Who: SecurityTeam
When: Mon Aug 20 16:43:49 2018 UTC
End: Mon Aug 20 17:02:57 2018 UTC
Where: #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Chaired By: Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand)
- jdstrand
- mdeslaur
- sbeattie
- jjohansen
- sarnold
- chrisccoulson
- leosilva
- ebarretto
Not present
- msalvatore
- amurray
- Announcements
- Thanks
- Generalist role rotation
- CVE Triage: ebarretto, Bug Triage: msalvatore, Community: sarnold, Happy Place: amurray, mdeslaur, sbeattie, leosilva
Thanks to Unit193 for help on security updates for the community supported cgit last week. This work is very much appreciated and will keep Ubuntu users secure. Great job!
- The Ubuntu Security Team is hiring!
Ubuntu Security engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/canonical/jobs/1158266?t=8c0a6c1f1
Ubuntu Security manager: https://boards.greenhouse.io/canonical/jobs/1278287?t=8c0a6c1f1
- Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week)
- jdstrand
- brand store snap declarations
- anbox-support
- kubernetes-support interfaces
- various snapd PR reviews
- embargoed item
- amurray
- internal work
- ceph update
- move down the list
- mdeslaur
- two embargoed issues
- misc pre-holiday work
- sbeattie
- kernel triage and sign-offs
- bind9 update
- openjdk for bionic
- go down the list
upstream AppArmor merge requests
- jjohansen
- LSS prep
- look at LSM stacking
AppArmor patch review
AppArmor 3 revision as time allows
- sarnold
- community this week
- MIRs, specifically gtk portal
- spidermonkey in bionic
- thunderbird 60 preparation
- fix rust packaging issue from previous update
- leosilva
- wpa update
- spice update
- other updates as have time
- ebarretto
- CVE triage
- bring ffmpeg triage up to date
- expanded ESM update from the list
- jdstrand
- Highlighted packages
The Ubuntu Security team suggests that contributors look into merging Debian security updates in community-supported packages. If you would like to help Ubuntu but are not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See the available merges and SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details on preparing Ubuntu security updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-hardened. To find out other ways of helping out, please see SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.
- Miscellaneous and Questions
tsimonq2 he noticed amurray's podcast, https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/
MeetingLogs/Security/20180820 (last edited 2018-08-20 17:03:22 by jdstrand)