

16:03   MootBot Meeting started at 16:03. The chair is heno.
16:03   MootBot Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
16:03   liw     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam has the agenda
16:03   heno    Welcome all! Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam
16:04   heno    [TOPIC] Cool QA stuff happening
16:04   MootBot New Topic:  Cool QA stuff happening
16:04   heno    This shouldn't require much discussion, just FIY
16:05   heno    all very cool though :)
16:05   liw     I have a quick question
16:05   heno    ok
16:06   liw     ogasawara, how close are you to accepting random new sources of information with the weather report? I'm thinking that the hardy piuparts results might be a good addition
16:06   ogasawara       liw: should be easy enough, it's basically just a template that I dump the data to
16:07   liw     ogasawara, ok, in that case could you e-mail me what you would need from me? I can adjust the piuparts output to what you need easily
16:07   ogasawara       liw:  will do
16:07   liw     ogasawara, when you're ready to add things, that is, no hurry yet from me
16:08   heno    liw: how would you plan to condense it? Total number of errors, warnings, etc?
16:08   liw     ok, I'm done on this topic :)
16:08   liw     heno, in useful ways that I haven't decided yet :)
16:08   heno    ok
16:08   heno    anyone else on this topic?
16:09   heno    moving on
16:09   heno    [TOPIC] Spec status: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs
16:09   MootBot New Topic:  Spec status: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs
16:10   heno    any notable achievements or blockage on specs?
16:10   ogasawara       none here
16:10   heno    (this meeting item will become more central later in the cycle)
16:10   liw     nothing from me; I haven't really started work on the automated desktop testing thing, having spent my time wrestling with piuparts and qemu and wandering about the Spanish plains
16:11   pedro_  none here either, just waiting for the QA feedback module
=== ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Dec 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 12 Dec 23:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 13 Dec 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 18 Dec 15:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 20 Dec 14:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development
16:11   heno    liw: the lintian and piuparts stuff could have been represented by a spec I guess
16:11   liw     heno, I guess
16:12   heno    ok, next
16:12   heno    [TOPIC] QA hardy bug list - we are preparing a list of long-standing and 'popular' bugs for hardy which we will present to the development community shortly
16:12   MootBot New Topic:  QA hardy bug list - we are preparing a list of long-standing and 'popular' bugs for hardy which we will present to the development community shortly
16:12   heno    I just sent an email to the QA list about this
16:13   heno    I've had feedback from Pedro by email so far
16:14   liw     I think it sounds like a great idea; I don't have any particular bugs to suggest, though
16:14   heno    I guess the main question is: can we do this in ~10 days?
16:14   liw     (except anything I've reported myself, obviously ;-)
16:15   heno    yes, that would be why I didn't post it to the ubuntu-users mailing list :)
16:15   heno    every bug in LP would be nominated
16:15   heno    bdmurray, ogasawara: views?
16:16   liw     this list is going to be compiled with the best possible taste, I guess, not by voting?
16:16   heno    liw: drawing on the accumulated knowledge of our esteemed triage team, yes
16:16   bdmurray        heno: I think I can get mine done by then
16:16   ogasawara       heno: yah, seems reasonable
16:16   bdmurray        The next hug day should be pretty easy to setup I think
16:17   heno    bdmurray: focusing on this list?
16:17   pedro_  we also have a few nominations here : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+nominations
16:17   bdmurray        heno: I meant it won't take that much of the rest of my time
16:17   heno    pedro_: yep, I'll take on looking at those
16:18   heno    bdmurray: ok cool
16:18   pedro_  ok!
16:18   heno    any other meeting topics?
16:18   bdmurray        ogasawara: and I have talked about it but we were thinking kernel bugs for the 19th
16:19   bdmurray        asking people to test with Alpha 2
* liw has no more topics for today
16:19   heno    bdmurray, ogasawara: sounds good
16:20   bdmurray        We could start doing some statistic collecing on the +nominations . . .
16:21   heno    bdmurray: what sort of stats?
16:21   bdmurray        heno: just numbering gathering - the standard stuff
16:21   bdmurray        er number gathering ;)
16:21   Hobbsee heno: forums should be able to help you with that, too
* heno still has a fair number of +nominations to go through
16:22   bdmurray        interestingly 18 of the hardy ones are New
16:22   heno    Hobbsee: yep, jono is looking at that
16:23   heno    most of the gutsy ones i've looked at were new
16:23   heno    (now generally something else)
16:24   Hobbsee heno: cool
16:24   bdmurray        Will everybody be around on the 2nd of January for the next Hug Day?
16:24   ogasawara       bdmurray: I'll be here
16:24   heno    I will
16:24   bdmurray        pedro_: ?
16:24   pedro_  yep me too
16:24   liw     I will, too
16:24   liw     assuming it is of any help
16:25   bdmurray        sure it is
16:25   heno    finally note that there is a bug day today as well! focusing on ubiquity bugs. -> #ubuntu-bugs
16:25   heno    #endmeeting
16:25   MootBot Meeting finished at 16:25.

MeetingLogs/QATeam/20071212 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:21 by localhost)