

18:04   MootBot Meeting started at 12:05. The chair is heno.
18:04   MootBot Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
18:04   heno    [TOPIC]: Alpha 2 testing this week
18:04   MootBot New Topic: : Alpha 2 testing this week
18:04   heno    being an early alpha testing will be light
18:05   heno    sbeattie: do you know how far along the images are?
18:05   davmor2 heno: beings as live still doesn't work I think your right :)
18:05   heno    slangasek: ^ ?
* stgraber is sort of around
18:05   slangasek       desktop images are still on the edge of being usable for alpha2; there's nothing there to be tested yet
18:05   heno    ok, thanks
18:06   slangasek       cjwatson is actively working on the ubiquity problems, and we also have to cope with the fact that recommends-by-default has made the ubuntu desktop image 80MB oversized - and kubuntu 200MB oversized :)
18:06   heno    heh
18:06   sbeattie        ouch
18:06   davmor2 heno: it's true :)
18:06   ogra    people should use DVDRW for testing anyway :)
18:06   ogra    saver the environment ...
18:06   ogra    *save
18:07   heno    or usb thumb drives
18:07   ogra    yeh
18:07   ogra    +a
18:08   heno    so we'll test alternatives and desktops if they become available
18:08   heno    [TOPIC]: Package status prototype - feedback welcome
18:08   MootBot New Topic: : Package status prototype - feedback welcome
18:08   davmor2 heno: is this for release next thursday then?
18:08   heno    http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogasawara/pkg-stats/openoffice.org.html
18:08   MootBot LINK received:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogasawara/pkg-stats/openoffice.org.html
18:09   heno    davmor2: this thursday I think
18:09   davmor2 might run out of testing time then :/
18:09   davmor2 :-/
18:10   heno    davmor2: right, but we should just boot test them all
18:10   heno    and if there are no live CDs that makes it easier
18:10   davmor2 I tried a live today it failed dismally
18:11   ara     but are the images already available?
18:11   afflux  hi! is it just me or do the alpha 2 images miss on the iso testing tracker? (are they even supposed to appear there?)
18:11   heno    I'm guessing we'll release alpha 2 without lives
18:12   afflux  (sorry if you discussed that earlier, I missed the start)
18:12   heno    the alternates should be posted
18:12   heno    slangasek: ^ agree?
18:12   slangasek       I think so, yes
18:13   davmor2 the charts look great by the way.  Will they be automated?
18:13   sbeattie        I see live cds on cdimages, I suspect they just don't work.
18:13   heno    sbeattie: can you update the tracker after the meeting?
18:13   heno    sbeattie: let me know if you need a hand
18:13   sbeattie        heno: yes, will do, can you action it?
18:13   slangasek       fwiw, nvidia-glx-new is uninstallable on the alternates because of the X changes, so that's a bug to highlight for testers I think
18:13   LaserJock       Leann's, pkg-stats pages are awesome!
18:14   heno    [ACTION]: sbeattie to update iso tracker for alpha 2
18:14   MootBot ACTION received: : sbeattie to update iso tracker for alpha 2
18:14   LaserJock       ogasawara: great work!
18:14   heno    indeed!
18:14   davmor2 slangasek: noted
18:14   heno    everyone check http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogasawara/pkg-stats/openoffice.org.html
18:15   LaserJock       the one thing that struck me though
18:15   heno    bdmurray made the graphs
18:15   LaserJock       was that it is just bug "stuff"
18:15   LaserJock       wereas I'm sure developers/bug workers would probably like to see some information on the package itself
18:15   afflux  yup, looks cool. (though I thought we already had that kind of statistics, but I can't remember where...)
18:16   bdmurray        afflux: they aren't as detailed as this
18:16   heno    LaserJock: right, we'd love to get suggestions for that
18:16   afflux  I see
18:17   LaserJock       heno: at least links to Ubuntu/Debian changelogs, Ubuntu/Debian versions, links to package LP page and Debian PTS/BTS pages
18:17   heno    Development and Testing: should be a section separate from Bugs Info and have more items
18:18   heno    let's create https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/PackageStatusPages/Feedback and add such items there
18:18   ogasawara       that'd be great.  I'll try to knock out as many items as I can before the sprint next week
18:19   heno    how much of that overlaps with the LP package pages though?
18:19   LaserJock       heno: very little
18:19   heno    cool, we would like to add features not already on LP
18:19   LaserJock       some of the info you can get from the LP page, but you have to dig around
18:19   heno    and possibly later get them implemented there
18:19   davmor2 heno: if the is an overlap you could just link to the lp page for the package
18:19   LaserJock       but for sure LP doesn't have any of the Debian info
18:20   heno    ok
18:20   sbeattie        Isn't some of this also aggregation of multiple packages in LP? e.g. "gnome" and "kde" will cover quite a few, no?
18:20   heno    yeah, this page should very much be tailored fot the audience: Ubuntu QA and dev
18:21   heno    ogasawara: will you start that page and collect the ideas?
18:21   ogasawara       heno:  yup
18:21   sbeattie        do we want breakdowns by release?
18:21   LaserJock       sbeattie: yeah, both types of pages would be useful
18:21   heno    LaserJock: can you look over hat afterwards and add you thoughts?
18:21   LaserJock       heno: sure
18:22   heno    sbeattie: I'd like to have the option of historical look-back later too
18:22   heno    see the weekly graphs from 6 months ago, say
18:22   heno    sbeattie: are you thinking more of Hardy vs. Intrepid?
18:23   heno    so we can follow the LTS point releases, say?
18:23   sbeattie        yes, that too. historical comparisons are useful as well.
18:24   LaserJock       well, it would be nice to see if a particular releast/version is really getting a lot of bugs
18:25   heno    if anyone has further feedback please add it to the wiki
18:25   heno    [TOPIC]: Next week's meeting - suggestion: an in person meeting at the London sprint combined phone or skype for those who are not there at 14.00 UTC
18:25   MootBot New Topic: : Next week's meeting - suggestion: an in person meeting at the London sprint combined phone or skype for those who are not there at 14.00 UTC
18:26   davmor2 +1
18:27   LaserJock       14.00 UTC might allow some AU people to attend
18:27   heno    we'll have both a skype box with decent sound and a conference phone in the room
18:27   heno    LaserJock: will that be difficult for you?
* stgraber is afk now
18:27   heno    you are US west coast, right?
18:28   LaserJock       not impossible for sure
18:28   cgregan heno: I have the skype system all set here, and there is a teleconference install going on in the main conf room here as well
18:28   LaserJock       I think that's 7am local
18:28   heno    cgregan: excellent!
18:28   heno    how many people can be joined on a skype conference?
18:29   sbeattie        LaserJock: would 1400 UTC also let Persia attend?
18:29   heno    if we use that we don't need to distribute phone umbers and conf codes
18:29   LaserJock       sbeattie: perhaps so
18:29   heno    persia will be in Lexington
18:29   LaserJock       I can't say for sure
18:29   LaserJock       ah
18:30   heno    I assume
18:30   sbeattie        heno: just realized that.
18:30   cgregan heno: I don't know. Our test yesterday was my first skype experience
18:30   heno    as will cgregan and ogasawara
18:30   heno    I'm sure google will tell us
18:30   davmor2 cgregan: noob ;)
18:31   afflux  why not use mumble, it is opensource :P
18:31   heno    looks like 5
* cgregan adds a dollar to his "shrine to the internet"
18:31   davmor2 use ekiga it on the desktop already :)
18:31   heno    or openwengo?
18:31   cgregan davmor2: :-)
18:31   afflux  IIRC skype has some limitation about 5-8 people in one conference call
18:31   heno    I had issues with ekiga
* afflux too
18:32   heno    but perhaps that was just me
18:33   cgregan davmor2 and I have used audio only with success
* persia peers out from an insomaniacal state and wonders which 14:00
18:34   afflux  ekiga crashes on account setup for me :(
18:34   davmor2 :) It was quite a good connection too :)
18:34   heno    persia: UTC during the sprint week
18:34   heno    cgregan: can we go through testing that between us?
18:35   cgregan heno: sure
18:35   heno    if it works we'll use ekiga, if not phone
18:35   persia  Wednesday?
18:35   heno    persia: yes
18:36   davmor2 heno: so that 15:00 uk time
18:36   persia  Ah.  I've a standing meeting that day and time, and an additional conflict next week from 13:00 - 18:00 or so.
18:36   heno    davmor2: right
18:36   davmor2 okay
18:37   heno    persia: that time block will be tough to work around for us
18:37   persia  heno: No worries.  I'll read the minutes.
18:37   heno    but we'll be available the whole week by phone/skype
18:38   heno    ok, let's go with that time then
18:38   heno    we'll monitor IRC as well
18:38   heno    [TOPIC]: Ubuntu QA team update/proposal (LaserJock)
18:38   MootBot New Topic: : Ubuntu QA team update/proposal (LaserJock)
18:38   LaserJock       ok, so a few things
18:39   LaserJock       I wrote up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JordanMantha/UbuntuQA
18:39   LaserJock       which is hopefully a more thorough presentation of what I'm doing
18:39   heno    cool, thanks
18:39   davmor2 I got to go now I'll catch up after
18:39   LaserJock       and so far the team has 7 members (https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qa/+members)
18:40   LaserJock       and 4 bzr branches represting 4 different projects
18:40   LaserJock       I've been talking with lots of people
18:41   LaserJock       and trying to look at some QA needs around the community
18:42   LaserJock       so I think we're off to a good start
18:42   LaserJock       are there any questions about the wiki page?
18:42   bdmurray        what is a "relevant QA team"?
18:43   LaserJock       bugsquad, ubuntu-testing, ubuntu-dev, etc.
18:45   LaserJock       so I'd like to start pushing people towards the mailing list and doing some announcement/PR soon
18:46   heno    hm, i have to reboot, brb
18:46   sbeattie        LaserJock: nice, I think I'm mostly sold.
18:47   LaserJock       I'm sure there could be some refining around specifics, but hopefully it's good enough to get going
18:47   sbeattie        I would like to push a little bit on how we credit/reward people doing various elements of QA work.
18:47   heno    ... sorry about that
18:47   LaserJock       heno: np
18:47   LaserJock       sbeattie: yeah, that's something I think we'll have to work on some
18:48   LaserJock       I don't have any particularlly elegant propsals for that other than recognizing work that people are doing
18:48   sbeattie        I don't particularly have any good ideas (other than I want to be a level 10 QA Warlock)
18:48   LaserJock       having a team that's seeing what's going on around the QA universe, IMO, lends itself more to giving each other credit
18:49   LaserJock       for instance, ogasawara's work on that bug page is amazing
18:49   LaserJock       and I might not have noticed that if I hadn't been talking with her already and comming to the meeting, etc.
18:51   sbeattie        Sure, I think it's great, too, but generating webpages like is more interesting work than some of the grunt work the various QA teams do.
18:51   bryce   it might be interesting to ask existing volunteer triagers about what motivates them, and then seek ways to maximize that (or minimize inhibitors)
18:52   sbeattie        bryce: good idea
18:52   LaserJock       bryce: yeah, totally
18:52   heno    the people who have recently stepped up to organise bug days would be good candidates here
18:53   LaserJock       yes
18:53   heno    LaserJock: i appreciate that you have fleshed out the non-dev aspects a bit more
18:53   heno    and we can probably extend that further still
18:53   LaserJock       heno: yeah, I'm sorry that that came out too much last time. I'm come from a dev background and I'm afraid it showed
18:54   LaserJock       heno: yeah
18:54   heno    LaserJock: how do you see this team participating in the upcoming global bug jam for example
18:55   LaserJock       heno: well, hopefully that would be something that the Ubuntu QA would help organize and participate in
18:55   heno    that has a triage focus, but we can also benefit from dev involvement
18:55   cgregan heno: LoCo maryland has asked me to do a talk on QA process for the Jam.
18:56   LaserJock       perhaps generating useful documentation and task-lists if needed
18:56   cgregan We could do something like that but in the wiki or elsewhere...for a larger audience
18:57   heno    LaserJock: where would you like feedback on that writeup, in a comments section on the page, on an ML thread?
18:57   LaserJock       perhaps a thread on ubuntu-qa would be good, to get broader discussion
18:57   heno    ok, will you post and we can comment?
18:58   heno    and we'll talk about it at next week's meeting
18:58   LaserJock       ok
18:58   LaserJock       so I'm basically going to move forward with this this week
18:58   heno    perhaps we should propose some topics for that btw
18:58   LaserJock       and we can refine as we go
18:59   LaserJock       but I think we have consensus that we should move forward
18:59   heno    LaserJock: 'move forward' means announce more broadly, invite people to join, etc?
18:59   LaserJock       yes
19:00   LaserJock       I think the only real possible sticking point is the LP team name, and I'm confident that I/we can handle that
19:00   heno    there was actually an ubuntu-qa name before
19:00   heno    which was in effect bug-control
19:01   heno    and we changed the name to reduce confusion
19:01   LaserJock       yep
19:01   heno    but what we are talking about now fits the name better
19:01   LaserJock       I agree
19:02   heno    with the more inclusive view, I'm happy with the LP name
19:02   LaserJock       I'm up for trolling around the wiki and making appropriate changes
19:02   LaserJock       for non-trivial ones I'd email ubuntu-qa for discussion to make sure
19:02   heno    we should merge the LP team with the existing wiki/IRC/ML based team though
19:03   LaserJock       I basically agree
19:03   ara     heno: which irc channel?
19:03   heno    so we should stick to this meeting time, use the ML
19:03   LaserJock       I'm working on the IRC channel right now
19:03   ara     is there already a #ubuntu-qa ??
19:03   heno    and probably set up #ubuntu-qa
19:03   ara     LaserJock: ok
19:03   LaserJock       apparently #ubuntu-qa is for the Qatar LoCo team
19:04   LaserJock       the IRC ops suggested #ubuntu-quality for lack of a better name
19:04   heno    nand: I'm also wondering if it's time to set up #ubuntu-brainstorm ?
19:04   LaserJock       any other suggestions?
19:04   sbeattie        LaserJock: we all have to move to Qatar?
19:04   LaserJock       sbeattie: hehe, yeah
19:04   ara     :D
19:05   LaserJock       and apparently anything #ubuntu-qa-* is owned by them as well
19:05   LaserJock       so we can't do #ubuntu-qa-team or such
19:05   heno    as it doesn't fit very well in #ubuntu-testing anymore
19:06   heno    -quality sounds fine
19:06   LaserJock       it's not quite a clear, IMO, but I think it's probably the best we can do
19:07   LaserJock       I guess we could always ask Qatar to rename itself :-)
19:07   bdmurray        qc?
19:07   heno    I wonder how active that chan is?
19:07   LaserJock       heno: it's not at all
19:08   LaserJock       there wasn't anybody in there when I went in
19:08   ara     bdmurray: i prefer -quality than -qc
19:08   LaserJock       I think the meaning of QA is more generally known than QC
19:08   LaserJock       I'm not sure that people would know what ubuntu-qc was
19:09   ara     LaserJock: i agree
19:09   cgregan Is there a standard for "distro-group" or could it be qa-ubuntu? qa-canonical?
19:09   LaserJock       cgregan: well, I think generally they need to be *buntu-*
19:09   LaserJock       https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/ChannelNaming
19:10   heno    is there even a Qatar team? The ubuntu-qa ML is us
19:10   ara     "What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."
19:10   LaserJock       heno: it apparently doesn't matter if the team exists or is active. It's a blocked namespace
19:11   bdmurray        -qat? where t is for team?
19:11   sbeattie        cgregan: I particularly think we don't want *canonical*, as we want to make sure that it's clear that the intent is for this effort to not be exclusive to canonical employees.
19:11   LaserJock       I think #ubuntu-quality is probably our best bet
19:11   bdmurray        That's also a great scrabble word
19:11   cgregan sbeattie: I know...just an example of layout not of content
19:11   heno    Ubuntu Qatar could just be very interested in quality and happen to not live in Qatar
19:12   LaserJock       lol
19:12   heno    let's go with #ubuntu-quality but set the topic in #ubuntu-qa to make accidental visitors aware of that
19:13   heno    if a Qatar team turns up and becomes active they can change the topic to something more appropriate
19:14   LaserJock       agreed
19:14   LaserJock       I'll set it up
19:14   ara     ok
19:14   heno    any other topics?
19:16   heno    ok, let's wrap up
19:16   heno    #endmeeting
19:16   MootBot Meeting finished at 13:17.

MeetingLogs/QATeam/20080709 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:14 by localhost)