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This is the Forum Council Meeting, started on 20 August 2007, 22H00 - 23H00 (Etc/UTC).
- Vorian
- MikeB
- bapoumba
- jdong
- Rinchen
- Loco Team Administrator
Any Other Business
IRC Logs
12:00 Vorian hello 12:00 Vorian :) 12:00 MikeB greets 12:00 bapoumba hey 12:00 Vorian short short agenda today :) 12:01 jdong yes it is 12:01 jdong MikeB and I are going to be the only two FC members present 12:01 jdong is darkog present for the Ubuntu Partners Lounge? 12:01 Vorian ok 12:02 Vorian I haven't been able to get a response from him since the last meeting 12:02 jdong @now 12:02 ubotu Current time in Etc/UTC: August 20 2007, 22:02:11 - Current meeting: Forum Council meeting 12:02 Vorian the agenda is as follows :) 12:02 Vorian https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda 12:02 jdong ok 12:02 Vorian I say we remove that item until he turns up again :) 12:02 jdong alright, agreed 12:02 MikeB agreed 12:02 jdong if anyone has his e-mail information 12:02 Vorian I do 12:02 jdong might be a good idea to hit him up via email 12:03 jdong ok well, that was easy (tm) 12:03 Vorian I have sent him 3 emails 12:03 jdong I agree that we should take it off the agenda until he is reachable again 12:03 Vorian done 12:04 jdong ok, next item 12:04 Vorian Loco Team Administrator 12:04 jdong Loco Team Administrator 12:04 HymnToLife Vorian wins 12:04 popey jdong wins here 12:04 jdong :) 12:05 Vorian quote 12:05 Vorian The forum council has created a new position of LoCo Team Administrator. This person will handle all LoCo requests on the UbuntuForums. This is a 1 year term that can be renewed. To start this off the FC has elected Vorian since he was already heading up the LoCo section of the forums. 12:05 jdong I'm all for it :) 12:05 Vorian lol 12:05 MikeB +1:) 12:05 HymnToLife same here 12:06 bapoumba +1 12:06 Vorian :) 12:06 Rinchen I can't vote but +1. He's done a good job for Colorado 12:06 Vorian thanks Rinchen :) 12:06 Rinchen I'm just telling it like it is :-) 12:06 jdong this topic has come up on the FC mailing list and all councilmembers voted in favor, to my memory 12:07 jdong so I think we can call it done and move forward? 12:07 Vorian k 12:07 MikeB yup, +1 across the board 12:07 Vorian last item 12:07 bapoumba congrats Vorian :) 12:07 Vorian :) 12:07 Vorian thanks bapoumba :) 12:07 Vorian Members Signatures 12:08 Vorian in response to this thread 12:08 Vorian http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=520487 12:08 bapoumba images in signatures ? 12:08 Vorian yes 12:08 jdong ubuntu-geek had a comment to make about this: 12:08 jdong > 12:08 jdong > Regarding the member signatures and the use of images. The reason no 12:08 jdong > images were never allowed is because we have enough to moderate and 12:08 jdong > trying to clean up after children who decide to use unprofessional 12:08 jdong > images will be a nightmare. Secondly, our server is taxed anyways 12:08 jdong > serving up useless images is pointless and only causes slower load 12:08 jdong > times. 12:08 jdong > 12:08 jdong > So my vote is -1 12:08 jdong > 12:08 jdong > Ryan 12:08 bapoumba -1 here too 12:09 jdong my feelings are mixed on this 12:09 PriceChild They will be abused. We have avatars to express ourselves... why would images in sigs be needed too? 12:09 jdong at the forums I am a part of that allow sigs, it is WIDELY ABUSED 12:09 jdong gigantic images, ugly long banners 12:09 MikeB I agree with UG, more graphics will use up forum server resource (disk space and bandwidth) 12:09 MikeB people would abuse it 12:10 jdong I am -1 on users uploading images to display on the signature 12:10 Rinchen again, I don't think I can vote (Just a sub-forum mod) but I also say -1 for the resource and moderation issues already listed. 12:10 jdong and I am much more -1 on users linking to other external images 12:10 jdong because that can be catastrophic on page load times if their external host is down or slow 12:10 popey but cant users switch off visibility of sigs in their profile? 12:10 MikeB plus it could cause security issues for our friends visiting the forums froma Windows box 12:10 popey (just a question) 12:10 popey I am sure my profile has it turned off IIRC 12:10 PriceChild popey, yes? 12:11 jdong popey: yes, but users might want to be able to see some text sigs, and not image based ones 12:11 popey ahh, its "all or nothing 12:11 popey "show signatures" 12:11 jdong right 12:11 bapoumba popey, the regular text only sigs already get abused ! 12:11 popey i can imagine 12:11 bapoumba and we do moderate them 12:11 jdong there is one use case I can see... 12:12 jdong some users like linking to some "Ubuntu User" tiny gif, or a linux user counter 12:12 popey what about that new bug image thing from ubuntustats 12:12 popey that might be popular to link to 12:12 PriceChild http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/ 12:12 jdong one proposal is to have a whitelist of allowed image URL's 12:12 jdong for sigs 12:13 bapoumba I have my numbers txt mode ;) 12:13 popey couldnt this go under the avatar? 12:13 popey i find sigs (of any kind) interrupt the flow 12:13 jdong either an avatar or just a text 12:14 bapoumba would those be hosted on the servers ? 12:14 jdong is anyone here in favor of allowing image sigs? 12:14 jdong and has an argument as to why? 12:14 MikeB -1 here 12:14 bapoumba still -1 12:15 MikeB the only reason would be to allow people to be more individualistic on the forums, but it is not worth the cost of time and potential for abuse 12:15 jdong the OP's idea is to "moderate" images, which I disagree with 12:15 jdong it would be too much work on our part 12:15 jdong and still doesn't resolve the technical problems with load time and server resources 12:16 jdong so, let's just call this -1? 12:16 MikeB sounds good 12:16 HymnToLife -1 for me too 12:17 Vorian agreed 12:17 jdong wow, that was fast 12:18 Vorian anything to address that's not on the agenda jdong or MikeB? 12:18 MikeB nope, been fairly calm recently on the forums 12:18 jdong One unclosed matter for me is the Launchpad integration stuff 12:19 jdong what is the latest status update on that? 12:19 bapoumba who knows ? 12:19 MikeB Matt R. wants to meeting with the FC/admin with some launchpad people 12:19 jdong yep, that's the last e-mail I've seen on it 12:20 jdong so then it's hung on our side, pending a meeting date 12:20 bapoumba how many registered users on LP as to now , 12:20 bapoumba ? 12:20 Vorian 3 12:20 MikeB I never heard back if anyone wanted to meet with them (LP guys) 12:21 bapoumba Vorian, :D 12:21 Vorian :) 12:21 jdong I sent back an e-mail on this... I'm interested in meeting to ask a few more questions 12:22 bapoumba usernames ? 12:22 MikeB I will mail the rest of the FC see if we could arrange a time 12:22 jdong ok 12:23 Vorian excellent 12:23 Vorian anything else? 12:23 jdong not that I can think of 12:23 MikeB Vorian: Till January, I can not meeting on Monday or Wednesday afternoon from 3:00PM till 5:00PM EST 12:24 jdong as far as a next meeting date... I am doing calss scheduling the day after labo(u)r day 12:24 jdong so by the end of the first week of sept I'll be more clear on my free timeslots 12:24 jdong perhaps we should delay scheduling till then 12:24 Vorian MikeB, ok 12:24 MikeB jdong: sounds good 12:24 Vorian jdong, ok 12:25 jdong MikeB: shall we make formal decision on the PM topic here? 12:25 jdong I just got to my PM inbox a second ago 12:26 MikeB the Ubuntu user map? 12:27 jdong no, the staff member 12:27 MikeB jdong: sure 12:28 jdong for everyone out there, Artificial Intelligence has offered to rejoin the staff 12:28 Vorian great 12:28 bapoumba cool 12:28 jdong prior, he left due to personal reasons (not enough time) 12:28 jdong I am +1 for welcoming him back on the staff 12:28 MikeB +1 here also 12:28 bapoumba +1 12:28 HymnToLife +1 12:28 Vorian +1 \o/ 12:29 jdong alright, then welcome back, AI :) 12:29 bapoumba W00t 12:29 jdong now that Mike's brought up the map thing.... 12:29 jdong might as well get that done 12:29 jdong nickburns 12:30 jdong PM'ed us about a map that he created 12:30 jdong the URL is : http://www.flippinsweetdude.com/maps/ 12:30 jdong apparently you can pin your location on a Google Map 12:30 jdong and he wants to make it a sticky to attract more attention 12:30 MikeB phone brb 12:30 jdong IMO the map is cool, but I don't think it's sticky material 12:31 HymnToLife yep 12:31 HymnToLife he can put something about it in his sig or hatever 12:31 jdong historically we have only granted "advertising stickies" for official Ubuntu endeavors or official forum projects 12:31 jdong he is welcome to make a thread or put it in his sig 12:31 jdong but I'm -1 on sticky 12:31 HymnToLife -1 too 12:32 MikeB back 12:32 HymnToLife otherwise we'll have tons of people requesting a sticky for their personal stuff 12:32 bapoumba 350 000 users, that will be crowded :D 12:32 jdong agreed 12:32 bapoumba -1 on the sticky 12:33 jdong advertising personal projects on the forum is already on the border... 12:33 jdong sticky is a definite no 12:33 MikeB -1 here 12:33 Vorian agreed, Je suis la carte 12:34 jdong ok 12:34 PriceChild Isn't there already one on the wiki or something? 12:35 bapoumba Yea, I think so PriceChild 12:35 jdong Vorian: you're what? 12:35 Vorian yes, link is also on the planet 12:35 PriceChild https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWorldWide 12:37 Vorian ok 12:37 Vorian anything else? 12:37 jdong alright, I think we're done 12:37 jdong I want food 12:37 Vorian great 12:37 Vorian thanks for coming everyone :) 12:37 jdong Vorian: large pepperoni and mushroom pizza 12:37 jdong Vorian: and a 2 liter of coke too 12:37 Vorian jdong, on the way :) 12:37 MikeB Thanks 12:37 jdong thanks! 12:37 MikeB see you guys later 12:37 bapoumba See ya ! 12:38 Vorian ha 12:38 jdong alright, thanks for coming 12:38 jdong and all that stuff 12:38 jdong bye.