=== G0SUB is Baishampayan Ghose 01:01 Spec when're you headed towards FOSE kjcole? === allee is Achim Bohnet === olemke [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:02 jelkner Spec: thanks for the great work you did on the website! 01:02 kjcole Spec, I *WAS* going to shower and head out early. People said things open at 9:00 but I was guessing 8:00... However, a phone call woke me, and I'm here instead. ;-) 01:02 Spec hehe === minghua [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:03 Spec I'm going to head out at 7:45, I'm meeting ndanger at microcenter at 8-8:15 01:03 G0SUB minghua ! 01:03 minghua hello G0SUB === rob looks back in === raphink Raphal Pinson === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:03 kjcole Spec: I haven't checked out your handiwork yet. (I got into IRC and haven't done anything else yet.) 01:03 MarioMeyer heya jerome === kjcole is Kevin Cole === simira is Karianne Grnningster === ompaul is PaulO'Malley wiki === jelkner is Jeff Elkner === MarioMeyer is Mario Meyer === spacey is Herman Bos === allee is Achim Bohnet 01:04 simira is the CC present yet? === rob is Robert Stoffers 01:04 Kamion afternoon folks === highvoltage is Jonathan Carter === dolzzzon is now known as dolson 01:04 sivang simira: that's what I was wondering :) === dolson is Dana Olson === G0SUB is Baishampayan Ghose 01:04 Kamion dunno about elmo, he had a very long day yesterday+the-day-before === Seveas is Dennis Kaarsemaker 01:04 Seveas hi Kamion === ogra is OliverGrawert === Spec is Nicholas Wheeler === sivang is Sivan Greenberg 01:05 flint flint, is flint === jsgotangco is Jerome Gotangco 01:05 jsgotangco hi MarioMeyer ! === manicka [n=manicka@ubuntu/member/manicka] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Kamion attempts to arrange for sabdfl to be pinged 01:05 raphink hehe === phanatic is Szilveszter Farkas 01:05 gora gora is Gora Mohanty, from India 01:06 rob everyone seen the uncyclopedia entry? === imtheface [n=sky@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:06 sivang Kamion: you in the london sprint as well? might be useful to get someone from there to get him to IRC client :) 01:06 simira yes, nice :) === silbs [n=jane@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:06 jsgotangco heya silbs 01:06 Kamion sivang: I was there yesterday, but not today 01:06 simira hi silbs 01:06 silbs hi jsgotangco === jasNIX is Jasbir Khehra, from India 01:06 Seveas rob - please stay on topic during the meeting (ok, didn't start yet but practice makes perfect) 01:06 sivang Kamion: ah, k 01:06 sivang hey silbs :) 01:06 rob Seveas, yeah just waiting 01:08 flint hey boys and girls, it is 07:07 here in the Frozen North, when does this parlay start? 01:08 jsgotangco when we complete a council 01:08 mdke flint, when the council arrives 01:09 Seveas Kamion is doing his best to have them poked === SteveA [n=steve@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === svaksha__ [n=svaksha@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Bonzodog [n=bonzodog@unaffiliated/bonzodog] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jsgotangco reads agenda for starters === chanakya [n=gaurav@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:10 rob done that about an hour ago :) 01:11 simira please repeat 01:11 rob simira, check out 01:11 jsgotangco :P 01:12 highvoltage where's the agenda stored again? 01:12 simira rob: yeye, I know how to read. But I don't see much difference from last meeting... I thought there ought to be other topics as well 01:12 rob highvoltage, that link above === apokryphos [i=[] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:12 Kamion sabdfl will not be here; I'll phone elmo 01:12 Kamion unfortunately it seems a bit implausible that we'll get mako at this time, although I can try 01:12 flint it is no doubt in my mind that the community council is meeting over lunch...:^) 01:13 raphink hehe 01:13 rob flint, not everywhere in the world it is lunch 01:13 Kamion no reply from elmo's phone 01:13 Kamion flint: that would work better if we were all in the same place ... 01:13 Spec rob: yes it is 01:13 Kamion (sabdfl sent apologies, BTW) === simira just had lunch 01:13 flint rob, in fact only at GMT is it lunch... 01:14 rob thats right === svaksha__ [n=svaksha@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["client] 01:14 sivang simira: you also in LOndon? 01:14 ompaul flint, na its too early midday 15? === spacey having lunch :p 01:14 Kamion and of course I can't find mako's phone at the moment because obviously he isn't on the Canonical phone list any more. bugger. 01:14 gora Well, I am having lunch here at GMT+05.30 01:14 simira sivang: no, Oslo. GMT +1 01:14 Kamion Um. This might not work very well. 01:14 imtheface mako missing? 01:14 G0SUB hehe 01:14 imtheface :) 01:14 sivang Kamion: you're the only persistent CC member that's always on :) 01:14 raphink it's lunch time for most europeans 01:15 Kamion imtheface: 7am for him by my calculations 01:15 Spec he's in my timezone 01:15 Kamion although IIRC he was OK with the time 01:15 Kamion mako isn't full-time on Ubuntu any more though, so it's not always feasible for him to turn up 01:15 Kamion why don't we go over matters which don't require a vote, and I'll attempt to fly solo 01:16 jelkner question: will we be discussing the "Member candidates for consideration"? 01:16 Kamion I believe that's just the IRCops thing 01:16 Seveas Kamion, and locoteams 01:16 rob yeah, pretty much 01:16 Kamion jelkner: if we don't have quorum, that's pretty hard 01:16 jelkner ahh 01:16 azeem mako went to bed 6 hours ago, it seems 01:16 jelkner i'll need to leave to teach 01:16 jelkner i wanted to go on record in support of nick wheeler 01:17 Spec thanks, have fun teaching :p 01:17 flint Kamion, you could resolve to vote later, nominate on contingency of a vote. 01:17 Seveas flint, with only one present that's icky 01:17 Seveas s/one/one CC member/ === mdke [n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["lunch"] 01:17 SteveA Kamion: 01:17 Kamion flint: we could do, but we'd be voting later anyway. FWIW all the proposed members look qualified to me 01:18 flint Kamion, flint goes on record to endorse wheeler as a MOTU === segfault [i=carlos@ubuntu/member/segfault] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:18 Kamion Seveas: ah, thanks 01:18 MarioMeyer heya segfault 01:18 jsgotangco this isn't a Technical meeting 01:18 Kamion er 01:18 segfault mariomeyer: morning :) 01:18 Kamion SteveA: ah, thanks 01:19 Kamion tried mako's phone, got voicemail 01:19 ompaul Kamion, the mobile is the shortest route to mako 01:19 Kamion ompaul: that's the one I tried 01:19 ompaul ahh 01:19 Kamion ok, let's go over this IRC ops issue 01:19 Kamion is Robert Stoffers here? 01:19 rob yes 01:19 Seveas rob is him 01:19 Kamion ah, that's you 01:20 Seveas rob is Freenode Staff, ubuntu member and docteam person - 01:20 Kamion what other active Australian ops do we have? IIRC from the last meeting that our coverage there was wea 01:20 Kamion k 01:20 Seveas we have no other active ops in that area 01:20 Seveas bob2 is MIA, ajmitch isn't active in #ubuntu 01:20 Kamion jelkner: thanks, BTW - noted your support 01:21 Kamion daniels is more or less MIA now too 01:21 spacey mia? 01:21 Seveas missing in action 01:21 Kamion well, fooishbar as he is on the ops list 01:21 ompaul thoreauputic when he can get a moment 01:21 jelkner Kamion: great, thank you 01:21 Seveas daniels hasn't been active in there in quite a while === apokryphos nods 01:21 rob as a freenode staffer I can take cloaks directly, sort out problems quickly, get in direct contact by phone with freenode head of staff (Rob Levin) 01:21 azeem jdub? 01:21 apokryphos not that active in #ubuntu 01:22 Seveas rob, hah, I have lilos pager/phone too ;) 01:22 azeem if you allow a side question, is there a mechanism to page ops if needed as in #debian? 01:22 sivang MIA sounds so military :) 01:22 Seveas azeem, !ops in the channel === gnomefreak [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:22 Kamion I see very little reason to object to somebody who's in the position of being *both* network staff and an Ubuntu member :-) 01:22 azeem Seveas: ok 01:22 rob heh, I have his and his other halfs mobiles :) 01:22 Seveas Kamion, ny thoughts exactly === Hobbsee may be able to do some IRC op'ing, and is in australia 01:23 jsgotangco we're very much near a monopoly then 01:23 jsgotangco heh 01:23 Kamion so please go ahead and give rob #ubuntu channel operator privileges 01:23 rob thanks :) 01:23 Seveas I think rob can do that himself ;) 01:23 ompaul hehe 01:23 Hobbsee in #ubuntu as well, that is 01:23 jsgotangco heh 01:23 rob no, needs approval from jdub or someone else who works at ubuntu 01:23 Kamion technical ability and operational permission are different, as any sysadmin will know ... 01:23 Seveas rob, I am channel/group contact - consider this approval 01:23 rob ah, when did that change? 01:24 apokryphos some time ago 01:24 Seveas less than 2 weeks ago 01:24 apokryphos oh :-O 01:24 Kamion rob: I'm Canonical staff and a CC member, so that should do too 01:24 rob sounds good to me 01:24 Seveas group contact a few months ago 01:24 apokryphos ah yes 01:24 Seveas Kamion, I'd like to reject the other suggestion (ubuntu/member/* as op) 01:24 rob never mind anyway, I'm thinking of a cloak (you can just add me to your access list Seveas) === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:24 ogra Seveas++ 01:24 Kamion Seveas: I have to agree with you on that, as I mentioned on the wiki 01:24 Kamion is jpatrick here? 01:25 jsgotangco whitelist doesn't work always 01:25 MarioMeyer Seveas++ 01:25 Seveas -ChanServ- [rob] has been added to the access list for #ubuntu with level [10] 01:25 rob thanks Seveas 01:25 Kamion obviously any member can be considered as an op, but I don't want the two concepts to be identical 01:25 apokryphos Kamion: doesn't seem to be on IRC atm === gnomefreak [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 01:25 rob I think it would be a very bad idea to allow every member ops in #ubuntu 01:25 Kamion well, the note is on the wiki for him 01:25 Kamion locoteams 01:25 Kamion smurf: here? 01:25 Seveas Kamion, by that reasoning all ubuntu members should be forum administrators too 01:26 rob just make them show up here at a meeting, and get the nod 01:26 MarioMeyer if all members were ops we could have a LOT of people applying for membership only to get ops. 01:26 Seveas MarioMeyer, true that 01:26 rob thats true too 01:26 Kamion Seveas: exactly 01:26 apokryphos some do with that in mind, anyway. 01:26 rob and a lot of people are just not suitable for it anyway 01:26 azeem since when is being ops fun, anyway? 01:26 rob its not :) 01:26 Seveas ok, I consider it rejected - I'll ask jpatrick for his side of the reasoning and maybe put it back on the agenda 01:26 Spec for the record, i don't want to be an op on irc :p 01:27 Kamion thanks 01:27 spacey i surely don't want to be an irc op :p 01:27 Seveas locoteams 01:27 Seveas G0SUB, indianteam 01:27 rob ok, I'm off to bed, bye 01:27 highvoltage poeple who have accounts want to be ops, usually. 01:27 G0SUB Seveas yes 01:27 apokryphos azeem: it's a common thing; if you're in a community for some time, it's not so farfetch'd to see ops as an elite participant in the community. Some people like the concept of more power. ;-) 01:27 smurf Kamion: somewhat 01:27 G0SUB Can I paste an introduction? 01:28 flint apokryphos, some people want to eat the sausage, and not know how it is made... 01:28 Seveas G0SUB, please do (about the inian team - not yourself) 01:28 G0SUB yes ... 01:28 G0SUB Hello, we are here to apply for `official status' for the Indian LoCo 01:28 G0SUB Team. We have done quite a lot of work for both Debian & Ubuntu in the 01:28 G0SUB past and have worked on issues related to Indic Computing. Our members 01:28 G0SUB continue to contribute to the two projects in terms of localisation and 01:28 G0SUB development. Most of us have worked for Debian as a part of the 01:28 G0SUB Debian-IN Team. For example, soumyadip here is the maintainer of 01:28 G0SUB ttf-indic-fonts & numerous Indic aspell dictionaries for both Debian & 01:28 G0SUB Ubuntu. gora has done a great amount of Oriya translations 01:28 G0SUB (, I am the maintainer of the 01:28 G0SUB Debian Graphical Installer Bengali Translations and a member of Ubuntu 01:28 G0SUB Bengali Translations Team ( svaksha 01:28 G0SUB co-wrote the Sanskrit (sa) Locale with Christian Perrier, and there are 01:28 G0SUB a lot of other members who have contributed a lot in terms of l10n and 01:28 G0SUB bug reports, and not to mention advocacy and distributing CDs. So here 01:28 G0SUB I would request the CC team to grant the Indian LoCo Team official 01:28 G0SUB status and let us continue our work as the LoCo Team for India. 01:28 G0SUB ... 01:29 Kamion whoa, big intro 01:29 Seveas good intro 01:29 G0SUB hehe 01:29 G0SUB a big country :) 01:29 Seveas How many members does your team have? 01:29 Kamion how's Ubuntu been received in India? 01:29 G0SUB Kamion Ubuntu is almost #1 in India 01:29 Kamion I know that the installer's been weak on many Indian languages due to console limitation 01:29 jsgotangco ive seen pics of sabdfl swamped by locals during his tour in india 01:29 Kamion s 01:29 G0SUB Seveas we have 15+ people if you consider translators 01:29 gora Seveas: 23 signed up at last count: 01:29 Kamion hopefully that will change with the live CD installer (and I hope we can get testing and translations from you guys) 01:30 G0SUB of all languages 01:30 Seveas G0SUB, not bad! 01:30 Kamion G0SUB: almost #1> whom do we still need to beat? :) 01:30 G0SUB hehe 01:30 Seveas I really like that the team is active in both Debian and Ubuntu 01:30 gora Kamion: Le chapeau rouge 01:30 Kamion ah, predictable 01:30 G0SUB Seveas we have Debian-IN project specifically for this ... 01:31 Spec (Where can I find a list of existing LoCos?) 01:31 gora Not to mention that most of us also work for IndLinux ( language teams, though this is not an official IndLinux project at the moment. 01:31 Kamion Is there anything you guys need help with? 01:32 Seveas Spec, LocoTeamList on the wiki 01:32 G0SUB Kamion we need infrastructure like a website, mailing lists,, etc. 01:32 G0SUB Kamion I have mailed Henrik Omma about that already 01:32 Kamion as I understand it smurf generally can/does deal with a fair bit of that 01:32 G0SUB yes, smurf too 01:33 Kamion although he does a sufficiently good job that I have remained blissfully unaware of the details :-) 01:33 Kamion if there's a delay on mailing list creation, contact jdub 01:33 Seveas mailing lists jdub, smurf 01:33 G0SUB Kamion and there are a few things, like a few apps with Indic specific patches ... we would like to have them in Ubuntu 01:33 Seveas website: your own responsibility afaik -- does Ubuntu/Canonical offer hosting? 01:33 G0SUB Seveas they do 01:34 Kamion G0SUB: perhaps you could put together a hit-list somewhere and post a URL to that list to #ubuntu-devel 01:34 Kamion Seveas: linode 01:34 G0SUB Kamion yes, we are already working on putting together a list 01:34 Kamion (iirc) 01:34 MarioMeyer Kamion, serverponto also 01:34 G0SUB it's Linode and is provided by Henrik Omma according to the wiki 01:35 Kamion ok, I see no problem with granting the Indian team official status, if smurf is happy with how things are going 01:35 G0SUB :) 01:35 jsgotangco the linodes are not available anymore 01:35 G0SUB oh 01:35 jsgotangco what we have are server prontos 01:35 Kamion smurf: if you can deal with that out of band, that'd be great 01:35 Kamion next up is the Chinese team 01:35 freeflying Kamion: locoteam stuff past? 01:36 jsgotangco we can work it out later 01:36 gora Cool, thanks. 01:36 freeflying Kamion: hi 01:36 G0SUB jsgotangco great! 01:36 G0SUB Kamion thanks! 01:36 Kamion freeflying: would you like to give an introduction with what you guys have been doing? 01:36 Kamion and anything you need help on === svaksha [n=svaksha@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:36 freeflying Kamion: will we ChineseTeam be confirmed 01:36 freeflying Kamion: about ubuntu-cn locoteam 01:37 Kamion yes, I know what your request is. :-) 01:37 Kamion are there other Chinese team folks here as well? 01:37 freeflying Kamion: no 01:37 Kamion unfortunately I cannot read the web site to try to get an idea of activity, organisation, how well the Chinese team is getting along internally, etc. 01:38 jsgotangco is there a -cn channel in freenode? 01:38 freeflying jsgotangco: #ubuntu-cn === raphink thought chinese was zh :s 01:38 jsgotangco ahhh 01:38 Kamion raphink: language => zh, country => CN 01:38 freeflying 01:38 raphink Kamion: thanks 01:39 freeflying our website : 01:39 freeflying 01:39 freeflying 01:40 freeflying Kamion: so , how about all these for being confirmed ? 01:40 Kamion ok, unfortunately I cannot really get any useful information from those without speaking Chinese 01:41 Kamion I need somebody to be able to talk with me about your team's activity levels, what you've been doing, and how Ubuntu is getting along in China 01:41 freeflying Kamion: Riddell can 01:41 Kamion Riddell isn't a member of the Chinese team, surely? 01:41 raphink hehe 01:41 jsgotangco hehe 01:41 freeflying Kamion: but he know we have done for ubuntu 01:42 jsgotangco but Riddell has been very helpful on the chinese team 01:42 jsgotangco especially that cd 01:42 Kamion I think I need to have a few more folks from the Chinese team here 01:42 silbs Kamion: if I may, from an email I have a list of some things the Chinese team have done 01:42 silbs I'm going to paste, if that's okay 01:42 Kamion silbs: sure, I'm just uncomfortable with a single guy showing up :-) 01:42 silbs 1. Resolved OOo2 crash while input chinese. 01:42 silbs 2. Submit skim and scim input method into Kubuntu and Ubuntu repo.And resolved the compatibility between them. 01:42 silbs 3. Merge some GPL CJK fonts into a "Free CJKunion" font.Covert some chinese TTF into vector fonts. 01:42 silbs 4. Added a new BugReport system on forum. 01:42 silbs 5. Actived two mailling list : and 01:42 silbs 6. Released a better fontsconfig for chinese users.It resolved bold and italic fonts show in chinese. 01:43 silbs and I believe they are planning to have a dapper release party === imtheface [n=sky@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:43 Kamion freeflying: have you made any progress on resolving differences within the Chinese team on such things as SCIM support details? 01:43 ogra freeflying, whee, you are silbs-monitored .... :) 01:43 silbs there are, Ibelieve, about 6 active members in the team 01:43 silbs and interest is growing 01:43 jsgotangco freeflying, do you know EricNeon? 01:44 freeflying jsgotangco: ya 01:44 jsgotangco hmm he's not around at the moment though === EricOSfire [n=ericneon@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:44 Kamion is there a bug report for that improved fontconfig? 01:44 freeflying Kamion: actrually , now is the dinner time for we here now , so guys can not access irc 01:44 EricOSfire hello ~ 01:44 silbs Kamion: I'm not sure what LoCo team decision criteria are, so don't know if this is enough. But I do think these guys represent the most active community presence we have in China 01:44 Kamion freeflying: ok, I realise timings aren't always ideal 01:44 jsgotangco oh there he is === Kinnison [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === EricOSfire is now known as EricNeon|CNteam 01:45 freeflying EricNeon|CNteam: Kamion wanna know something f our team 01:45 EricNeon|CNteam good 01:45 freeflying EricNeon|CNteam: so plz , say something 01:46 EricNeon|CNteam Kamion , nice to meet you ! 01:46 Kamion likewise 01:46 Kamion 12:36 < Kamion> freeflying: would you like to give an introduction with what you guys have been doing? 01:46 Kamion 12:36 < Kamion> and anything you need help on 01:46 Kamion silbs has given me some comments about what you've been doing already === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:46 Kamion how is Ubuntu getting along in China? === Yagisan [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:47 EricNeon|CNteam ng~ === licio [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:47 jsgotangco its a big place :) 01:47 Spec I have to go, I'll try to make it to the next meeting. Gotta go promote Ubuntu at FOSE. 01:47 Spec Hopefully there are more CCs next time :) 01:48 Seveas bye spec 01:48 freeflying Kamion: we are struggeleing advocateing ubuntu in china now 01:48 flint Spec, I take it that you are in nomination... 01:48 Kamion Spec: sorry about that :-/ 01:48 EricNeon|CNteam Kamion,as you know, ubuntu china team have more then 5000 members 01:48 raphink Spec: drop by on #ubuntu-motu some time if you wish to become a MOTU 01:48 Spec Kamion: no problem, :p 01:48 jsgotangco whoa 01:48 MarioMeyer morning licio 01:48 flint Kamion, what is Wheeler's state at this time. 01:48 Spec sober === chanakya [n=gaurav@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 01:48 Seveas EricNeon|CNteam, 5000 members?!? 01:48 Seveas woah... 01:48 Spec that's quite a few members 01:49 Seveas how many of them are active? === chanakya [n=gaurav@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:49 EricNeon|CNteam Seveas: absolutely! 01:49 jsgotangco in china, everything is big 01:49 licio MarioMeyer, good :-) 01:49 EricNeon|CNteam heh~ 01:49 jsgotangco its beating texas 01:49 jsgotangco heh 01:49 Kamion EricNeon|CNteam: as I didn't know, but thank you :-) 01:49 Kamion flint: we have an agenda 01:49 ompaul Seveas, picture this one in a million in China is one in 1400 01:49 freeflying Kamion: shall i paste what we have done 01:50 flint Kamion, no disrespect, just asked what his status was at exit. 01:50 kjcole I too am off to FOSE. We've got 2500 Ubuntu CD's to hand out. ;-) (FOSE = Federal Office Systems Expo -- US federal government's biggest computer conference) 01:50 Kamion flint: let's take this to /query to avoid disrupting a discussion in progress 01:50 EricNeon|CNteam there are more then 30-50 members of core team 01:51 Spec (don't get me in trouble, flint.) 01:51 flint Spec, I only advocate 100%. 01:51 Seveas EricNeon|CNteam, that's quite nice - now if only you guys could make CJK rock ;) 01:51 Kamion EricNeon|CNteam: that sounds like pretty good progress; how is the team getting along internally? 01:52 jsgotangco they translated the whole site 01:52 jsgotangco whoa 01:52 jsgotangco even the partners page === chanakya [n=gaurav@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 01:52 Kamion we should be able to get most of the scim changes into main fairly soon, which should help for CJK support 01:53 EricNeon|CNteam we builded a power forum on website 01:53 freeflying jsgotangco: wow, not the partners pages 01:53 freeflying Kamion: scim is one of the goal of BetterCJKSupport 01:53 EricNeon|CNteam and the core team members must online ervery day 01:53 Kamion I notice that there's a separate ubuntu-cn archive; are bugs filed for everything in there so that it can all eventually be merged back? 01:54 freeflying jsgotangco: we host a wiki with ubuntu-tw and guy from hk for translate === jsgotangco is reading LinuxWindows page 01:54 raphink jsgotangco: I like the cartoon on it... about what I can understnad ;) 01:55 freeflying Kamion: we also have subteam for ubuntu-cn , such docteam websiteteam tecjnicalteam 01:55 jsgotangco the forum has 6000 members 01:55 jsgotangco with more than 53,000 posts 01:56 G0SUB raphink 01:56 spacey its bigger then ubuntuforums? :P 01:56 jsgotangco it just grew up on it own and became sustainable 01:56 Seveas spacey, no 01:56 spacey ok, just checking :) 01:56 raphink thanks G0SUB 01:56 G0SUB raphink :) === jsgotangco looks at the site stats page 01:57 spacey i will definitely convert my chinese friends to ubuntu now :P 01:57 jsgotangco 16,000 unique visits this march alone 01:57 freeflying spacey: nice 01:58 raphink spacey: same here :) 01:58 Seveas ubuntu-cn gets a big \o/ from me 01:58 EricNeon|CNteam Kamion: we are happy to seen Chinese TW/CN/HK team will merge to one as one year ago,we will resole same problems 01:58 Seveas nice work as far as I can see 01:58 jsgotangco their alexa rankings is increasing === imtheface [n=sky@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mvo [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 01:59 jsgotangco -s 01:59 Kamion EricNeon|CNteam: that's certainly good news 01:59 EricNeon|CNteam so we want build a ubuntu east develper center 02:00 jsgotangco who sponsors your site? 02:00 EricNeon|CNteam china and korea and japan~ 02:00 freeflying jsgotangco: ourself 02:01 Kamion ok, after following up a bunch of links I'm reasonably happy that there's enough activity and organisation to make the Chinese team official (shame it's just me rather than other CC members as well though) 02:01 Kamion can you coordinate with smurf on any general locoteam organisation issues you have? 02:01 Seveas freeflying, congrats! 02:01 Seveas keep up the good work 02:01 EricNeon|CNteam we have not got any sponsor yet 02:01 freeflying Seveas: thx 02:01 spacey looks good indeed:) === chanakya [n=gaurav@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ^Odd^ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:01 Kamion also, is there anything you need from the main Ubuntu organisation? 02:01 raphink great :) === ^Odd^ is now known as cute_bettong 02:02 jsgotangco i think the amout of traffic they generate they need to have a dedicated server 02:02 Kamion other than "all CJK bugs fixed" ;-) 02:02 freeflying Kamion: we need more support like server for ubuntu stuff 02:02 Kamion we don't sponsor hardware for other localisation teams, so I'm not sure that's something that can happen 02:02 Kamion we => Canonical 02:02 smurf Indian+Chinese teams look good to me too -- sorry for not participating, I'm @work 02:02 G0SUB smurf thanks :) 02:03 freeflying Kamion: and the speend to is also a problem for us 02:03 Kamion though obviously that's up to people other than me 02:03 G0SUB smurf I have already mailed you ... 02:03 smurf we have server space for European locos etc. if they need them 02:03 svaksha thanks :) 02:03 EricNeon|CNteam smurf: thank you ! 02:03 Kamion freeflying: I see that there's a DNS alias; is it not working well? 02:04 Kamion smurf: thanks for helping out there 02:04 freeflying smurf: Kamion Our mirror often give errors like md5sun errors, due to the poor network condition 02:04 EricNeon|CNteam Kamion:because of government 02:04 Kamion freeflying: that sounds like something that can be solved technically 02:04 jsgotangco id say its the filtering 02:04 EricNeon|CNteam or another things 02:05 freeflying Kamion: anyway , thx 02:05 Kamion freeflying: could you arrange for the mirror admin to be put in touch with Znarl (Karl Tilbury), who deals with mirror admin at Canonical? 02:05 freeflying Kamion: ok 02:05 Kamion EricNeon|CNteam: the Chinese firewall is famous ;-) 02:05 G0SUB hehe 02:05 spacey Great Firewall 02:05 jsgotangco heh 02:05 freeflying Kamion: wow , you all know this issue 02:05 jsgotangco yeah 02:06 flint EricNeon|CNteam, please feel free to contact me if I can be of any service in regards to networking issues ( 02:06 freeflying jsgotangco: thx a lot 02:06 Kamion it comes up in the tech news every so often, yeah === jsgotangco experienced the great firewall on a recenty trip to beijing 02:06 raphink the only firewall that can be seen from the moon 02:06 EricNeon|CNteam flint:oh , I will ! thx a lot! 02:06 jsgotangco freeflying, EricNeon|CNteam congrats 02:06 flint EricNeon|CNteam, you are most welcome my friend. 02:06 Kamion ok, all sounds good - thanks for showing up, and apologies for the somewhat long discussion 02:07 Kamion with my ftpmaster hat on, I'll have a look over the pending scim promotions to main 02:07 jsgotangco cheers 02:07 freeflying Kamion: thx ,and waiting for good news from you 02:07 Seveas Kamion, maybe you could try and poke mako/elmo again now that we arrived at member candidates? 02:08 Kamion sure, worth a try, bear with me a moment 02:08 freeflying smurf: hi 02:08 Kamion got elmo on the phone, he'll be here shortly 02:09 Seveas cool 02:09 G0SUB awesome 02:09 spacey yay:) 02:09 freeflying smurf: may we have the domainname 02:09 EricNeon|CNteam :-) 02:09 MarioMeyer freeflying, that you may ask to Riddell 02:09 Kamion aha, and got mako too 02:09 Kamion we will have quorum shortly 02:09 jsgotangco coooll 02:09 G0SUB great! === Seveas hugs Kamion 02:09 ompaul kewl 02:10 freeflying MarioMeyer: really ? 02:10 jsgotangco this will be a long meeting 02:10 jsgotangco heh 02:10 Seveas jsgotangco, that sometimes happens 02:10 jsgotangco yeah 02:10 Kamion in the break before they get here, Hobbsee asked if she could be considered as an #ubuntu operator 02:10 spacey good thing i make my own schedule 02:10 MarioMeyer yup.. we got a month ago or so.. 02:10 Kamion Does anyone have an opinion? 02:10 freeflying MarioMeyer: then ask ogra for ? 02:10 ompaul +1 02:10 smurf freeflying: I can give you the data for the regsitration, but I'm not going to register 100+ kubuntu domains in addition to the ubuntu-XX:org ones === _mindspin [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:10 Seveas -0 02:10 MarioMeyer freeflying, prolly 02:10 Seveas don't know her too well but no objection 02:11 ompaul Seveas, what I have seen impresses me 02:11 Hobbsee to give some background, i'm already an op in #kubuntu, #ubuntu+1, and #kubuntu-offtopic, and i'm also in australia. 02:11 Kamion hi elmo 02:11 Seveas ompaul, that's good enough for me 02:11 Hobbsee i'm also usually connected to #ubuntu as well :) 02:11 Seveas I never visit the #kubuntu channels 02:11 Hobbsee hehe === mako [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:11 Seveas Hobbsee, what's your timezone? === raphink would like to be op on #kubuntu, too :) 02:11 ogra mako ! 02:11 mako greetings 02:11 Kamion I have no objection to Hobbsee as an op. With rob as well, how does this leave our timezone coverage? 02:11 ompaul mako, morning 02:11 EricNeon|CNteam hi mako~ 02:11 jsgotangco mako! 02:11 flint hey mako. 02:11 spacey hi 02:12 Kamion QUORATE 02:12 Seveas raphink, poke riddell, the CC handles only #ubuntu 02:12 Hobbsee Seveas: ah...AEST - it's 12am wed here now 02:12 mako apolgoies for being late 02:12 raphink Seveas: ok 02:12 Seveas Hobbsee, ok, +1 from me for location 02:12 Kamion elmo, mako: have gone through the IRC op request on the agenda, dealing with a secondary request from that now; have also checked over and approved Indian and Chinese locoteams 02:13 elmo Kamion: cool, thanks 02:13 EricNeon|CNteam wow, all of idol are all coming~ 02:13 Kamion mako: I know it's early for you === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:13 raphink ah hi mako:) 02:13 Seveas Kamion, timezone coverage improves a lot === Guest135 [i=easthero@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:13 juliux hi all 02:13 Seveas basically they're the 'missing link' === _mindspin [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:13 Kamion Seveas: is Asia covered? 02:13 G0SUB Kamion not yet in my opinion ... 02:13 jsgotangco yep 02:14 G0SUB India I mean 02:14 Seveas if we add Hobbsee too: yes 02:14 Seveas G0SUB, timezone coverage, not country coverage 02:14 G0SUB hmm 02:14 jsgotangco australia != asia 02:14 Kamion G0SUB: well, I mean are there operators around when Indians tend to be online 02:14 freeflying Kamion: as for asia , I can 02:14 jsgotangco unless someone is from perth here 02:15 EricNeon|CNteam Kamion:yes we can! 02:15 Kamion ok, so please add Hobbsee as an op, and we'll see how timezone coverage works out 02:15 jsgotangco we can vouch for the +7,+8+9 timezones 02:15 Kamion if there's still a problem for Asian folks, we can add somebody from an appropriate timezone 02:15 Seveas -ChanServ- [Hobbsee] has been added to the access list for #ubuntu with level [10] 02:16 Hobbsee excellent :D 02:16 Kamion let's move on to member candidates 02:16 Seveas allee, you there? 02:16 Hobbsee yep, that works 02:16 freeflying Kamion: we are UTC +8 02:16 allee Seveas: yes 02:16 mako actually === ogra_ibook [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:16 mako Kamion: before we do 02:16 mako there's one thing i wanted to bring up 02:16 Kamion sure 02:17 mako we can phrase this as a general question 02:18 mako but i've been approached by people who are wondering if contributions to launchpad count as contributions to the ubuntu community 02:18 mako in the course of work for canonical or not 02:18 mako cleary, contributions to support of ubuntu users and ubuntu conferences counts 02:18 mako but does launchpad development count towards membership 02:19 Kamion the only time it's come up really to date has been when Daniel Silverstone was up for membership 02:19 mako we don't need to answer this right now unless y'all have strong feelings === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:19 Kamion but in his case we were also familiar with his work on Debian 02:19 Seveas Work on Debian generally is seen as a contribution to Ubuntu - I think it's no more than reasonable to follow the same reasoning for work on launchpad as launchpad is a direct support of Ubuntu === mako nods to Kamion 02:19 mako Seveas: well, they are a little different 02:19 jsgotangco but lp isnt ubuntu-centric 02:19 Seveas jsgotangco, neither is Debian ;) 02:19 G0SUB heh :) 02:20 ogra jsgotangco, its our core infrastructure 02:20 mako because work on debian also leads to a strong confidence in someone's ability to the do the same tasks, truthworthiness, etc 02:20 mako which lp does too to a degree 02:20 mako in any case, we don't need to answer this now 02:20 mako unless people have very strong feelngs either way 02:20 Kamion I think I'd like to abstain from that question :-) 02:20 Seveas let's think about it and come back to it next time, I'll put it on the agenda 02:20 mako it would be good to know that now 02:21 jsgotangco good point to ponder though 02:21 flint debian, ubuntu and launchpad are "hacks" of each other... this is about hacking eh 02:21 mako Seveas: that's fine.. but then we'll make it our homework 02:21 Seveas mako, voluntary homework 02:21 mako well, we should think about it 02:21 Seveas I for one need more time to think about it - couldn't give a complete answer right now 02:22 mako i understand 02:22 mako i'm bringing it up because i'm of multiple minds 02:22 Seveas mako, they have medication to cure that === mako looks crazy at Seveas 02:22 mako alright 02:22 Seveas anyway, shall we move on to membership candidates? 02:23 mako that sounds fine 02:23 Seveas ok, allee, please give us the 3-liner 02:23 allee I'm a sysadmin running Kubuntu on Laptops and Desktops since Hoary. With dapper, server and cluster will follow. For the curious, a bit of background can be found at [WWW] 02:23 allee I'm a member of the [WWW] Kubuntu Team. Helping others in creating/maintain packages, maintaining packages myself or helping whereever I can help 02:23 allee Future Plans: Working more on enhancement and integration of pkgs. e.g. media support, usability, and consistency. Easier setup of networks, in general, everything that helps using Kubuntu on laptop easier. At least keeping an eye on MOTU/Teams/Science, getting involved if time permits. 02:23 allee done 02:24 raphink allee is a great help on Kubuntu 02:24 Seveas one \o/ from me for routing the packages via Debian 02:24 Tonio_ and or sure one of the most helpfull personn for MOTUs 02:24 raphink :) 02:25 Tonio_ he did so much to help me when Ihad problems === infyquest [n=infyques@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:25 allee Seveas: and with an quick sponsor it even much fun :) === Hobbsee agrees with raphink, allee's definetly a great help in regards to kubuntu 02:25 raphink allee: hehe lucky you :) === darkmatter [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:26 freeflying wow allee is not a member ? he should be 02:26 Seveas freeflying, if the CC agrees with you he'll be a member in a few minutes 02:26 Tonio_ freeflying: incredible, but he still isn't === allee blushes 02:27 Seveas ompaul, f1x0r your wikipage quick - it has a big edit conflict 02:27 ompaul k 02:27 freeflying Seveas: he really shuld be 02:27 Seveas freeflying, I agree, but Kamion, mako and elmo decide 02:28 raphink :) 02:28 Kamion I'm fine with Achim 02:28 Seveas (on a side note: I like that he takes the correct route to membership: first make sure you contributr an awful lot so the CC does not have to think too long) 02:28 Kamion work looks pretty good to me 02:28 ompaul Seveas: done === mako nods.. looks good 02:28 elmo ack 02:29 Seveas cool! allee welcome on board! 02:29 G0SUB allee congrats! 02:29 raphink yeah :) 02:29 phanatic congrats allee 02:29 EricNeon|CNteam yeah 02:29 raphink welcome allee 02:29 freeflying allee: congrates 02:29 allee Thx all! 02:29 EricNeon|CNteam welcome 02:29 Seveas let's move on quickly as time keeps ticking - dolson there? 02:29 Tonio_ congrats allee 02:29 ogra congratsd allee 02:29 dolson Seveas: hi 02:29 ogra dolson, !! 02:29 Seveas dolson, your 3-liner please 02:29 MarioMeyer congrats allee === ogra cheers for the audio freak 02:29 dolson First, sorry this is long. I'm long-winded, and this is only 15% of what I had originally. 02:29 dolson I'm a musician, and that drives 95% or more of my contributions. So far, I had only used Audacity to record, but wanted to expand to use JACK, and looked into Ardour. I discovered something appauling on their website: "Warning: [...] Ubuntu and Debian distributions are not recommended [...] they tend to cause many problems [...] for users aimed at using applications like ardour." 02:29 dolson My long-term goal is to rectify this, and help make Ubuntu a recommended audio distro. My short-term goal is to work toward my long-term goal, a package at a time. My wiki ( will fill any gaps with HOW-TOs in the meantime. Dapper has improved in performance, configuration, and has some new apps. A step up from Breezy, and I'm excited for the future. 02:29 Seveas (and please keep that ferret away from me :p) 02:29 dolson This came out of an email I sent Mark, requesting Ubuntu support musicians. He heard me and put me in touch with some of his team. They gave me info that I ignored until one day, early February. I decided to try packaging. I read the info Daniel sent, and got started. I packaged some new apps and a few patches from Malone. Thanks to the MOTU team, most of these are in Dapper. It can be frustrating dealing with a newbie like me, but === gnomefreak [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:30 dolson they have been only helpful and understanding. 02:30 dolson To sum up, I have to say: this is my distro. There are many like it, but this one is mine. 02:30 raphink dolson has been uploading a whole lot of packages for the ubuntustudio project on REVU lately 02:30 raphink and fixing them fast when required 02:30 ogra yeah 02:31 siretart I've reviewed some of them. I'm happy with dolsons work so far! 02:31 raphink he's been active in the MOTU 02:31 jsgotangco i'm more convinced with his pics than his contributions 02:31 jsgotangco :) 02:31 jsgotangco joke === ogra is regulary looking on the ubuntustudio page for edubuntu candidates for audio editing :) 02:31 Seveas Audio on Ubuntu/linu in general needs to go some big leaps ahead - if dolson can help with that it'd be great 02:31 ogra yeah, the picture is *very* convincing 02:31 Seveas Feb 10. however is only a month ago 02:32 dolson that's when I started packaging, yes 02:32 jsgotangco as well as the affair with warez 02:32 Kamion I've done a huge pile of NEW processing on stuff that dolson's uploaded, and it all looks good to me 02:32 dolson I've been on the forums for over a year, IIRC 02:32 ogra Seveas, ubuntustudio is older and there were discussions on the mailing lists log ago about it already 02:32 Kamion I'm happy with dolson for membership despite the relatively short timescale === ogra remembers dolson 02:32 jsgotangco yeah 02:32 Seveas ok, 1 down 02:33 dolson It was suggested that I become a MOTU, so this is the first step towards that 02:33 jsgotangco dolson, do you own 02:33 dolson jsgotangco: I do 02:33 jsgotangco that figures 02:33 dolson about 98% of the work on it I did === jsgotangco loved the site 02:33 mako the work looks great but 1mon seems a bit short 02:34 ogra its way longer than a month 02:34 jsgotangco im pretty much familiar with the nick too 02:34 Seveas ogra, but that's not documented on his wikipage 02:34 ogra (that he is involved inn ubuntu) 02:34 raphink mako: well it's one month packaging for MOTU, but the work was longer 02:34 siretart his work as packager is one month. his work as ubuntu contributor is longer 02:34 jsgotangco well 02:34 mako ah, ok 02:34 mako sure then 02:34 dolson I've also promoted Ubuntu on a case-by-case basis, and converted at least one person, if that counts for anything 02:34 ogra Seveas, dig the ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-users archive ;) 02:35 Seveas ogra, I take your word for it 02:35 elmo ack from me too 02:35 mako that sounds fine 02:35 mako i'm happy with membership 02:35 raphink dolson: wow! converted one person! ;) 02:35 raphink hehe 02:35 Seveas ok, 3 down, welcome aboard dolson! 02:35 raphink dolson: I think ubuntustudio counts more ;) 02:35 G0SUB dolson welcome!! 02:35 raphink welcome dana 02:35 phanatic congrats dolson 02:35 Seveas phanatic, poke 02:35 mako yeah, the other work are still significant contributions 02:35 dolson thanks guys 02:36 Tonio_ congrats dolson 02:36 phanatic Seveas: my intro comes then... 02:36 ogra yay dolson 02:36 Seveas (I may have to leave without notice RSN - will be back in less than 5 minutes after that) 02:36 freeflying dolson: congrates 02:36 dolson :) 02:36 phanatic I'm a university student from Budapest, Hungary. I administer an Ubuntu server at the university in my hometown. I installed my first Linux back in 99-00. After trying several distros I chose Debian, but since Hoary I use Ubuntu. 02:36 phanatic My contribution to Ubuntu involves: organizing the Hungarian Community (launched the site, localization), spreading the word in the country (I presented Ubuntu in the TV and radio as well), doing some packaging for MOTU (currently maintainer of 4 pkgs). 02:36 phanatic In the future I'd like to join the MOTU team to help their work, and I'd also like to continue my local community activity to spread free softwares, and Ubuntu of course :) 02:36 elmo dolson: have you been in touch with anyone yet about trademarks? 02:36 phanatic See my wiki page for more details on my work: 02:36 dolson elmo: no === siretart has to leave now as well, sry 02:37 Kamion hooray, a perl hacker 02:37 jsgotangco TV and radio! 02:37 ogra Kamion, this might change 02:37 phanatic siretart: i'm sorry to hear that :( 02:37 raphink phanatic has been quite active in MOTU aswell 02:37 elmo dolson: you probably should at some stage; I can't imagine it'll be a problem 02:37 ogra Kamion, i was one as well before i met you guys 02:37 siretart phanatic has been active in #ubuntu-motu, learning and helping other motu hopefuls 02:37 siretart I'm happy with his work so far 02:37 phanatic Kamion: :) 02:37 ogra siretart++ 02:37 raphink some of phantic's packages are in universe already and he's been helping with bugs too 02:38 Kamion how's the Hungarian team coming along? 02:38 dolson elmo: who should I contact? I assume it's because I used "ubuntu" in my domain/site name? you can /msg if you wish 02:38 phanatic Kamion: there are only a few active members (about 5-6), who contribute to docs, but a lot more are active on our forums (about 100) 02:39 phanatic ubuntu has the 2. biggest community in hungary (after debian) 02:39 phanatic but the debian people are getting converted to ubuntu :) === cute_bettong is now known as Sudo_chaN 02:42 Kamion well, I'm happy, seems to be a fair history of significant contributions 02:42 raphink :) 02:42 Kamion again I've seen some of phanatic's packages in NEW and not had huge problems with them === mako finishes looking 02:43 mako the contributions looks significant and over a decent period of time 02:43 mako i'm happy with membership === Seveas back 02:43 elmo me too 02:44 ogra applause 02:44 G0SUB phanatic congrats! 02:44 jsgotangco \o/ 02:44 phanatic thanks for you guys :) 02:44 mako you did the work 02:44 raphink congratulations phanatic! welcome aboard :) 02:44 mako :) 02:44 Seveas spacey, poke 02:44 freeflying phanatic: congrates 02:44 ogra spacey, !! 02:44 spacey hi 02:44 spacey unfortunately my gedit just crashed with my 3 lines :P 02:44 spacey anyway 02:44 spacey I'm Herman Bos 02:44 G0SUB spacey file a bug 02:45 Tonio_ welcome phanatic, congrats ;) ^^ 02:45 spacey my wiki page is at === doko_ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:45 spacey My activities are quite widespread although most of my activity is with edubuntu 02:45 spacey also part of the ubuntu dutch team 02:45 spacey working on a project to convert a school to edubuntu 02:45 spacey around 50 clients 02:45 ogra yeah, spacey is one of the most active members of edubuntu 02:46 jsgotangco ++ 02:46 spacey i have some pending work 02:46 Seveas spacey is one of the earliest members of ubuntu-nl 02:46 ogra he helps in a lot of areas 02:46 Seveas oct/nov 2004 iirc 02:46 flint yes spacey is most active... 02:46 spacey with getting end user edubuntu feedback to edubuntu 02:46 ogra he also attended all the edubuntu related BOFs at UBZ :) 02:47 spacey I just love Edubuntu/Ubuntu, its just my style:) 02:47 spacey future is more schools to edubuntu 02:47 spacey :) 02:47 spacey more documentation 02:47 ogra yay! 02:47 ogra JaneW might probably also speak up :) 02:48 Kamion allee: please apply to join the ubuntumembers team in launchpad ( 02:48 spacey :) 02:50 mako i like the ubuntu blog 02:50 Seveas mako, he's on planet Ubuntu-nl === Kamion reads ContentInternetFiltering/Willow 02:51 Kamion "Personally I couldnt find any porn website which slipped through the filter." 02:51 spacey for the rest :) 02:51 Kamion spacey: sometimes jobs just really suck, eh? :-) 02:51 ogra hehe 02:51 spacey Kamion: hehe :) 02:51 mako is that a challenge? 02:51 Kamion anyway, I'm fine with spacey for membership, seem to be good Edubuntu contributions there === mako nods to kamion 02:51 Kamion and I think I remember meeting you at UBZ too 02:51 ogra lots of :) 02:52 Kamion (though there were a *lot* of people there ...) 02:52 Seveas 2 down, one to go 02:52 mako speaking of one to go.. i have about 15 minutes 02:52 spacey 02:52 flint Kamion, regarding Nick Wheeler (Spec), I can speak for him in nomination. 02:53 Seveas flint, we usually don't do that 02:53 Seveas he can just apply next time 02:53 flint Seveas, just offering. 02:53 flint Seveas, then I have to get up early on Tuesday and Wednesday and screw up my schedule! :^) 02:53 Kamion we do sometimes 02:53 mako flint: not early 02:54 mako flint: late afternoon next time 02:54 mako and we do sometimes 02:54 ogra elmo, opinions about spacey ? 02:54 jsgotangco i give my support for spacey as well 02:54 mako is alwaysa a bit spacey himself these early morning meeings 02:54 spacey :> 02:54 jsgotangco (need to go wife calls for late night dinner) 02:54 spacey mako: you looked spacey at wth as well ;p 02:54 Kamion several of the Edubuntu people I know have been pretty keen on Nicholas 02:54 elmo ack 02:54 G0SUB spacey congrats! 02:55 Seveas spacey, welcome! 02:55 spacey yay :) 02:55 mako spacey: i'd been on the road for 6 weeks :) 02:55 spacey \o/ 02:55 ogra yay spacey !!!! === spacey opens a bottle of wine 02:55 raphink :) 02:55 flint That said, it is Town Meeting day here in Vermont and I need to go and govern. 02:55 flint :^) 02:55 jsgotangco i dunno nicholas but that's just me (as a regular edubuntu lurker) 02:55 flint sksk 02:56 Kamion jsgotangco: not a familiar face? 02:56 Seveas I really prefer to postpone (flint has gone too, mako has to go soon) 02:56 Kamion ok, let's leave Spec to next time 02:56 jsgotangco nope 02:56 Seveas there are two more candidates present === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:56 Kamion Baishampayan Ghose 02:56 Seveas G0SUB, you're up 02:56 G0SUB okay, my few lines 02:56 G0SUB Hello I am Baishampayan Ghose from India. I am an upcoming Debian / 02:56 G0SUB Ubuntu developer. I have two packages in Debian main which will come to 02:56 G0SUB Ubuntu in Dapper+1. I am also a Translator and I am the maintainer of 02:56 G0SUB Debian Graphical Installer Bengali translations. For Ubuntu I have 02:56 G0SUB cleaned up and written patches for MOTU-Reviewers and those were 02:56 G0SUB uploaded by jpatrick. I am a member of the Ubuntu Bengali Translators 02:56 G0SUB team as well as the Indian LoCo Team. I am also a member of the New User 02:57 G0SUB Network. I have done some translations on Rosetta. I have recently 02:57 G0SUB joined the MOTU-Science team for which I intend to do a lot in future. I 02:57 G0SUB have contributed to a couple of wikis, my most major contribution is in 02:57 G0SUB being the co-author of the JhbuildOnUbuntu wiki which is hosted in 02:57 G0SUB I also do a lot of advocacy and I distribute Ubuntu CDs 02:57 G0SUB in all the FOSS events I visit. I am also a board member of the Free 02:57 G0SUB Software Foundation of India. 02:57 Kamion Jordan Mantha says: 02:57 G0SUB 02:57 G0SUB 02:57 jsgotangco lol that's a lot of lines 02:57 G0SUB jsgotangco heh 02:57 Kamion Baishampayan Ghose has been hanging out around #ubuntu-motu for a week or two. He seems very interested in packaging and shows quite a bit of promise in that area. His work with the Indian LoCo team will be useful for Dapper+1. 02:58 Kamion G0SUB: FWIW it's easier on us if you try to pack it into fewer but longer lines 02:58 Kamion anyhow 02:58 G0SUB jpatrick isn't here ... he could have voted for me too ... 02:58 G0SUB Kamion Emacs ... 02:58 Kamion G0SUB: the line I just pasted I did by hand - never blame your tools 02:58 raphink G0SUB: jpatrick couldn't have voted, but he could have testified 02:58 G0SUB raphink I am sorry , that's what I mean 02:59 raphink :) === soumyadip [n=soumyadi@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:00 Kamion G0SUB: only two of the eight bugs you list under "Bugs Fixed" on your wiki page actually have any contributions from you recorded in the bug log 03:00 G0SUB Kamion that's an issue ... actually I gave the patches directly to jpatrick and he uploaded them ... my name's there in the changelog 03:01 Kamion ok, fair enough 03:01 Kamion it is worth being clear about that sort of thing === mako nods 03:01 G0SUB yes 03:01 mako G0SUB: is the indian team active? 03:02 G0SUB mako yes! very much ... we got official approval today 03:02 mako ah.. i missed the first 5-10 minutes of the meeting 03:02 mako my apologies 03:02 Kamion mako: make that an hour and 5-10 minutes 03:02 ogra heh 03:02 dolson haha 03:02 MarioMeyer lol 03:03 G0SUB heh 03:03 Seveas rofl 03:03 mako oh man 03:03 Kamion ok, "a week or two" is a bit short to consider the MOTU work I think, but the translation work has clearly been going on for longer === ^Odd^ [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:03 G0SUB yes 03:03 Seveas but not yet the infinite translator karma of death ;) 03:03 Seveas (solid contribution though) 03:04 Kamion I have this here debian-installer/packages/po/bn.po with G0SUB's name all over it 03:04 G0SUB heh 03:04 ogra sounds like a valuable contribution to me 03:04 Kamion so I'm happy 03:05 mako yes, the translation work looks good 03:05 G0SUB I intend to do a lot of merges when dapper+1 is out ... 03:05 Seveas good plan 03:05 ogra yeah 03:05 Seveas the motu will welcome you 03:05 mako and IIRC, i've been in contact with G0SUB some time before 03:06 G0SUB mako exactly ... good to see you remember 03:06 G0SUB mako the 200 CDs I ordered 03:06 G0SUB and the works === subir [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:07 gora If it matters, G0SUB has been the big push behind the Ubuntu Indian LoCo team. 03:07 Seveas gora, it matters 03:07 Seveas good locoteams are very valuable 03:07 elmo ack 03:08 Seveas ok, almost there, only mako needs to be convinced ;) 03:08 mako i'm convinced 03:08 gora Seveas: Yeah, I meant as in you all don't know me anyways, so does *my* opinion matter :-) 03:08 Seveas well, in that case 03:08 Seveas welcome aboard G0SUB ! 03:08 MarioMeyer congrats G0SUB 03:08 G0SUB thanks a lot guys! you have been awesome ! 03:08 Seveas last one on the agenda: the evil irishman 03:08 gora G0SUB: congrats. 03:08 Seveas ompaul, ping 03:09 licio G0SUB, welcome.. congrats :-) 03:09 Kamion G0SUB: please apply to join the ubuntumembers team in launchpad ( 03:09 G0SUB :) 03:09 ompaul three line === dholbach [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:09 G0SUB Kamion okay 03:09 ompaul this is as short as I can do it, Active on Sounder, IRC, and reading some other mailing lists, contribute in whereever I can. In 2005 I gave away in the region of 600 CDs 300 from Canonical the rest I organised the Lug to get them out there. Events that we did this at were : April 2005 ; a Free Software event on the 18th November which lead to me giving a box to the CS in Trinity College in Dublin and I sup 03:09 ompaul plied that event. ; (get them young :-)) In general targeting people that may move over, also provide support to a few machines in the locality where I live. Generally I just love the stuff. Where do I want Ubuntu, everywhere. 03:10 ompaul ohh and with some guy called seveas set up #ubuntu+1 to move the dapper and future dev based queries out of #ubuntu === ogra remebers ompaul being around since quite some time 03:10 Seveas ompaul, is quite active on irc (#ubuntu, #ubuntu+1, #ubuntu-offtopic at least) and very helpful when it comes to support 03:10 ompaul thanks 03:11 Seveas he's also op in #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1 === soumyadip [n=soumyadi@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] 03:11 Seveas (#ubuntu-offtopic soon if bob2 returns) 03:11 mako i'm happy with ompaul for support and community activity and solid irc contributions 03:11 ompaul thanks === gnomefreak agrees with Seveas ompaul is a valueable member in #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1 03:11 Seveas (and the countless hours of talk also count as good support) === G0SUB has seen ompaul being active since a long time 03:12 mako alright.. i really need to run 03:12 ompaul mako, is that a yes? 03:12 Seveas bye! 03:12 Seveas ompaul, it is 03:12 mako yes, it's a yes 03:12 ompaul cheers 03:12 mako ompaul: i'd like to chat with you about gnubuntu stuff anyway.. i'll msgs you in a few hours 03:12 Bonzodog ompaul: congrats from a fellow ubunyu user in Ireland 03:12 ompaul mako, cool, 03:12 Seveas Bonzodog, 2 more CC members need convincing 03:13 ogra Bonzodog, still missing 2 03:13 Seveas he's not theere yet === ompaul has a long way to go 03:13 mako Seveas: can you send me the full log 03:13 Bonzodog ah.. 03:13 mako ? 03:13 Seveas mako, yes 03:13 mako Seveas: thanks! 03:13 Seveas tonight-ish 03:13 mako apologize for being much later than i thought iw as 03:13 Seveas (I'm actually at work) === dolson is now known as dolzzzon 03:14 mako :) === mako is off === segphault [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === gnomefreak [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === Kamion_ [n=cjwatson@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:14 ogra so we're waiting for Kamion and elmo .... 03:14 ogra ah 03:14 Kamion that school project looks like some fine work 03:14 Seveas that school project is indeed impressive 03:15 Kamion sorry, my router threw a wobbly there 03:15 Bonzodog We could do with an Irish member 03:15 ompaul Kamion_, it was a couple of days - I walked in and the kids had used the net and sitting on the whiteboard was Linux Is Cool 03:15 Bonzodog the ubuntu-ie team is very small === hunger [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === darkmatter [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:15 ompaul well Bonzodog I was there when it started but never saw it take off, talk with me later 03:16 Kamion ompaul: heh, nice 03:16 Kamion Bonzodog: I'm from Belfast, although don't live there any more 03:16 Seveas \o/mpaul === Bonzodog lives in Galway 03:17 Kamion anyway, I'm happy with Paul based on some pretty stonking advocacy work 03:17 Seveas stonking? 03:17 ompaul thanks Kamion 03:17 ompaul Seveas, its +++ 03:17 Kamion did mako or elmo comment while I was out? 03:17 Kamion Seveas: "very good" 03:17 Seveas ah, thnks 03:17 Seveas make acked 03:17 Seveas mako* 03:17 Seveas elmo has not yet commented 03:17 elmo ack 03:17 Seveas ok, he has 03:18 Seveas congratz ompaul ! 03:18 ompaul thanks folks 03:18 Seveas Go Irish, beat orangemen! 03:18 G0SUB ompaul you rock! 03:18 Kamion ompaul: BTW dapper should be better WRT building images without restricted on them and having them actually work 03:18 Bonzodog congrats ompaul.... 03:18 Kamion I tweaked base-installer a bit recently 03:18 G0SUB btw, I support Ted Walther in that we really need to put up a statue of elmo on the grounds of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute! 03:18 ogra yay ompaul 03:18 ompaul Kamion, thanks 03:18 ^Odd^ ~~~~~~~~Congrats ompaul~~~~~~~~~~~ 03:18 ^Odd^ ^_^ 03:18 Kamion and I think we're done 03:18 Seveas Any other business anyone? 03:18 Kamion Any other business? 03:18 ompaul Kamion, I'll have mako beat sense into me :) === Seveas hands mako ubotu's the ultra-lart-o-matic 03:19 Kamion oh, one sec, I have something 03:19 ompaul Seveas, no that would not humane 03:20 Kamion Adam Conrad's on the proposed members list and is already in ubuntu-core-dev; I assume nobody minds if I just add him? 03:20 ogra heh 03:20 Seveas rofl 03:20 ogra will he stop the buildds if you dont ? 03:20 Kamion (or if I apply this policy to ubuntu-core-dev members in general) 03:20 ogra so better do it :) 03:20 Seveas Kamion, I see that as 'backlog' 03:20 Seveas should simply be added 03:20 ogra Kamion++ 03:21 Kamion done 03:21 Seveas there's no doubt about their contributions === segphault [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === chanakya [n=gaurav@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 03:21 Seveas ok, anyone else? 03:21 Seveas going once 03:21 Seveas going twice 03:21 Seveas SOLD! meeting over
MeetingLogs/CC_2006-03-07 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:59 by localhost)