

  • jdstrand
  • mdeslaur
  • tyhicks
  • sarnold
  • chrisccoulson

Not present

  • sbeattie
  • jjohansen


  • Announcements
    • Thanks to the following individuals:
      • Christian Biamont (christianbiamont) provided a debdiff for precise for xml-security-c (LP: #1192874)
      • Felix Geyer (debfx) provided debdiffs for precise-raring for libapache2-mod-fcgid (LP: #1238242)
      • Felix Geyer (debfx) provided debdiffs for precise-raring for ejabberd (LP: #1239307)

      Your work is very much appreciated and will keep Ubuntu users secure. Great job! Smile :)

  • Actions
  • Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week)
    • jdstrand
      • weekly role: triage
      • catch-up from being at sprint
      • process/communicate outcomes from sprint next week
      • click-apparmor CI testing
      • click-apparmor upload
      • sponsor apparmor upload
    • mdeslaur:
      • weekly role: community
      • pending updates
      • triage/investigation surrounding ffmpeg and libav
    • tyhicks
      • AppArmor

        • apparmor bug fix upload
        • merges
        • apparmor/ecryptfs bug
        • enable yama on mobile kernels
    • sarnold
      • weekly role: happy place
      • pending updates
    • chrisccouson
      • chromium-browser published
      • help people get up and running with oxide
      • improve the workflow for maintaining the chromium patches in oxide
      jdstrand mentioned syncing up with the phonedations team (particularly rsalveti) and doing armhf benchmarks
  • Highlighted packages

    The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved. The highlighted packages for this week are:

    The Ubuntu Security team suggests that contributors look into merging Debian security updates in community-supported packages. If you would like to help Ubuntu but are not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See the available merges and SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details on preparing Ubuntu security updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-hardened. To find out other ways of helping out, please see SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.

  • Miscellaneous and Questions


Logs available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-11-04-16.34.html

MeetingLogs/Security/20131104 (last edited 2013-11-04 17:08:08 by jdstrand)