This is the 5th meeting of the Scribes Team, starting at 20:32 GMT and finishing at 21:05 GMT


  1. ausimage
  2. Dragon64
  3. Seeker`


  • Update on Meeting Logs
  • Update on the bot
  • Team Communication
  • Raise use and interest


  • Meeting Logs
  • MootBot

  • Communication and Interest


Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-scribes
[20:32:53] <ausimage> agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Scribes/20071028
[20:33:09] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Meeting Logs
[20:34:05] <ausimage> I wanted to just find out what has been happening... and what should be happening with this
[20:34:39] <ausimage> I have been doing my best to keep on the CC, Tech Board, Motu... and few others...
[20:34:59] <ausimage> I hear Dragon64 has been doing some too?
[20:35:19] <Dragon64> I have just been working on the ubuntu-meeting logs
[20:35:43] <Dragon64> and I need to change the ones we talked about having the wrong dates
[20:35:51] <ausimage> nice, you pulling out all the other meetings then?
[20:36:27] <Dragon64> I will work on whcihever ones you think are most important
[20:36:54] <ausimage> K... all do have some importance someone ;)
[20:37:11] <Dragon64> right, I could spread my work around
[20:37:19] <Dragon64> instead of just one topic
[20:37:53] <Dragon64> I had started on the older ones but I can move to the newer ones
[20:38:03] <Dragon64> if that would be better
[20:38:06] <ausimage> yeah... but be selective and do not over burden yourself...
[20:38:31] <ausimage> whereever you are most comfortable :)
[20:38:36] <Dragon64> that's cool........ I have some free time each day
[20:38:47] <Dragon64> I don't sleep much :-)
[20:39:37] <Dragon64> now that I know what I am doing, I am not afraid of messing something up like I was
[20:40:21] <ausimage> Dragon64: I assumed the MeetingLogs without any guidance... after they stopped being updated last year...
[20:40:49] <ausimage> I had to do it all on my own :)
[20:40:52] <Dragon64> so you have all the meeting logs?
[20:40:56] <Dragon64> :-)
[20:41:18] <Dragon64> that is quite a job
[20:41:20] <ausimage> No... I mean that I took over...
[20:41:38] <Dragon64> right, I just meant that nobody else is working on them
[20:42:20] <ausimage> yeah... then Seeker` and I started scribes.... after I drafted some proposals for improvements :)
[20:42:37] <Dragon64> do you both program?
[20:42:40] <ausimage> Seeker` has always focused on the bot... and I on the logs
[20:42:45] <Dragon64> ahhhhhhh
[20:42:54] <ausimage> yup...
[20:43:08] <Dragon64> thats cool
[20:43:20] <ausimage> Are there any suggestions for Meeting Logs?
[20:43:39] <ausimage> improvents and such ?
[20:43:51] <Dragon64> not at the moment :-)
[20:44:08] <ausimage> Alright then....
[20:44:21] <ausimage> [TOPIC] MootBot
[20:44:41] <ausimage> Seeker`: how goes the coding ?
[20:45:50] <ausimage> hmmm... Seeker`??
[20:46:40] <Dragon64> ahhhh must have fallen asleep maybe?? :-)
[20:46:49] <ausimage> Oh well... I think Seeker` did an update the other week...
[20:47:11] <ausimage> I think part of it allowed you to list channels it was in...
[20:47:36] <Dragon64> is the mmotbot only for logs ?
[20:47:42] <Dragon64> sorry moot bot
[20:48:32] <Seeker`> sorry, got called AFK
[20:48:39] <ausimage> it is to record the traffic of a meeting and also capture specific tagged lines
[20:48:44] <Dragon64> I was just curious if anyone else used it
[20:49:14] <Seeker`> I've not done any coding since the last update, but when I get some free time, I will get round to it
[20:49:17] <ausimage> I have had conversations with canonical to use it in-house
[20:49:22] <Seeker`> some feature suggestions would be good
[20:49:30] <Seeker`> ausimage: any results from the conversations?
[20:49:44] <ausimage> um I got a request to change the PM to a notice :S
[20:50:19] <ausimage> I have not heard much... but I did get an RT ticket filed for hosting mootboot :)
[20:50:58] <ausimage> Seeker`: is that doeable?
[20:51:08] <Seeker`> you mean the PM to the chair when you get ideas etc?
[20:51:18] <ausimage> yeah
[20:51:21] <Seeker`> hmm
[20:51:24] <Seeker`> it is doable, yes
[20:51:30] <Seeker`> i'm not sure if everyone would like that
[20:51:36] <Seeker`> but i guess I could set it up as a config option
[20:51:37] <ausimage> maybe a switch?
[20:51:42] <Seeker`> but that would still be bot-wide
[20:51:51] <Seeker`> its difficult to do channel-specific options
[20:52:02] <ausimage> how is the formating engine going?
[20:52:09] <Seeker`> well, more difficult. It makes the code more of a mess
[20:52:29] <Seeker`> not had a look at it - it was something that Nik_Doof had started, but I think he is a bit busy at the moemnt
[20:53:14] <ausimage> hmmm. I think a simple... regular expression substitution might be easy...
[20:54:03] <ausimage> have the formatter call the file of format.... and subsitute its variables for place holders in the text
[20:55:04] <ausimage> you could stack them perhaps... having multiple format files... running the format for each?
[20:55:22] <ausimage> or would that get too bogged down?
[20:55:52] <ausimage> Seeker`: ?
[20:56:38] <ausimage> K. then...
[20:56:57] <ausimage> [TOPIC] Communication and Interest
[20:57:10] <ausimage> last topic :)
[20:57:38] <ausimage> On this I just want to say...
[20:58:03] <ausimage> um well.... I feel things are going ok....
[20:58:09] <Dragon64> :-)
[20:58:31] <Dragon64> how many channels are using the bot?
[20:58:34] <ausimage> We have our list, I am available and do respond to most PMs.... or email
[20:59:25] <ausimage> hmmm... I am not sure...
[20:59:33] <Dragon64> ok, just curios
[20:59:39] <Dragon64> curious
[21:00:23] <ausimage> Lastly I think it is important to work with the community to help enhance their efforts at logging and summarizing...
[21:01:10] <Dragon64> should you talked with the ops from the other channels about that?
[21:01:12] <Seeker`> ausimage: sorry, some shoping was being delivered
[21:01:57] <ausimage> I have discussed a little about that on my Blog
[21:02:06] <Seeker`> currently, mootbot is idling in 5 channels (not counting #mootbot-test)
[21:02:06] <ausimage> ok Seeker`
[21:02:46] <ausimage> Seeker`: Can we get Dragon64 bot handling priveledges?
[21:03:38] <Seeker`> erm, should be able to
[21:04:12] <ausimage> Overall I think it is best to work with the community... then there will be logs made available hopefully:)
[21:04:23] <ausimage> good, Seeker`
[21:04:42] <ausimage> Anything else we should discuss?
[21:04:42] <Dragon64> yeah, the more logs the better
[21:05:07] <ausimage> hearing none?
[21:05:26] <ausimage> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.

MeetingLogs/ScribesTeam/20071029 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:21 by localhost)