
Items we will be discussing:

  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting.
  • Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap.
  • Call for likewise-open update testing.
  • Open Discussion.
  • Agree on next meeting date and time.


Review ACTION points from previous meeting

kirkland will publish the blog post about testing booting from a degraded raid array today, on his own wordpress account linked to planet.ubuntu.

nijaba waits for some input from Intel before writing up the server survey question related to hw and submitting it for review to the rest of the server team.

Ubuntu VM builder

soren works on some parted issues but is now very close to having KVM as well as Xen support in VMBuilder. That delayed the publication of some very basic doc on how to get it / test it / run it.

Mail server improvements

ScottK still needs help for writing up the MIRs for having ClamAV and Spamassassin in main for Intrepid. Anyone interested in that endeavor should step up and contact him.

jdstrand noticed it would be great to have a clamd and freshclam enforcing apparmor profile, which would definitely help in having ClamAV approved for main. He offered his help to ScottK or anyone else wanting to implement this.

Boot Support for Degraded RAID

In addition to the aforementioned blog post, kirkland is going to work on a grub patch this week.

Encrypted ~/Private Directory in Each User's Home

kirkland will be publishing a blog post calling for testers, now that this feature has been promoted to main.

Ubuntu Manpage Repository

The manpage repository software has now fully passed kees audit, it's just waiting on Canonical IS to take over hosting it. kirkland hopes it will be available by the end of the month.

Review ServerGuide for Intrepid

sommer finished the Kerberos section, which should be the last of the big updates for Intrepid. Like the rest of the server guide, it's waiting on reviewers !

Call for likewise-open update testing

Koon has been working on likewise-open updates for Intrepid, based on the Likewise test branch that should become the next version. This important update needs some widespread testing before it can be pushed to main. The version is available in Koon's PPA, waiting on testers to find potential regressions from the hardy version. sommer offered to help, and anyone else is welcome to join him.

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 12th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[16:02] <Koon> #startmeeting
[16:02] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:06. The chair is Koon.
[16:02] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[16:02] <jdstrand_> o/
[16:03] <Koon> Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[16:03] <Koon> Previous meeting logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20080729
[16:03] <Koon> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[16:03] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[16:03] <Koon> We have two recorded ACTIONs in last meeting
[16:04] <Koon> kirkland to write a blog post about testing booting from a degraded raid array
[16:04] <kirkland> Koon: I have a draft, I'll publish today
[16:04] <Koon> kirkland: great !
[16:04] <kirkland> Koon: I set up my own wordpress account, and linked it to planet.ubuntu, so i'll just push it there myself
[16:05] <Koon> more server blogging, nice
[16:05] <Koon> the second action is nijaba's, not sure he is around
[16:05] <kirkland> Koon: I also have an Encrypted Private Dir blog post draft too
[16:05] <kirkland> Koon: I was waiting for the latest merge to make it into the archive, as a couple of scripts changed names
[16:05] <Koon> kirkland: ok.
[16:05] <kirkland> Koon: that happened overnight
[16:06]  * nijaba waves
[16:06] <Koon> nijaba to write up a question related to hw and submit it for review to the rest of the server team
[16:06] <Koon> nijaba: did you have the time to progress on that ?
[16:06] <nijaba> Koon: I am still waiting for the input from Intel on the subject
[16:07] <Koon> nijaba: ok
[16:07] <Koon> nijaba: keep us posted !
[16:07] <nijaba> I will :)
[16:08] <Koon> Let's review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap...
[16:08] <Koon> [TOPIC] Ubuntu VM builder
[16:08] <MootBot> New Topic:  Ubuntu VM builder
[16:08] <Koon> soren: around ?
[16:08] <soren> Yes, I am now. Sorry.
[16:09] <soren> I've stumbled a bit on a parted issue that I'm trying to get sorted out.
[16:09] <soren> When that's fixed, I shall be very close indeed to having Xen support in VMBuilder as well as KVM.
[16:09] <soren> Er..
[16:09] <soren> I mean, KVM as well as Xen support in VMBuilder. Not Xen support in KVM.
[16:09] <Koon> I seem to remember you wanted to write some very basic doc on how to get it / test it / run it
[16:10] <soren> Yes, that stalled a bit since there were a few things that were a bit in flux. Those should be sorted out very shortly after I get the parted bug sorted out.
[16:10] <Koon> OK, great!  We'll skip the specs assigned to mathiaz and go directly to...
[16:10] <Koon> [TOPIC] Mail server improvements
[16:10] <MootBot> New Topic:  Mail server improvements
[16:11] <Koon> ScottK is unfortunately not available but asked me to ask again for help on the MIRs
[16:12] <Koon> If anyone is interested in seeing ClamAV and Spamassassin in main, it's a good time to step up
[16:12] <jdstrand_> it occurred to me the other day that it would be really great if we could have a clamd and freshclam enforcing apparmor profile
[16:12] <mianosm1> That would be in the main repository (suggested/requested at the moment)?
[16:12] <Koon> jdstrand_: that sounds like a nice idea indeed
[16:12] <jdstrand_> with clamav's security history, this would go quite a ways to mitigating its security concerns
[16:13] <jdstrand_> as I may be one of the people reveiwing that bit, I may even require it :)
[16:13] <Koon> mianosm1: yes, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/clamav-spamassassin-in-main
[16:13] <jdstrand_> I just wrote one for myself the other day, so I'd be happy to help ScottK or whoever in that regard
[16:13] <kirkland> I believe that we need an AV in Main
[16:14] <Koon> jdstrand_: ok great.
[16:14] <Koon> [TOPIC] Boot Support for Degraded RAID
[16:14] <MootBot> New Topic:  Boot Support for Degraded RAID
[16:14] <Koon> kirkland: we already talked a bit about it in the actions
[16:15] <Koon> anything more ?
[16:15] <kirkland> Koon: no additional progress....  I'm going to work on a grub patch this week
[16:15] <Koon> kirkland: ok.
[16:15] <Koon> [TOPIC] Encrypted ~/Private Directory in Each User's Home
[16:15] <MootBot> New Topic:  Encrypted ~/Private Directory in Each User's Home
[16:16] <kirkland> Koon: I will be publishing a blog post today calling for testers
[16:16] <Koon> ok.
[16:16] <kirkland> Koon: this item is ready for heavy duty testing
[16:16] <kirkland> Koon: it has been promoted to main
[16:16] <kirkland> Koon: and kees sponsored a merge yesterday, where I added a bunch of manpages
[16:16] <kirkland> Koon: I'm ready for testers!
[16:17] <Koon> me too, but we'll come to that in a moment ;)
[16:17] <Koon> [TOPIC] Migrate new installs and upgrades of client and server packages to use SSL v3 or TLS
[16:17] <MootBot> New Topic:  Migrate new installs and upgrades of client and server packages to use SSL v3 or TLS
[16:17] <Koon> is my favorite Ante here ?
[16:18] <Koon> apparently not, let's move on
[16:18] <Koon> [TOPIC] Ubuntu Manpage Repository
[16:18] <MootBot> New Topic:  Ubuntu Manpage Repository
[16:18] <Koon> Dustin strikes again
[16:19] <kirkland> Koon: good news on that front too...  Kees re-reviewed it again, and it fully passed his audit, full support from him on it.
[16:19] <kirkland> Koon: I have an open RT with Canonical IS to take over hosting it
[16:19] <kirkland> Koon: I set a loose deadline of end-of-month
[16:19] <kirkland> Koon: elmo is on it.
[16:20] <Koon> sounds great !
[16:20]  * nijaba hopes elmo is quicker on this one than on the survey server...
[16:20] <kirkland> :-/
[16:21] <Koon> [TOPIC] Review ServerGuide for Intrepid
[16:21] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ServerGuide for Intrepid
[16:21] <Koon> sommer: ?
[16:21] <sommer> finished the Kerberos section, and it's ready for review: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/kerberos.html
[16:22] <sommer> I think that's the last of the big updates for intrepid :)
[16:22] <Koon> ok, so you welcome reviewers now (as always)
[16:23] <sommer> absolutely, the more the merrier
[16:23] <Koon> that reminds me... I've a couple of likewise-open fixes to push to you
[16:23]  * nealmcb suddenly remembers what time zone he's in....
[16:23] <sommer> Koon: cool, just let me know
[16:23] <Koon> nealmcb: \o/
[16:24] <Koon> sommer: on the AD part. I will
[16:24] <Koon> ok, that's all for the specs, I think, let me know if I forgot something
[16:25] <Koon> [TOPIC] Call for likewise-open update testing
[16:25] <MootBot> New Topic:  Call for likewise-open update testing
[16:25] <Koon> OK, so I've been working on likewise-open updates for Intrepid
[16:25] <Koon> there is test branch up at Likewise with what should become the next version
[16:25] <Koon> (>4.1.0)
[16:26] <Koon> I've been packaging that, there is a lot of nice fixes
[16:26] <Koon> but also potential for nice regressions ;)
[16:26] <Koon> so we'll need some widespread testing before I can push that new version anywhere near main
[16:27] <Koon> A very fresh version is currently building on my PPA
[16:27] <nijaba> Koon: EtienneG is working on a WP on the subject, please feel free to feed him news and I am sure he would be a good tester :)
[16:27] <Koon> https://launchpad.net/~tcarrez/+archive
[16:27] <Koon> likewise-open -
[16:28] <Koon> ivoks :o/
[16:28] <ivoks> hi
[16:28] <Koon> I've tested that domain join, leave, authentication works correctly, and I already patched two regressions
[16:29] <Koon> I'm especially interested in regressions, since that version won't solve all existing bugs (even if it solves most of them)
[16:29] <Koon> Anyone having been in contact with likewise-open in hardy and wanting to test in intrepid ?
[16:30] <sommer> Koon: I should be able to give it a test this weekend
[16:30] <sommer> if not sooner
[16:30] <Koon> sommer: that's great !
[16:31] <Koon> I'll do some more thorough testing on the very fresh ppa2 version tomorrow. Just take whatever is the freshest in my PPA at that time
[16:31] <Koon> let's move on
[16:31] <sommer> Koon: do you need the gui part tested as well as the cli?
[16:32] <Koon> sommer: yes
[16:32] <Koon> I found one regression on the GUI (a missing icon)
[16:32] <jdstrand_> a
[16:32] <Koon> not sure there is much more regression potential there... but one never knows
[16:33] <Koon> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[16:33] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[16:33] <Koon> macd sent an email to ubuntu-server ML asking for one more MOTU ack for NeilW's passenger package to progress onthe RubyOnRails spec
[16:34] <Koon> whoever is MOTU, has some free time and interest in Ruby call help him
[16:34] <Koon> s/call/can
[16:34] <Koon> anyone else has a subject / item / beer to share with the group ?
[16:36] <pschulz01> I would just like to thank you guys for all your efforts...
[16:36] <sommer> Koon: have you tried creating a samba share after joining a domain with likewise?
[16:36] <sommer> Koon: just wondering if we need a AD integration section in the samba chapter when likewise does such a good job?
[16:37] <nealmcb> soren: At OSCON I went to a talk by nat friedmanon that demo'd SUSE's appliance building web site - very impressive....  but it was still in a closed alpha or beta   http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/schedule/detail/4727
[16:37] <Koon> sommer: yes, with mixed results (I seem to remeber a superfluous password query)
[16:38] <nijaba> nealmcb: yeah, I chatted with him and Guy Lunardi on the same subject. We are doing very similar stuff, except that they are not planning to release their web based source code AFAIK
[16:38] <sommer> Koon: mmm... I was just wanting to make sure that permissions and stuff worked using AD users
[16:39] <sommer> Koon: I'll do some more testing with your new package version, thanks
[16:39] <Koon> sommer: there are a few important fixes, one of them is being able to remove likewise-open while a domain is joined without nuking your system
[16:39] <Koon> one other is the service not starting after a reboot issue
[16:39] <nijaba> nealmcb: moreover, their supported juice (not the openSuse one) requires an activation code on a per parter basis
[16:39] <Koon> and the last one being a conflict with the current samba in intrepid
[16:40] <nealmcb> nijaba: too bad.  mainly I was thinking the slides would be of interest and the feature set they target is worth considering
[16:41] <nijaba> nealmcb: sure, they are. I did not get their slides, did you?
[16:41] <nealmcb> they're liking kvm more and more also
[16:41] <Koon> [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time
[16:41] <MootBot> New Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time
[16:41] <Koon> same place, same time, next week ?
[16:42] <Koon> (mathiaz should be back!)
[16:42] <ivoks> sure
[16:42] <nealmcb> nijaba: I haven't seen them yet
[16:42]  * nijaba will be in vacation next week
[16:42]  * ivoks is at the vacation right now :)
[16:42] <nealmcb> the slides should have been up on the web last week as I understand it
[16:42]  * nealmcb is also vacationing
[16:42] <Koon> my vacation starts next Wednesday so I should be there
[16:42] <sommer> no fair :(
[16:43] <nijaba> ivoks: I'll be in the mountains with no laptop/network access, not even gsm :(
[16:43] <nealmcb> Irvine - classic sunny california
[16:43] <Koon> Cassis - classic sunny French Riviera
[16:43] <ivoks> nijaba: uff... french alps?
[16:43] <nealmcb> and next week in Flagstaff AZ - and I'll be here....
[16:43]  * nijaba will be in Yosemite if it has not burned before...
[16:43] <Koon> Thanks all for coming !
[16:44] <nealmcb> hmmm - oops - maybe not - somewhere in New Mexico....
[16:44] <nijaba> ivoks: yosemite: california
[16:44]  * nealmcb will ping nat for the slides
[16:44] <nijaba> thanks nealmcb
[16:44] <nijaba> thanks for hosting the meeting Koon
[16:45] <nealmcb> nice job
[16:45] <sommer> thanks Koon, later on all
[16:45] <kirkland> thanks Koon
[16:45] <ivoks> later all
[16:45] <Koon> #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/Server/20080805 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:15 by localhost)