(09:00:48 AM) Keybuk: ... (09:00:51 AM) mvo_: ... (09:00:55 AM) Keybuk: now, I would normally at this point be checking the wiki (09:00:58 AM) Keybuk: and loading up Launchpad (09:01:05 AM) kwwii: Riddell: it is a bit early to say that :-) (09:01:05 AM) Keybuk: except neither epiphany or firefox want to play with me (09:01:06 AM) Keybuk: :-( (09:01:13 AM) mvo_: links! (09:01:37 AM) Riddell: kwwii: moin (09:01:43 AM) MacSlow: hi (09:01:53 AM) seb128: Keybuk: did you upgrade epiphany? (09:01:56 AM) ***MacSlow feels not so well today (09:02:05 AM) seb128: Keybuk: it has been fixed this morning and the new version is available for a few hours now (09:02:17 AM) Keybuk: seb128: I upgraded a couple of hours ago, but I've been in meetings with Mark since then (09:02:24 AM) seb128: ok (09:02:41 AM) seb128: maybe you got the xulrunner update but not the epiphany one (09:02:59 AM) asac: Keybuk: blame me ;) (09:03:12 AM) Keybuk: maybe (09:03:15 AM) Keybuk: firefox is being held now (09:03:16 AM) Keybuk: *shrug* (09:03:17 AM) Keybuk: Annnnnyway (09:03:20 AM) Keybuk: Feature Freeze (09:03:24 AM) Keybuk: *scary music* (09:03:37 AM) MacSlow: I hate that "sound" (09:03:49 AM) pitti: TEH DAY OF RECKONING! (09:03:54 AM) Keybuk: I'll run down specs in alphabetical order that aren't marked Beta Available yet (09:04:03 AM) MacSlow: and most of that because I suck at packaing (09:04:32 AM) Keybuk: an update on where it is, what bits remain, etc. would be appreciated (09:04:33 AM) ***MacSlow steps at the front of the queue (09:04:34 AM) Keybuk: pitti: partition-management (09:04:52 AM) pitti: fsck usplash integration is beta available, rest not started (09:04:59 AM) Keybuk: (I may have lied about alphabetical order, I've clicked something on LP and it's gone random on me) (09:05:23 AM) pitti: I might get to it a bit later, so that it'll either land in hardy+1, hardy.1, or hardy if I get a FF exception (09:05:24 AM) Keybuk: ok, we talked about this on the phone yesterday - the other bits are a "nice to have" but we won't mind if we don't get them (09:05:27 AM) pitti: but it's low prio (09:05:32 AM) pitti: right (09:05:33 AM) Keybuk: so it's a good side project while you fix bugs, but don't spend much time on it (09:05:43 AM) Keybuk: it can go in a PPA, or it might make the release (09:05:48 AM) pitti: I definitively need to sort out root partition fsck, though (09:05:57 AM) Keybuk: yes, that would be very good (09:06:05 AM) Keybuk: what's the timescale on that? (09:06:11 AM) pitti: it works with ext3, but immediately kills your reiserfs root partition :) (09:06:28 AM) pitti: Keybuk: today is crazy (merging Arne's langpack stuff, MIRs, NEW, etc.) (09:06:36 AM) pitti: is 'by next meeting' acceptable? (09:06:58 AM) pitti: (note that I didn't modify checkroot.sh for that reason, it won't kill kittens until then) (09:07:06 AM) kwwii: reiserfs killing things, like father like son? (09:07:17 AM) MacSlow: kwwii, that was nasty (09:07:24 AM) kwwii: I'll shut up now (09:07:27 AM) mvo_: pitti: the langpack changes are in? (09:07:40 AM) pitti: mvo_: I spent an hour reviewing and fixing the branch, not yet (09:07:47 AM) pitti: I'll continue after meeting (09:07:52 AM) pitti: but I shuold be able to get it in today (09:07:53 AM) tedg: kwwii: Oh, I was thinking that too -- couldn't figure out phrasing :) (09:07:56 AM) mvo_: pitti: ok, language-selector need to be updated then as well (09:08:02 AM) pitti: mvo_: why? (09:08:09 AM) pitti: mvo_: we still have language-support-XX meta-meta-packages (09:08:20 AM) mvo_: pitti: aha, good. then its not a must-have (09:08:22 AM) pitti: or do you actually want to add knobs for part installations? (09:08:36 AM) pitti: like, 'only input support and translation aids'? (09:08:44 AM) Keybuk: pitti: by next meeting would be great (09:08:45 AM) mvo_: it was planed to add the knobs, but I'm not sure how far arne went down this path (09:09:26 AM) pitti: Keybuk: ack (09:09:26 AM) mvo_: pitti: I personally think that its not that important, the common case is well covered, I will still double check that the transition does not break assumptions in it (09:09:33 AM) ***pitti hugs mvo_ (09:09:54 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:10:06 AM) Keybuk: pitti: hardy-reducing-duplication (09:10:32 AM) pitti: that has come quite far (09:10:51 AM) pitti: I hope that we can kill gcc-4.1 when the kernel folks manage to build with 4.2 on ppc and hppa (09:11:05 AM) pitti: the rest is "utterly hard and requires lots of upstream work" and thus unrealistic (09:11:10 AM) Keybuk: I assume that there's no major pieces of work there, other than killing more deps? (09:11:30 AM) pitti: right; as I wrote in the status window yesterday, it's just gcc-4.1 left for hardy (09:11:44 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:11:47 AM) pitti: perhaps db4.2 if a miracle happens with openldap (09:11:59 AM) pitti: but that's a target of opportunity (09:12:20 AM) Keybuk: ok, cool (09:12:25 AM) Keybuk: Riddell: gold star ;) (09:12:40 AM) Riddell: yay (09:12:44 AM) Keybuk: mvo_: likewise (09:13:02 AM) ***mvo_ beams (09:13:09 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: your specs should probably not have been specs (09:13:22 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: yeah, I am glad that we agree on that :-) (09:13:46 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: hardy-desktop-effects-shortcuts (09:14:17 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, are exposed in pager, show-desktop-applet and window-action-menu (09:14:33 AM) Keybuk: what's missing on the spec? (09:14:36 AM) MacSlow: most of the stuff needed to patch libwnck (09:14:53 AM) Keybuk: that gives us which bits? (09:15:03 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, nothing I guess (09:15:20 AM) Keybuk: are the keyboard shortcuts showing up in the general preferences dialog? (09:15:41 AM) pitti: I get kb shortcuts help in the pager and in the window menu now (09:16:01 AM) MacSlow: there's a small tweak I still like to do for the pager-tooltip... have the stuff for expo, scale and zoom only show up if these plugins are actually active (09:16:19 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, that's what mvo did (09:16:26 AM) Keybuk: they don't show up here :-/ (09:16:38 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, and that's... urps (09:16:45 AM) mvo_: Keybuk: oh? they should be available under compiz (09:16:51 AM) Keybuk: mvo_: that sounds like a bug ;) (09:17:00 AM) mvo_: Keybuk: however there is a bug in super key (09:17:12 AM) mvo_: Keybuk: I mean, the super key is not displayed nor can be set (09:17:17 AM) Keybuk: yeah, my oldest reported Ubuntu bug <g> (09:17:19 AM) seb128: mvo_: there is no compiz in the shortcuts dialog (09:17:28 AM) mvo_: I think I can fix the display bit (09:17:31 AM) mvo_: its under desktop (09:17:39 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: hardy-desktop-effects-profiles (09:17:59 AM) Keybuk: mvo_: oh, wait "initiate window picker" ? (09:18:03 AM) mvo_: yes (09:18:09 AM) mvo_: the descriptions suck (09:18:13 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, stuck about "half-way-through" due to packaging issues (09:18:18 AM) mvo_: but that can be fixed realtively easily (09:18:22 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: what are the packaging problems? (09:18:36 AM) seb128: MacSlow: feel free to ask on #ubuntu-desktop when you have packaging issues (09:18:48 AM) seb128: or in query (09:18:48 AM) lool: Yeah, same offer here; plenty of packager around to help you :) (09:18:53 AM) lool: +s (09:18:56 AM) mvo_: ++ (09:18:58 AM) mvo_: from me (09:19:04 AM) lool: GIVE US THE BLING (09:19:22 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: sounds like there's plenty of people to help ;) (09:19:23 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, profile selection and recognition in g-c-c works... simple-ccsm bits still todo... all of it not in repos yet due to me sucking at packaging (being slow) (09:20:01 AM) ***Keybuk has had a lunch-time conversation with mdz today about sucking less at a company at getting training for new people (09:20:02 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, beta for profiles is +2 days I guess (09:20:12 AM) Keybuk: especially in packaging, but also in things like our release cycle, processes, etc. (09:20:23 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, lost some days last week due to packaing issues (09:20:38 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: ok, let us say Thursday next week for -profiles (09:20:49 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, that sounds doable (09:21:13 AM) Keybuk: there weren't any remaining pieces in hardy-desktop-effects right? (09:21:45 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, no... was more of a "meta-spec" and umbrella for profiles, shortcuts and general integration work (09:21:47 AM) Keybuk: (the remaining pieces on my list are covered by profiles) (09:21:48 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:21:52 AM) Keybuk: that's beta available then <g> (09:21:59 AM) Keybuk: please update the status (09:22:29 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, well if I get libcompizconfig and g-c-c sorted out packagin-wise part of it can already land today (09:22:31 AM) Keybuk: hardy-shine and sparkle aren't really on the 8.04 list, and neither is gdm-face-browser (though it's targetted for May) (09:22:49 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, only creating a custom-profile via simple-ccsm will probably not land today (09:23:08 AM) Keybuk: ok, thanks (09:23:12 AM) Keybuk: tedg: about-this-computer (09:23:31 AM) tedg: I need to finish the package, but that should be done today. (09:23:36 AM) Keybuk: do you need help with the packaging? (09:23:40 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, I'm looking forward to continue working on those... mostly because that's a bit more focues and sounds less like packaing-work needed ehre and there :) (09:23:49 AM) tedg: I got all the python build stuff done yesterday, but starting on Debian stuff today. (09:24:06 AM) tedg: Keybuk: Not yet :) I probably will later today. (09:24:11 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: we do need to get you up to speed on packaging though (09:24:17 AM) seb128: same sa MacSlow, feel free to ask on IRC or by mail since it's harder to use on IRC when on different timezones (09:24:20 AM) Keybuk: I'll sort something out and let you know as soon as I can (09:24:22 AM) Riddell: tedg: how's the qt side? (09:24:48 AM) tedg: Riddell: Not great, but I was told that can be a bugfix and wasn't required for FF. (09:24:49 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: I might rope you into that too, since it'd help you unblock artwork issues if you know the basics (09:24:55 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, seb128: yes... some intense "become a real MOTU/deb-dev" is something I seriously need (09:24:59 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: okidoki (09:25:01 AM) Riddell: tedg: right (09:25:01 AM) tedg: Riddell: I also need to figure out which KDE package to adjust to put it somewhere. (09:25:21 AM) tedg: Riddell: I figure I'll ask when I have the QT one working better. (09:25:32 AM) tedg: I do also have a gnome-panel patch that puts it in the panel. (09:25:39 AM) Riddell: tedg: that's not hard, although it does need doing twice for KDEs 3 and 4 (09:25:54 AM) mvo_ is now known as mvo (09:26:20 AM) Keybuk: cleanup-audio-jumble I think colin was going to track that with Luke and ask you for help as needed? or are there remaining bits on your plate? (09:26:28 AM) MacSlow: seb128, isn't there also some deb-dev related talk at FOSDEM next week? (09:26:46 AM) tedg: There are a couple of remaining bits on my plate. Not a lot though, Luke already had a lot done. (09:27:27 AM) Keybuk: could you send me a mail cataloguing the remaining bits there? (09:27:31 AM) Riddell: MacSlow: I'm doing that (09:27:52 AM) MacSlow: Riddell, ok... then I'll be in the audience! (09:28:40 AM) tedg: Keybuk: Sounds good. (09:28:50 AM) Keybuk: seb128: you have a pppoeconf-gui assigned to you? (09:29:05 AM) Keybuk: didn't that one get a "go straight to implemented, thanks upstream!" pass? (09:29:25 AM) seb128: Keybuk: yes it did (09:29:48 AM) Keybuk: ah, it's beta available (09:29:49 AM) Keybuk: sorry (09:29:51 AM) Keybuk: I'm blind (09:30:11 AM) lool: So that's provided by NM now? (09:30:38 AM) mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch (09:31:19 AM) Keybuk: lool: gnome-system-tools iirc (09:31:26 AM) lool: Aha (09:31:36 AM) seb128: lool: yes, network-admin does that (09:31:50 AM) Keybuk: ok, I'd like to run back through you all again to confirm what you'll be working on for the next couple of months (09:31:52 AM) lool: Indeed, 2.21.3, pretty cool (09:32:00 AM) Keybuk: (not just for yours and my sake, but for the rest of the team as well :p) (09:32:02 AM) ***lool will try the UMTS support then (09:32:15 AM) seb128: lool: you are welcome to test if you use pppoe ;-) (09:32:24 AM) seb128: that too (09:32:33 AM) Keybuk: mpt is on leave, but he'll be working on some early sketches and mockups for the 8.10 UI Refresh (09:32:39 AM) lool: (I don't have pppoe that I know of) (09:32:52 AM) Keybuk: he's also available for UI critique/help, but as we get closer to Beta, UI shouldn't be changing much :-) (09:32:59 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: what will you be working on? (09:33:46 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: finishing up the UI mockups, finalizing panel icons, getting the wallpaper for 8.04 ready, looking in to making that look good with gdm (09:34:05 AM) kwwii: oh, and the clear looks stuff (09:34:05 AM) Keybuk: UI mockups for the 8.10 theme? (09:34:15 AM) Keybuk: when's the clearlooks change likely to happen? (09:34:17 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: yes (09:34:23 AM) Keybuk: and when will we see the first 8.04 wallpaper idea? (09:34:31 AM) seb128: Keybuk: when will mpt be back? (09:34:32 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: I would like to test it out in the next day or two (09:34:36 AM) Keybuk: seb128: monday (09:34:39 AM) seb128: ok (09:34:47 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: the first one should be in already (if pitti or seb included it yesterday) (09:35:00 AM) seb128: doh, didn't (09:35:00 AM) kwwii: I put the source package online for them to check (09:35:03 AM) seb128: pitti: did you? ;-) (09:35:14 AM) pitti: o_O? no, I'm not aware of it (09:35:18 AM) seb128: I've been busy debugging g-p-m and forget (09:35:18 AM) pitti: I don't have a mail about it (09:35:25 AM) seb128: pitti: he asked on #ubuntu-desktop (09:35:26 AM) ***pitti looks in his spam folder (09:35:50 AM) pitti: oh, then I probably missed that, sorry; I get too much IRC stuff ATM (FF crazyness) (09:35:55 AM) seb128: pitti: yesterday afternoon (09:36:00 AM) seb128: no problem (09:36:09 AM) Keybuk: ok, which of you will do that for Ken? :) (09:36:13 AM) seb128: I said I would look at it if you didn't and I've been busy with other things (09:36:35 AM) seb128: kwwii: what is the URL again? (09:36:49 AM) kwwii: seb128, pitti: I'll send an email with the urls (09:36:49 AM) Keybuk: so for 8.04, we're using clearlooks and having new wallpaper (09:37:00 AM) kwwii: right (09:37:03 AM) kwwii: and perhaps a gdm update (09:37:03 AM) pitti: so, no ubuntu theme any more? (09:37:03 AM) seb128: kwwii: don't bother I'll look at it now (09:37:06 AM) Keybuk: 8.10 you're preparing some mock-ups I can hand around when I'm in the office next week (so, err, soon please :p) (09:37:11 AM) seb128: Keybuk: that is good news ;-) (09:37:25 AM) seb128: clearlooks with orange colors, right? (09:37:27 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: right, I'll get that done by tomorrow (09:37:31 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:37:41 AM) pitti: heh, and I was about to report a bug report against compiz which always has blue window decorations at startup until I start gnome-appearance-properties :) (09:37:44 AM) Keybuk: tedg: what will you be working on? (09:37:53 AM) Keybuk: pitti: metacity does that too sometimes, apparentlyt (09:38:06 AM) mvo: pitti: meh, a race condition (09:38:10 AM) seb128: pitti: that's a known bug, I've been pinged mvo every now and then about it :-) (09:38:23 AM) mvo: seb128: you have fix, no? (09:38:38 AM) mvo: its just not applied yet because I'm not 100% confident in it (09:38:43 AM) seb128: Keybuk: that would be weird, never noticed that, but compiz does it almost every time (09:38:54 AM) seb128: mvo: well, using dbus again for the decorator (09:38:55 AM) pitti: never saw it with metacity either (09:38:56 AM) Keybuk: seb128: desrt thought it was pretty, and made a real theme that does it on purpose (09:38:58 AM) tedg: Keybuk: Audio jumble bits probably first, as to get that out of the way. Then I need to really start on GPM bugs, I've let it linger and they've collected. (09:39:05 AM) Keybuk: tedg: *nods* :-) (09:39:05 AM) seb128: Keybuk: ;-) (09:39:14 AM) Keybuk: tedg: and gnome-screensaver needs some harsh love too (09:39:32 AM) seb128: tedg: agree, I started looking at those yesterday, they is 300 bugs, 200 of them are NEW which means ignored (09:39:50 AM) seb128: s/they/there (09:40:16 AM) MacSlow: seb128, aren't these bugs mostly compiz/DRI issues? (09:40:19 AM) seb128: maybe we can convince pedro_ to organise a bug day to clean some of those ;-) (09:40:22 AM) tedg: Yeah, the crux of the problem is trying to figure out where in the system things broke down. Half the time GPM is just the messenger. (09:40:26 AM) kwwii: Keybuk: btw, I sent you a tar.bz2 with the raw pics for the 8.10 mockups a few days ago (09:40:33 AM) pedro_: seb128: only if we have some debugging instructions ;-) (09:40:38 AM) Keybuk: tedg: if you need a hand understanding HAL, pitti can help (09:40:40 AM) pitti: tedg: right, I guess many hw specific issues are hal or pm-utils bugs (09:40:41 AM) seb128: MacSlow: the theme one? it's a race between the gnome-settings-daemon and the decorator (09:40:43 AM) Keybuk: if you need a hand with packaging, anyone can help (09:41:00 AM) Keybuk: kwwii: you did indeed :-) (09:41:07 AM) MacSlow: seb128, no the 200 new screensaver-bugs (09:41:18 AM) seb128: MacSlow: I was speaking about gnome-power-manager (09:41:22 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:41:26 AM) Keybuk: Riddell: what will you be doing? (09:41:30 AM) mvo: MacSlow: there shouldn't be many, we run fullscreen windows unredirected (09:41:32 AM) MacSlow: seb128, mixed up the context then (09:41:38 AM) seb128: tedg: ^ what pedro said, if you could write a wiki page on how to triage g-p-m bugs that would be useful (09:41:40 AM) Riddell: Keybuk: KDE 4 CDs (just stuck on a bug, I think cjwatson_ needs to look), KDE 3.5.9 packaging, KDE 4.0.2 packaging, getting out all the bugs in the hardy features (09:41:43 AM) mvo: so games are (most of the time) fine too (09:41:50 AM) MacSlow: mvo, that's what got me wondering (09:41:56 AM) Keybuk: Riddell: did you get unblocked on the seeds? have you spoken to colin about the bug? (09:42:10 AM) Riddell: Keybuk: yes, spent most of yesterday working on it with his help (09:42:12 AM) mvo: pedro_ is a wizard, he did wonders on the update-manager bug count (similar problem, most of the time its just the messanger) (09:42:22 AM) MacSlow: mvo, all of these issues never happened to me after gutsy was released... maybe a bit earlier (09:42:23 AM) tedg: seb128, pedro_: My goal was to go through and start triaging to write the instructions. (09:42:26 AM) pedro_: i was about to organize one based on pidgin next week but we can delay that and organize a gpm one (09:42:29 AM) Riddell: Keybuk: it's all there but breaks somewhere that I can't work out (09:42:42 AM) cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson (09:42:50 AM) Keybuk: cjwatson: ^ :-) (09:43:03 AM) ***pedro_ hugs mvo (09:43:03 AM) cjwatson: yeah, I saw, it's something to do with the universe mirroring process (09:43:05 AM) seb128: tedg: good (09:43:11 AM) tedg: pedro_: No, I think two would be better, give me a chance to get some good instructions together. (09:43:13 AM) cjwatson: I've seen it before in other flavours that build from universe (09:43:22 AM) cjwatson: I'm happy that the bulk of the work is in place though (09:43:23 AM) ***seb128 hugs pedro_ (09:43:24 AM) pedro_: tedg: ok cool! (09:43:34 AM) ***pedro_ hugs seb128 back (09:44:09 AM) cjwatson: Riddell: I actually suspect that it would work eventually if you kept retrying - it's a race between the main and universe mirroring processes AFAICS (09:44:34 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:44:38 AM) Keybuk: pitti: what will you be working on? (09:44:45 AM) pitti: my next tasks, in decreasing priority: discuss some language-support-* reorganization problems with Arne (will slip FF then, as he is already asleep), debug and fix the fsck+usplash+rootfs issue, start working on general bug fixing and catc (09:44:50 AM) pitti: hing up on my bugs folder (09:45:20 AM) pitti: so I already need a FF exception for the language-support-* split (09:45:43 AM) pitti: (which is relatively unintrusive, but arne put in loads of new packages which need review and discussion) (09:47:06 AM) Keybuk: *nods* (09:47:06 AM) pitti: for the record, we are currently on top of the MIR queue \o/ (09:47:18 AM) Keybuk: lots and lots of general bug fixing? :) (09:47:41 AM) pitti: (almost all bugs are incomplete or done) (09:47:41 AM) lool: pitti: Cool, thanks for the UME stuff, that was probably lots of work! (09:47:52 AM) pitti: Keybuk: my "in progress" list needs urgent attention :) (09:47:56 AM) Keybuk: :-) (09:48:00 AM) Keybuk: mvo: and how about you? (09:48:06 AM) mvo: next tasks: (09:48:06 AM) mvo: • update-manager bugfixing, more robustness (09:48:06 AM) mvo: • compiz updates for the upcomming fusion 0.7 release (09:48:06 AM) mvo: • trying to catchup on my bug mail (09:48:13 AM) mvo: upgrade testing (09:48:31 AM) mvo: general maintainance (desktop database update, command-not-found data update, ddtp update) (09:48:40 AM) Keybuk: mvo: if you could take first-pass over compiz bugs (Mirco has some 8.10 things to deliver early) that would be much appreciated (09:48:47 AM) ***mvo nods (09:48:53 AM) mvo: sure, I will do that (09:49:00 AM) Keybuk: thanks (09:49:13 AM) Keybuk: MacSlow: ? (09:49:16 AM) ***MacSlow thanks mvo too (09:49:33 AM) MacSlow: * finish desktop-effect-profiles (09:49:46 AM) MacSlow: * sparkle (09:49:49 AM) MacSlow: * shine (09:49:59 AM) MacSlow: * gdm-face-browser (09:50:13 AM) Keybuk: so to expand on that for the others (09:50:28 AM) Keybuk: Mark is very keen for us to demonstrate some of the 8.10 pieces early (09:50:31 AM) MacSlow: (in between getting up to speed with Xorg/DRI, clutter and some newer OpenGL-stuff) (09:50:32 AM) Keybuk: (ie. at UDS) (09:50:39 AM) Keybuk: the chosen piece is face browser (09:50:55 AM) Keybuk: so Mirco will be implementing that before UDS, so we can show it off there (09:51:07 AM) Keybuk: and will therefore beat everyone at getting the first Implemented hardy+1 spec :-) (09:51:32 AM) Keybuk: (those who've been at this company for a while will recognise that "very keen" is an understatement :p) (09:53:16 AM) Keybuk: and last, but no means least (09:53:23 AM) Keybuk: Loic and Seb (09:53:39 AM) MacSlow: Keybuk, I guess it means it the highest prio it can ever have, right?! :) (09:53:53 AM) seb128: GNOME updates and desktop bugs fixing (09:54:12 AM) lool: For the desktop half of things: (09:54:12 AM) lool: • Continue misc stuff; usually GNOME updates and bug chasing (09:54:12 AM) lool: • If time permits, resume work on the "memory requirements" topic (09:55:12 AM) Keybuk: ok (09:55:28 AM) Keybuk: and pedro_ will be helping us with QA wherever it's needed (09:55:45 AM) seb128: lot of testing, making sure all strings are translatable, etc too (09:56:02 AM) Keybuk: except those " " ones that preferences dialogs seem to like? :) (09:56:11 AM) seb128: pedro_ rocks on desktop bug triage ;-) (09:56:14 AM) pitti: has there been any outcome on login speed testing? (09:56:38 AM) seb128: pitti: not really, we could win a bit without deskbar-applet (09:56:44 AM) seb128: otherwise to obvious target (09:56:55 AM) seb128: gconf and disk fragmentation don't help (09:57:42 AM) seb128: there is some user comments about readahead on the launchpad bug saying that makes quite a difference but nobody really worked on a clean solution to do that yet (09:57:44 AM) lool: If gconf's disk fragmentation is an issue, we could schedule a periodical check like fsck to rebuild the gconf tree on login (09:57:51 AM) Keybuk: ok, I've got to run to the team leads meeting now, so I'll have to adjourn the meeting :) (09:57:54 AM) Keybuk: we've hit an hour anyway (09:58:05 AM) Keybuk: if there are other agenda items, please carry on and discuss, and I'll keep an eye on the log (09:58:25 AM) pitti: thanks everyone (09:58:38 AM) mvo: I would like to ask about the feeling of samba-share vs. shares-admin (from gnome-system-tools) (09:59:07 AM) MacSlow: ok... I'll get back to my packaing-battle... and come crying in #ubuntu-devel if I'm totally lost (09:59:11 AM) mvo: IMHO the samba-shares has the nicer gui and seems to be generally easier now that we have the samba usershares enabled by default (10:10:18 AM) MacSlow: Riddell, ehm... when is you talk at fosdem? (10:10:49 AM) MacSlow: Riddell, I just skimmed the pages on the fosdem'08 site and did not find it (10:11:04 AM) pitti: mvo: where does samba-share come from? not g-s-t apparently? (10:13:11 AM) Riddell: MacSlow: http://www.fosdem.org/2008/schedule/devroom/crossdesktop (10:13:21 AM) mvo: pitti: nautilus-share is a seperate package (sorry for the confusion with the packagename) (10:13:25 AM) mvo: its in the archive already (10:14:09 AM) mvo: not enough sleep :/ (10:14:13 AM) MacSlow: Riddell, ah thanks!
MeetingLogs/Desktop/20080214 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:15 by localhost)