Revision 1 as of 2008-03-20 14:11:59

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Items we will be discussing:

  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting.
  • Review ["ServerTeam/Roadmap"] and ["ServerTeam/ReportingPage"].

  • Agree on next meeting date and time.



{{{Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting [22:00:40] * kirkland o/ [22:00:50] <mathiaz> welcome to this pre-easter server team meeting [22:01:00] <nijaba> pre beta as well [22:01:20] <soren> o/ [22:01:27] <mathiaz> nijaba: right - I was putting my stomach before ubuntu... [22:01:31] * soren is only sort of here. [22:01:44] <mathiaz> Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [22:02:04] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] iSCSI Support [22:02:20] <mathiaz> soren: while you're around what's the move on iscsi ? [22:02:21] <soren> That's me. [22:02:53] <soren> Right, I've gotten the "Ok, go!" from our mighty release manager to make the appropriate changes to make root-on-iscsi work. [22:03:16] <mathiaz> soren: when would that work land in hardy ? [22:03:24] <mathiaz> soren: I guess it won't make it for beta [22:03:26] <soren> I've got the easy 65% done, but I'm missing the confusing last 65%. [22:03:37] <soren> No, certainly post-beta. [22:03:40] <soren> Unfortunately. [22:03:40] <mathiaz> soren: the next widespread testing would be RC [22:03:54] <mathiaz> We should try to get widespread testing before that [22:04:06] <soren> Sure. [22:04:39] <soren> I'm off from after this meeting until Tuesday, so if anyone wants to pick it up, now's the time to sout. [22:04:41] <mathiaz> soren: what is needed to test root-on-iscsi ? [22:04:42] <soren> shout, even. [22:04:51] <soren> mathiaz: Fancy, expensive hardware Sad :( [22:05:07] <mathiaz> soren: pick it up == implement it ? [22:05:18] <nijaba> what about iscsi target, would it work? [22:05:20] <soren> mathiaz: The specific use case I'm trying to cater for is blade servers that have iscsi support in the bios. [22:05:42] <nijaba> guess not then [22:05:43] <soren> It hurts my head just thinking about it. [22:05:57] <soren> These things install grub on the iscsi share... and it works. [22:06:11] <soren> It's very confusing. [22:06:15] <mathiaz> soren: do you have access to such hardware ? [22:06:18] <soren> mathiaz: Nope. [22:06:29] <mathiaz> soren: or do you know of such products ? [22:06:30] <soren> mathiaz: ...and that's not helping either Smile :) [22:06:48] <soren> mathiaz: I'm aware of their existence, and I have a friendly guy that tells me that it doesn't work. [22:07:09] <soren> and I totally see why, and he's given me some helpful hints about what to do. [22:07:10] <mathiaz> soren: so you have a tester at least [22:07:16] <soren> Yes. [22:07:19] <mathiaz> soren: great. [22:07:46] <nijaba> faulkes- might have some dell blade at hand, not sure if he can use them for testing though [22:07:54] <soren> I just need to accept that fact that the initial booting procedure works and the try to make ends meet. [22:07:57] <mathiaz> of course if anyone has access to such hardware, I'm sure that soren would appreicate some help in that [22:08:30] <nijaba> and I don't even know if dell blades supports this [22:09:08] <mathiaz> ok - let's move on [22:09:17] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] LSB compliant init script [22:09:45] <mathiaz> kirkland: how do you survive to this task ? [22:10:09] <kirkland> mathiaz: Smile :-) The task will not be completed in Hardy [22:10:21] <kirkland> mathiaz: discussion ensued on ubuntu-devel@ [22:10:37] <kirkland> mathiaz: and it was determined that these changes are not acceptable in a Beta Freeze timeframe [22:10:42] <nijaba> (from Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who), "A feature's a [22:10:42] <nijaba> feature no matter how small". [22:10:58] <kirkland> mathiaz: I still believe in the importance of the work, but I understand and agree with the freeze process [22:11:17] <kirkland> mathiaz: at this point, I suggest that we work with Keybuk on a plan for Intrepid [22:11:18] <zul> imho ideally we should have a spec for this in ibex and we can pile in more features that we want [22:11:19] <mathiaz> kirkland: Well - to be correct - the changes are suitable for a FeatureFreeze Exception [22:11:41] <mathiaz> kirkland: yes - let's differ that to UDS [22:11:57] <kirkland> mathiaz: s/differ/defer/, yes [22:12:29] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'll update the Roadmap accordingly [22:12:39] <mathiaz> kirkland: thanks. [22:12:41] * kirkland action ^ [22:12:59] <mathiaz> [ACTION] kirkland to update the Roadmap wrt to the init script work [22:13:16] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Guide [22:13:28] <mathiaz> sommer: so tomorrow is string freeze [22:13:38] <mathiaz> sommer: what's the state of the guide now ? [22:13:38] <sommer> should be good to go! [22:13:58] * nijaba hugs sommer [22:14:04] <sommer> made a bug fix, grammar fix, update commit about 45 min ago [22:14:05] <zul> yay!! [22:14:13] <mathiaz> sommer: which section have been updated and reviewed wrt last week ? [22:14:58] <sommer> mathiaz: pretty much all of them [22:15:31] <sommer> I guess the only one I may have a question about is the bzr section [22:15:31] <mathiaz> sommer: so once we're in documentationstring freeze, what are you plans ? [22:15:48] * nijaba thinks sommer should take some vacations [22:16:11] <sommer> heh, probably help test dapper to hardy upgrades and what not [22:16:25] <mathiaz> sommer: I meant on the documentation front ? [22:16:34] <mathiaz> sommer: are we pretty much done for hardy ? [22:16:49] <sommer> mathiaz: oh right, I think we're pretty well there [22:17:12] <sommer> I guess if there are ideas for ibex we can start gathering them [22:17:23] <sommer> I have a few, but the more the merrier [22:17:37] <mathiaz> sommer: could you add them to the IdeaPool page ? [22:17:49] <sommer> sure, will do [22:18:02] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/IdeaPool [22:18:14] <nijaba> I think someone should go sort the good ideas from the brainstorm stuff [22:18:30] <mathiaz> for general interest, this page is used to track ideas for the next cycle [22:18:55] * zul didnt know about that [22:19:17] <mathiaz> [ACTION] sommer to add ideas to the IdeaPool page about documentation improvements during the next release. [22:20:22] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Server survey [22:20:55] <mathiaz> nijaba: what's new on this front ? [22:21:20] <nijaba> We are currently fixing the last bugs [22:21:40] <nijaba> and waiting for the security review of limesurvey by keescook [22:22:22] <mathiaz> nijaba: ok. [22:23:15] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Status reporting [22:23:42] <mathiaz> I've been trying to rework the satus reporting [22:24:10] <faulkes-> there were some questions re: isci booting and testing? [22:24:28] <mathiaz> and how we try to know what's happening in the Ubuntu Server team on the development side of things [22:24:29] <soren> faulkes-: Yeah. WOuld you be able to help with testing? [22:24:33] * nijaba notes that he asked faulkes- to join about iscsi testing [22:24:43] <nijaba> duh [22:24:50] <faulkes-> yes, I can help, there is one caveat to that, which is time based [22:25:08] <soren> -> /msg [22:25:15] <faulkes-> I inherited this environment, the previous admin who shall remain nameless has never turned on the iscsi box Wink ;) [22:25:31] <faulkes-> so I have to go to the colo and conf it up [22:25:44] <faulkes-> which won't be until next week, tuesday most likely [22:25:48] <mathiaz> so I have the idea of publishing a weekly status report from the server team [22:25:53] <faulkes-> otherwise, I'd be happy to help test it [22:26:02] <soren> faulkes-: Cool. [22:26:13] <mathiaz> to list what we've done and what needs to be tested and or when we request feedback [22:26:16] <soren> faulkes-: I'm off until Tuesday. We can talk then? [22:26:21] <faulkes-> sure [22:26:43] <mathiaz> any ideas on the form this could take ? [22:26:58] <mathiaz> email or blog or something else ? [22:27:13] <mathiaz> would this be useful ? [22:27:36] <nijaba> blog is nice [22:27:44] <nijaba> but should it be weekly? [22:28:00] <mathiaz> nijaba: well - there is already the montlyreport [22:28:18] <mathiaz> nijaba: however a lot of things are happening in the server team [22:28:34] <mathiaz> nijaba: and our section in the monthlyreport is already big. [22:28:37] <nijaba> I mean, we could have a server team blog where we log the new stuff [22:28:42] <mathiaz> nijaba: may a every other week then [22:28:47] <nijaba> does not have to be a *weekly* thinkg [22:29:43] <mathiaz> nijaba: I thought about starting a blog for the serverteam [22:29:52] <mathiaz> nijaba: mainly focused on development [22:29:59] <nijaba> yes [22:30:06] <mathiaz> nijaba: a sort of - what's cooking in ubuntu-server [22:30:14] <sommer> would it be called "You've been Served" ? [22:30:16] <mathiaz> the content would be based on the ReportingPage [22:31:04] <mathiaz> sommer: I don't know how it could be named [22:31:26] <mathiaz> sommer: I like the idea of cooking - what's coming from the kitchen of the server team [22:31:33] <sommer> heh, my last comment was mostly a joke Smile :-) [22:31:48] <sommer> from south park??? [22:32:38] <sommer> I think it's a great idea though [22:33:23] <mathiaz> Ok - so I'll think about this a bit more. [22:33:31] <mathiaz> Just wanted to throw the idea [22:33:51] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Hardy Beta [22:34:15] <mathiaz> As you may know, we're planning to release beta tomorrow thursday [22:34:31] <zul> yippe skippe! [22:35:12] <nxvl> wasnt' the beta released on sunday? [22:35:17] <mathiaz> As usual - testing is welcome ! [22:35:28] <mathiaz> nxvl: nope - we always release on Thursday [22:36:15] <nijaba> I have added some test cases for JeOS https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/JeOSInstall [22:36:24] <nxvl> oh you are right [22:36:40] <mathiaz> nijaba: is anyone responsible for testing JeOS ? [22:36:54] <nijaba> I've been on it... [22:37:13] <mathiaz> nijaba: they're not listed on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ [22:37:14] <nijaba> people should defintely register on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ [22:37:25] <nijaba> they will be right after beta [22:37:30] <nijaba> was too late for beta, sorry [22:37:37] <mathiaz> nijaba: ok [22:38:10] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Any Other Business [22:38:22] <mathiaz> anyone wants to add something ? [22:38:25] <nijaba> bug #162167 ? [22:38:26] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 162167 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mySQL password asks only once" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/162167 [22:38:36] <nijaba> was cited in LinuxJournal [22:38:49] <nxvl> 16:30 < mathiaz> email or blog or something else ? [22:38:55] <nijaba> nice paper about the security features of the server [22:38:58] <nxvl> sorry for that [22:39:16] <nxvl> i hit the button i shouldn't hit [22:39:33] <faulkes-> nxvl: dell media direct? [22:39:40] * faulkes- whistles innocently [22:40:42] <nxvl> faulkes-: nop, left click -> middle click :P [22:41:01] <nxvl> nijaba: what about that bug? [22:41:20] <nijaba> well, I think we should make sure it is fixed soon [22:41:39] <nxvl> ok i will work on it right now [22:41:39] <nxvl> Big Grin :) [22:41:50] <nijaba> Thanks Nicolas [22:43:10] <mathiaz> alright then [22:43:12] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time. [22:43:24] <mathiaz> next week, same place, same time ? [22:43:44] <kirkland> mathiaz: yep [22:43:45] <nxvl> +1 [22:43:46] <nijaba> +1 [22:43:56] <sommer> o// [22:44:01] <faulkes-> +1 [22:44:44] <mathiaz> awesome - so see you all in a week [22:45:09] <mathiaz> and happy beta testing/easter chocolate eating Smile :) [22:45:14] <sommer> thanks mathiaz, later all [22:45:24] <mathiaz> #endmeeting }}}