Revision 2 as of 2008-08-06 16:39:56

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UTC {{{16:05 MootBot Meeting started at 16:05. The chair is heno. 16:05 MootBot Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 16:05 heno [TOPIC] UDS activity report - I (heno) should write a summary of the QA sessions at UDS (but I wasn't there) Could those who were please send me 2-3 lines on the main results in QA from UDS? 16:05 MootBot New Topic: UDS activity report - I (heno) should write a summary of the QA sessions at UDS (but I wasn't there) Could those who were please send me 2-3 lines on the main results in QA from UDS? 16:06 heno just a few comments here in the meeting would be good even so I can scrape those together 16:06 heno I've been trying to pull this out of the air, but failing :/ 16:06 bdmurray I've been quite impressed with how "TEST CASE:" in the description is taking off 16:07 heno oh, excellent! 16:08 heno https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs says the most important stuff really 16:08 heno (now updated with short descriptions) 16:08 heno pedro_, ogasawara: any major take-away points from UDS? 16:09 heno besides the value of meeting everyone 16:09 ogasawara heno: for me just the feedback on the specs was the most important as well as networking with some of the non-canonical folks 16:09 pedro_ well i do like a lot the graphs i'm really impressive with new ones Smile :-) 16:10 heno ok. btw, this is intended for a post-UDS write-up to the community 16:10 heno agreed, much more clear 16:10 heno ok, thanks, I'll work from that 16:11 heno [TOPIC] Status of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+nominations 16:11 MootBot New Topic: Status of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+nominations 16:11 bdmurray heno: I wrote mdz some bullet points for the UDS closing blurb and will forward them to you 16:11 heno I promised an update on this 16:12 heno bdmurray: excellent, just what I need 16:12 heno The nominated bugs for Gutsy are 290 now, down from 340 when I first looked at this 16:12 heno so a bit slow going still 16:13 heno ogasawara: Is it correct that I should basically close all 2.6.22 bugs as wontfix at this point? 16:13 stgraber hello 16:13 bdmurray I might be able to whip up a query that could help with the milestoned ones 16:13 heno (using a copy of your stock response) 16:13 ogasawara heno: pretty much unless they are security or major show stoppers 16:13 heno hello stgraber! 16:13 pedro_ hey stephane! 16:14 heno ogasawara: ok, I've been too soft I guess 16:14 bdmurray I think with the 2.6.22 it would be best to ask them to test with Alpha 1 when it comes out 16:14 heno I'll add for them to email ogasawara with any complaints Wink ;) 16:14 ogasawara Smile :) 16:15 heno bdmurray: agree, though that is still 2.6.22 though right? or do we have .23 or .24 now? 16:15 heno ogasawara: ^ 16:15 heno what is the current hardy kernel? 16:15 ogasawara 2.6.22 16:15 ogasawara I think, just a sec 16:15 bdmurray There is a 2.6.24 package now though 16:15 bdmurray with 0 bugs! 16:16 pedro_ I'm using 2.6.22-14-generic on hardy 16:16 heno and possibly 4 users 16:16 bdmurray and 0 packages 16:16 heno ah 16:16 heno perhaps ask people to test when .24 is being distributed 16:16 heno and file against it 16:17 ogasawara yup, I've tagged them hardy-kernel-candidate 16:17 heno ogasawara: are you proceeding with that on the remaining Gutsy bugs? 16:17 ogasawara heno: yes 16:18 heno ok, cool 16:18 heno [TOPIC] Specs approved for Hardy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs 16:18 MootBot New Topic: Specs approved for Hardy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs 16:18 heno all the specs on that page are now approved 16:19 heno how should we track their progress within the team? Make it a regular topic in these meetings? 16:20 stgraber Yes, maybe having a spec status topic every 2 meetings 16:20 ogasawara sounds find with me 16:20 ogasawara s/find/fine 16:20 pedro_ stgraber: +1 16:21 bdmurray +1 16:21 heno right. We also have a clash with the platform team for this meeting time+location every two weeks 16:22 heno that again raises the case for changing meeting times every 2 meetings 16:22 heno so that more people can attend 16:22 heno I'd propose a later meeting time every two weeks 16:23 heno attendance can be optional for those in awkward tz, like liw 16:23 pedro_ how much later? a couple of hours? 16:23 heno right, stgraber you wanted 1800 or 1900? 16:24 stgraber 1900 is better, 1800 is ok 16:24 heno pedro_: does 1900 work for you? 16:25 pedro_ heno: sure i don't have any problem with it Smile :-) 16:25 heno ok, cool. I'll email liw about this (he's at a debian QA summit this week) * dholbach hugs the QA Mafia - you guys deserve it. Smile :-) * heno hugs dholbach Smile :) 16:26 dholbach Smile :-) 16:26 heno ogasawara, bdmurray: you ok with 1900? 16:27 ogasawara heno: yup, works for me 16:27 bdmurray heno: no problems where 16:27 heno [AGREED] every other meeting, starting next week will be st 1900 UTC 16:27 MootBot AGREED received: every other meeting, starting next week will be st 1900 UTC 16:27 bdmurray . . . I am? 16:28 heno watch out for glitches in the matrix 16:28 heno [TOPIC] Alpha 1 ISO testing - There is no freeze this time, but the key images should get a basic sanity test (basically check that they boot) 16:28 MootBot New Topic: Alpha 1 ISO testing - There is no freeze this time, but the key images should get a basic sanity test (basically check that they boot) 16:28 bdmurray deja vu 16:28 heno all over again 16:28 stgraber btw, fridge should be updated (that way I'll have them added to my evolution, ical rocks) 16:29 heno the fridge has a poor memory 16:29 heno as do I, which makes for a poor combination 16:29 heno any volunteers to make sure the fridge is updated with this? 16:30 heno it remembers 4 weeks at a time or something 16:31 pedro_ we need to contact corey? 16:31 heno ok, I'll email the editors and see if that's improved 16:31 pedro_ ah ok 16:31 heno the editors address I think 16:32 heno ok, alpha 1 testing 16:33 heno just pinged slangasek to get his view on what sort of testing level we want for this 16:33 heno and when it's estimated due 16:33 heno mhz: greetings! 16:34 stgraber ok, I'm renamming some milestones on the tracker and will add the Hardy Alpha 1 one just after that 16:34 mhz hey heno! 16:34 heno stgraber: great thanks 16:35 heno I'll ask steve when I catch him and post to the QA list 16:35 stgraber as we'll now use Alpha and no funny names, it'll be : Hardy Alpha X and I'm renamming Gutsy's to Gutsy Tribe X 16:35 heno bug again, we'll just do some light testing of this one 16:35 heno and hour or so of work from each of us on Friday/Monday should do 16:36 heno any other topics? 16:37 bdmurray I wanted to mention a tip I rediscoverd 16:37 stgraber I had a phone call with nand (Nicolas) and we decided that we'll try to have a working improved QA-Poll and QA-Tracker for early 2008 * nand waves 16:37 heno stgraber, nand: sounds good 16:38 heno bdmurray: go ahead 16:38 stgraber currently all the work is done in a devel branch, that's lot of work for re-organizing everything and there will be a lot of things that will be broken for some time there 16:38 heno right 16:38 bdmurray So I've stopped assigning bugs to myself that are Incomplete but then it becomes more challenging to find bugs that are Incomplete and 4 weeks old and without a response 16:39 bdmurray Unless you have a specific package to query on then you can do something like 'bugnumbers -p linux-source-2.6.22 --status Incomplete --lc="u:brian-murray&d:2007-10-26" 16:40 heno where --lc is 'last comment' I take it 16:40 bdmurray heno: that is correct 16:41 bdmurray This could be handy 4 weeks after today with n-m bugs 16:42 heno indeed, but with no package? 16:42 heno the problem becomes churn time I guess 16:43 bdmurray The janitor should do this automatically someday . . . 16:43 heno bdmurray: have you filed a wishlist bug for that? 16:43 bdmurray In regards to "no package" if you mean bugs without a package there are ways around it 16:44 heno no, I mean when you don't want to specify a pkg 16:45 heno ok, I think we are done 16:45 bdmurray I haven't tried it yet but "-l https://bugs.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/+commentedbugs" instead of -p should work 16:46 bdmurray heno: what is the status of qa.ubuntu.com? 16:46 heno bdmurray: in limbo (as always). I'll go to London on Tuesday and try to corner the IS team Smile :) 16:47 heno we are just waiting for a dedicated server 16:47 heno #endmeeting 16:47 MootBot Meeting finished at 16:47.}}}