
Timezone UTC+1

[19:05] <fta> asac, you're late for the meeting
[19:13] <Jazzva> Ok... We're missing few people from the meeting so we can try to do what we can now :).
[19:13] <fta> so.. we only have a small agenda with 3 items from gnomefreak but he's not there. neither is asac.
[19:13] <Jazzva> heh, fta :)
[19:14] <fta> do we postpone or proceed anyway ?
[19:15] <Jazzva> fta, I think we can finish the first item, get few possible days for bug work for the second item, and postpone for the third item
[19:15] <fta> sounds fine.
[19:15] <fta> ok, i'll lead, until asac shows up
[19:16] <fta> 1st item: status updates from the tasks set at last meeting
[19:16] <fta> gnomefreak is not there but he wanted to make sure no action point is blocked
[19:17] <Jazzva> tasks set at the last meeting:
[19:17] <fta> hm, ok
[19:17] <fta> shirish is not there either
[19:18] <Jazzva> I think shirish's task is done...
[19:18] <fta> yep, let's skip the actions tagged as "done"
[19:18] <Jazzva> yep :)
[19:18] <fta> "Reorganize extension wiki pages", that's yours Jazzva
[19:18] <fta> status ?
[19:18] <Jazzva> My task for Extensions wiki is done... just need to update status
[19:19] <fta> excellent
[19:19] <fta> "Add thunderbird examples to XPI.TEMPLATE and document that on MozillaTeam/Extensions/Packaging page."
[19:20] <Jazzva> I haven't heard if asac added it... Anyway, that shouldn't be hard, so I can do it, if he can't...
[19:20] <fta> looking at the mozilla-devscripts branch, it's not there
[19:20] <Jazzva> we can check that later with asac.
[19:20] <fta> Jazzva, feel free to reassign to yourself
[19:20] <Jazzva> (I'll start filling in "Decisions" column on wiki, as a reminder :))
[19:21] <fta> ok
[19:21] <fta> next is "Write a blog post/announcement with these stats and a call to join m-e-d team. Include "medal of honor" for the m-e-d member that updated most packages."
[19:21] <fta> i guess no progress
[19:21] <Jazzva> that goes together with "Target initial m-e-d report for end of July (or if we are good June)"... I suppose we can handle that later
[19:22] <Jazzva> no progress yet. We have the post template only, still need to work out a way to get all the data
[19:22] <fta> any volunteer to take over gnomefreak for this one ?
[19:23] <Jazzva> (would be good if volunteer has an idea how to fetch the data ;))
[19:23] <fta> I guess we need someone on planet
[19:23] <Jazzva> fta, I would like if we could talk later on fetching that (you're the script-master :P)
[19:24] <Jazzva> and see if we can work something out...
[19:24] <fta> indeed, stats is one part (i can script something), publishing is the other part (but i'm not on planet)
[19:24] <Jazzva> then gnomefreak can post it, and it will get on planet.
[19:24] <fta> ok
[19:24] <Jazzva> cool... then we have that set. :)
[19:25] <fta> next is "Provide basic blog post layout", for you
[19:25] <Jazzva> and that means we're also done with this "Target initial m-e-d report for end of July (or if we are good June)".
[19:25] <fta> oops, no, rescheddule to august
[19:26] <fta> (we're definitely bad)
[19:26] <Jazzva> ok
[19:26] <fta> hm, "Provide basic blog post layout" is done => skip
[19:26] <Jazzva> well, we have the last one not started...
[19:27] <fta> "Document redirection procedure to mozillateam-community on mozillateam membership page" was for asac
[19:27] <fta> let's keep this open unless someone wants to do it
[19:27] <Jazzva> I suppose this is the MT membership page , section "Joining the team"
[19:27] <Jazzva> Anyone willing to document it :)?
[19:28] <Jazzva> hmm... if no one applies I'll see to do it later, if asac won't...
[19:28] <fta> that's politics, i pass
[19:29] <fta> Jazzva, ok, we'll poll asac.
[19:29] <Jazzva> ok... then we're ready for the next agenda item?
[19:29] <fta> what's next?
[19:29] <Jazzva> 2nd item: Bug work
[19:29] <Jazzva> Notes: There is way too many bugs on our packages: propose one day a week everyone works on bugs
[19:30] <Jazzva> ok... so, let's get few options set now, so we can decide on the final day when we get in touch with asac and gnomefreak...
[19:30] <fta> i remember asac worked with the bug squad a few weeks ago
[19:30] <Jazzva> fta, what do you mean?
[19:32] <fta> iirc, he wants the bug squad team to take care of the triaging as much as possible
[19:33] <fta> i guess we need asac here
[19:33] <Jazzva> mhm... so we need to see this with asac. (I thought we're gonna work on that)
[19:33] <fta> it's mostly described in
[19:34] <Jazzva> and it's pretty much done. the only thing we need is to document how to forward bugs upstream
[19:34] <fta> if we still have too many bugs after that, then we need to setup a mozilla bug day
[19:36] <Jazzva> ok... than not much to do on this now...
[19:36] <fta> right
[19:36] <fta> next
[19:36] <Jazzva> 3rd item: is libflashsupport really needed
[19:36] <Jazzva> Notes: libflashsupport only causes crashes and should be removed from repos IMO
[19:36] <XioNoX> in my mind, yes :D
[19:37] <Jazzva> heh :)...
[19:37] <fta> it's a pulseaudio + nonfree flash problem
[19:37] <Jazzva> are there any positive sides of libflashsupport?
[19:37] <XioNoX> if libflashsupport is not installed, we can play music only from 1 source
[19:37] <ogra> it makes sound work with pulse
[19:38] <fta> libflashsupport was no longer installed by default in hardy. something pulled it back in recently. asac complained.
[19:38] <ogra> libflashsupport is needed for flash <9 if you want to play any sound from it through pulse
[19:38] <ogra> err
[19:38] <ogra> <10 sorry
[19:38] <XioNoX> yep
[19:38] <ogra> hardy ships flash 9
[19:39] <fta> (i know)
[19:39] <ogra> adobe did sme changes to their playback protocol shortly before we released
[19:39] <ogra> which make libflashsupport crash occasionally
[19:39] <ogra> nothing you can do about that without having the flash source
[19:39] <ogra> which we dont
[19:40] <Jazzva> so it's either no sound or crashing... right?
[19:40] <ogra> ine thing to consider would be to upgrade hardy to flash 10 and drop libflashsupport, but that violates SRU policy
[19:40] <ogra> *one
[19:40] <Jazzva> ogra, yep... that's what I thought, but then ditched it because of policy violation
[19:40] <fta> well, in intrepid, it's possible to have sound in flash without this lib, providing a good p-a setup,
[19:40] <ogra> probably something to bring in front of the TB
[19:41] <Jazzva> fta, that's true... so we can possibly drop libflashsupport in intrepid...
[19:41] <Jazzva> (sound in flash works for me)
[19:41] <ogra> right, intrepid uses flash 10
[19:41] <ogra> lennart (pa upstream and libflashsupport upstream) had some words with adobe
[19:42] <ogra> and they actually listened
[19:42] <ogra> but that still doesnt solve it for hardy
[19:42] <fta> it works for me too (in intrepid) but there's a race for the dsp with other programs. i had to use the alsa-lib from crimson.
[19:43] <Volans> sorry but I have to go now... come back later, good meeting
[19:44] <fta> so... no cons for removal in intrepid, only pros ?
[19:44]  * ogra already requested libflashsupport removal 
[19:44] <Jazzva> fta, I guess for now...
[19:44] <ogra> (note that i used maintain it)
[19:44] <Jazzva> ogra, where?
[19:45] <ogra> removal you mean ?
[19:45] <Jazzva> yep
[19:45] <ogra> from intrpid
[19:45] <ogra> its not needed anymore since we have flash 10 there
[19:45] <Jazzva> and where did you requested it :)? a bug report?
[19:45] <Jazzva> what bug number? :)
[19:45] <ogra> which breaks with libflashsupport installed
[19:45] <ogra> i talked with colin about it
[19:46] <XioNoX> normally flash10 has improved the sound support, working fine for me without libflash
[19:46] <ogra> doesnt really need a bug report
[19:46] <Jazzva> ah... ok
[19:47] <ogra> dont worry, it will be gone soon, every package i dont have to care for frees up my time for more important stuff ;)
[19:47] <Jazzva> good :)
[19:47] <fta> ok, good. next ?
[19:47] <Jazzva> and I suppose we're done with this, too...
[19:48] <Jazzva> 4th item: Other business
[19:48] <fta> is there something ?
[19:48] <Jazzva> If anyone has to talk about any item, let's do it now :)
[19:50] <fta> i don't have anything
[19:50] <Jazzva> Well, I suppoe we're done then :)
[19:50] <Jazzva> *suppose
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
[19:50] <fta> who's volunteering for the minutes ?
[19:51] <Jazzva> I'll write them...
[19:51] <fta> Jazzva, thank you
[19:51] <Jazzva> No problem :)
[19:51] <fta> we'll brief asac (or he'll read the channel logs)
[19:51] <Jazzva> Well, thank you all for attending the meeting. I suppose we done as much as we could. We will finish the rest in #ubuntu-mozillateam
[19:52] <Jazzva> See you there ;)
[19:52] <fta> thank you all for attending. see you next time, and visit us in #ubuntu-mozillateam if anything comes up in the meantime.
[19:52] <fta> bye.

MeetingLogs/Mozilla-2008-08-03 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:50 by localhost)