This is the 2nd meeting of the ScribesTeam, starting at 20:00 GMT and finishing at 20:31 GMT


Please type PRESENT at the start of the meeting to ensure we are all clear who is online and paying attention. Active Atendees:


When adding an agenda item please "sign" it by leaving your name next to it. If you won't be attending the meeting please also spell out your item in detail, otherwise we can't fruitfully discuss it.


Topic: Research of ubotu code -- Seeker`

Topic: Research on Calendars

Topic: Meeting Summary process write up -- Seeker`

Topic: Update on the bot

Topic: Team Communication

Topic: Review ways to raise interest

Any Other Business


[20:01:00] <ausimage> Shall we take roll
[20:01:15] <ausimage> PRESENT
[20:01:19] <Seeker`> PRESENT
[20:01:46] <ausimage> hmm everyone else is lurking??
[20:02:13] <ausimage> Ok...


[20:02:35] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Research of ubotu code -- Seeker`
[20:03:09] <ausimage> Seeker`: What did you find out?
[20:03:20] <Seeker`> I decided not to contact Seveas about integrating with ubotu
[20:03:30] <Seeker`> Mainly for reasons discussed towards the end of the last meeting
[20:03:48] <Seeker`> We wont have the control over the bot code, it would be much harder to test
[20:04:05] <Seeker`> There are now two of us working on TCL
[20:04:18] <Seeker`> I think it is something to consider down the line
[20:04:22] <Seeker`> but it isn't right for the bot just yet
[20:05:13] <ausimage> OK then we focus on our own bot then
[20:05:31] <Seeker`> yeah, for now
[20:05:40] <ausimage> [ACTION] Focus on development of own bot in TCL.
[20:05:42] <Seeker`> I think that was the general consensus last meeting
[20:05:52] <ausimage> I think you are right...
[20:05:58] <Seeker`> next topic?

[20:06:10] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Research on Calendars
[20:06:23] <ausimage> Thats Me :)
[20:06:48] <ausimage> I looked at Google Calendars... and also contacted the Fridge
[20:07:04] <medders> hi
[20:07:50] <ausimage> From my talk with the Fridge I think we need to support the efforts to improve the facilities there.
[20:07:51] <Seeker`> ausimage: What did you find out?
[20:08:43] <ausimage> I think the Fridge is worth supporting, but they have closed source calender that does not implement the entire calendar spec as I understand it.
[20:09:10] <ausimage> They are willing to look into making plugins to improve it though.
[20:09:14] <Seeker`> what can we do to support it?
[20:10:00] <ausimage> I feel that if we start getting meetings we should forward them to the Fridge for inclusion.
[20:10:32] <ausimage> Having more on the calendar in different locations may spur ideas of development....
[20:10:42] <Seeker`> yeah
[20:11:07] <ausimage> [IDEA] forward meeting requests to the fridge
[20:11:42] <ausimage> I also am of the opinion while the fridge should be our goal...
[20:12:10] <ausimage> We should look at using something like Google Calendars that does support the spec...
[20:12:21] <ausimage> while Fridge catches up..
[20:12:27] <Seeker`> hmm
[20:12:28] <Seeker`> possibly
[20:13:07] <ausimage> My reasons are because... it is easier to extract the information from a calendar that fully supports the spec..
[20:13:24] <Seeker`> 1. what spec
[20:13:32] <Seeker`> 2. in what way does'nt fridge support the spec
[20:14:42] <ausimage> The spec I refer to is the idea that calendars should support Name, Date, Time, Location, Description... at least... Fridge lacks a true location field...
[20:15:00] <Seeker`> But they can add one?
[20:15:06] <Seeker`> Our entry in the fridge had one?
[20:15:41] <ausimage> They could but under great pain the code is closed source... plugins might be possible...
[20:15:53] <Seeker`> its just that if you are thinking of extracting data with the bot, its easier to keep using the same tool rather than change from google to fridge
[20:16:04] <ausimage> Um our entry utilized fudging in the Description field...
[20:16:10] <Seeker`> because it will probably involve rewriting code.
[20:16:57] <ausimage> Yeah.. that is why I think a dual approach is worth trying....
[20:17:26] <Seeker`> but a dual approach with involve even more coding
[20:17:36] <Seeker`> i think we should postpone this until more people are present
[20:17:45] <ausimage> K
[20:18:25] <ausimage> [ACTION] Postpone decision on whether a dual approach is necessary
[20:18:44] <ausimage> but we should support the fridge by forwarding meetings
[20:19:12] <Seeker`> yes
[20:19:28] <ausimage> [ACTION] Forward meeting requests to the Fridge


[20:20:09] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Meeting Summary process write up -- Seeker`
[20:20:31] <Seeker`> I think we also need to postpone this until mor epeople are about
[20:20:39] <ausimage> gotcha...
[20:21:07] <ausimage> [ACTION] Postpone discussion of Meeting Summary process

[20:21:28] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Update on the bot
[20:21:54] <Seeker`> I haven't had time to get an SSH key to get in to AndrewWilliams's server
[20:21:55] <ausimage> Seeker`: ??
[20:22:06] <Seeker`> However, i think he may have something basic running on there
[20:22:13] <Seeker`> basically, there isn't anything new yet
[20:22:27] <ausimage> how is the bot progressing??
[20:22:43] <Seeker`> I've defined some specs on launchpad
[20:22:56] <Seeker`> AndrewWilliams has had a go at implementing one of them
[20:22:56] <ausimage> url??
[20:23:03] <Seeker`> I'm going to try to do some more this week
[20:23:14] <Seeker`> i think
[20:23:34] <ausimage> OK
[20:24:01] <ausimage> [ACTION] Seeker and AndrewWilliams will continue on the bot


[20:24:11] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Team Communication
[20:24:31] <Seeker`> I have sent an email about getting a mailing list
[20:24:35] <Seeker`> I am watiing for a reply
[20:24:46] <ausimage> good
[20:25:16] <ausimage> [IDEA] Use WIKI page to show responsibilities for Meeting Summaries
[20:25:32] <ausimage> I mentioned with Vorian on this...
[20:25:34] <Seeker`> I dont know if that is a good idea
[20:25:46] <Seeker`> because hopefully, meetings will be summarised very quickly
[20:25:56] <Seeker`> unless you mean for every meeting
[20:26:06] <Seeker`> i.e. person x is reponsible for all meetings of team y
[20:26:12] <ausimage> Yes
[20:26:18] <Seeker`> ok
[20:26:23] <Seeker`> sounds reasonable
[20:26:30] <ausimage> So I know who to bug if a summary is not done....
[20:26:41] <ausimage> and I do not duplicate work
[20:26:48] <Seeker`> yeah
[20:27:13] <ausimage> [ACTION] Waiting for Mailing List on
[20:27:44] <ausimage> [ACTION] Develop Meeting Summary Responsibility Page

[20:28:14] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Review ways to raise interest
[20:28:30] <Seeker`> I think all we can do is keep plugging it
[20:29:01] <ausimage> Yup...
[20:29:17] <Seeker`> we have the slot in the loco meeting
[20:29:19] <AndrewWilliams> sorry i'm late guys, dinner over run
[20:29:22] <Seeker`> i dont see what else we can do
[20:29:33] <Seeker`> AndrewWilliams: We are just about done now
[20:29:41] <AndrewWilliams> sods law :)
[20:29:59] <ausimage> We are on Raising Interest
[20:30:26] <ausimage> [ACTION] Continue forward raising interest
[20:30:27] * Seeker` has to go now
[20:30:28] <Seeker`> bye
[20:30:32] <ausimage> later
[20:30:59] <ausimage> OK... that is all that I have... any other business
[20:31:18] <ausimage> Alrighty then
[20:31:23] <ausimage> #endmeeting


MeetingLogs/Scribes/20070215 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:32 by localhost)