02:05 Kamion huh, I guess the CC meeting is meant to be now 02:05 [BlueT_at_Mars] hello guys :) 02:05 Kamion sabdfl will be at debconf; I'll SMS him on the off-chance but he may not be awake === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:08 Kamion I've SMSed everyone; not a lot I can do now except wait and hope 02:08 Kamion fortunately there does not appear to be a lot of business, just glatzor 02:08 jsgotangco :) 02:09 glatzor1 hi jsgotangco === soonindallas [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Hirion [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:10 mako hey 02:10 mako i'm here 02:11 [BlueT_at_Mars] hello mako 02:11 Kamion mvo: how's glatzor been to work with? 02:11 Kamion hi mako 02:11 [BlueT_at_Mars] BlueT_: yo 02:11 jsgotangco hi mako === jsgotangco can vouch for glatzor1's work on g-a-i and u-m 02:11 soonindallas hi all. I have a question for whenever it's appropriate 02:12 Kamion soonindallas: go ahead, this is sort of a quiet time 02:12 mako right 02:12 soonindallas ok thanks. it's been a while since i've seen any logs for dapper developer meetings. 02:13 soonindallas are there still meetings, are the logs being made available ? 02:13 Kamion soonindallas: Jane Weideman posts summaries to ubuntu-devel-announce@ every week 02:13 Kamion if you want the full logs, they're available with the logs of this channel at 02:13 mvo Kamion: I only say the best about glatzor 02:13 dholbach glatzor stepped up in a lot of places in the DesktopTeam, he was helpful and committed a million of changes to gnome-app-install, update-{manager,notifier}, synaptic, etc :-) 02:13 mvo Kamion: he is full of energy and good ideas 02:14 soonindallas Kamion: ok. logs on the wiki pages stopped sometime in march 02:14 sivang he is also already helping me with hubackup, and already designed a much better UI design that my origianl. 02:14 sivang (mostly helping on the UI front and taking interest, which is blessed by me as I require the design help) 02:16 glatzor1 Kamion: I also created a wiki page about my previous commitements. If I may point you to this: 02:16 glatzor1 Kamoin: 02:16 Kamion I've just been reading it and following all the links 02:17 Kamion well, nearly all :-) 02:17 Kamion looks like a fantastic pile of UI work; I have absolutely no problem with glatzor for membership 02:17 Kamion very impressive 02:17 mvo I can't agree more :) 02:17 Kamion I hadn't realised all those changes were down to you .. 02:18 Kamion mako? 02:18 Kamion we have no elmo or sabdfl apparently 02:18 mako right 02:19 mako Kamion: do you know where elmo is? 02:19 Kamion also at debconf I think 02:19 Kamion I've SMSed both of them but it's pretty early in .mx 02:20 Kamion (didn't we discuss this last time round?) 02:20 mako i don't think so 02:20 mako i knew mark was there 02:20 ogra sabdfl mentioned it 02:20 mako didn't know elmo was === Kamion pokes through logs 02:20 ogra but i think elmo talked about it in -devel 02:21 Kamion Kamion: in some ways 12UTC might work better - there's more chance of me attending, if not mark. 20UTC would put us middle of day, fighting with talks (or the water park) 02:21 Kamion er, quoting elmo there 02:21 Kamion <elmo> kamion/mako: ok, let's do 12UTC. I can have fun trolling mark, telling him he has to attend to make up for missing so many 02:21 ogra heh, he apprently didnt :) 02:21 ogra *apparently 02:21 Kamion I think I'll troll both of them when they wake up from their beauty sleep 02:22 ogra hehe === mako nods 02:22 Kamion glatzor1: ok, I don't see that there's going to be any problem with your application; for form's sake I'll make sure to get an ack from either elmo or sabdfl later on 02:23 Kamion thanks for showing up, you did better than half the CC ;-) 02:23 mako well, i'll go into the lab at some point which will put me offline at half an hour but will be around for the rest of the day === j_ack [] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:23 Kamion Any other business? 02:23 Kamion soonindallas: which wiki pages? 02:24 ogra ? 02:24 soonindallas Kamion: for ex 02:24 elmo sorry, I'm here now 02:24 elmo (and for the record, 4 hours can't be considered beautiful in anyway) 02:24 jsgotangco i think that's robitaille's wiki page to make a clean "log" page 02:24 mako heh 02:24 ogra elmo, 4h can make you looking pretty ugly in fact :) 02:25 Kamion soonindallas: the logs on go up to 2006-05-11, which looks pretty current to me 02:25 glatzor1 Kamion: I prepared some sentences, should I paste them here for formal reasons? 02:25 Kamion elmo: we just have one candidate, 02:25 Kamion glatzor1: go ahead === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:25 glatzor1 Kamion: sorry. but I am not at home and my irc client here doesn't have got a nickname notfication 02:26 Kamion soonindallas: I don't know what's wrong with the search, but appears current 02:27 soonindallas Kamion: I don't know what's wrong either, but when I search for "meeting logs", the page that's returned is incomplete. I'll look at the page you suggest === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:28 elmo ack for glatzor1 02:29 Kamion excellent 02:29 Kamion right, last call for any other business? 02:30 Kamion (glatzor1 approved in LP too) 02:30 glatzor1 thanks a lot elmo and Kamion 02:30 jsgotangco \o/ glatzor1 \o/ 02:30 dholbach confgratulations glatzor1 02:30 juliux welcome glatzor1 02:30 mvo congrats glatzor1 02:30 glatzor1 I want to use this opportunity to thank Michael Vogt for having an open ear for my suggestions, sponsoring and pushing me. === mvo blushes === dholbach hugs glatzor1 === dholbach hugs mvo === glatzor1 hugs all 02:31 Kamion ok, adjourned, thanks all 02:31 Kamion RECORD TIME === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:31 jsgotangco yay 02:31 glatzor1 mvo: I really enjoyed the last 3 and a half years that we have worked together 02:31 zul thats it? === Hobbsee jumps 02:31 Hobbsee the meeting over *already*? 02:32 jsgotangco heh 02:32 juliux Hobbsee, yes 02:32 jsgotangco there wasnt that much in the agenda 02:32 Hobbsee oh, fair enough 02:33 glatzor1 thanks a lot to all supporters of mine. 02:33 glatzor1 i have to leave for class - it is time for neurology :) === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] === Hobbsee has to actually *do* the maths assignment she was happily procrastinating over :P 02:34 glatzor1 bye juliux, jsgotangco, mvo and dholbach 02:34 juliux glatzor1, have fun in school === janimo [] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 02:36 Kamion oh, we forgot to schedule the next meeting 02:37 [BlueT_at_Mars] this meeting's short :) 02:37 Hobbsee Kamion: heh, seems a bit late now :P 02:37 Kamion any objections to 30 April at 16:00? I'm going to be down in the London office for the Dapper release push, so mid-afternoon's OK but late evening might not work so well 02:38 Hobbsee Kamion: any aussies, or anyone in those sort of timezones will want to shoot you, but i wouldnt think there's a problem except for them :P 02:38 Kamion can't win 'em all 02:39 Hobbsee hehe 02:39 bimberi April? 02:39 neuralis Kamion: will you provide the time machine? ;) 02:39 Kamion er, 30 May, right 02:39 Kamion I've provisionally scheduled it on the wiki === bimberi thinks neuralis was much more subtle ;) === freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:40 mako tentatively, that sounds good to me 02:40 mako may that is 02:41 elmo sounds ok to me too === Schoolinux [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:42 Schoolinux Hi all 02:42 Kamion good good 02:42 Kamion I'll mail c-c@ with the time === suzan229 [n=suzan@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Hobbsee thinks a 3am or so meeting wouldnt be pleasant :P 02:42 Kamion can't win 'em all, like I say 02:42 Hobbsee true 02:42 Kamion no time works for everyone, that's why we rotate === hovan [n=hovan@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 02:43 Hobbsee hehe - i think this was the first CC meeting that i actually had a hope of attending at a sane time... 02:44 Kamion well, we do also have to make sure that the CC can attend. We tried it at 0400 UTC or something once before and none of the CC actually woke up ... 02:44 Kamion oh, no, that's not quite true, mako was there on his own 02:44 jsgotangco lol 02:44 Kamion but there are three of us in the UK 02:45 jsgotangco are there plans in the immediate future to have someone from a different timezone join the council? 02:46 Kamion not in the immediate future, but it would be nice 02:46 Hobbsee haha - that's why we're going to have to change the kubuntu CC times - if they want me there and coherant, they cant have 7am meetings! === Hobbsee doesnt do mornings! === Schoolinux [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 02:50 mako i wasn't thrilled to have a meeting at 8am today 02:50 mako which might as well be 4AM for me :) 02:50 mako 4am would be better.. i'm more likely to be 02:50 mako up
MeetingLogs/CC_2006-05-16 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:30 by localhost)