

  • kees
  • jdstrand
  • jjohansen
  • mdeslaur
  • micahg
  • sbeattie

Not present

  • None


  • Review of any previous action items
    • None
  • Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week)
    • jdstrand
      • community
      • pending updates
      • finalize libvirt merge provided by the server team
      • dbus/apparmor (coordinate with jjohansen)
      • email
      • patch pilot
      • training class
    • kees
      • happy place
      • double patch-pilot (makeup for missed one at UDS)
      • short week due to holiday on Friday)
      • getting familiar with the new bug-based workflow for kernel SRU validation
      • continuing to work on USN correctly/building tools and LP/uct sync tools
    • mdeslaur
      • triager
      • pending updates
      • emergency flash update
      • work items as time allows
    • sbeattie
      • happy place
      • pending update
      • dovecot qrt script
      • apparmor work items
    • micahg
      • Weekly role: happy place
      • thunderbird regression
      • no chromium update for flash only update
      • natty update to Firefox 5 and other mozilla updates
      • short week
      • coordinate webkit update with Debian
  • Miscellaneous and Questions
    • jdstrand off on Monday only of next week


Logs available at http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/

MeetingLogs/Security/20110606 (last edited 2011-06-08 12:09:00 by pool-71-123-5-7)