(09:02:52 AM) Keybuk: ok, great (09:03:02 AM) Keybuk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2008-04-17 (09:03:14 AM) Keybuk: I didn't see any agenda items in activity reports, so before we begin, does anyone have anything to add? (09:03:56 AM) Keybuk: also nothing new on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReportingPage this week? (09:03:56 AM) MacSlow: nope (09:04:59 AM) pitti: nothing interesting beyond 'works better than last week' (09:05:39 AM) Keybuk: ok, should be a quick meeting then :-) (09:05:44 AM) Keybuk: http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ (09:05:49 AM) Keybuk: has one new item, bug #63450 (09:05:56 AM) ubotu: Launchpad bug 63450 in acpid "acpid install fails (because of hal running)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63450 (09:06:03 AM) Keybuk: at a glance, that looks like something where the patch wasn't good, so should be removed from the sponsoring team? (09:06:07 AM) pitti: mvo and I are currently actively discussing this in #u-devel and the bug (09:06:24 AM) mvo: Keybuk: its a nasty one unfortunately (09:06:30 AM) pitti: it's not at all clear what the problem is, or how to solve it properly (09:06:54 AM) mvo: well, the problem is that if you have hal installed and not acpid and then install acpid it will fail (09:07:19 AM) mvo: because /proc/acpi/event is already claimed by hald (09:07:20 AM) pitti: so, the patch with restarting hal didn't work? (09:07:50 AM) mvo: it does, but not in the general case, I have a test-case when during upgrade hal is unapcked but not configured yet (09:08:03 AM) mvo: then acpid tries to restart it and hal hangs (no idea why exactly but it does) (09:08:23 AM) pitti: mvo: add a check for /var/run/hald/hald.pid to the snippet? (09:08:26 AM) mvo: if I change the ordering (by adding a pre-depends on hal into acpid) it works apparently (09:08:34 AM) Keybuk: ok, sounds like a nasty one :) (09:08:41 AM) Keybuk: looks like you have it in hand though (09:08:46 AM) Keybuk: nothing new in http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogasawara/qa-hardy-list-archive/sort-by-package/desktop-buglist.html today (09:08:48 AM) mvo: pitti: yeah, sjoerd suggested this too, I try that next (09:09:11 AM) pedro_: nop nothing new (09:09:14 AM) Keybuk: couple of items from me: (09:09:27 AM) Keybuk: - Performance Reviews are imminent, and some of you may have already received some of the mails for it (09:09:42 AM) pitti: I got the announcement, but no personal ones with the URLs (09:09:55 AM) pitti: (and I did check my spam filter :) ) (09:10:23 AM) Riddell: there isn't one, you just go to the URL and register and it'll send you another URL (09:10:44 AM) Keybuk: - I won't worry about regular catch up calls again next week, to give you the maximum time for release work (09:10:51 AM) Keybuk: but if you do want to chat, please don't hesistate to grab me (09:12:56 AM) Keybuk: otherwise if there's no other business, I'll let you all get back to work? (09:13:12 AM) pitti: CD testing seems reasonable so far, FWIW \o/ (09:13:51 AM) seb128: Keybuk: make sure we message that corporate users etc should wait for 8.04.1 if they want something rocking stable (09:14:04 AM) seb128: there is no world is breaking issues but lot of annoying things still (09:14:25 AM) pitti: they won't upgrade to hardy tomorrow anyway, I figure (09:14:34 AM) pitti: not if you stayed on dapper on the desktop for that long (09:14:50 AM) pitti: but it's important to have the .1 plan/announcement in the release notes, indeed (09:19:50 AM) ***mpt drops a pin (09:20:16 AM) pitti: mpt: I heared that! (09:20:25 AM) ***MacSlow saw it (09:20:34 AM) Keybuk: okok, adjourned ;)
MeetingLogs/Desktop/20080417 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:36 by localhost)