01:00 OgMaciel morning all 01:00 jsgotangco hallo hallo 01:00 Kamion the last mail I have indicates that Mark wanted to do this CC meeting at 2200 UTC yesterday 01:00 OgMaciel jsgotangco, =) 01:00 Kamion but we obviously never actually set that officially - and I was sick yesterday anyway 01:01 Kamion sabdfl is mid-flight at the moment 01:01 jsgotangco ahh 01:01 OgMaciel not much going on today as per the agenda, huh? 01:01 jsgotangco too bad 01:01 Kamion I'll SMS mako on the off-chance 01:01 raphink hi there === mhz [n=mhz_chil@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:02 jsgotangco we have a light agenda anyways 01:02 mhz hi all 01:02 OgMaciel mhz, hey 01:02 mhz hi OgMaciel === doko [n=doko@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === OgMaciel is about to leave for work... 7:03am here 01:04 jsgotangco ohh === dous [i=[] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:05 Kamion SMSed mako and elmo, can't do much more unless/until both of them arrive unfortunately 01:05 jsgotangco yeah 01:05 Kamion if they don't appear, we'll try to organise something to get through some member candidates 01:05 mhz jsgotangco: is it me or time for meetings was going to rotate 01:05 jsgotangco mhz, docteam? it should rotate 01:05 jsgotangco CC rotates too 01:06 Seveas mhz, it is rotating for CC 01:06 Kamion last meeting certainly wasn't 1200 01:06 mhz oh, I missed lastone 01:06 OgMaciel Seveas, sup bud? ;) === mhz salps himself then 01:06 mhz ;) 01:06 jsgotangco yeah 1200 is strange for CC 01:06 jsgotangco its usually later 01:06 Seveas it's the first one at 12:00 afaik 01:06 mhz 12 UTC is 09:00 in chile 01:07 mhz i like 12 utc :D 01:07 jsgotangco too early for most 01:07 Kamion mako suggested the 1200 time, we figured if he didn't mind it was OK by the rest of us === elmo [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:07 jsgotangco ok 01:07 jsgotangco 1 more 01:07 highvoltage hi atie 01:07 Seveas 2 down, 1 to go :) 01:07 Seveas welcome elmo 01:07 mhz hehehe 01:07 Kamion elmo: I'm not entirely convinced mako's going to show up 01:08 jsgotangco i think its only 6am on this side 01:08 jsgotangco or earlier 01:08 Kamion elmo: the e-mail thread we had actually scheduled this meeting for 2200 last night 01:08 elmo Kamion: woops === OgMaciel [n=omaciel@ubuntu/member/gnukemist] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["going] 01:08 Kamion but I was out of it then and wouldn't have noticed even if I had remembered 01:08 elmo have we phoned him yet and/or tried mark? 01:08 Kamion I've SMSed mako; mark's in-flight 01:08 Kamion (the latter's why we rescheduled) 01:10 Kamion I'll try phoning 01:11 Kamion voicemail 01:11 Seveas which TZ is boston in? 01:11 Kamion -5 01:11 Seveas so 7am 01:11 atie yes 7am there 01:12 mhz .oO(oh, european seem to wake up earlier?) 01:12 jsgotangco of course 01:13 Kamion so, who is here out of the new member candidates? 01:13 atie me 01:13 Kinnison me 01:13 dous me too 01:13 Gloubiboulga me 01:13 Kamion Patrick Davies? 01:13 Riddell jpatrick is (he's gone for 10 mins though) 01:14 jsgotangco Kinnison, you? =) 01:14 Kinnison jsgotangco: Pardon? 01:14 Seveas Gloubiboulga, -> Gauvain? === Kinnison needs to write his blurb 01:14 Gloubiboulga Seveas, yes 01:14 jsgotangco ok 01:14 Keybuk Kinnison: you're not paying attention, AND NOW YOU GO HUNGRY! 01:14 raphink :) 01:14 Kinnison Keybuk: sorry, was busy with launchpad, blame kamion 01:15 Kamion ok, I guess we can at least go through people and then collect acks from mako/sabdfl later on 01:15 Seveas sounds like a plan 01:15 Kamion APPROVALS AT THIS MEETING DO NOT CONSTITUTE ACTUAL APPROVAL FOR UBUNTUMEMBERS 01:15 Kamion thank you :) 01:15 jsgotangco cool 01:15 raphink oh! 01:15 Kamion (since people have got confused in the past) 01:15 raphink Kamion: how come? 01:15 Kamion raphink: inquorate 01:15 Seveas BUT ARE A GOOD INDICATION THAT YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED 01:15 Seveas OR NOT 01:16 jsgotangco but 2 votes are shoo-in? 01:16 raphink I CAN'T HEAR PLEASE SPEAK LOUDER 01:16 Kamion jsgotangco: 3 required 01:16 raphink ok 01:16 jsgotangco right 01:16 Seveas ok, let's start calling names === Seveas -eq Dennis Kaarsemaker === raphink is Raphal Pinson === Gloubiboulga is Gauvain Pocentek 01:16 raphink hi Seveas btw, nice to see you around :) === ogra is OliverGrawert (here to cheer up for Kinnison today :) ) === hunger is Tobias Hunger. === mhz is MauricioHernandez Z. === Riddell Jonathan Riddell === jsgotangco is Jerome Gotangco === Tonio_ is Anthony Mercatante === dous is Aldous Penaranda === Kinnison is Daniel Silverstone === sivang is Sivan Greenberg (cheering up Kinnison as well ) === irvin is Irvin Piraman 01:18 Seveas veryy well, a bit quiet today but that shouldn't hurt 01:18 jsgotangco CC lite :) 01:18 sivang quite ? :) 01:18 Kamion I'll assume jpatrick isn't back yet and go straight to dous 01:18 Seveas given that jpatrick is away, dous: you're up. Please give us your 3-liner 01:18 mhz jsgotangco: LOL I'm a 21 year-old system administrator from the Philippines. I've been using GNU/Linux since around 01:18 dous 2002 and tried several distributions before settling on Debian and Ubuntu last year. I first tried Ubuntu during the Warty release. It was only last year that I learned about #ubuntu-ph and started to help out with doing some translation 01:19 dous work and advocacy/support. Before that, I was already interested in doing packaging/maintenance for Java packages in Debian. My current work and plans include Tagalog translation 01:19 dous and helping out on Java packages and motujava work. Then, once things get settled at my new work, I'll start contributing more on server-related matters. 01:19 dous :) 01:19 Seveas More people from the philippines - BusinessTour effect or is jsgotangco spamming heavily? === highvoltage is Jonathan Carter, alhtough just partially here 01:19 jsgotangco lol 01:19 jsgotangco nah he's been with us from the start dous: your translation activity seems to have fallen 01:19 Kamion off this year; are you still interested in keeping that up? 01:19 jsgotangco doing some translations lately 01:20 dous Kamion, yes. It's just that I moved to a new job this january 01:20 dous Kamion, I don't have broadband at home so I usually do foss work during free time at work 01:20 Kamion ok, fair enough 01:20 Kamion you mention you've been helping with support tickets 01:20 dous jsgotangco, :) the support system's fairly new and has never actually 01:21 Kamion been announced :) what's your impression of the situation there? well, when I have free time I just look at the list of 01:22 dous requests and try to comment on anything that I have knowledge about 01:22 Seveas so just like one would do on a mailing list 01:22 Kamion my question is really whether the list of requests is getting out of control or not 01:22 dous some submitters seems to lose track of their requests though 01:23 jsgotangco but they're subcribed to it from the start 01:23 Kamion what do the other Philippines folks think of dous' advocacy activity? 01:23 dous they don't come back to comment on answers to their requests sometimes === Hobbsee [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:23 dous so I can't confirm if my answers have solved their problem 01:23 Kamion that much is inevitable, I think 01:23 Seveas dous, that's the same in any bugtracker, people lose interest 01:24 jsgotangco pretty good although i would love more Rosetta love 01:24 raphink :) 01:24 jsgotangco it doesn't take that much to translate 10 lines a day :) === raphink <3 Rosetta :) 01:24 Seveas "10 lines a day keeps the evil jsgotangco away" 01:24 raphink lol 01:24 jsgotangco but its more into our local setup 01:24 irvin ack for dous 01:24 Seveas that should be the translator motto ;) 01:25 dous Kamion, more volunteers would be much appreciated. it's not out of control yet, imho.. :) 01:25 Kamion ok, well I'm happy to see somebody doing Java bug gardening too 01:25 Kamion elmo? 01:25 Seveas Launchpad activity so far is limited to nov-23 to dec-23 01:25 Seveas which is only one month 01:25 irvin jsgotangco will setting be tighter control on translations === ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:25 Kamion Seveas: you misunderstand the karma listing 01:25 Kamion Seveas: it doesn't go back forever 01:25 Seveas right === Seveas hits launchpad 01:25 elmo ack 01:26 dous Seveas, yeah.. but it's harder to make improvements with little feedback :( 01:26 jpatrick Kamion: I'm back sorrt for instance according to 01:26 Kamion I've only been active since 2006-01-27 :-P 01:26 Seveas Kamion, that sounds pretty accurate :p 01:26 dous hehe 01:26 Seveas anyway, both present CC members ack'ed so it's up to mako/mark now === mhz whishes launchpad could record wiki+irc collaboration time 01:27 jsgotangco irc hah 01:27 Seveas thanks for coming dous, we'll let you know what the final 'judgement' is :) 01:27 dous Seveas, thanks a lot! :) 01:27 mhz (and talks) 01:27 raphink Kamion: you could be more active then :p hehe 01:27 Seveas jpatrick, you're up for the 3-liner 01:27 Kamion wait 01:28 dous mhz, that would be cool.. 8-) 01:28 Kamion Kinnison has to leave at 1300; I'd like to bring him forward 01:28 Seveas ok 01:28 ogra ++ 01:28 Kamion Kinnison: ? Hi, I am Daniel Silverstone, 25 yrs old, UK based, and I have been working on Launchpad for the past 14 months (in particular I am primarily responsible for the Soyuz 01:28 Kinnison backend) and have in my spare time done various things for Ubuntu, centred primarily around Toshiba laptop support. I have also been a Debian developer for about five years now. In particular I have written the new toshiba_acpi kernel module support for punting the hotkeys into the 01:28 Kinnison ACPI subsystem, support for this in fnfxd and acpi-support. I was also the Debian maintainer of lua50 and lua40 for quite a while and a Debian ftpmaster for some time. I intend to work on general bug fixing as part of the 01:28 Kinnison ubuntu core development team during the dapper timeframe and then more generally on laptop support for toshibas and various general laptop related work. 01:28 jsgotangco go toshiba 01:28 ogra cheer cheer cheer ! === dop182 [i=dop182@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:29 Kamion Kinnison: do you expect you'll be getting some of the laptop stuff done pre-dapper? Kamion: yes, I have been fixing bugs in 01:29 Kinnison gnome-power-manager since I first installed dapper last night :-) 01:29 Kamion heh === jsgotangco toshiba needs serious work 01:29 Kamion so does g-p-m 01:29 jsgotangco "my" 01:30 ogra Kamion, his fix will be in todays g-p-m upload :) 01:30 Mithrandir I think we should approve Kinnison since he's so cuddly. :-) 01:30 ogra Mithrandir++ 01:30 jsgotangco :) 01:30 raphink :) 01:30 Tonio_ ;) full disclosure, Kinnison's a Canonical employee, we 01:30 Kamion all know him, and basically he's been doing lots of useful stuff forever. any objections? 01:30 Kamion (kthxbye) 01:30 Seveas none at all 01:31 ogra :) 01:31 raphink it's just quite logical forhim to be ine 01:31 raphink in === irvin was surprised he added himself 01:31 irvin :) 01:31 Kamion I suppose it remains to be seen whether Soyuz is a positive contribution to Ubuntu ;-) 01:31 sivang go Kinnison ! === Kamion runs away 01:31 raphink irvin: yeah 01:31 Tonio_ raphink++ 01:31 ogra Kamion, *giggle* 01:31 Seveas Kamion, bwahaha :) 01:31 jsgotangco +1 for the cuddliness? 01:31 Kamion irvin: he's moving to the Canonical distro team for a while, it's part of the job 01:32 sivang +2 for cuddliness 01:32 Kamion elmo: ? 01:32 ogra jsgotangco, nah, more than +10 :) 01:32 jsgotangco not to mention mao master 01:32 sivang indeed 01:32 elmo ack 01:33 Seveas cool beans 01:33 Kamion jpatrick: you're up 01:33 Kinnison thanks guys === Kinnison goes to get ready for his meeting with the mortgage advisor 01:33 ogra congrats 01:33 Kinnison urgh 01:33 sivang Kinnison: welcome aboard :-) 01:33 jsgotangco oh well 01:33 Seveas Kinnison, have fun :) 01:33 Seveas sivang, not yet :) 01:33 Kinnison sivang: well, pending mako/sabdfl 01:33 Kamion sivang: point of order, not without a third vote 01:33 raphink welcome to the team Kinnison 01:33 Kamion (END of point of order.) 01:33 raphink oh yes right 01:33 raphink sorry ;) 01:33 sivang Kamion: heh, noted :) 01:33 Seveas jpatrick, ? I am Jonathan Patrick Davies. Currently living in Girona, Catalonia, Spain - although I am originally 01:33 jpatrick from London (UK). Been using Linux since around Kubuntu's first release. And I'm a member of the Kubuntu Team 01:33 raphink almost welcome to the team Kinnison 01:34 mhz Kinnison: welcome!!!! === dop182 [i=dop182@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 01:34 jpatrick I make KDE packages and help out on the forums and am am admin of === Keybuk [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [""] 01:34 ogra jpatrick, is quite busy in -motu with this strange desktop stuff starting with the K :) 01:34 raphink jpatrick packages quite a lot, we see good packages from him on REVU 01:35 jpatrick I also do some translations at Rosetta 01:35 raphink he's quite an active kubuntu dev for sure :) 01:35 Seveas jpatrick, you say you repackaged yakuake? Why - doesn't it create an unneccessary diff with Debian? 01:35 ogra i bet Riddell might also want to speak up for him 01:35 Tonio_ yep, very active on REVU 01:35 jpatrick Seveas: Mez took over take 01:35 Riddell jpatrick helps out in numberous ways, I fully support his membership 01:35 jpatrick that* 01:35 raphink :) === zakame [n=zak@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:35 Seveas woah - translator karma of doom 01:35 Riddell Seveas: it was packaged in kubuntu long before debian did it 01:35 zakame hi all 01:36 Kamion urgh, looks like repackaging to add a patch system 01:36 Kamion fair enough in this specific case from the sound of it, but in general do try to avoid that 01:36 jsgotangco 2318 karma nice 01:36 mhz zakame: hi.. so far, 1 candidate 'under consideration', 1 new memeber, evaluating jpatrick 01:37 zakame heya mhz :) thanks for updating that's a hell of a lot of karma for en_GB - I didn't 01:37 Kamion think that many translations that were actually distinct from the original could be fitted in ;) 01:37 elmo Kamion: if we did it first, I think it's hard for people to complain about our use of patch systems 01:37 Kamion elmo: as I say, fair enough in this specific case 01:37 jpatrick Kamion: I still have to start ca and es but I'm waiting for the K apps 01:38 elmo jpatrick: K apps? 01:38 jpatrick KDE 01:38 elmo sure, but what are you waiting for? Sevea: the diff with debian is becuse jpatrcik created 01:38 Mez yakuake package first - debian dev decided to do it differently 01:38 Riddell KDE still isn't in rosetta (will be when dapper gets imported) === lucas [n=lucas@ubuntu/member/lucas] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:39 elmo ah, I see 01:39 elmo Riddell: how come? 01:39 elmo Riddell: and when is dapper due to be imported? elmo: the .pot files were not generated in the breezy 01:39 Riddell packages, we had to sort out that gettext-kde issue. dapper will be imported at string freeze I think 01:39 ogra for the time being you could translate kino to feel more at home even if its a gtk app :) 01:40 elmo oh, right, gettext-kde, *gag* 01:40 raphink hehe 01:40 Seveas well, jpatrick gets a ++ from me, contributions look s&s 01:40 Riddell (you'll be pleased to know that KDE 4 has now been changed to current GNU gettext) 01:40 Kamion Riddell: (hooray) 01:40 raphink ++ for jpatrick :) 01:41 hunger yeah, jpatrick did lots of debs I am using. If I may vote I'll ++ for jpatrick. 01:41 raphink Riddell: which means we won't need kde pot dirty patches in kde 4 :) 01:41 Kamion as usual, voting is restricted to CC members 01:41 jsgotangco awesome karma too 01:41 ogra but you can cheer ;) === hunger shuts up then. 01:41 Seveas Kamion, it was a cheer, not a vote === raphink just cheers === irvin_ [n=irvin@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:41 Kamion anyway, I'm happy with jpatrick's contributions so far 01:42 elmo how do I see the specific translations a person's done in launchpad, or can I stil lnot? 01:42 elmo yeah, ack from me too === Mez is surprised he isnt already a member. 01:42 Kamion (Kubuntu-wise anyway, I have no idea about the en_GB stuff yet) 01:42 jpatrick Mez: I missed the early meetings :( 01:42 jpatrick elmo: ? 01:42 Mez jpatricks done quire a bit en_GB stuff I believe (lol - though I havent for a while - and i run that team!) 01:43 Seveas jpatrick, that does not list the individual translations 01:43 Seveas anyway, 2 acks from the CC is all we'll get for now 01:43 jpatrick ah right 01:43 Seveas jpatrick, thanks for coming! 01:43 jpatrick no problem :) 01:44 Seveas Gloubiboulga is next I'm Gauvain Pocentek, a 26 years old french music student. I'm an (x)ubuntu user since the warty release. I've spent a lot of time on irc and forums helping users during the last months, trying to make their 01:44 Gloubiboulga Ubuntu life easier. I have also worked on more technical stuff, like packaging, bugs reports/patches and a few merges/syncs. I have now a little experience in packaging, and try to help new packagers, with some comments on REVU (which make 01:44 Gloubiboulga s me improve my packaging skill too). For the future, I really want to keep helping user, because the quality of the Ubuntu community is 01:44 Gloubiboulga certainly a huge advantage for Ubuntu (and of course its technical quality, but everyone here is concerned by this). I also plan to keep helping with bugs stuff, merges for dapper+1, packaging... I also really think about french translations of some 01:44 Gloubiboulga wiki.u.c pages about how to help Ubuntu, because we don't have a lot of doc about this on French web pages. Gloubiboulga is very active on REVU and in the MOTU 01:44 raphink world in general, as well as in #ubuntu-fr. He has begun to send me reviews for REVU lately, and I've been happy to sponsor since they are of very good quality. 01:45 raphink I would be veyr happy with his membership :) 01:45 jsgotangco music interesting..i've seen a music project in the forums too 01:46 Tonio_ raphink++, nothing more to say to me ;) 01:46 Kamion nice to see lilypond is still alive; what's the state of development there? 01:46 raphink Gloubiboulga is an emacs music hacker ;) === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:46 Gloubiboulga version 2.7.32 is out, with a lot of improvments :) 01:47 Gloubiboulga I'm currently working of the docs' translation 01:47 Kamion (from the point of view of somebody who last looked at it in about 2002) === ogra_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:47 mhz .oO(ig Gloubiboulga is a mac user then that's an incredible contribution already :D ) 01:47 Gloubiboulga Kamion, 2002 is far far away :) 01:47 Seveas any other MOTU to vouch for packaging work? 01:47 raphink Kamion: lilypong has changed a lot since. It now integrates in LaTeX fully iirc 01:47 mhz .oO(ig Gloubiboulga is an emac user then that's an incredible contribution already :D ) 01:47 zakame raphink: emacs! 01:47 Gloubiboulga mhz, :) 01:48 raphink zakame: pico! 01:48 zakame Gloubiboulga: anything with emacs gets my nod ;) 01:48 jsgotangco bah 01:48 zakame Seveas: I've seen Gloubiboulga do good work, I'd love to have him aboard :) 01:49 Seveas hmm, siretart, poke 01:49 Seveas could you make something in REVU so it is easy to see someones contribution there? 01:50 raphink Seveas: you can read the motu-reviewers ML to see contributions 01:50 raphink ;) 01:50 elmo ack from me 01:50 elmo (brb) 01:50 Seveas raphink, during CC meetings, when we want to check such things, it is nice to have an overview 01:50 raphink grep for gauvain in the ML you'll see ;) 01:50 Seveas just like launchpad/wiki 01:50 raphink sure Seveas 01:51 zakame raphink++ 01:51 Seveas Gloubiboulga's contribution so far looks well, I give him a \o/ (that's a cheer) 01:51 Kamion Gauvain has several mentions on dapper-changes so far, which makes me happy 01:51 raphink oh nice cheer :) 01:51 Kamion keep it up 01:51 Kamion ack from me 01:51 raphink \o_ \o/ _o/ 01:52 Gloubiboulga thanks :) 01:52 jsgotangco nice one 01:52 zakame Gloubiboulga: rock on :D ok, cool, Kamion happy, elmo acked, so we're down to 01:52 Seveas the next and last one already. Gloubiboulga thanks for coming and keep up the good work 01:52 Seveas atie, you're up :) 01:52 atie My name is Chris Ha. I live in Houston, work for a company as developer. My Ubuntu work started with making my comments and 01:52 atie researches to the BetterCJKSupport wiki since November last year and as Day 1 Dapper user, I made number of bug reportings mostly beta user and CJK user concerns. With that I was thinkg it better to be some sort of team so discussed with Korean Ubuntu users and 01:52 atie established Ubuntu Korean LoCoTeam. I am acting as contact for KoreanTeam, our team members are about 25 people. Also, there is Ubuntu CJK Testers team including 4 CJK LoCoTeam contacts about a month now. My main concern at this point is about translations for Dapper, by myself I translated some Dapper packages and products, and coordinating with Ubuntu and GNOME 01:52 atie translators in Korea to prepare upcoming translations. Meanwhile myself and KoreanTeam are doing some translations and documentations to the Devel wiki at . I may put too many lines here, because I'd like to use Ubuntu/Kubuntu dev version, I'll continue to use dev 01:52 atie version as my desktop OS doing same things above. I believe that is helping Ubuntu Korean users and developement of Ubuntu. 01:53 Kamion smurf: have you been working with atie on the locoteam stuff already? 01:53 Seveas atie, CJK needs lots of love, what are your plans for it? 01:54 ogra atie, we're about to add scim to main, any thoughts or hints from an experiencend user about that ? i've been to the korean team channel in 01:54 jsgotangco since i came from seoul and they have a very very active community 01:54 atie Seveas, I can put what Korean users having trouble with 01:54 atie orga, I have votes from Korean Users 01:55 atie orga, and I did ask IM developer in Korea. === Seveas brb - phone 01:56 jsgotangco atie, DAUM? 01:56 ogra might you be able to help with the scim stuff (even through bugreports or feedback would be fine) ? 01:56 atie orga, yes I can. 01:56 ogra cool :) 01:56 atie actually now I am testing skim. we need a strong group of maintainers for scim etc.; 01:57 Kamion it's not something that the core development team have experience with 01:57 ogra we're really lacking in this area ... 01:57 Seveas re 01:57 jsgotangco minghua can only do too much 01:57 atie I am not a linux developer, but I think I can find my way to help scim/skim and other CJK stuff 01:58 elmo jsgotangco: (s/too/so/) 01:58 ogra you dont need to be a developer to give valuable feedback ... and thats most we need ... :) 01:59 atie orga, I think so. 01:59 Seveas elmo, perhaps not, from what I heard he does an qwful lot ;) 01:59 Seveas s/q/a/ 01:59 ogra telling us we do the right thing and pointing out the drawbacks is the most important stuff here 01:59 ogra getting a good QA in place for input methods ... 01:59 atie IM is start point for CJK users 02:00 atie there are more stuff to improve like as ID3 tag... 02:00 Kamion somebody to collate problem reports from CJK users would be good too, once we do get scim integrated 02:00 atie I am monitoring bugs related to CJK. since most of us can only go "uh?" when confronted with 02:00 Kamion a problem report about a language we don't speak and a script we can't type :) 02:00 Kamion especially if the problem report is of the form "but it works fine with uim" or whatever 02:01 atie and assign ubuntu-cjk-testers for them. 02:01 atie means I am testing myself and get feedback from our team and users 02:01 Seveas How big is the u-cjk-t team? minghua is already doing a great job with the packages 02:01 ogra even if he might need help, thats not the most critical part ... 02:01 atie Seveas, 9 including 4 loco contacts 02:02 atie so fair enough I think, since our team members are 25. 02:03 ogra anyway, a big cheer from me for atie ... === Seveas \o/ 02:03 jsgotangco \o_ \o/ atie \o/ _o/ 02:03 atie orga, thanks 02:03 Seveas atie, it's ogra, not orga :) 02:03 ogra :) 02:03 atie sorry 02:03 jsgotangco heheh 02:03 mhz the now institutionalized \o\ \o/ /o/ 02:04 jsgotangco good thing a is far from y 02:04 ogra Seveas, as long as i'm around thats ok :) 02:04 Seveas jsgotangco, ;) 02:04 Mez lol @ jsgotangco 02:04 ogra Seveas, (and also makes me feel less chaotic ;) ) 02:04 Kamion I'm ok with atie for membership, from the sound of things 02:04 Kamion elmo: ? 02:05 elmo yeah, ack from me 02:05 elmo (sorry was just reading some of the bugs) 02:05 Kamion glad to see more people with a clue about CJK 02:05 ogra ++ 02:05 Seveas ClueJK :) 02:05 Kamion right, so in lieu of actually being quorate I think we're done 02:05 Kamion any other business? 02:05 Seveas anyway, atie was tha last one for now, thanks for coming! 02:05 atie I hope more on Dapper+1 02:05 jsgotangco yeah should be better 02:05 atie thanks everyone. 02:05 Seveas Kamion, time of next meeting? 02:06 ogra atie, congrats :) 02:06 elmo Seveas: let's put that off till we can talk to mako and find out mark's schedule 02:06 atie ogra, thx === Kamion looks up sabdfl's travel plans 02:06 Seveas elmo++ 02:06 elmo Kamion: using the cvd-calendar program? 02:06 mhz atie: i'm very happy for you 02:06 Kamion sabdfl's still on tour in two weeks' time, although at the end of the tour 02:06 Kamion elmo: 02:07 atie mhz, me too. thanks to you. 02:07 elmo Kamion: I recommend the cvd upgrade ;) 02:07 zakame congrats atie 02:07 Kamion so yeah, it might be better to use cvd-calendar and switch to a different day that week 02:07 Seveas cvd? 02:07 jsgotangco claire davis 02:08 Kamion Seveas: mark's secretary, among many other functions 02:08 Seveas ah 02:08 mhz lol 02:08 ogra Seveas, the walking calendar 02:08 atie can I ask one question? I'd be welcomed to CC meeting at any time. 02:08 mhz yup 02:08 ogra atie, sure 02:08 jsgotangco of course 02:08 Kamion atie: sure, but general questions are usually more appropriate elsewhere 02:08 Seveas everyone is welcome, Ubuntu member or not 02:08 raphink :) 02:08 atie thanks guy. 02:08 mhz atie: and you can always bring new ideas of cheering \o/ 02:08 mhz :D 02:08 Kamion ok, sounds like we're done === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Seveas] : Calendar: | Logs: | 8 Feb 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 9 Feb 08:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 14 Feb 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 15 Feb 20:00 UTC: MOTU | 16 Feb 20:00 UTC: Kubuntu 02:09 Kamion meeting adjourned 02:09 Seveas thanks all, see you in 2 weeks :)
MeetingLogs/CC_2006-02-07 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:24 by localhost)