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{{{09:58 vorian alright, lets get this party started Smile :) 09:58 vorian first up 09:58 vorian 09:58 vorian hardware team co-leader 09:59 SD-Plissken Which only one person applied for. 09:59 vorian http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=384360/ 10:00 vorian should we shoot for more applicants before we make a decision on this? 10:00 forumsmatthew Yay! Mike made it 10:00 SD-Plissken I think thats the best thing to do vorian. 10:00 ubuntugeek Yeah thats my thought.. we could look at merging that team 10:00 MikeB- my laptop is giving me fits:) 10:00 SD-Plissken Hello MikeB- 10:01 ubuntugeek into beginners team 10:01 forumsmatthew ubuntugeek, merging sounds like a reasonable plan 10:01 vorian that sounds like a good idea =] 10:01 ubuntugeek bodhi has it together 10:01 jdong ubuntugeek: merging is good, but iwth beginners? 10:01 MikeB- how long ago did you start? 10:01 forumsmatthew beginners have hardware 10:01 forumsmatthew MikeB-, just 2 minutes ago 10:01 MikeB- whew 10:02 jdong okay, we can try that Smile :) 10:02 ubuntugeek considering bodhi offered help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=408325 to the hardware team 10:02 ubuntugeek i think its a good idea 10:02 vorian the kind of documentation bodhi is working on will fit perfectly with the hardware team. 10:02 forumsmatthew I saw bodhi's offer, nice 10:03 jdong ubuntugeek: yeah, I didn't see his offer before; yeah that'll work out 10:03 ubuntugeek so i'm gonna +1 I dont think bodhi will decline if there is an issue we can put it back on the agenda for next month and adjust if needed.. 10:03 PriceChild lord illian did start trying.... but then disappeared completely again and hasn't been seen for a week 10:03 forumsmatthew ubuntugeek, +1 10:04 jdong +1 10:04 vorian MikeB-, poke 10:04 SD-Plissken +1 10:04 MikeB- +1 10:05 vorian Smile :) 10:05 vorian ready for the next item? 10:05 forumsmatthew I'm ready 10:05 vorian UWN Sticky and Stickies in general 10:05 vorian The procedure for suggesting and approving temporary and permanent stickies (esp. in the Cafe) needs to be revised 10:05 vorian jenda, ^ 10:06 vorian oops, guess that was solved already 10:06 ubuntugeek Yeah Smile :) 10:06 ubuntugeek however, since we are going to have time to spare.. 10:06 jenda weehee 10:06 jenda hello 10:06 jenda sorry, I forgot Smile :) 10:06 ubuntugeek lets take a run with the stickies and make a policy for them 10:07 jenda I'd say suggest to staff -> vote among staff 10:07 ubuntugeek anyone have any suggestions on improving or enhancing stickies? 10:07 forumsmatthew I like the way SD-Plissken did it today 10:07 forumsmatthew Found a need, discussed it, wrote it up 10:08 forumsmatthew with feedback 10:08 PriceChild I'd like to say I don't like the suggestions of "lets remove stickies and put it into a thread with a list of important threads inside.... they'll get seen even less imo. 10:08 jenda any user suggests to any staff member a thread for sticky -> the staff member does a staff poll in the staff chitchat 10:08 jenda forumsmatthew: linky? 10:08 forumsmatthew brb, I'll look 10:08 forumsmatthew http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=408406 10:09 ubuntugeek Thats pretty much along the lines of Jenda's thought .. Works for me 10:09 vorian nice SD-Plissken Smile :) 10:10 SD-Plissken Thanks. 10:10 jenda I'd make a poll among staff a standard... and the admins should have final word (or the FC) 10:10 jenda SD-Plissken++ 10:10 jdong stickies should have some standard expiratory timeframe too 10:10 jdong at which time a new sticky will have to be submitted for approval also.... 10:10 jenda jdong: that should be included in the poll - some stickies are intended to be permanent. 10:10 jenda yes 10:10 jenda err... 10:10 jenda yeah, that. 10:10 jdong jenda: permanent stickies will still need revising 10:10 jenda Smile :) 10:10 jenda ok 10:11 jdong jenda: especially when like there's 500 replies and little bits of info added here and there Big Grin :) 10:11 ubuntugeek the only issue with a poll is sometimes a sticky will need to be created ASAP and there isnt time for a poll 10:11 jenda yep, you're right. 10:11 MikeB- so we will have two types of stickies permanent, and expiring 10:11 jdong something like 2 months sounds reasonable for default.... 10:11 ubuntugeek mikeb: agreed 10:11 jdong in that kind of time frame something will have changed 10:11 Seveas ubuntugeek, for things like the current kernel breakage you mean? 10:11 jenda MikeB-: and the permanent ones should be re-checked every once in a while. 10:11 ubuntugeek seveas: yep 10:12 jenda ubuntugeek: in that case, it should be the admin's call 10:12 ubuntugeek jenda: that works 10:12 forumsmatthew +1 for checking stickies--maybe the original writer's initially responsible to do so occasionally? 10:12 MikeB- two monthes, I was thinking two weeks:) 10:12 jdong MikeB-: guess we need short-expiring and long-expiring stickies then Smile :) 10:12 jenda forumsmatthew++ 10:13 jenda well, no 10:13 jenda forumsmatthew: the OP might have interest in not telling anyone if the sticky should be removed Smile :) 10:14 forumsmatthew jenda, oh, yeah...that human nature thing. Well, we can all kind of peruse and suggest changes when needed, and let FC members make a final call. 10:14 ubuntugeek lets say that the OP needs to maintain the sticky, if its a critical/information sticky 2months none critical 1week.. anything that needs to be permanent can be an announcement. 10:14 forumsmatthew ubuntugeek, +1 10:14 SD-Plissken We will have short stickies for emergency's and permanent stickies as well as stickies that require re-certification after 2-3 weeks 10:14 MikeB- ubuntugeek +1 10:15 jenda ubuntugeek: +1 10:15 ubuntugeek there will be a 24 hour window for voting on a sticky 10:15 forumsmatthew +1 for 24 hour window 10:15 ubuntugeek stickies that are needed ASAP is an admins call, if no admins are around the person leading the charge can make a best judgement 10:15 jdong ubuntugeek: +1 10:16 forumsmatthew I"m wearing out my +1 keys 10:16 ubuntugeek +1 10:16 SD-Plissken ++1 10:16 jenda forumsmatthew: use the numpad once you do. 10:16 vorian +1 10:16 MikeB- forumsmatthew: I have a mouse button bound to +1:) 10:16 jdong lol 10:16 forumsmatthew doesn't anyone have anything controversial to say??? 10:16 forumsmatthew MikeB-, lol 10:16 jdong I'd rather not Big Grin :) 10:17 MikeB- forumsmatthew: I think DOn Imus got a raw deal:) 10:17 ubuntugeek al-rightly then Smile :) 10:17 vorian next item? 10:17 forumsmatthew MikeB-, rotfl!!!!!!!! 10:17 forumsmatthew next item 10:17 ubuntugeek vorian: yeah 10:17 vorian Forum updates 10:17 vorian More of a FYI for the record, I added a couple features to the forums were users can link to their Launchpad profiles. Also when posting a new thread or a reply in the support areas of the forums users can link to a Launchpad bug. 10:18 jdong any plans for when the reciprocal will happen? 10:18 ubuntugeek No one objected but I figured i'd mention it.. 10:18 forumsmatthew I really like the bug link feature. The profile link is a nice touch, too. 10:18 jdong i.e. LP linking to forum user accounts.... 10:18 PriceChild jdong, I don't think they're going to 10:18 jdong that's a link I'd really wish LP would make 10:18 forumsmatthew jdong, that's controversial 10:18 PriceChild jdong, launchpad isn't ubuntu specific 10:18 ubuntugeek jdong; there is a bug in LP but doesnt look like it will happen 10:18 jdong it's the last missing piece of identity 10:18 jdong ubuntugeek: heh ok 10:18 MikeB- I plan to have a loooong talk with launchpad people at the UDS 10:19 ubuntugeek mikeb: great! 10:19 PriceChild MikeB-, pull me in Smile :) === nixternal wonders who is in charge of creating the LoCo forums - Ubuntu Illinois & Chicago was posted 2 days ago (request) 10:19 jdong it's a shame that it won't happen any time soon 10:19 ubuntugeek nixternal: thats me :O 10:19 forumsmatthew MikeB-, if I get there, take me in as well 10:19 jdong trying to link the identity of an IRC user to the forums is a big pain from experience 10:19 ubuntugeek nixternal: i'll get them taken care of today 10:19 nixternal ubuntugeek: you rock! 10:19 MikeB- a bug report on the kernel issue burst out in a debate on launchpad, if launchpad could link the forum more, the discussion could be diverted there 10:20 nixternal ubuntugeek: feel free to make Illinois & Chicago one, I can just sticky Chicago info in the Illinois forum 10:20 ubuntugeek Also, I made some pretty drastic changes to the forum index to clean it up.. no one objected but again just wanted to mention it.. 10:20 PriceChild loving the new layout... much quicker Smile :) 10:20 vorian look very nice =] 10:20 forumsmatthew x2 10:20 vorian s* 10:20 ubuntugeek Also, for the record when feisty comes out we "might" have to disable tags until traffic gets normal again 10:21 ubuntugeek I am worried about the loads 10:21 jdong ubuntugeek: have you attempted at another go of getting hardware upgrades? Big Grin :) === ubuntugeek note to self to offload tags to sphinx 10:21 ubuntugeek jdong: no.. mikeb and myself talk about presenting some requirements at the summit 10:22 jdong sounds good 10:22 jdong doesn't look like they take us seriously right now :-/ 10:22 ubuntugeek thats pretty much all i had to say about the changes 10:22 ubuntugeek to the layout etc 10:22 vorian alrighty then 10:22 vorian last item 10:22 vorian 3rd party sections 10:22 vorian A new procedure for requesting a third party forum. I sent a PM to all the third party maintainers asking for confirmation that they still want to keep their section active. I would like to get a vote on this new procedure to make it "official". 10:23 forumsmatthew can you outline it a little more, for the record? 10:23 ubuntugeek yep 10:23 PriceChild What about cases like the "linux for clinics" where they have their own forum elsewhere? 10:23 ubuntugeek second while i type 10:23 ubuntugeek Smile :) 10:26 ubuntugeek The purpose of the change is pretty simple, alot of these projects have grown and now have their own official means. When the 3rd party section was create there was no order to it etc. I took the LoCo forums as an example and applied to to the 3rd party section. Our original goal for the 3rd party was to facilitate niche software/projects that related directly to ubuntu and help them get established and provide them with a space to d 10:27 ubuntugeek If a project/software has their own official forums we can simply provide a link to their forum. 10:27 ubuntugeek or not 10:28 ubuntugeek this is the policy for requesting a 3rd party area 10:28 ubuntugeek http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=393914 10:28 ubuntugeek which is modeled after the LoCo one.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=290685 10:28 ubuntugeek thoughts concerns? 10:29 SD-Plissken Seems fair to me. 10:29 ubuntugeek There needs to be an established process for dealing with them 10:30 ubuntugeek forumsmatthew: did you get any of that? 10:30 jdong I think we need to establish a renewal period too 10:30 ubuntugeek jdong: agreed 10:30 forumsmatthew I got up to the link 10:30 ubuntugeek k 10:31 ubuntugeek ..wave.. 10:31 MikeB- it sound fine to me 10:31 forumsmatthew +1 10:32 jdong what would be a reasonable expiry time.... 10:32 ubuntugeek hmm 1year? 10:32 jdong let's just triple what MikeB- says Big Grin :) 10:32 jdong lol 10:32 jdong 1 year sounds reasonable 10:32 forumsmatthew 1 year is good 10:33 vorian would that apply to LoCo teams as well? 10:33 jdong good question 10:33 ubuntugeek Also, I would like to make another adjustment.. the FC can vote to remove any 3rd party at anytime 10:33 jdong I think less so for LoCo 10:33 ubuntugeek As we have seen in the past there could be the need for this.. 10:33 jdong ubuntugeek: yeah, good to clearly state that; though I think that's implied within the FC's range of powers 10:33 forumsmatthew ubuntugeek, big +1 10:33 SD-Plissken Vorian only if your team has their own website. I think. 10:34 ubuntugeek For LoCo's thats an official part of the ubuntu community 10:34 forumsmatthew vorian, do you mean the 1 year expiry time? 10:34 MikeB- I have been trying to think of a way for Ubuntuforums central point for Ubuntu based forums, and find a wway to connect more to the other ubuntu based forums 10:34 vorian forumsmatthew, just want to know for the record Smile :) 10:34 ubuntugeek mikeb: lets discuss that in a sec.. I got an idea for that too 10:35 ubuntugeek Based on the fact that LoCo's are part of the overall community i see no need for renewals.. the only reason I could think to remove one is if the Loco team dissolved. 10:35 forumsmatthew that was the answer I expected...they are more formal than the 3rd party 10:35 ubuntugeek anything anyone wants to add? 10:36 MikeB- ubuntugeek: we would need some communication from Jono or someone else in the LoCo to let us know the Loco is gone 10:37 ubuntugeek mikeb: yep, i'd assume the person who created it would contact someone on staff.. i've been contacted already about merging them. I referred them back to jono for consultation on that. 10:37 ubuntugeek merging them, meaning two teams that wanted to merge 10:38 vorian great! 10:38 vorian anything else? 10:38 ubuntugeek i'm good 10:38 ubuntugeek +1 10:38 MikeB- +1 10:39 forumsmatthew +1 10:39 SD-Plissken +1 10:40 ubuntugeek Something that isn't on topic and that was discussed on the FC mailing list and then again in pretty large detail was our official stance on third party installations scripts.. 10:40 forumsmatthew http://ubuntuforums.org/announcement.php?f=13 10:40 SD-Plissken Now here comes the controversy.. lol 10:41 forumsmatthew Anyone want to comment publicly? 10:41 ubuntugeek Nope 10:41 ubuntugeek Nothing further to say from me.. +1 on that announcement 10:41 MikeB- I'm kinda hoping the built-in tools in Feisty may make some of this go away 10:41 jdong I don't think there is anything controversial about the announcement 10:42 forumsmatthew Are we so right on that everyone thinks comment isn't needed, or are we so wrong you don't know where to start? 10:42 jdong it is just a message that unofficial extensions/programs on Ubuntu basically put you on your own responsibility to diagnose problems 10:42 jdong and basically make it harder for us to provide effective suppot 10:42 jdong I fully support the announcement 10:43 SD-Plissken I'm fine with the comment/post/announcement. 10:43 GazzaK I like the way that announcement is worded, well done 10:43 MikeB- the announcement is well written and very clear 10:44 ubuntugeek Great. 10:44 MikeB- and show shows no favoritism or malice toward anyone 10:44 SD-Plissken One concern is how do we get members to understand this. 10:44 vorian in a loving way SD-Plissken Smile :) 10:44 forumsmatthew vorian, +1 10:44 jdong the corollary to this that I think we need to directly address... what do we do when we come across an automatix/3rdparty support question? 10:45 jdong do we cease the discussion? 10:45 jdong there's something that sounds uneasy about that 10:45 MikeB- SD-Plissken: I willing 95% will understand with no problem, but the other 5% we will have to be patience with 10:45 ubuntugeek Because of the past/current issues regarding one of those installations. The person should be directed to that announcement. If they persist to cause drama then they will be removed. 10:45 SD-Plissken MikeB- you may be right on that. 10:45 forumsmatthew I would prefer to let the discussion continue, after stating our stance with a link 10:46 GazzaK to be honest, I think feisty will solve many of the issues. 10:46 forumsmatthew and give users other options 10:46 forumsmatthew all while being polite 10:46 MikeB- jdong: point people to the AX forum, and leave it be if discussion is civil 10:46 forumsmatthew GazzaK, I think so too 10:46 jdong GazzaK: it will be far from completely solved 10:46 jdong there's still illegal codecs 10:46 jdong and also random 3rd party packages people want 10:46 jdong those two demands will never cease 10:47 PriceChild argh router messed up, brb 10:47 vorian we should follow up with this discussion at the next meeting to see how things go over the next few weeks. 10:47 vorian also* 10:47 ubuntugeek vorian: sounds fine 10:48 MikeB- vorian: good idea 10:48 jdong agreed, we should follow up in 1 or 2 meeting's time 10:48 forumsmatthew +1, revisit 10:48 vorian and on the topic of the next meeting.... 10:49 vorian 2nd tuesday of May @ 16:00? === forumsmatthew searches for a calendar 10:49 ubuntugeek vorian: works for me 10:49 forumsmatthew May 8th 10:49 ubuntugeek We still have some time, does anyone have anything else to mention? 10:49 ubuntugeek rants/praises/thoughts/ etc ? === jdong looks at calendar 10:49 jdong tuesday 16:000 won't work for me 10:50 vorian the forums look great ubuntugeek! nice work! 10:50 jdong T/R will have to be after 21:00 for me :(, W/F are much better 10:50 MikeB- that will be during UDS 10:50 ubuntugeek does this time on fridays work ? 10:50 jdong yeah, this time on fridays is great 10:50 ubuntugeek this works for me as well 10:50 forumsmatthew Fine by me, 10:50 MikeB- it is fine with me 10:50 SD-Plissken Fine for me. 10:50 ubuntugeek great! 10:51 vorian noted 10:51 forumsmatthew May 11 10:51 ubuntugeek perfect 10:51 jdong a day before my birthday Smile :) 10:52 forumsmatthew sweet! 10:52 MikeB- I will be on a train back to Madrid at 20:00 UTC 10:52 forumsmatthew Oh...I may be in my car somewhere in Andalucia 10:52 ubuntugeek first friday in may? 10:53 ubuntugeek that work? 10:53 vorian May 4th 10:53 forumsmatthew That one's better 10:53 ubuntu_demon suggestion : do it after UDS. You guys might want to evaluate some UDS stuff. 10:53 MikeB- I going to Spain a week early with my family to vacation 10:53 ubuntugeek ok third time is a charm.. third friday in may? 10:53 MikeB- cool with me Smile :) 10:54 vorian May 18th 10:54 forumsmatthew I'm good 10:54 ubuntugeek ok 10:55 vorian great! 10:55 ubuntugeek anything else? 10:56 forumsmatthew anyone want a spam link for my book? 10:56 ubuntugeek Actually just a follow up to the 3rd party area.. I will research who has their own official support methods and contact them to let them know the decision. 10:56 forumsmatthew u-g, great! 10:57 vorian I'll summarize and post this all over the place later tonight Smile :) 10:57 ubuntugeek vorian: thanks 10:57 ubuntugeek anything else? 10:58 ubuntugeek I cant think of anything pressing 10:58 MikeB- nothing here 10:58 forumsmatthew nope 10:58 SD-Plissken no 10:58 ubuntugeek Oh, might as well toss this out there 10:58 vorian lol 10:59 ubuntugeek purchased a copy of vbseo today http://www.vbseo.com/ to test out on the forums for optimization 10:59 Pricey vorian, could you pm me anything interesting I may have missed? Smile :) 10:59 vorian sure thing 10:59 ubuntugeek and improve some of our search engine links i noticed some content gets lost or is hard to fine 11:00 ubuntugeek fine = find 11:00 forumsmatthew cool 11:00 ubuntugeek any objections from anyone 11:00 ubuntugeek ? 11:00 MikeB- nope 11:00 jdong nope 11:00 forumsmatthew nada 11:00 jdong hold on, I think I feel an RMS ray beaming down on me from 3 floors above.... 11:01 jdong must.... use..... Free..... Software..... 11:01 ubuntugeek lol 11:01 jdong Smile :) 11:01 ubuntugeek well phpbb isnt an option 11:01 ubuntugeek neither is smf 11:01 jdong haha 11:01 jdong phpbb Smile :) 11:01 ubuntugeek why we went with vbulletin Smile :) 11:01 ubuntugeek the only time it breaks is when i do it.. heh 11:01 forumsmatthew Smile :) 11:02 jdong Smile :) 11:02 ubuntugeek anything else? 11:03 Pricey just reading the about on that vbseo.... it doesn't give google access to the jail again does it? :P - "BSEO ensures that all of your vBulletin forum content pages (i.e. threads) can be included in Internet search engines" 11:03 ubuntugeek pricey: nope 11:03 ubuntugeek pricey: permissions are taken into consideration 11:03 Pricey cool Smile :) 11:03 MikeB- later all, 11:03 ubuntugeek Like I said, i jsut want to test this out it has some features like submitting posts to digg etc.. that are nice.. 11:03 ubuntugeek see ya mike 11:04 ubuntugeek thanks for coming 11:04 vorian bye MikeB- Smile :) 11:04 forumsmatthew note: front page link to news & announcements is broken... http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=12 11:04 forumsmatthew bye, MikeB- 11:04 ubuntugeek shoot 11:04 ubuntugeek lol 11:04 ubuntugeek like i said.. when i break it Wink ;) 11:04 forumsmatthew Smile :) 11:04 ubuntugeek fixed 11:05 forumsmatthew wow! 11:05 ubuntugeek OO 11:05 ubuntugeek forgot to mention 11:05 Pricey "you're all fired - bye" 11:05 vorian hahaha 11:05 SD-Plissken Right... 11:05 forumsmatthew I knew I shouldn't have changed the title of "Ubuntu Testimonials..." 11:05 ubuntugeek Forum Ambassador is now an official team 11:06 ubuntugeek on the forums 11:06 SD-Plissken it is ? 11:06 ubuntugeek yep 11:06 forumsmatthew U-D leading? 11:06 ubuntugeek http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=235 11:06 SD-Plissken Them guys finally got that going.. 11:06 Pricey woo finally Smile :) Mr, U-D, maniacmusician and `23meg are leaders 11:07 ubuntugeek yep so grats to them they put alot of work into it 11:07 vorian sweet! 11:07 SD-Plissken The three stooges.. 11:07 forumsmatthew very nice. Congratulations! 11:07 ubuntugeek Thats all from me.. 11:08 vorian great meeting everyone Smile :) 11:08 ubuntugeek As always the staff rocks! the admins rock! lets get prepared for fiesty 11:08 SD-Plissken End Transmission..}}}

MeetingLogs/ForumCouncil/2007April13/Logs (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:36 by localhost)