11:33 sabdfl ok, quorate we now be 11:34 sabdfl ok 11:34 sabdfl thanks elmo 11:34 sabdfl i'm afraid i'm going to duck out in about half an hour 11:34 sabdfl so can i ask that we focus on the policy issues first? 11:34 mako alright.. 11:34 mako the ones that need voting in particular 11:34 mako then see how far we can get through the member candidates 11:35 JaneW the Google SoC issue may not be relevant, we have signed up already... === mako nods to JaneW 11:35 mako alright 11:35 ogra and it would rather be a TB thing 11:35 mako lets waste no time 11:35 mako IRC rules 11:35 mako 11:36 Seveas I drafted the IRC rules for the reasons mentioned in the intro of that page 11:36 Seveas they reflect the current policy 11:36 Seveas and it would be nice to get an official 'OK' === jarufe [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:37 Seveas or comments about why that can't happen 11:37 mdke one minor point on that page, I feel that the phrase "Do not recommend outdated and bad information" might be put a little bit too high. It smacks a little bit of elitism to me. 11:37 elmo yeah, the whole page could do with some TLC, phrasing wise 11:37 Seveas mdke, I don't see it that way - it won't help people to give them bad advise 11:37 Seveas elmo: TLC? 11:38 tonyyarusso Maybe more along the lines of "Try to avoid..., and use newer information when available"? 11:38 mdke tender loving care 11:38 sabdfl good job in general, though, and thanks seveas === neutrinomass [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:38 mako right, that paragraph is a bit strange 11:38 sabdfl i'd prefer guidelines to rules 11:38 sabdfl most of them are advisory, in any event 11:38 tonyyarusso They definitely seem solid so far. 11:38 Seveas sabdfl, I use guidelines everywhere in the page, except the name 11:38 mdke Seveas, as I mentioned however in my email, "bad advice" is subjective. One of the examples you give there is in our desktop guide shipped with Dapper, for example 11:38 mako also because it lists a number of very specific documents 11:38 mako which will be incomplete 11:38 sabdfl it's great to have a concrete place to point people when questions come up 11:38 mako and could, with future revisions of said documents, become inaccurate 11:38 Seveas mdke, I call that a bug in the docs, but let's not argue about that here 11:39 Seveas (I mean that specific example) 11:39 sabdfl 11:39 sabdfl do you expect these to be linked from there? === robotgeek [i=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:39 mdke Seveas, as I say, it's subjective. === nalioth [n=nalioth@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:39 Seveas sabdfl, that page is quite empty now 11:40 mako Seveas: that much is clear 11:40 sabdfl 11:40 sabdfl it should be linked from the bottom of that page 11:40 elmo fwiw, they're ok by me (as guidelines, as sabdfl says), but I'd like to go over the wording of the document with seveas later and out of band === Imexius [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:41 sabdfl do you guys think we should adopt these through some broader process (members vote?) or just CC +1? 11:41 topyli maybe cursing and touchy subjects should not be directed from #ubuntu to #ubuntu-offtopic (even with the advice to be considerate there too in parenthesis) 11:41 mako i share mdke's critique and think that the prohibition on "bad" advice is worrisome 11:41 mdke #ubuntu often gets a reputation (probably unjustly) as elitist and it's important that it is _seen_ not to be, as well as in reality. So a page like that needs to be just right 11:41 cbx33 May I ask is there a policy on top-posting, several of the other mailing lists I am a member of insist on not topposting 11:41 Razor-X What if outdated advice is unintentional? 11:41 smurf sabdfl: CC 11:41 sabdfl cbx33: a set of mailing list guidelines would be equally useful, but right now we are focused on Seveas' Irc ones 11:41 Seveas mdke, the only times I heared of #ubuntu being elitist is from you 11:41 mako cbx33: no, that general nettiquitte but this is offtopic now 11:41 mdke Seveas, you don't read the forums much, I guess 11:42 mako Seveas: read the forums 11:42 kjcole What I see there seems general common sense and courtesy, although it would be nice to know that newbies are either cut some slack or required to read guidelines before arriving. 11:42 cbx33 mako, over and out 11:42 mdke the best way to deal with dubious advice, is to politely give alternatives, rather than prohibit things a priori 11:42 ompaul topyli, the first is not the second is to move offside from a support context where it does not belong 11:42 tonyyarusso We do frequently end up with cursing in offtopic b/c people think anything goes there. 11:42 mako lets stay focused on these guidelines please 11:43 sabdfl i agree with mako, elmo, mdke that the "don't give bad advice" item should come out 11:43 mdke calling them "guidelines" would solve a lot, I think 11:43 mako Seveas: i don't think any document of this sort should single out particular technologies or documents 11:43 kjcole (I say that because what is common sense to regulars is not always common sense to newcomers: e.g. away messages.) 11:44 Seveas mako, in the "don't give bad advise" they're not singled out, they're just examples 11:44 mako actually, i don't think the whole item should go out 11:44 smurf is that bad as in just-possibly-wrong, or bad as in intentionally-misleading? 11:44 mako just " * 11:44 mako Do not recommend outdated and bad information such as or bad solutions such as using from libdvdread, running java-installer.bin files directly or using automatix. For all these things there are much safer alternatives available. 11:44 tonyyarusso Softening the wording or title would sit better with me too, I think. Not lots, just carefully in spots like that. 11:44 lucasvo kjcole: you'll learn it after you get kicked once :) 11:44 mako i'd advocate removing that bit only 11:44 mako Seveas: right, i understand that 11:44 mdke smurf, the former, as I understand the page 11:44 sabdfl i don't think this document should get into specifics like automatix 11:44 mako Seveas: but they under-represent and, with time, may also over-represent 11:44 kjcole lucasvo: School of Hard Knocks? Point taken. ;-) 11:44 sabdfl i prefer this as an "addendum and clarification to the code of conduct as applied to IRC conversations" 11:44 mako if nothing else, it makes things fragile 11:44 mdke sabdfl, absolutely not. There is no need for high level documents to rub people up the wrong way ;) 11:45 Razor-X I know I have referred outdated solutions in #ubuntu on accident, then corrected by someone else, so I think there is some danger there. 11:45 lucasvo kjcole: and newbies should read the guidelines 11:45 mako Seveas: in any case, better not to enshire particular documents as bad examples in this way 11:45 sabdfl i like the idea of having a set of these documents, for IRC, mailing lists, the forums, the wiki... best practices for communicating === mako nods 11:45 Seveas to sum it up: soften the wording and be careful with examples 11:45 mako Seveas: well, the rest of it seems great 11:45 sabdfl yes, but in general +1 and thanks! 11:45 mindspin yup 11:45 Seveas I'll do that and get back later 11:46 Seveas let's waste no more time with it 11:46 mako a'ight 11:46 tonyyarusso Seveas: Sounds reasonable to me. 11:46 mdke mako/others, by the way, I wrote up a mailing list equivalent, if you can check it out when you're free, that would be lovely (wiki:Listiquette) 11:46 sabdfl Seveas: if you make placeholders for: IrcGuidelines, ForumGuidelines, MailingListGuidelines... 11:46 tonyyarusso Good job though on that draft. 11:46 smurf I'd change (or amend) that to specifically prohibit intentionally-misleading "advice" === Ju_ [n=Ju@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:46 carthik A general note to register with #freenode, and about PMs received from the bot would be nice (esp. ubotu's PMs) 11:46 kjcole lucasvo: In the chaos that is "wiki" one doesn't always arrive at things in logical order. (I imagine it's easy to find how to get to an IRC channel before one is aware of a guidelines page.) 11:47 kjcole In any case +1 11:47 Seveas mdke, you know my mail address 11:47 tonyyarusso smurf: Second that, rm -rf / should probably be dealt with more strongly. 11:47 mdke Seveas, yes. Why? 11:47 Seveas <mdke> mako/others, by the way, I wrote up a mailing list equivalent, if you can check it out when you're free, that would be lovely (wiki:Listiquette) 11:47 Seveas (missed the url, so ignore me) 11:48 lucasvo kjcole: it is still a draft. if it is final it should be a static html page 11:48 Seveas can we move on? 11:48 sabdfl yes please 11:48 sabdfl whats the cloaking issue? === Ju [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:49 mako sabdfl: do you remember the old cloaking discussions? 11:49 Seveas sabdfl, you specifically said: "only ubunyu/member cloaks" - freenode however requests (not demands) for bots to be recognizable as bots, so ubuntu/bot/* would be nice 11:49 mako this sounds totally reasonable 11:49 mdke sounds like a plan 11:49 mako thumbs up from me 11:49 sabdfl +1 11:49 ompaul +1 11:50 smurf good idea; locobot should get that too 11:50 tonyyarusso Makes sense here. 11:50 mitsuhiko smurf: +1 ^^ 11:50 sabdfl yowser that was easy :-) 11:50 mako elmo: ? 11:50 mdke and fabio's bot too 11:50 Seveas smurf, what's his registered nick? 11:50 sabdfl SOC2k6? 11:50 mako we can skip that 11:50 mako since we are alreasy signed up apparently 11:50 mako according to JaneW 11:50 elmo yeah, that's obviously fine 11:51 smurf Seveas: not yet, actually; I'll register them and ping you 11:51 Seveas smurf, link all nicknames together please 11:51 mako ok the next discussion in regards to proposes discussing it later 11:51 smurf Seveas: sure 11:51 JaneW yep === HedgeMage [i=HedgeMag@freenode/staff/HedgeMage] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:51 mako like at the end of the meeting 11:51 AndreaVeri ok mako 11:51 sabdfl erk... i'd like to comment briefly, and won't be here much longer 11:51 smurf mako: why? 11:51 mako smurf: i don't know why 11:52 highvoltage mdke: i nearly read that as "23:50 < mdke> and fabio's bot too 11:52 smurf sabdfl: +1 11:52 mako smurf: that what it says on the agenda :) 11:52 highvoltage mdke: i mean "and fabio's hot too" :) 11:52 juliux mako, but it is very important 11:52 mako listen, i'm not arguing in favor of this 11:52 mako i'm just reading the agenda 11:52 AndreaVeri mako can we move to things that need vote? 11:52 sabdfl i think the person just didn't want to interrupt the membership discussions, but this is an important thing and we should discuss it now 11:52 mako alright 11:53 sabdfl ok, let me call for comments, one per person, say done when done, pretype them please! 11:53 sabdfl who has something to say on the process and outcome? 11:53 mako i just want to make sure we spend quorate time on stuff that may lead to a vote 11:54 lucasvo am I right that they "sold" their site to a company that sells support? 11:54 Seveas sabdfl, /me 11:54 sabdfl folks, msg me if you want to comment, i'll then call per person, so we get to everyone 11:54 Riddell I'm working with german kubuntu users to get a new website happening, probably closely affiliated to 11:54 sabdfl smurf 11:55 smurf my main problem with the whole mess is that questions to amu as to why he hasn't brought the issue before the CC have been met with ... silence 11:55 sabdfl ok 11:55 smurf plus, no redirects to which is silent on the problem too 11:55 sabdfl tonyyarusso: 11:55 tonyyarusso I think looking into getting domain names would be a good idea. 11:55 sabdfl pregetting them? 11:56 tonyyarusso Yes. To avoid future issues. 11:56 sabdfl mdke: go 11:56 mdke the thing was a mess, but there is nothing that the CC can do about community members who fail to approach the matter through the correct channels. I've been happy that so far I haven't seen that their "ransom" has not received any attention from official channels, it doesn't deserve it. 11:56 mdke more should be done to integrate kubuntu and ubuntu locoteams though 11:56 sabdfl Seveas: go === Hirion [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 11:56 Seveas sabdfl, +1 on mdke's comment about not bringing to the CC 11:56 Seveas nothing else 11:56 sabdfl mitsuhiko: go 11:57 ompaul sabdfl, 11:57 mitsuhiko the main problem was that ubuntu and kubuntu teams don't work together on the german side 11:57 mitsuhiko now the whole is down and users stand and ask what to do now === umarmung [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Imexius [] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] 11:57 sabdfl highvoltage: go 11:57 mitsuhiko it would be good if would integrate kubuntu more 11:57 mitsuhiko !done 11:57 smurf some people seem to think that KDE people will run away screaming when they are 'forced' to support users in a forum where Gnome is also mentioned occasionally :-/ 11:57 highvoltage well, on that issue, I wrote this blog entry: 11:57 rockin_stan mitsuhiko: +1 11:57 mdke i agree with mitsuhiko 11:58 highvoltage i felt that the issue was bordering on extortion, although i won't mention names or specific incidents. 11:58 sabdfl ok, mako, elmo? 11:58 highvoltage done; 11:58 smurf AFAIR tat was cited as one of the main reasons why there is/was/??? a domain in the first place 11:58 mdke sabdfl, another quick comment here === das-q [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === xorAxAx [n=xorAxax@moinmoin/coreteam/alexander] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 11:59 sabdfl go ahead mdke 11:59 mdke recently the italian locoteam (today) has discussed the possibility of integrating edubuntu initiatives into the ubuntu-it community structure, we feel it can be done easily, as with kubuntu. the same locoteam can deal with more than one derivative, with shared resources and/or separate websites. 12:00 mako so i agree with mitsuhiko and mdke for the most part.. 12:00 sabdfl i think that's everyone who /msg'd me 12:00 mako i think there are some interesting unaddressed questions about where loco teams stands in the kubuntu/ubuntu divide 12:00 mako and in terms of actually doing things 12:00 mako some questions i don't know the answers to in regards to the trademark 12:00 Yann2 agree with what has been said until now, too... have been really pleased canonical didn't gave it much attention. 12:00 mako and canonical's role 12:01 sabdfl yes, there's an ambiguity in "ubuntu the overall umbrella project" and "ubuntu the gnome desktop distro that is a peer of kubuntu the kde desktop distro" 12:01 mako and the degree to which canonical will jump if the CC says to jump :) 12:01 ogra edubuntu is happy about every loco portal that includes sopptort for it (as a sidenote, since edubuntu was mentioned a lot in the argument) 12:01 ogra *support 12:01 mdke sabdfl, only one way to solve that one ;) 12:01 smurf mako: the German team's position is that we support both equally, even if our site's look+feel is geared more towards the Gnome side. 12:01 sabdfl gubuntu? 12:01 mdke heh 12:01 mako sabdfl: time to throw away the gnome distribution 12:01 sabdfl :-p 12:01 mako ok everyone 12:01 mdke lol 12:01 mako compromise, ion3 12:01 mitsuhiko rofl 12:02 ompaul -1 12:02 ogra mako, lol 12:02 sabdfl ok, folks, order 12:02 sabdfl it's interesting how this varies from country to country 12:02 mako it's not clear to me WHAT we can do it about 12:02 sabdfl i think germany is special w.r.t. kde 12:02 ompaul sabdfl, may I on the kubuntu issue? 12:02 mako or what the CC is being asked to do 12:02 sabdfl does anyone know what the current status is of Amu and \sh's feelings, or position? 12:02 mako other than try to prevent it in the future 12:02 mako which is most of what i've gotten out of this 12:03 xorAxAx .oO(twm) 12:03 juliux sabdfl, amu has canceld the kubuntu booth at the linuxtag in wiesbaden 12:03 mitsuhiko sabdfl: they arn't rachable currently via jabber or irc 12:03 sabdfl ok 12:03 mitsuhiko \sh is in a bad situation currently 12:03 smurf sabdfl: they're not talking to people who bring the issue before the CC, as far as I know 12:03 mitsuhiko and amu isn't responsable 12:03 Lure \sh was online yesterday in #kubuntu-devel 12:03 mitsuhiko we just know that the booth was canceled 12:03 smurf mitsuhiko: not responding, you mean 12:03 sabdfl well, first mdke is spot on in asking how this blew up into a canonical issue before it became a CC issue 12:03 mitsuhiko smurf: jep :) 12:04 mindspin will kubuntu be presented by the german ubuntu team? 12:04 highvoltage i've seen \sh on -motu and -devel yesterday, he seemed to be involved, although I couldn't say for sure 12:04 Riddell mindspin: I don't know of any developer who's going 12:04 mitsuhiko mindspin: juliux is looking for some guys to present kubuntu there 12:04 juliux mindspin, if we find kubuntuusers they can present kubuntu at the ubuntu community booth at the linuxtag in wiesbaden 12:04 mindspin I#ll mail you 12:04 sabdfl let's deal separately with the linuxtag booth === mako nods to sabdfl 12:05 mdke maybe in another channel 12:05 sabdfl where is the "heart and mind" of the kubuntu german community? 12:05 Razor-X I think we should maybe try for better cooperation between Ubuntu and Kubuntu in general. I think it may benefit the community more if we do more to make it all seem unified with slight differences, if I may be so audacious to say. 12:05 mitsuhiko sabdfl: currently #kubuntu-de === KOnsi [i=konsumer@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 12:05 mitsuhiko they lost their webpage 12:05 Riddell sabdfl: most of #kubuntu-de doesn't agree with the situation 12:06 Razor-X (Done.) 12:06 sabdfl Riddell: by "the situation" you mean that the web page currently redirects to some other place? 12:06 sabdfl Razor-X: thank you, good point 12:06 Riddell sabdfl: I mean the statement that was on there before 12:06 mitsuhiko sabdfl: to a completly unknown webpage full of gnome users ^^ 12:06 mitsuhiko (but the webpage is blue ^^) 12:06 Riddell I also spoke to someone who's name was on there but didn't know what the grivances were about 12:07 SHAKAL lol mitsuhiko 12:07 sabdfl is it specifically amu and \sh that are upset and have taken this action? or is it a wider issue? 12:07 smurf sabdfl: right now there's no place for that discussion to happen, other than an IRC channel and a few non-kubuntu specific forum sites === cbx33 [] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] 12:08 Riddell sabdfl: I think it's amu who's upset, and he's convinced other people 12:08 sabdfl what i saw previously was amu being very upset because we had not been fast enough in responding to sysadmin requests 12:08 rockin_stan sabdfl: i do not think it is a wider issue 12:08 mitsuhiko sabdfl: afair only amu. \sh joined him a few hours later 12:08 mitsuhiko the rest of the subscribers was the forum team 12:08 sabdfl he had a reasonable grievance, but i think the response was out of proportion 12:08 Riddell sabdfl: sysadmin and I think he also e-mailed silbs about some business stuff 12:08 Riddell with no response 12:08 sabdfl i'm not aware of that 12:08 smurf sabdfl: +1 12:09 Lure sabdfl: +1 12:09 sabdfl i'll email both amu and \sh and offer an olive branch 12:09 sabdfl both have done huge amounts for (k)ubuntu 12:09 sabdfl so lets not lose sight of this 12:09 mdke a lot of it sounds like it's about money, getting reimbursed for the website and being paid for developing kubuntu. highvoltage's blog post was the wisest comment I've read on it 12:09 sabdfl yes, well said highvoltage 12:09 smurf sabdfl: one of amu's assertions is that some KDE developers will not go near Gnomeish sites (for user support, among other things) 12:09 Riddell mdke: no, I don't think that's the case at all === hybrid [n=hybrid@unaffiliated/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 12:10 smurf I think what we need to find out is whether that problem is "real" 12:10 highvoltage mdke, sabdfl: thank you. 12:10 mitsuhiko smurf: +100 12:10 mdke Riddell, well, the sysadmin request problem disappeared and the other grievances remained, which seemed to me to be about money. But you will know more === robotgeek [i=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 12:11 mako sabdfl: i think an email from you would be the best way forward 12:11 sabdfl alright, the main thing i wanted to establish is if we have a broader dissatisfaction in the kubuntu german community, or if it is focused around amu and \sh. it sounds like a specific issue, and i will reach out to try and resolve it 12:11 sabdfl the domain issue is interesting 12:11 sabdfl we do generally ask folks to transfer ubuntu domains to us to avoid something like this 12:11 Riddell amu did complain about a domain squatter, which I've not heard anything else about 12:11 sabdfl they have effectively ripped the carpet out from under their own community 12:11 mitsuhiko sabdfl: those are many 12:11 Riddell I noticed that amu registed 12:11 sabdfl which is not wise 12:12 smurf sabdfl: amu did demand that we remove "kubuntu" from's "official support forum for ..." list 12:12 Seveas smurf, I found those demands ridiculous, I don't get why they want kubuntu to be completely separate 12:12 rockin_stan oh yes, he did :/ 12:12 Riddell smurf: that's a fair request, was the official kubuntu support site until he closed it 12:12 Riddell Seveas: they don't 12:12 sabdfl we should guard against an "ubuntu vs kubuntu" issue, smurf, so lets just be firm in maintaining the position that ubuntu is about the whole project, including kubuntu 12:12 smurf Riddell: official as designated by whom? 12:12 lucasvo I thought kubuntu is property of Canonical? So he shouldn't be the one registering and demanding to remove it from 12:13 smurf sabdfl: exactly 12:13 Seveas Riddell, their mails seemed to say so 12:13 juliux Seveas, hm because amu want to have a link to his onlineshop on the site? === cbx3333 [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 12:13 sabdfl ok, i'm traveling a lot in the next 10 days but will try and get to the bottom of this 12:13 Riddell smurf: 12:13 sabdfl what would you guys see as a satisfactory resolution - the domain pointing back where it was? where is the content that was there? 12:13 Riddell link to now removed 12:14 Riddell sabdfl: it's on amu's server 12:14 Seveas Riddell, why have they never applied to be an official locoteam? 12:14 Riddell sabdfl: it would be nice to have the site back up and with it pointing to and vice versa 12:14 mdke +1 12:14 Riddell I'll be surprised if that can happen, a good amount of trust has been lost === glar00k [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 12:14 sabdfl was a community site with wiki and forums etc? 12:14 sabdfl or just content? === highvoltage would be happy if the official kubuntu support site was hosted on a canonical server, with an ubuntu org owned domain name 12:15 Riddell sabdfl: forums and mailing list 12:15 mitsuhiko sabdfl: a forum since amu couldn't work together with 12:15 juliux sabdfl, there are also mailinglists on 12:15 sabdfl ok 12:16 mindspin most will move to 12:16 tonyyarusso highvoltage: +1 on that. I would help with the image of support from Greater Ubuntu / Canonical. 12:16 juliux sabdfl, and they have the control about #kubuntu-de 12:16 Riddell Seveas: they did, they went through me, that's the process for kubuntu 12:16 Yann2 just to write how it's going in France: we'll have a kubuntu team, which will have rw on the site; they'll be in charge for kubuntu promotion on ubuntufr's website. 12:16 Riddell juliux: ultimately I'm the freenode contact for #kubuntu* namespace 12:16 mdke Riddell, that's not so good. locoteams should be encouraged to deal with kubuntu and ubuntu (and others) together, I feel, if at all possible. 12:17 juliux Riddell, ah ok 12:17 smurf Yann2: that would be our preferred solution too 12:17 sabdfl well, i'm sorry that this has happened, but it seems to be more growing pain than major crisis. let's see if an olive branch helps. their status as anything official "kubuntu"-ish does depend on the CC, so we should be able to work something out 12:17 Riddell mdke: I insist upon it 12:17 Riddell mdke: but amu is a special case since he started kubuntu, I let him do his own thing 12:17 mdke ah, right. 12:17 sabdfl ok folks, i'm out of time. elmo, mako, sorry to duck off but thank you for steering! 12:17 mdke Riddell, so, having a separate channel for "officialdom" is a bad idea in general, but an exception was made for -de? 12:17 mako sabdfl: i have no doubt that we could work something out on our end 12:18 mako alright 12:18 ogra sabdfl, enjoy the rest of your evening 12:18 Riddell mdke: are you talking about IRC? 12:18 mitsuhiko cya sabdfl 12:18 mako lets see what else we can cover 12:18 mdke Riddell, no, LoCo teams in general === olive give an olive branch to the blue sky 12:18 mako we should probably still plan to get together later this week to do member processing :) 12:18 mako more meetings 12:18 mako yay 12:19 mitsuhiko mako: as long it's not on friday :) 12:19 Riddell mdke: meeting is moving on, poke me on #ubuntu-devel if you want to discuss === sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 12:19 mdke Riddell, sure 12:19 mako someone wants to know the official trademark usage guidelines 12:19 mako from canonical 12:19 mako those are actually online 12:19 Yann2 that's me 12:20 mako 12:20 mako now 12:20 Yann2 You want to use the logo in a desktop background. Go right ahead! You can even share your work by listing it on our artwork page 12:20 Yann2 :/ 12:21 mitsuhiko yay. thats a problem 12:21 mitsuhiko since some people make derived work based on the ubuntu logo 12:22 AndreaVeri mako ,membership apprival postponed to? 12:22 AndreaVeri *approval 12:22 smurf ... and some of these derived works (try to) convey political messages we do NOT want to be associated with 12:22 mako there seems to be a specific question about using the ubuntu logo to promote particular political positions 12:22 tonyyarusso Maybe there needs to be something like the US obscenity law for that, "we know it when we see it", for what's not okay in desktop backgrounds, with some pointers but open-ended. 12:22 mako AndreaVeri: a later (undecided) date 12:22 AndreaVeri ok perfect 12:22 mitsuhiko this one: 12:22 ogra smurf, ah, come on it was just a very bery bad april fools joke ... the guy s a big ubuntu fan 12:22 mitsuhiko smurf: exactly 12:23 eyequeue mako, so am i here inappropriately? 12:23 tonyyarusso mako: Some political positions should be fine, but others are considered to be enough of a problem to be illegal in many counries, and that's a bit different. 12:23 mako eyequeue: not inappropriately 12:23 carthik Enforcing legit usage of the logos and trademarks (Ubuntu/Kubuntu etc) could avoid issues of "squatting" and uglification. But I guess it's not easy to enforce trademarks, like many patents. 12:23 mako eyequeue: we just ran out of time with the full voting board 12:23 kjcole Some problems also are a matter of taste/humor: When does one take it as a true political statement (or whatever) or as a bit of fun -- however questionable? 12:23 smurf ogra: which doesn't prevent other people from taking it seriously and asking pointed questions about it 12:23 ogra smurf, true ... 12:24 mako so here's the deal 12:24 Yann2 ogra > are both april jokes? 12:24 mdke Yann2, you might want to write up some of the potential problems you envisage in a bit more detail, and present it to the CC when the ideas are nice and concrete. 12:24 ogra but with a bit of research they would have found that he has just a bad sense of umor 12:24 mako the trademark is designed primarily to keep people from getting confused 12:24 mako what we really really don't want 12:24 mako is for people to take their distribution 12:24 mako that is not ubuntu 12:24 ogra Yann2, nope, i havent seen the fridge one 12:24 mako and to call it ubuntu 12:24 mako and to confuse people into thinking that it's the one that we put together, with support, a coc, etc 12:24 mitsuhiko ogra: i found out that too. but that doesn't solve to problem as such 12:25 Yann2 I meant this : 12:25 smurf ogra: people who are easily offended by that sort of thing are notoriously bad at researching :-/ 12:25 ogra mako, but we want to encourage people like 12:25 mako the point is not to make a situation where canonical is the only person who can talk about ubuntu or use the image 12:25 gnomefreak im all for creativity but i think some of the images that were pointed to on the agenda wiki should have been kept off public display it makes ubuntu look bad to people that didnt know it was a "joke" 12:25 ogra smurf, true as well 12:25 mako what we don't want is for someone to put up a website === topyli [] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["I] 12:25 mako maybe selling a service or support 12:25 tonyyarusso gnomefreak: Agreed. And for many people, those things can never be a joke. 12:25 mako and confusing people into thinking that it is official ubuntu support 12:25 mako control over the name and logo is one way to do that 12:26 mako but we want to encourage the types of uses that spread the word, the logo, and the name 12:26 xorAxAx isnt this whole thing about a guy who realised that he cannot continue to move his idea further on without co-operating with the big entity? 12:26 Yann2 ok, so we should accept these derivations? 12:26 mako when it's used in reference to the actual product 12:26 mako so, needs to get permission from canonical 12:26 mako imho 12:26 lucasvo I think should look that they only offer politically correct themes. 12:26 Riddell gnomefreak: how would you keep them off public display? 12:26 mitsuhiko mako: +1 12:27 mako because it's violated basically every thing on the list of guildeines that i posted earlier 12:27 mako and that has been on the website for years now 12:27 tonyyarusso Logo derivations should also be expected to adhere to the CoC like everything else. 12:27 Riddell lucasvo: you can vote down items on gnome-look to stop them being displayed 12:27 mako that may still be fine 12:27 mako but they need permission 12:27 smurf lucasvo: define "politically correct". :-/ 12:27 ogra mako, sure, but its one example hwre the logo isnt abused like in all the others pointed out 12:27 mako i understand 12:27 ompaul mako the issue that is now faced is the kubuntu name may be missued, this has implications on a larger scale, and frankly one that could be a serious issue, maybe trademark protection should be used to recover problematic domain useage and point it back to base, after a process that is designed and approved by cc or tech board or sabdfl or some some combination of all to protect the name of ubuntu - done 12:27 mako ogra: "abuse" is subjective 12:27 lucasvo smurf: yeah, that's exactly why I used this term :) 12:27 mako we've got a set of trademark guidelines, and it's the only that most clearly violates those 12:28 mako from a trademark law perspective, it is the one that is most threatening to the existance of the mark 12:28 mako imho 12:28 mako ompaul: trademark law already does cover domain ussage 12:28 ogra mako, free user driven ubuntu derivative == non-abuse, selling support as with the same logo and font == abuse ;) 12:28 mako ompaul: as part of the universal domain name dispute resolution process 12:28 smurf mako: I guess what I'd like to see is a CC resolution that states that the Ubuntu community does not condone using (part of) their look+feel to convey any messages that are ad odds with the Ubuntu philosophy as stated on our home page 12:28 gnomefreak Riddell: you cant really but i think it should be known ubuntu doesnt support those things 12:28 mako ogra: umm.. 12:29 smurf which we can point people to 12:29 ogra mako, but i fuly agree they should ask for permission indeed 12:29 nalioth smurf: +1 12:29 ompaul smurf, +1 12:29 mdke when someone has a doubt about the use of the mark, all they have to do is ask, right? We did this once with ubuntu-it, and it was resolved quickly 12:29 mako ogra: i would put it this way: if you're using hte logo in either of those ways, you need a license 12:29 mako ogra: we would be very very happy to give on to nubuntu probably 12:29 ogra thats waht i mean 12:29 mako ogra: and unwilling to give one to ubantu 12:29 ogra yep 12:29 mako but they both need them 12:29 mako yes 12:29 mako there is an email address 12:29 mako i don't know who answers it now 12:29 mako but i used to 12:29 mako which is why i know a little bit about this 12:30 mdke we mailed jane, dunno who gets the trademark mail though 12:30 mako 12:30 mako and === xorAxAx [n=xorAxax@moinmoin/coreteam/alexander] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Nobody] === highvoltage would guess that it's claire 12:30 elmo marilize is behind trademarks 12:30 mako so, in terms of backgrounds and situations where it's not being used to promote another product or could not likely to confuse anyone into thinking that there is endorsement 12:31 elmo and they've given permission to nubuntu AFAIK 12:31 mako of a political message etc, i'd say it's fine 12:31 Yann2 i'm fine with the trademark issue, we already sent a lot of emails to trademark@ :) But what should we do if someone posts a wallpaper like ? Delete it? 12:31 mako elmo: cool 12:32 mitsuhiko ok. i've to go. today is school and it's late 12:32 mitsuhiko good night all 12:32 mako Yann2: my personal opinion is that it's probably not a trademark violtion and should probably just be left 12:32 mdke Yann2, that's not being used to promote another product and won't confuse people into thinking there is endorsement 12:32 SHAKAL bye mitsuhiko 12:32 mako but if people at canonical disagree with me, they matter more on this issue 12:32 highvoltage night mitsuhiko 12:32 lucasvo Yann2: afaik, it doesn't conflicts the trademark usage policy. maybe it conflicts with the law, in that case it should be removed 12:33 BlueT_ mitsuhiko: see ya :) 12:33 mdke you can't stop people using your trademark for artistic purposes without any commercial gain, it's just silly 12:33 Yann2 -1 for me, I clearly dislike the fact of seeing ubuntu associated with politics, which could be misunderstood by people visiting the website publishing them. 12:33 elmo I tend to agree with mako, FWIW, tho I don't count as Canonical in terms of trademarks 12:34 mako Yann2: i think it's in a forum where it is clearly user-contributed artwork 12:34 ogra Yann2, its just users ... as long as we dont publish it on our website they are as free as the internet lets them 12:34 mdke absolutely 12:34 mako it's like those ubuntu-butts pictures 12:34 Yann2 ok, then... agreed. 12:34 mdke mmm 12:34 Yann2 let's move on :) 12:34 mako smile, or don't, and move on 12:34 ogra (thats why i found the ubuntu ev reaction a bit ... umm funny) 12:35 mdke ok, we're nearly done. elmo answered the ed/kubuntu members question 12:35 mako mention rear-ends and the conversation ends 12:35 kjcole mako, I was going to mention the bikini bottom logo... ;-) 12:35 ogra kjcole, there is a logo ? 12:35 mako alright 12:35 Seveas about sub-locoteams: brazil and us already have them for instance 12:35 lucasvo kjcole: link? :D 12:35 mdke "Sub" LoCoTeams: this is fairly clearly answered on the locoteam pages, i.e. collaboration is very encouraged, and more locoteams are encouraged too 12:35 mako jerome is correct in answering the last question 12:36 mako sub-locos are fine 12:36 mako they're great 12:36 kjcole ogra, there was a photo on the fridge a while back as I recall... 12:36 mako collaborate where possible 12:36 mako try not to over-fragment so nobody gets anything done 12:36 Yann2 fine :) 12:36 ogra kjcole, gah, missed that 12:36 kjcole ogra, lucasvo I just looked but couldn't find it. 12:36 ompaul .cn want to talk to someone aabout them they are population wise huge and cover more space than most 12:36 mako but go ahead, and encourage people to participate in more than one :) 12:36 mako ompaul: that's fine 12:37 ogra ompaul, we'll have to yount them first before we belive them ... :) 12:37 ogra *count 12:37 mdke I tend to think sub locoteams are generally done well if under the overall umbrella of the country they are found in. But that might not work, e.g. in the US :) 12:37 kjcole as a subloco team leader, +8 ;-) 12:37 SHAKAL I go to bed, the work call tomorrow good night. cya@ll 12:37 juliux gn8 SHAKAL === SHAKAL [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 12:37 ompaul ogra, you gona run outa fingers and toes fast :-) 12:37 mako i think that's it 12:37 mako unless there is any other business 12:37 mako alright 12:38 mako we'll meet back here soon 12:38 mako i gotta run 12:38 mdke night all, thanks 12:38 Seveas ciao 12:38 mako later all
MeetingLogs/CC_2006-04-18 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:32 by localhost)