
Items we will be discussing:

  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting
  • Maverick development (jib)
    • Alpha3 subcycle status (ttx)

    • Alpha3-milestoned bugs (ttx)
    • Alpha3 ISO testing (ttx)
  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)

    • Skipped due to absence
  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Community Team (kim0)

  • Weekly SRU review (zul)
  • Server papercuts (ttx)
    • Alpha3 retrospective
    • Beta nominations
  • Open Discussion
  • Announce next meeting date and time
    • Tuesday 2010-08-10 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting


Meeting Actions

  • SpamapS to send ruby gems proposel to ubuntu-devel
  • zul to clean up the SRU assigne list by prodding people on status
  • everyone to pick 1 or 2 papercuts for the beta cycle

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

  • SpamapS to work with mathiaz on a proposal, and send proposal to -devel on ruby gems in ubuntu: Work in progress.
  • Daviey & kirkland to review http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/uec.html: DONE.

  • entire team to fix your papercuts by end-of-the-week: reviewed later in a meeting topic.
  • SpamapS and ScottK to reivew Kolab php5 patches: patches submitted to upstream and should be available after alpha3.

Maverick development (jib)

  • alpha3 overcommitted, several WI postponed to beta.
  • cloud-utils, daily-vcs, uec-monitoring: won't be able to be done before FF.
  • added blueprints to track ongoing work like ISO testing and triaging, just to provide more insight, so those will be in the tracker as well starting the beta cycle.
  • most blueprints should be scoped for the beta workloads now, so please have a look and make sure there are no anomalies.

Alpha3-milestoned bugs (ttx)

  • remaining bugs were retargeted to beta
  • UEC: All-in-one topo working, other topologies and loadtesrting are still very broken

Alpha3 ISO testing (ttx)

  • ISO respin tomorrow morning: concentrate your ISO testing efforts on tomorrow's
  • Cloud images will also be respun.

Remember area of ISO testing, it's marked down on the corresponding work item.

Magical powers

ttx bragged about the fact that he could take on a triceratops with his bare hands and the power of his look. jiboumans shattered ttx dreams reminding him that science had proved triceratops didn't actually exist.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)

  • Eucalyptus only works in all-in-one

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)

  • switch to a 2.6.35 pv-ops kernel
  • started to bisect kernel to chase down [https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/574910|high load bug for idle instances on ec2]

  • Spamaps asked the kernel team to keep on rockin in the free world.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Community Team (kim0)

  • working with IS on releasing the maps app for the 10.04.1 release
  • Cloud Portal specs updated and feedback is welcome

Weekly SRU review (zul)

Server papercuts (ttx)

Team member activity and presence: Eurekastreams

  • mathiaz ran into Eureka streams and wondered if that could be used track team member activity automatically. jiboumans, ttx and Spamaps looked at it and found potential.

  • ttx has been missing recently is some presence tool. Eureka streams may not help in that regard. Being able to tell people are "at work". Crosscheking with calendars doesn't really help.

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 10th at 18:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[19:02] <mathiaz> #startmeeting
[19:02] <MootBot> Meeting started at 13:02. The chair is mathiaz.
[19:02] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[19:02] <mathiaz> Today's amazing agenda:
[19:02] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting#preview
[19:02] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] # Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[19:02] <MootBot> New Topic:  # Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[19:03] <mathiaz> SpamapS to work with mathiaz on a proposal, and send proposal to -devel on ruby gems in ubuntu
[19:03] <mathiaz> work in progress
[19:03] <jiboumans> any progress to report? it's been moved twice so far
[19:03] <mathiaz> I think we've got something ready - SpamapS ?
[19:04] <SpamapS> Its just about done
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
[19:04] <SpamapS> mathiaz provided me with valuable feedback, and I've been working on getting it just right
[19:04] <mathiaz> [ACTION] SpamapS to send ruby gems proposel to ubuntu-devel
[19:04] <MootBot> ACTION received:  SpamapS to send ruby gems proposel to ubuntu-devel
[19:04] <mathiaz>  Daviey & kirkland to review http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/uec.html
[19:04] <kirkland> mathiaz: done!  looks good to me, sommer
[19:04] <SpamapS> BTW, my messages to ubuntu-devel seem to take an average of 7 - 10 days to arrive in my inbox
[19:05] <kirkland> SpamapS: you need to get ubuntu membership ;-)
[19:05] <mathiaz> SpamapS: it may be held for moderation
[19:05] <SpamapS> Would be nice if somebody can moderate them through quicker than that.
[19:05] <hggdh> moderation, I guess
[19:05] <mathiaz>  entire team to fix your papercuts by end-of-the-week
[19:05] <kirkland> mathiaz: did mine ;-)
[19:05] <Daviey> membership doesn't give you whitelisting on that list, it's upload rights that does it.
[19:05] <SpamapS> Still waiting for my collectd MIR guidance email to come through, though cjwatson did tell me he moderated it yesterday.
[19:05] <mathiaz> MootBot: did mine as well
[19:06] <ttx> I'll come back to that later
[19:06] <jiboumans> ttx: did anyone miss their papercut?
[19:06] <mathiaz> I think we'll come back to the papercut later
[19:06] <ttx> some did, yes.
[19:06] <mathiaz> SpamapS and ScottK to reivew Kolab php5 patches
[19:06] <zul> GDAY
[19:06] <ttx> but it will bite them back with a vengeance
[19:06] <ttx> as it'll be back in beta :P
[19:07] <mathiaz> SpamapS: I've seen some progress on this topic - Kolab php5 patches
[19:07] <SpamapS> mathiaz: I believe the uw-imap patches have been uploaded..
[19:07] <SpamapS> mathiaz: the php5-imap patches will come w/ 5.3.3
[19:07] <SpamapS> zul: right?
[19:07]  * mathiaz o^5 SpamapS 
[19:07] <zul> no...after alpha
[19:07]  * mathiaz o^2*5 zul 
[19:08] <ttx> that gets dirty
[19:08] <mathiaz> Anything else related to last week meeting?
[19:08] <SpamapS> and upstream has committed to importing the patches
[19:08] <SpamapS> upstream, meaning php. :)
[19:09] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Maverick development (jib)
[19:09] <MootBot> New Topic:  Maverick development (jib)
[19:09] <jiboumans> We were quite overcomitted for Alpha3, so unfortunately another round of postpones had to be done. Please see http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-3.html for the latest chart.
[19:09] <jiboumans> several items will be done first thing during the beta, before feature freeze, but for the following specs, we dropped most of the work:
[19:09] <jiboumans> cloud-libs, daily-vcs and uec-monitoring as they won't be able to be done before FF
[19:10] <jiboumans> they remain targets of opportunity of course, but we dont expect them to be completed
[19:10] <ttx> cloud-libs is completed
[19:10] <ttx> I did it last week
[19:10] <jiboumans> eh, cloud-config
[19:10] <ttx> ... ?
[19:10]  * jiboumans is probably confused today
[19:10]  * jiboumans goes and looks
[19:10] <jiboumans> cloud-utils, thank you very much
[19:11] <ttx> ack
[19:11] <jiboumans> let's all pretend i said that very eloquently in one go :)
[19:11]  * ttx looks the other way
[19:11] <jiboumans> we've also added blueprints to track ongoing work like ISO testing and triaging, just to provide more insight, so those will be in the tracker as well starting the beta cycle
[19:12] <zul> umm..blueprint for triaging?
[19:12] <hggdh> and testing?
[19:12] <jiboumans> most blueprints should be scoped for the beta workloads now, so please have a look and make sure there are no anomalies
[19:12] <cjwatson> SpamapS: I think there was some network problem - should be through now
[19:12] <jiboumans> zul, hggdh: as per the outcome of our prague sprint, yes
[19:12] <ttx> one work items for each daily triage
[19:12] <ttx> we'll see if it helps
[19:13] <jiboumans> i think that's all regarding alpha3 scope & beta plans
[19:13] <jiboumans> ttx, floor's all yours
[19:13] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[19:13] <mathiaz> Alpha3 subcycle status (ttx)
[19:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  #
[19:13] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Alpha3 subcycle status (ttx)
[19:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  Alpha3 subcycle status (ttx)
[19:13] <ttx> well, I think that one got covered quite well by Jos
[19:13] <ttx> Alpha3-milestoned bugs
[19:13] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Alpha3-milestoned bugs (ttx)
[19:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  Alpha3-milestoned bugs (ttx)
[19:14] <ttx> the remaining bugs were retargeted to beta, since I managed to run an instance on topology1 with euca2.0 out of the box
[19:14] <ttx> but other topologies and loadtesrting are still very broken
[19:14] <SpamapS> cjwatson: thanks it just arrived. :-D
[19:14] <ttx> Alpha3 ISO testing:
[19:14] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Alpha3 ISO testing (ttx)
[19:14] <MootBot> New Topic:  Alpha3 ISO testing (ttx)
[19:15] <ttx> the current candidate was smoketested enough to have good confidenbce it behaves. We'll have a eucalyptus commit later today, and a respin early tomorrow
[19:15] <ttx> so you should concentrate your ISO testing efforts on tomorrow's
[19:15] <ttx> on the cloud images side...
[19:16] <ttx> smoser: you smoketested them and caught a bug that warrants a respin there as well
[19:16] <ttx> ?
[19:16] <smoser> yes.
[19:16] <smoser> i've caught some other bugs in the ec2 images also.
[19:17] <ttx> do you think you can respin and launch a test before your eod today ?
[19:17] <smoser> none that seem likely to be fixed by tomorrow, but dont stop alpha.
[19:17] <smoser> i'm starting re-spin.
[19:17] <ttx> ok -- then just remember your area of ISo testing, it's marked down on the corresponding work item
[19:17] <ttx> I'll help on the UEC side probably
[19:18] <Daviey> \o/
[19:18] <ttx> since ccheney is away
[19:18] <hggdh> yes!
[19:18] <hggdh> more blood on the arena
[19:18] <Daviey> ttx: That is *greatly* appreciated
[19:18] <hggdh> although there will not be much to test
[19:18] <ttx> I can take on a triceratops with my bare hands and the power of my look
[19:18] <jiboumans> ttx++ # organizer of things
[19:19] <jiboumans> ttx: you may have heard science proved triceratops didn't actually exist
[19:19] <ttx> when I look at bugs, they fly away :)
[19:19]  * Daviey has witnessed this
[19:19] <ttx> jiboumans: dammit
[19:19]  * hggdh wishes ttx would look at UEC
[19:19] <mathiaz> I guess that we can move given the last comments...
[19:20] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[19:20] <MootBot> New Topic:  #
[19:20] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
[19:20] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
[19:20] <SpamapS> o/ # ?
[19:20] <ttx> # #
[19:20] <hggdh> nothing new here, except that Eucalyptus only works in all-in-one
[19:20] <mathiaz> SpamapS: it's when I cut and paste from firefox
[19:20] <SpamapS> Oh, I thought the new topic was something about hashing. ;)
[19:21] <SpamapS> I asked before, but just to confirm, we should expect ISO's in the next couple of days right?
[19:21] <mathiaz> hggdh: how is the QA team doing?
[19:21] <hggdh> good. Almost up-to-date on all tasks, no real news
[19:21] <mathiaz> ok - any questions to the QA team?
[19:21] <Daviey> SpamapS: When you wake up tomorrow, there should hopefully be a fresh ISO to test :)
[19:22] <mathiaz> let's move on
[19:22] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
[19:22] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
[19:22] <jjohansen> so we have switch to a 2.6.35 pv-ops kernel
[19:22]  * ttx wishes that the old bug list was still present on the agenda
[19:22]  * ttx recovers
[19:22] <jiboumans> jjohansen++ # awesome
[19:23] <jjohansen> ah yeah, I was just looking for the load bug #
[19:23] <SpamapS> jjohansen: any news on the high load for idle instances on ec2?
[19:23] <SpamapS> hah me too
[19:23] <ttx> jjohansen: bug 574910 is getting out of control
[19:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 574910 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "High load averages on Lucid while idling" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/574910
[19:23] <ttx> jjohansen: great fix on bug 599450 !
[19:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 599450 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "[apparmor] getattr handled incorrectly in 2.6.35-6.7" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/599450
[19:23] <jjohansen> its definitely a really bug and I have started "bisecting" it
[19:24] <mathiaz> SpamapS: is this bug 611272?
[19:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 611272 in tomcat6 (Ubuntu) "clean tomcat6 install causes load to go up" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/611272
[19:24] <SpamapS> no 574910
[19:24] <mathiaz> SpamapS: rather - is bug 611272 a duplicate of 574910?
[19:24] <ttx> mathiaz: that one might be a dupe
[19:24] <jjohansen> ttx: agreed that the bug is out of control
[19:25] <SpamapS> mathiaz: yeah thats entirely possible, seems like it for sure.
[19:25] <SpamapS> actually..
[19:25] <SpamapS> I see a high load on my idle VMware instance too now that I think about it
[19:25] <jjohansen> hopefully we will have a resolution to it soon, however its not a clean bisect situation
[19:25] <smoser> SpamapS, don't get started. the bug is ec2 bug. if you have others, please open other bugs.
[19:26] <smoser> its metabug with loads of irrelavent info already.
[19:26] <jjohansen> hehe, right even if its the same bug :)
[19:26] <SpamapS> smoser: agreed. I just wonder if the same issue is causing the problem.
[19:26] <smoser> i do think 611272 is probably a duplicate, although i've never seen load go up to 1
[19:26] <SpamapS>  11:26:53 up  1:46,  1 user,  load average: 1.09, 1.15, 1.15
[19:27] <smoser> it is interesting to me that we've no evidence of this mystic load on "real hardware"
[19:27] <SpamapS> Thing has been sitting there doing nothing.. top shows nothing.
[19:27] <SpamapS> occasionally gmond or vmtoolsd pops up as doing something
[19:27] <mathiaz> ok - I think we should move on
[19:27] <mathiaz> and keep debugging later on
[19:28] <mathiaz> jjohansen: anything else from the kernel team?
[19:28] <ttx> I think jjohansen and smoser welcome all help, but not more confusion on that bug :)
[19:28] <smoser> what color is your laptop, SpamapS ?
[19:28] <jjohansen> I am looking at the pv-on-hvm drivers, and smoser found a few bugs with pv-ops
[19:29] <SpamapS> smoser: Silver unless it gets really hot, then it turns red ;)
[19:29] <smoser> that was probably off topic. but an example of the off topic content in the bug.
[19:29] <SpamapS> lol
[19:29] <mathiaz> anything else *for* the kernel team?
[19:29] <SpamapS> kernel team: keep on rockin in the free world. :)
[19:29] <jjohansen> I think I am done
[19:30] <mathiaz> jjohansen: great - thanks !
[19:30] <mathiaz> let's move on
[19:30] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
[19:30] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
[19:30] <mathiaz> hm - noone around
[19:30] <mathiaz> so move on
[19:30] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[19:30] <MootBot> New Topic:  #
[19:30] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Community Team (kim0)
[19:30] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Community Team (kim0)
[19:30] <jiboumans> no kim0 it seems
[19:30] <jiboumans> the topic got added recently
[19:31] <ttx> it's quite late in Egypt
[19:31] <mathiaz> ok - I've pinged kim0 - he may stop by later
[19:31] <mathiaz> let's move on
[19:31] <mathiaz> ah...
[19:31] <mathiaz> kim0: o/
[19:31] <jiboumans> speak of the devil
[19:31] <ttx> kim0 never sleeps
[19:31] <kim0> hehe
[19:32] <kim0> so whats up
[19:32] <mathiaz> kim0: anything to report from the community team to the server team?
[19:32] <kim0> hmm .. well the updates are
[19:32] <kim0> We're basically fighting with IS to release the maps app for the 10.04.1 release
[19:32] <kim0> on time
[19:32] <kim0> hopefully this week
[19:32] <Daviey> Hi.. i've just had a power failure - meaning i'm connecting throw 3g - which is currently very slow...
[19:33] <ttx> we'll.. speak... slowly
[19:33] <SpamapS> kim0: you could always just pool together your EC2 allowance for the month and run it on EC2. ;)
[19:33] <Daviey> through*
[19:33] <kim0> SpamapS: I don't really know how this allowance thing works
[19:33] <Daviey> Can we discuss atop until my power returns please? :)
[19:33] <kim0> but jono didn't seem too excited
[19:33] <kim0> so I'm not doing that
[19:33] <kim0> If anyone is interested in the cloud portal specs
[19:34] <kim0> I've updated the docs at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CloudPortalSpecs
[19:34] <mathiaz> kim0: cool - thanks
[19:34] <kim0> check it out and let us know opinions
[19:34] <kim0> that's basically all from my side
[19:34] <mathiaz> anything to ask to the community team?
[19:34] <jiboumans> kim0: let us know if and when the app is up and we'll blog/mail/tweet about it
[19:35] <kim0> jiboumans: sure thingie
[19:35] <jiboumans> thanks
[19:35] <kim0> if it's not up by this thursday
[19:35] <kim0> I'll go the ec2 route
[19:35] <kim0> coz that'd be the final week
[19:35] <SpamapS> yes, we need to unleash a blog-pocalypse when its released
[19:35] <kim0> Yes hehe
[19:35] <mathiaz> ok - anything else to add?
[19:35] <kim0> nope that's all
[19:36] <mathiaz> let's move on
[19:36] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review (zul)
[19:36] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly SRU review (zul)
[19:36] <zul> im still catching up from beeing back on holiday
[19:36] <mathiaz> zul: I'm not sure what we're supposed to do here
[19:36] <mathiaz> as the nominations should be done by email now
[19:37] <zul> neither am i...since its done by email now
[19:37] <zul> if it were up to me i would remove it from the agenda
[19:37] <mathiaz> http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html
[19:37] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html
[19:37] <mathiaz> is working again
[19:37] <SpamapS> I have one that is sort of in question..
[19:37] <mathiaz> who's looking after that? and making sure things are moved along?
[19:37] <SpamapS> bug #611695
[19:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 611695 in mysql-5.1 (Ubuntu) "mysqlhotcopy produces error about log tables" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/611695
[19:38] <zul> mathiaz: i try to review it every friday
[19:38] <ttx> "319" days assigned : should probably be unassigned
[19:38] <zul> agreed
[19:39] <ttx> there is also a "362" :)
[19:39] <ttx> if we remove the cruft, it will be reviewable during the meeting
[19:39] <zul> anything above a 300 should be removed
[19:39] <zul> ill do it this friday
[19:39] <mathiaz> or worked on ASAP :D
[19:39] <ttx> i'd argue that stuff assigned for > 150 days should be removed as well
[19:39] <SpamapS> removed meaning not SRU'd?
[19:40] <mathiaz> I'd argue stuff assigned for > 30 days
[19:40] <ttx> SpamapS: no
[19:40] <mathiaz> at some point down the line
[19:40] <Daviey> Maybe it's a really complex and requires a year of development! :)
[19:40] <ttx> SpamapS: removced as in no longer assigned to someone that does not make it happen
[19:40] <SpamapS> got it
[19:40] <mathiaz> there is some backlog then
[19:40] <mathiaz> there is some backlog *now*
[19:40] <ttx> We should strive for no red in there
[19:41] <mathiaz> but once you've cleared things up there shouldn't be any red
[19:41] <ttx> and only have the stuff we intend to do short-term
[19:41] <ttx> mathiaz: I hope so
[19:41] <mathiaz> any question wrt to the SRU process?
[19:41] <mathiaz> or SRU?
[19:42] <SpamapS> the bug I mentioned earlier..
[19:42] <ttx> maybe action people to clean up their SRU abandon items ?
[19:42] <mathiaz> ttx: we should probably prod them
[19:42] <mathiaz> ttx: as most of them are not in the meeting
[19:42] <ttx> ok
[19:42] <mathiaz> [ACTION] zul to clean up the SRU assigne list by prodding people on status
[19:42] <MootBot> ACTION received:  zul to clean up the SRU assigne list by prodding people on status
[19:42]  * zul gets out the cattle prod
[19:42] <mathiaz> let's move on
[19:42] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Server papercuts (ttx)
[19:42] <MootBot> New Topic:  Server papercuts (ttx)
[19:43] <ttx> yay
[19:43] <ttx> Final status for alpha3 :https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-alpha-3
[19:43] <ttx> some fixes are considered committed, that is the work on them is done, but the fix didn't come back from debian yet
[19:44] <ttx> i expect the assignees to followup on those
[19:44] <ttx> Beta cycle is here : https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-beta
[19:44] <ttx> There are the two that Dave hadn't had time to finalize, plus 10 others
[19:44] <ttx> pick yours  :)
[19:45] <ttx> cycle starts 2010-08-06
[19:45] <ttx> ends 2010-08-25
[19:45] <mathiaz> anything else to add on the papercut project?
[19:46] <ttx> nothing from me
[19:46] <mathiaz> let's move on then
[19:46] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[19:46] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[19:47] <ttx> ...
[19:47] <SpamapS> o/
[19:47] <mathiaz> I ran into the following project last week: http://www.eurekastreams.org/
[19:47] <ttx> kirkland: how is Montreal's summer ?
[19:48] <kirkland> ttx: way cooler than Austin, temperature wise :-)
[19:48] <ttx> mathiaz: I had trouble to see what it does more than a regular twitter-like
[19:48] <mathiaz> seems like a great way to get activity/status report within the team
[19:48] <kirkland> i'm hoping to see the aurorae borealis tonight, if we're far enough north....
[19:48] <jiboumans> "The coldest winter I've ever spent was a summer in Montreal" -- Dustin Twain
[19:48] <mathiaz> ttx: what I found interesting is the concept of plugin
[19:48] <SpamapS> mathiaz: I took a look at it, very interesting tool.. I wonder if it would be useful for UDS sessions
[19:48] <kirkland> http://news.discovery.com/space/incoming-the-sun-unleashes-cme-at-earth.html
[19:48] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://news.discovery.com/space/incoming-the-sun-unleashes-cme-at-earth.html
[19:48] <kirkland> jiboumans: something like that :-)
[19:48] <mathiaz> ttx: so we could have LP plugins
[19:48] <ttx> mathiaz: so twitter + dashboards ?
[19:49] <mathiaz> ttx: whenever you upload something in LP in gets into your stream
[19:49] <jiboumans> mathiaz: i checked out the demo. it seems it really shines with many users
[19:49] <mathiaz> ttx: yes
[19:49] <SpamapS> it seems to have some of the coolness of webnumbr too
[19:49] <ttx> mathiaz: what I've been missing recently is some presence tool, would that address that ?
[19:49] <zul> kirkland: doubt it you will see it in montreal
[19:49] <kirkland> zul: darn :-(
[19:50] <kirkland> zul: will you see it in Ottawa?
[19:50] <ttx> being able to tell people are "at work". Crosscheking with calendars doesn't really help me
[19:50] <stas_> !time
[19:50] <ubottu> Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
[19:50] <mathiaz> ttx: right
[19:50] <ttx> but I guess we could solve that with a specific status message
[19:50] <zul> but hggdh loves notpdate
[19:50] <mathiaz> ttx: IMO if I'm not I work I'm not IRC
[19:51] <mathiaz> ttx: it's the easiest way to see whether I'm online
[19:51] <mathiaz> however people have different opinion on this
[19:51] <ttx> mathiaz: you're easy ;)
[19:51] <ttx> predictability is also good. Since you travel, your work hours change
[19:52] <jiboumans> i second that btw
[19:52] <jiboumans> but whatever we use, it has to low impact
[19:52] <mathiaz> ttx: so you'd like to have both real-time presence and expected presence
[19:52] <SpamapS> ttx: I'd love to have a presence tool as well
[19:52] <SpamapS> I try ot remember to set /away on irc but I often forget
[19:52] <ttx> for expected presence the calendar is ok
[19:52] <Daviey>  /j #server  ; sleep 10h ; /part #server
[19:53] <ttx> mathiaz: for example, I don't think you disconnect from IRC when you go out to eat
[19:53] <mathiaz> ttx: that's true
[19:53] <Daviey>  XMPP!
[19:53]  * SpamapS suggests GPS ankle bracelets for all Ubuntu members
[19:53] <jiboumans> .... someone will say google wave soon
[19:53] <mathiaz> ttx: however I may take more than 1 hour to answer a ping on IRC
[19:53] <Daviey>  Jabber could be ideal for this.
[19:53] <ttx> SpamapS: I like that. With electrical shocks when your velocity goes down
[19:53] <stas_> hi guys, loco council is doing reapproval meeting today?
[19:53] <SpamapS> just setup a collage of webcams from all our home offices
[19:54] <Daviey> stas_: perhaps.. this this currently the server meeting
[19:54] <nuvolari> o/ tumbleweed :D
[19:54] <ttx> I think webcam/mumble is not appropriate to do presence
[19:54] <stas_> Daviey: how long this is gonna take?
[19:54]  * mathiaz agrees
[19:54] <mathiaz> stas_: a couple more minutes
[19:54] <zul> considering if you are sitting in your briefs
[19:55] <stas_> ah, ok, srry, carry on :)
[19:55] <mathiaz> stas_: until the begining of next hour as outlined on the fridge calendar
[19:55]  * SpamapS watches the train slowly derail
[19:55] <ttx> anyway, I'm not opposed to trying out eurekastreams
[19:55] <mathiaz> it was just food for though
[19:55] <ttx> it just might be slightly overkill :)
[19:56] <mathiaz> ttx: agreed - we should try it out to get a feeling about it ;)
[19:56] <SpamapS> user: ping! seems to work for active communication
[19:56] <mathiaz> anything else to add before we wrap up?
[19:56] <ttx> nope
[19:57] <mathiaz> SpamapS: http://err.no/personal/blog/tech/2006-10-10-12-05_contentless_pings.html
[19:57] <mathiaz> let's wrap up then
[19:57] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time
[19:57] <MootBot> New Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time
[19:57] <mathiaz> next week, same place, same time?
[19:57] <mathiaz> Tuesday 2010-08-10 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting
[19:57] <mathiaz> ^^ ?
[19:58] <kirkland> +1
[19:58] <mathiaz> all right - so next week, same place, same time
[19:58] <mathiaz> #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/Server/20100803 (last edited 2010-08-03 22:28:29 by dsl-173-206-147-0)