduled times in general
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12:33   Seveas  I think coming up with a better schedule may be worthwile - since people from .au/.nz for instance have a hard time showing up
12:33   Kamion  we can't discuss that with him absent; we'll have to sort it out next time round
12:33   Seveas  true, but I could gather some opinions already
12:33   Kamion  likewise sabdfl, I don't know his schedule well enough to comment
12:34   mhz     Seveas: what if we rotate shcedules?
12:34   StrikeForce     due to work committments
12:34   Seveas  mhz, we already do
12:34   \sh     Seveas: should we change times like for TB?
12:34   mhz     ohh
12:34   Kamion  the sad fact is that it has to be reasonably convenient for the CC otherwise it won't happen
12:34   Kamion  with three of us on London time we are somewhat constrained
12:35   Seveas  even then the schedule can be improved
12:35   Kamion  we've tried rotating times, and the 6am one was laughably inquorate :-)
12:35   Seveas  currently it's 14:00 / 22:00 - that's only 8 hours apart
12:35   Kamion  14:00 is harsh on mako
12:35   Seveas  hehe :)
12:35   mhz     Kamion: heheh
12:36   Seveas  anyway, I propose that we all think about this for the next meeting and end this one here :)
12:36   Kamion  I can handle back to 09:00 or so (08:00 is hard because the child is getting ready for school), but again that's getting pretty late for mako
12:36   mhz     Kamion: indeed. however, if meetings take place every 2 weeks, then there is not much sufferinf
12:36   mhz     suffering
12:36   Kamion  mhz: I'm speaking as somebody who *has* to show up :P
12:36   mhz     ahh
12:36   juliux  gn8 everybody
12:36   ogra    and who cant make tuesdays
12:36   Seveas  gn8 juliux
12:36   GnuKemist       well, I guess I'll check back with you guys...  cheers
12:36   ogra    night juliux
12:36   mhz     juliux: bye, congrats and thx
12:37   Kamion  ok, let's make it 14:00 in two weeks time, and we'll discuss it more then with everyone present
12:37   \sh     juliux: sleep well...and again congrats
12:37   Kamion  thanks for showing up, everyone
12:37   Seveas  ack, see you all in 2 weeks :)
12:37   Kamion  meeting closed

MeetingLogs/CC_2005-11-22 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:19 by localhost)