Items we will be discussing:
- Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- jib to check with kim0 if he can attend meetings regularly ro not
RoAkSoAx to email ubuntu server mailing list with update of cluster stack progress
- Maverick development (jib)
- Daily triage work items
- Status for identified RC bugs (ttx)
- RC bugs suggestions ?
- Natty development (jib)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
Bug 613083 - user-data is corrupted inside metadata service
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)
- Open Discussion
- Announce next meeting date and time
- Tuesday 2010-09-21 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting
Meeting Actions
Everyone to update Daily bug triage blueprint when done.
- ttx to add link to server-mrs tag search from the releasestatus wiki page
- SpamapS to look at the state of drizzle in maverick - if it build this week ScottK to accept FFe
- jiboumans to send an email to ubuntu-server@ and/or blog post for call for ideas
- mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community
Maverick development (jib)
Overall: So far so good.
Status for identified RC bugs (ttx)
We don't have any milestoned bug left, 3 high/critical maverick bugs and 8 Maverick-targeted bugs. List available at:
- or a more dynamic list by searching for tag server-mrs
RC bugs suggestions should be nominated for maverick and ttx should be made aware of them via IRC.
Drizzle state in maverick
Drizzle is currently broken in maverick. It may be possible to fix it for maverick if done this week.
Natty development (jib)
With feature development unwinding and only a handful of bugs targeted to release, this is a great time to put your thinking caps on for Natty if you have some spare time. Like last round, we'll use the IdeaPool wiki page to gather thoughts.
LP blueprints should filed if someone is ready to lead a session at UDS-N.
If someone has strong connection with other communities a targeted call for ideas could be useful.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
Several team members congratulated ara on the new Ubuntu QA website.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
There aren't any high priority bugs on the kernel team radar related to server. Others include:
Launchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java"
Launchpad bug 613273 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath"
Call for testing lucid kernel:
Launchpad bug 493156 in linux (Ubuntu) "Please enable CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT"
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
Skipped as sommer wasn't available.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)
The cloud portal is taking a good shape.
Feedback for growing the ubuntu cloud community suggested to provide technical guides or white-papers on "best practices" on how to write cloud apps, how to deploy services in the cloud, and how to build your own private cloud (storage concerns, network concerns and best practices ...etc)
Agree on next meeting date and time
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 28th at 18:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
[19:03] <mathiaz> #startmeeting [19:03] <MootBot> Meeting started at 13:03. The chair is mathiaz. [19:03] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [19:03] <mathiaz> today's amazing refreshing exciting mind-blowing agenda: [19:03] <mathiaz> ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [19:03] <smoser> o/ [19:03] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [19:03] <MootBot> New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [19:04] <mathiaz> jib to check with kim0 if he can attend meetings regularly ro not [19:04] <jiboumans> mathiaz: done - he's here today and will be mostly going forward [19:04] <jiboumans> some other commitments stood in his way last few weeks [19:04] <RoAkSoAx> o/ [19:04] * mathiaz waves at kim0 [19:04] <mathiaz> # [19:04] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx to email ubuntu server mailing list with update of cluster stack progress [19:04] <mathiaz> I think I saw the email [19:05] <mathiaz> RoAkSoAx: thanks for following up on that! [19:05] <RoAkSoAx> mathiaz: i emailed yesterdayy :) [19:05] <mathiaz> that's all for last meeting minutes [19:05] <mathiaz> anything else to add wrt to last meeting? [19:06] <mathiaz> nope - let's move on [19:06] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Maverick development (jib) [19:06] <MootBot> New Topic: Maverick development (jib) [19:06] <mathiaz> # Daily triage work items [19:07] <jiboumans> so far so good still; as mentioned last week very little feature development left [19:07] <jiboumans> only things not affecting freezes [19:07] <jiboumans> one thing to note though, our burndown charts don't look very healthy, and that's mostly due to people not ticking off their daily triage items [19:07] <jiboumans> so on your triage day, when you're done, please tick them off [19:07] <jiboumans> request for everyone to take a look at the tracker and mark those as done that they'd forgotten [19:08] <jiboumans> other than that, no red flags at the moment... calm before the storm :) [19:08] <mathiaz> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-dailytriage [19:08] <jiboumans> ttx, floor's yours [19:08] <mathiaz> ^^ is the link to the BP to tick off [19:08] <jiboumans> thanks mathiaz [19:08] <ScottK> New clamav release today. Working with Debian to get it packaged and tested and in before RC. The more significant of the two security issues it fixes is already patched in Maverick. [19:08] <ttx> RC bugs status looks reasonably good [19:08] <mathiaz> # Status for identified RC bugs (ttx) [19:09] <ttx> ScottK: ack [19:09] <ttx> We don't have any milestoned bug left, 3 high/critical maverick bugs [19:09] <ttx> and 8 Maverick-targeted bugs [19:10] <ttx> If you know of any bug we really shouldn't be releasing with, please let me know [19:10] <mathiaz> ttx: where can I find the list of these bugs? [19:10] <ttx> as it sounds suspeciously calm right now [19:10] <ttx> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MaverickReleaseStatus [19:10] <ttx> or a more dynamic list by searching for tag server-mrs [19:10] <ttx> since we can't make LP return distroseries bugs where ubuntu-server is supervisor [19:11] <mathiaz> ttx: it may worth linking the server-mrs tag search from the MaverickReleaseStatus wiki page [19:11] <ttx> mathiaz: ack [19:11] <mathiaz> ttx: so that I can just click on it to have a real time view of the world... [19:11] <ttx> mathiaz: do you know if searching by package set is/will be an option [19:11] <mathiaz> ttx: I don't know [19:11] <ttx> mathiaz: well, "real time"... not really [19:12] <ttx> since when I tag I update the page as well :) [19:12] <mathiaz> ttx: well - the tag search is more accurate that the wiki page [19:12] <ttx> but once it's in the list, the status is more accurate :) [19:12] * mathiaz nods [19:12] <ttx> I'm done ;) [19:12] <mathiaz> [ACTION] ttx to add link to server-mrs tag search from the releasestatus wiki page [19:12] <MootBot> ACTION received: ttx to add link to server-mrs tag search from the releasestatus wiki page [19:13] <mathiaz> # RC bugs suggestions ? [19:13] <ttx> That's what I just covered [19:13] <mathiaz> if I find one in the coming hours/days - what should I do? [19:13] <ttx> Hit me with anything YOU think should be on that list [19:13] <ttx> mathiaz: nominate against maverick, ping me so that I add it to our radar [19:14] <SpamapS> I have a quick question regarding universe.. [19:14] <SpamapS> it seems that drizzle is FTBFS... [19:14] <SpamapS> and the release we have is really, really old [19:14] <ttx> mathiaz: in doubt, ping me first [19:14] <mathiaz> ttx: ok - you'll be online 24h? [19:14] <ttx> mathiaz: absolutely. I received the box of pills you sent me === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha [19:14] <SpamapS> seeing that drizzle is still alpha-quality.. how hard would it be for monty (the debian maintainer) to upload a new version to be included in maverick at this late stage? [19:14] <mathiaz> ttx: :) [19:15] <mathiaz> ttx: I meant IRC connected... ;) [19:15] <ScottK> SpamapS: Not very since it's demonstrably broken as is. [19:15] <mathiaz> SpamapS: if it's totally broken - things can't get worse [19:15] <SpamapS> agreed. :) [19:15] <mathiaz> SpamapS: so anything is an improvment [19:15] <SpamapS> its failing its own unit tests [19:15] <ttx> mathiaz: in the next days, yes [19:15] <ScottK> SpamapS: Also he hasn't bothered to upload to Debian either. [19:15] <ttx> mathiaz: I'll delegate if I'm not. [19:16] <SpamapS> ScottK: agreed, so if he uploaded to experimental, could we do a sync? [19:16] <ttx> SpamapS: if it builds ship it ? [19:16] <ScottK> SpamapS: It should go to Sid. It's not in Squeeze, so there's no reason to go to experimental. [19:16] <ttx> that rings a bell. [19:16] <SpamapS> ScottK: ahh Ok [19:17] <ScottK> SpamapS: If he uploads to Debian and it builds on Ubuntu I'll approve the FFe. [19:17] <ScottK> (that deal is good this week only) [19:17] <mathiaz> SpamapS: so you'll look into the state of drizzle? [19:17] <SpamapS> mtaylor: welcome [19:17] <SpamapS> ScottK: say that again please :) [19:17] <mtaylor> hi guys [19:17] <ttx> SpamapS: hit me with a bug number for that. [19:17] <mathiaz> SpamapS: could this be taken somewhere else? [19:18] <mathiaz> SpamapS: like defer the discussion to #ubuntu-devel? [19:18] <ScottK> SpamapS: If drizzle gets updated in Sid, I'll approve a sync this week as long as you can build it on Ubuntu too. [19:18] <SpamapS> yes I just wanted to assure Monty that if he uploads it will get done. :) [19:18] <ttx> mtaylor: o/ [19:18] <SpamapS> mtaylor: ^^ thats all I wanted you to see. :) [19:18] <mtaylor> done. thanks! [19:18] <ScottK> If it needs further discussion --> #ubuntu-server [19:18] <SpamapS> ttx: actually it doesn't seem that there is a bug [19:19] <mathiaz> [ACTION] SpamapS to look at the state of drizzle in maverick - if it build this week ScottK to accept FFe [19:19] <MootBot> ACTION received: SpamapS to look at the state of drizzle in maverick - if it build this week ScottK to accept FFe [19:19] <ScottK> ttx: Typically FTBFS bugs only get filed for Main. [19:19] <ttx> SpamapS: it could use one. I like traceability. [19:19] <SpamapS> filing now as part of that action item. [19:19] <mathiaz> anything else related to RC bugs? [19:20] <mathiaz> nope - let's move on [19:20] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] # Natty development (jib) [19:20] <MootBot> New Topic: # Natty development (jib) [19:20] <jiboumans> With feature development unwinding and only a handful of bugs targeted to release, this is a great time to put your thinking caps on for Natty if you have some spare time. Like last round, we'll use the IdeaPool wiki page to gather thoughts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/NattyIdeaPool. There's no rush at this point, but I'd like to stress we'd love to get your input [19:21] <mathiaz> jiboumans: should BP already be filed? [19:21] <mathiaz> jiboumans: or an item on the NattyIdeaPool wiki page is enough for now? [19:21] <jiboumans> mathiaz: they're welcome to be filed *if* you're willing to lead a session at UDS for it [19:21] <jiboumans> like last time, we have both sections: ideas & uds sessions [19:21] <jiboumans> blueprints only desired for the latter right now [19:22] <mathiaz> how about sending an email to ubuntu-server@ and/or a blog post for call of ideas? [19:22] <jiboumans> that's a fantastic idea [19:22] <jiboumans> thanks for volunteering! [19:22] <jiboumans> ;) [19:22] <RoAkSoAx> lol [19:23] <jiboumans> on a serious note: it's on my todo, but if you beat me to it, i'd be thankful [19:23] <mathiaz> [ACTION] jiboumans to send an email to ubuntu-server@ and/or blog post for call for ideas [19:23] <MootBot> ACTION received: jiboumans to send an email to ubuntu-server@ and/or blog post for call for ideas [19:23] <jiboumans> .... jiboumans vs meetings cair. 0 - 1 [19:23] <jiboumans> *chair [19:23] * mathiaz <-- big smile [19:24] <mathiaz> on related note [19:24] <jiboumans> alright, that's all from me about natty at this point [19:24] <mathiaz> it may be interesting to do something similar in each upstream community someone is connected to [19:24] <mathiaz> I may send a note to the puppet folks to get your input [19:25] <mathiaz> I may send a note to the puppet folks to get *their* input [19:25] <jiboumans> agreed [19:25] <mathiaz> if someone has strong connection with other communities a targeted call for ideas could be useful [19:26] <mathiaz> [ACTION] mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community [19:26] <MootBot> ACTION received: mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community [19:26] <mathiaz> any questions related to Natty development? [19:26] <kim0> do we have any guides on what kind of ideas are needed [19:26] <smoser> do you mean good ones? or great ones ? [19:26] <mathiaz> kim0: well - I'd say - any ideas [19:27] <kim0> what's ok and what's not basically [19:27] <mathiaz> kim0: well - we'll sort things out afterwards [19:27] <kim0> cool [19:27] <RoAkSoAx> are these ideas have to be cloud related only? :) [19:27] <zul> of course not [19:27] <ttx> RoAkSoAx: no, but they need to have the word "cloud" in them. [19:27] <mathiaz> kim0: the begining phase is when we put back everything on the table [19:28] <ttx> RoAkSoAx: kidding :) [19:28] <mathiaz> kim0: so anything is welcomed [19:28] <kim0> sounds good [19:28] <RoAkSoAx> ttx: :P I do have one for the cloud though :P [19:28] <jiboumans> kim0: a good thing to keep in mind is that we're targeting things that can be implemented in a cycle with these ideas [19:28] <Daviey> erk [19:28] <mathiaz> a good idea may gather some strong support and things can move forward [19:28] <RoAkSoAx> but dunno if i'd have the time to code it [19:28] <jiboumans> and things that you (or the suggester) can contribute to are much more likely to be accepted [19:29] * SpamapS files idea for renaming upstart to cthulu so the narwhal can stop ctuhulu eating ye. [19:29] <mathiaz> the call for idea is mainly a brainstorm session [19:29] <mathiaz> so go for quantity [19:29] * ScottK suggests SpamapS file one for moving to systemd. [19:29] <mathiaz> afterwards ideas will be sorted out [19:30] <kim0> systemd probably too volatile at now [19:30] <RoAkSoAx> SpamapS: how do you feel of launching VM's and powering them off baserd on the load :) [19:30] <RoAkSoAx> in the cloud of course [19:30] <mathiaz> all right let's move on [19:30] <mathiaz> and not discuss actual ideas here [19:30] <RoAkSoAx> sry for OT :) [19:30] <mathiaz> the page to capture them is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/NattyIdeaPool [19:31] <mathiaz> any other questions related to Natty develpment? [19:32] <mathiaz> nope - let's move on [19:32] <mathiaz> # [19:32] <mathiaz> Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:32] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:32] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:32] <hggdh> no news, except I am still hammering on euca. [19:32] <mathiaz> hggdh: what's up in the QA team? [19:32] <Daviey> \o/ [19:32] <zul> hggdh: heh what else is new? [19:32] <mathiaz> hggdh: noticed the new QA blog [19:32] * hggdh hopes next cycle will leave time for other tasks [19:32] <mathiaz> hggdh: that's really great! [19:32] <hggdh> mathiaz: yeah, cool... kudos for ara [19:33] <mathiaz> hggdh: agreed - ara did a great job [19:33] <hggdh> apart from that, no news [19:33] <mathiaz> hggdh: anything else on the QA front? [19:33] <hggdh> no [19:33] <mathiaz> Anything to tell to the QA team? [19:34] <zul> keep up the good work [19:34] <ttx> no rest for the braves [19:35] <mathiaz> ok - let's move on [19:35] <mathiaz> ... to the kernel team [19:35] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [19:35] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [19:36] <mathiaz> jjohansen: how is the kernel team doing these days? [19:36] <jjohansen> the team in general or me [19:36] <ttx> both! [19:36] <kim0> :) [19:36] * jjohansen is pulling out hair, the rest of the team is vacationing in taipei [19:37] * kim0 hugs jjohansen [19:37] <jjohansen> well thats not really true, some of the team is at the hardware summit in taipei [19:37] <jjohansen> kim0: thanks, its not been a good day [19:39] <mathiaz> * [19:39] <mathiaz> Bug 613083 - user-data is corrupted inside metadata service [19:39] <ubottu> Bug 613083 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/613083 is private [19:39] <mathiaz> status: ^^? [19:39] <jjohansen> it is not an Ubuntu bug, and Amazon is aware of it and working on the issue [19:39] <mathiaz> jjohansen: ok [19:39] <ttx> jjohansen: pulling out hair --> anythign server related ? [19:40] <mathiaz> jjohansen: any other bugs that should brought to the -server team attention? [19:40] <jjohansen> ttx: half of it [19:40] <ttx> that corruption bug is the only one I have on my list, so I was wondering if you had anything for us in yours :) [19:40] <jjohansen> mathiaz: there aren't any high priority ones that I am aware of [19:41] <mathiaz> jjohansen: great! [19:41] <smoser> well, the java bug would be nice. [19:41] <jjohansen> there the regular set of reported crashes etc. [19:41] <mathiaz> anything to bring to the kernel team attention? [19:41] <smoser> and there is one other crash bug [19:41] <jjohansen> ah, yes. Sadly I haven't gotten to that yet [19:41] <mathiaz> smoser: bug numbers? [19:41] <smoser> bug 634487 [19:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487 [19:41] <ttx> smoser: that's a kernel issue ? [19:42] <smoser> yes. [19:42] * ttx adds magic tag [19:42] <SpamapS> smoser: is it a host kernel or guest kernel issue? [19:42] <smoser> and bug 613273 [19:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 613273 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/613273 [19:42] <smoser> SpamapS, there is no such thing as a host kernel issue ;) [19:42] <jjohansen> hahaha [19:42] <zul> riiiiight [19:42] <smoser> but seriously, the guests go awol in both those cases. [19:43] <ttx> ack [19:43] <jjohansen> yep, there are certainly guest kernel issues involved [19:43] <smoser> and in both cases in xen specific path [19:44] <ttx> smoser: regressions in Maverick ? [19:44] <jjohansen> ttx: yes [19:44] <smoser> well, the java hang is better on maverick than on lucid [19:44] <smoser> (both ill) [19:45] <jjohansen> oh right, I got that one backwards [19:45] <smoser> and the system_call_fastpath (which i think is actually the wrong function name) i think i've seen in both. [19:45] <ttx> ok, I think we loaded jjohansen's plate enough [19:45] <mathiaz> jjohansen: smoser: anything specific we can help to fix this? [19:45] <mathiaz> or it just needs more investigation? [19:45] <jjohansen> a good reproducing test case [19:46] <mathiaz> ttx: are you tracking both bugs above? [19:46] <smoser> 613273 is apparently only maverick. [19:46] <ttx> mathiaz: I am now [19:46] <mathiaz> ttx: great [19:46] <mathiaz> so I think we'll come back to these next week [19:46] <mathiaz> to review them [19:46] <ttx> mathiaz: yes, I don't let go easily. [19:46] <mathiaz> in the meantime both jjohansen and smoser are looking into it? [19:46] <jjohansen> mathiaz: not atm [19:47] <jjohansen> mathiaz: or lets say they are lower priority on the queue atm [19:47] <smoser> yeah, that one is hard to reproduce. i guess i'll poke with jjohansen on that. [19:47] <ttx> with the cloud image release policy it's slightly less annoying to release with those [19:47] <mathiaz> jjohansen: works for me [19:47] <smoser> on the t1.micro / java, we are actually getting some help from amazon. [19:47] <mathiaz> ok - anything else for the kernel team? [19:48] <mathiaz> nope - let's move on [19:48] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] # [19:48] <MootBot> New Topic: # [19:48] <jjohansen> mathiaz: as usual I know there is something else but I can't remember what it is [19:48] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [19:48] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [19:48] <mathiaz> sommer: around? [19:49] <mathiaz> anything that should be brought up to the attention of the doc team? [19:49] <mathiaz> jjohansen: for the next meeting you might wanna put your ideas in the Meeting wiki page [19:50] <mathiaz> well - nothing for the documentation team [19:50] <mathiaz> let's move on [19:50] <jjohansen> mathiaz: yes, that has been the plan, then I got busy chasing other things [19:50] <jjohansen> I've got it [19:50] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [19:50] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [19:50] <kim0> hey folks, sorry for not being able to attend a few past meeting. Had some obligations, however all is clear now .. Yaay [19:50] * mathiaz pulls the break! [19:50] <kim0> I'll mention a couple of points, then we can discuss the 10.10 ec2 party thing [19:50] <kim0> The last couple of weeks I had been busy getting the cloud portal in shape. I am contacting IS to start deploying this week [19:50] <kim0> Other than that, on a more long term matter [19:51] <mathiaz> jjohansen: ok - let's get back to it after kim0 is done [19:51] <kim0> I had emailed the ubuntu-devel team asking for suggestions on growing the ubuntu cloud community [19:51] <kim0> oh sorry .. didn't notice the break thing [19:51] <kim0> should I stop ? [19:51] <kim0> mm .. [19:51] <mathiaz> kim0: nope - go ahead [19:51] <kim0> okie [19:51] <mathiaz> kim0: it's your turn [19:51] <kim0> Most of the feedback received was asking for technical guides or white-papers on "best practices" on how to write cloud apps, how to deploy services in the cloud, and how to build your own private cloud (storage [19:51] <mathiaz> kim0: we'll get back to jjohansen later [19:52] <kim0> concerns, network concerns and best practices ...etc) [19:52] <kim0> For that, and since we're planning work for 11.04 right now, I'm adding tasks on myself, to start and grow technical content around these areas [19:52] <kim0> We wont be writing book on these "vast" areas of new knowledge, rather starting something that the community can contribute to and grow [19:52] <kim0> Any suggestions on what content needs to go there exactly are most welcome right now, please email the hell out of me :) [19:52] <kim0> that's all atm .. [19:53] <mathiaz> kim0: great - any address for the preview of the cloud portal? [19:53] <kim0> I only have my development server [19:53] <ScottK> kim0: I'd recommend chatting with sommer about that since he's been leading our server documentation effort for some time. [19:53] <kim0> once I had a public copy I'll ping [19:53] <mathiaz> kim0: ok [19:53] <kim0> ScottK: awesome .. noted [19:54] <mathiaz> kim0: that seems like a great plan [19:54] <kim0> again .. suggestions and details are welcome [19:54] <kim0> once I've defined a solid plan I'll discuss [19:54] <kim0> if that's all .. can we talk to the 10.10 ec2 party ? [19:55] <mathiaz> kim0: sure - what's the 10.10 ec2 party? [19:55] <kim0> how about for the release part of 10.10 [19:56] <kim0> the server community is allowed ec2 instance access [19:56] <kim0> we can probably get funding for that [19:56] <Daviey> kim0: Shall we take that out of meeting? [19:56] <kim0> okie [19:56] <kim0> well that's all for me [19:59] <mathiaz> anything else to note to the community team? [19:59] <mathiaz> since we're running out of time I'll wrap up [20:00] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [20:00] <MootBot> New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [20:00] <mathiaz> next week, same place, same time? [20:00] <ttx> yes [20:00] <JamesPage> good with me! [20:00] <ttx> crazy europeans [20:00] * SpamapS alerts the media [20:00] <kim0> hehe [20:00] <mathiaz> ok - so next week, same place, same time! [20:00] <mathiaz> #endmeeting [20:00] <Daviey> "okay" with me [20:00] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 14:00. [20:01] <jjohansen> mathiaz: one more thing Bug #493156, it would be good if some people can try the test kernels, verify that they work and add that to the bug report [20:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 493156 in linux (Ubuntu) "Please enable CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/493156 [20:01] <jjohansen> for Lucid of course [20:01] <mathiaz> jjohansen: is that the item you wanted to add? [20:01] <jjohansen> yes
MeetingLogs/Server/20100921 (last edited 2010-09-21 21:02:18 by dsl-173-206-3-107)