
  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting
    • mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community (carry over)
    • ALL to mark maverick assigned specs as "Implemented" or Deferred
    • jjohansen to look into virtual kernel bug status (658461)

    • jjohansen to look into t1.micro java lockup bug (634487)

  • Natty development (ttx)
    • Syncs and merges
    • UDS blueprint filing
    • Openvswitch
    • UDS session participation
    • UDS session leading
  • Maverick SRUs (ttx)
    • Bug 661547 - Existing patch gssapi.diff makes guess_service_principal produce garbage

    • Bug 657149 - squid fails to upgrade (incomplete)

    • Bug 658227 - openldap fails to upgrade (in -proposed)

    • Bug 660227 - php5-pgsql crash on getting an error back from postgres (in -proposed)

    • Bug 600174 - axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)

  • Open Discussion


Review ACTION points from previous meeting

  • mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community: carried over
  • ALL to mark maverick assigned specs as "Implemented" or Deferred: carried over
  • jjohansen to look into virtual kernel bug status (658461): carried over

  • jjohansen to look into t1.micro java lockup bug (634487): in progress

Natty development

  • It's Syncs and merges season, please cover your bits.
  • UDS sessions relating to server are listed at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ttx/+specs?role=subscriber

  • All blueprints should now be filed.
  • We may consider an extra blueprint about openvswitch, need to define use cases first.
  • For good scheduling, everyone should mark themselves essential to the sessions where they are indeed essential. That is done through Subscribing to the blueprint and marking yourself essential to the discussion.
  • Set yourself as drafter on UDS sessions you want to lead. If you can't do that, ask ttx to do it for you.

Maverick SRUs

  • Bug 661547 - Existing patch gssapi.diff makes guess_service_principal produce garbage: blocked by other fix in -proposed

  • Bug 657149 - squid fails to upgrade: incomplete

  • Bug 658227 - openldap fails to upgrade: in -proposed

  • Bug 660227 - php5-pgsql crash on getting an error back from postgres: in -proposed

  • Bug 600174 - axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386: Daviey will ping doko about it at UDS

  • We need to revive the SRU tracker for Maverick to ease SRU work tracking.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)

  • smoser proposed kernel bug bounties under a beer form.
  • kernel version for natty should be 2.6.37 or .38
  • smoser raised Bug 662842 (remove linux-ec2 from natty): jjohansen said it was on his TODO alraedy

Open Discussion

  • robbiew is now Canonical server team interim manager.
  • ScottK mentioned a discussion on the ML that wasn't translated into a spec yet: fixing hostname detection/setting. This is a foundations spec, but of great interest for server. Robbie filed it and subscribed Scott to it.

Meeting Actions

  • mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community (carry over)

  • ALL to mark maverick assigned specs as "Implemented" or Deferred (carry over)

  • jjohansen to look into bug 634487 and bug 658461 (carry over)

  • ttx to check if a session is needed around openvswitch

  • ALL to subscribe to BPs where their attendance is required

  • ALL to set themselves as drafter where they want to lead sessions

  • zul to check SRU tracker status

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be Tuesday 2010-11-02 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting (10/26 cancelled for UDS).


[19:01] <ttx> #startmeeting
[19:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 13:01. The chair is ttx.
[19:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[19:02] <ttx> Welcome to this Ubuntu Server team IRC meeting
[19:02] <ttx> Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[19:02] <ttx> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[19:02] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[19:02] <ttx> * mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community (carry over)
[19:02]  * mathiaz fails again
[19:02] <ttx> mathiaz: you're after the world record ?
[19:02] <mathiaz> ttx: no yet
[19:03] <ttx> [ACTION] mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community (carry over)
[19:03] <MootBot> ACTION received:  mathiaz to send out a call for ideas on ubuntu to the puppet community (carry over)
[19:03] <ttx> * ALL to mark maverick assigned specs as "Implemented" or Deferred
[19:03] <zul> whoops
[19:03] <ttx> looking at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~jib/+specs?searchtext=maverick it's not a full success
[19:04] <ttx> it's just a cleanup thing, yo uknow how much of a maniac I am
[19:04] <ttx> * jjohansen to look into virtual kernel bug status (658461)
[19:04] <smoser> bug 658461
[19:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 658461 in linux (Ubuntu) "-virtual kernel missing dependent modules (ahci fails to load)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/658461
[19:04] <ttx> [ACTION] ALL to mark maverick assigned specs as "Implemented" or Deferred (carry over)
[19:04] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ALL to mark maverick assigned specs as "Implemented" or Deferred (carry over)
[19:05] <jjohansen> ttx, smoser: not done yet
[19:05] <ttx> * jjohansen to look into t1.micro java lockup bug (634487)
[19:05] <ttx> bug 634487
[19:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 634487 in linux (Ubuntu) "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487
[19:05] <ttx> jjohansen: same ?
[19:05] <jjohansen> yep, actually looking at it now
[19:06] <ttx> [ACTION] jjohansen to look into bug 634487 and bug 658461 (carry over)
[19:06] <MootBot> ACTION received:  jjohansen to look into bug 634487 and bug 658461 (carry over)
[19:06] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 658461 in linux (Ubuntu) "-virtual kernel missing dependent modules (ahci fails to load)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/658461
[19:06] <ttx> [TOPIC] Natty development
[19:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  Natty development
[19:06] <ttx> It's Syncs and merges season !
[19:07] <zul> ive done my bits
[19:07] <ttx> I've done part of my bits
[19:07] <ttx> You should also have already filed the blueprints for the UDS sessions you want to run
[19:07] <ttx> anyone has anything left ?
[19:07] <mathiaz> ttx: where is the up-to-date list of BP?
[19:08] <ttx> mathiaz: so that's a good question.
[19:08] <mathiaz> ttx: it seems that their names is changing often these days...
[19:08] <ttx> I actually created a magic page
[19:08] <mathiaz> ttx: making it complicated to track where things are
[19:08] <mathiaz> ttx: and whether I'm adding information to the right BP
[19:08] <ttx> multiple trcaks make it a bit difficult to search for "server-n" BPs
[19:08] <ttx> The magic list lives at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ttx/+specs?role=subscriber
[19:09] <ttx> i'll keep subscribed to the team-relevant blueprints
[19:09] <mathiaz> ttx: right - and 'server-n' turns up a lot of unrelated specs
[19:09] <ttx> corresponsing to *server-n* UDS sessions
[19:09] <ttx> took me 30min to get it right, don't thank me
[19:09]  * ttx filed a LP improvement request to add "tagging" to BPs
[19:09] <mathiaz> ttx: great - thanks for keeping providing a simple list
[19:10] <Daviey> ttx: "thanks"! :)
[19:10]  * mathiaz thinks the BP may need some love dedicated to it
[19:10] <ttx> jml says he wants to merge them with bugs and drop BPs
[19:10] <ttx> anyway, offtopic
[19:10] <ttx> does anyone still have BPs to file for UDS ?
[19:11] <mathiaz> ttx: I don't think so
[19:11] <ttx> I have one. There is some Canonical interest around Openvswitch
[19:11] <mathiaz> ttx: however I'd like to review the ones already registed
[19:11] <zul> openvswitch
[19:11] <ttx> does anyone has a session where that should be mentioned, or do you think it'll make a good separate session ?
[19:11] <mathiaz> ttx: to make sure relevant topics are covered
[19:11] <ttx> mathiaz: right
[19:11] <zul> ttx: shouldnt someone from canonical do it?
[19:12] <ttx> zul: if it doesn't fit into an existing session, yes
[19:12] <ttx> zul: do you think we can mention it in the missing UEC metapackaging session ?
[19:12]  * Daviey nah's
[19:12] <mathiaz> ttx: seems like a discussion on its own
[19:13] <zul> ttx: i dont know what it has to do with UEC in the first place
[19:13] <mathiaz> ttx: to figure out why we should do that, and how
[19:13] <ttx> ok, I'll sort it out
[19:13] <Daviey> \o/
[19:13] <mathiaz> ttx: it would be useful to know the actual use case
[19:13] <ttx> [ACTION] ttx to check if a session is needed around openvswitch
[19:13] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ttx to check if a session is needed around openvswitch
[19:13] <ttx> UDS session participation...
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
[19:14] <mathiaz> ttx: at last UDS there were a few sessions (eg cloud-loadbalancing) that noone knew what it was about
[19:14] <ttx> so with multiple tracks it gets complicated to make sure everyone required is available
[19:14] <ttx> mathiaz: I'll figure it out
[19:14] <ttx> so it's more important than ever to mark your attendance
[19:14] <ttx> by subscribing to the spec and making your participation essential, where it is essential
[19:15] <ttx> please review https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ttx/+specs?role=subscriber
[19:15] <smoser> hm...
[19:15] <smoser> how would that work, ttx
[19:15] <smoser> are you white listed ? since you're subscribed to all
[19:15] <ttx> smoser: huh ?
[19:15] <ttx> subscribing is open to anyone
[19:15] <ttx> ah
[19:15] <smoser> right. but the conflict resolution is done by "if this person can be there"
[19:16] <ttx> so i'm not essential to all.
[19:16] <smoser> ah.
[19:16] <ttx> I'm subscribed to all
[19:16] <ttx> (blue vs. red)
[19:16] <Daviey> hmm
[19:16] <Daviey> conflict resolution isn't awesome :)
[19:16] <Daviey> it does it based on required essential only
[19:16] <Daviey> (atm)
[19:16] <ttx> ack
[19:16] <mathiaz> ttx: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ttx/+specs?role=subscriber -> blue versus red?
[19:16] <ttx> so please mark yourself essentail to the sessions you need to attend
[19:16] <smoser> red people are essential
[19:16] <mathiaz> ttx: IIRC you can only see that on the actual BP page?
[19:17] <smoser> blue are not important
[19:17] <smoser> :)
[19:17] <ttx> yes
[19:17] <ttx> mathiaz: ^
[19:17] <ttx> don't mark yourself essential to more than 20 sessions, would make the scheduler constraints a bit hard
[19:17] <ttx> Finally, UDS session leading
[19:18]  * mathiaz thinks about an interesting DoS here
[19:18] <ttx> Please set yourself as drafter on the sessions you intend to lead.
[19:18] <ttx> [ACTION] ALL to subscribe to BPs where their attendance is required
[19:18] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ALL to subscribe to BPs where their attendance is required
[19:19] <ttx> [ACTION] ALL to set themselves as drafter where they want to lead sessions
[19:19] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ALL to set themselves as drafter where they want to lead sessions
[19:19] <ttx> Questions ?
[19:19] <Daviey> none here.
[19:19] <JamesPage> cool with me
[19:19] <zul> pas rien
[19:20] <ttx> (yes, I'll set the missing drafters :)
[19:20] <Daviey> dammit
[19:20] <ttx> better make your choice before I do.
[19:20] <ttx> Going once... twice...
[19:20] <ttx> [TOPIC] Maverick SRUs
[19:20] <MootBot> New Topic:  Maverick SRUs
[19:21] <ttx> A quick list of identified early SRUs for Maverick
[19:21] <ttx> #
[19:21] <ttx> Bug 661547 - Existing patch gssapi.diff makes guess_service_principal produce garbage
[19:21] <ttx> #
[19:21] <ttx> Bug 657149 - squid fails to upgrade (incomplete)
[19:21] <ttx> #
[19:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 661547 in openldap (Ubuntu) "Existing patch gssapi.diff makes guess_service_principal produce garbage" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661547
[19:21] <ttx> Bug 658227 - openldap fails to upgrade (in -proposed)
[19:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 657149 in squid (Ubuntu) "package squid 2.7.STABLE9-2ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/657149
[19:21] <ttx> #
[19:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 658227 in openldap (Ubuntu Natty) "upgrade process does not upgrade underlying BDB format from 4.7 to 4.8 (so slapd aborts with "Program version 4.8 doesn't match environment version 4.7" error message)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/658227
[19:21] <ttx> Bug 660227 - php5-pgsql crash on getting an error back from postgres (in -proposed)
[19:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 660227 in php5 (Ubuntu) "php5-pgsql crash on getting an error back from postgres" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/660227
[19:21] <ttx> #
[19:21] <ttx> Bug 600174 - axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386
[19:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 600174 in axis2c (Ubuntu Natty) "axis2c fails to build from source on maverick/i386" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/600174
[19:21] <ttx> The first one needs some love, once the current openldap -proposed clears the queue
[19:21] <mathiaz> is the SRU tracker still working?
[19:21] <mathiaz> zul: ^^?
[19:21] <ttx> zul: ^ ?
[19:21] <ttx> zul: ^^^?
[19:22] <zul> ill go have a look today
[19:22] <ttx> not too much regressions, so far
[19:22] <ttx> maybe nobody uses LTS+1 server releases.
[19:22] <Daviey> axis2c, i want to grab doko whilst at UDS :)
[19:23] <ttx> just listing them to make they don't get forgotten. Who know what could happen in the next two weeks, right
[19:23] <mathiaz> ttx: come on - every one wants to try out the latest and greatest on their production infrastructure
[19:23] <ttx> mathiaz: it actually looks better thaan Lucid, but don't tel anyone :)
[19:23] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
[19:23] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
[19:23] <ttx> hggdh: floor is yours
[19:23] <hggdh> nothing new on the western front, so I pass :-)
[19:24] <Daviey> \o/
[19:24] <Daviey> (/me watches the eastern front catch hggdh from behind)
[19:24] <hggdh> heh
[19:24] <ttx> hggdh: you'll be leading the server-sq and uec-qa sessions for us, right ?
[19:24] <ttx> server-qa, I mean
[19:24] <hggdh> yes, I will. We will need to talk before to fine-tune
[19:24] <ttx> great !
[19:25] <ttx> no questions for QA ?
[19:25] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
[19:25] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
[19:25] <ttx> jjohansen: howdy
[19:25] <jjohansen> nothing new here
[19:25] <jjohansen> hi
[19:25] <jjohansen> :
[19:26] <jjohansen> hehe
[19:26] <mathiaz> jjohansen: what will be the kernel version for natty? ;)
[19:26] <ttx> jjohansen: try to avoid smoser next week, he has a long list of bugs for you
[19:26] <jjohansen> mathiaz 3.0 of course
[19:26] <smoser> but i have beer for rewards.
[19:26] <jjohansen> ttx: right, that is my #1 action item
[19:27] <jjohansen> thankfully /me isn't tempted :)
[19:27] <ttx> smoser: kernel bug bounties, a new form of kernel bug triaging
[19:27] <smoser> pixie sticks ?
[19:27]  * zul offers jjohansen sleeping pills
[19:27] <smoser> that would get zul  interested
[19:27] <jjohansen> dang you found my weakness
[19:27] <zul> smoser: meh
[19:27] <jjohansen> ttx: I like the bug bounties, I think jfo would go for it too
[19:27] <ttx> ok, nothing else for kernel ?
[19:27] <smoser> that is something to discuss though.. kernel version
[19:28] <smoser> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ec2/+bug/662842
[19:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 662842 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "remove linux-ec2 from natty" [Undecided,New]
[19:28] <jjohansen> yes, it will be discussed.  likely 2.6.37 or 38
[19:28] <smoser> thats my request to remove linux-ec2, which was unused (officially) in maverick.
[19:28] <smoser> i could see people crying as it is a xen pv kernel
[19:28] <jjohansen> yep, its on my rather long todo list, all book marked nice
[19:28] <smoser> but we've never explicitly supported it.
[19:29] <jjohansen> right
[19:29] <smoser> anyone else here have comments to that effect ?
[19:29] <smoser> if so, send hatemail to john. i dont want any.
[19:29] <jjohansen> I think if we want a xen kernel, we should bring back a xen kernel not rely on the ec2 kernel
[19:29] <smoser> or, kindly bring up your concerns here. whichever works better.
[19:30] <ttx> ok, moving on
[19:30] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
[19:30] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
[19:30] <ttx> sommer is away today
[19:30] <Daviey> :(
[19:30] <ttx> will lead a Server documentation session at UDS
[19:30] <ttx> be there or be square
[19:30] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)
[19:30] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)
[19:31] <ttx> kim0 is not around...
[19:31] <ttx> we'll just group-hug him at UDS as a blame.
[19:31] <ttx> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[19:31] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[19:31] <mathiaz> any major news in the server team?
[19:31] <ttx> so Daviey was mentioning that mortals can't set the drafters on other's specs
[19:32] <ttx> if you want to do that, ask the registrant, or me.
[19:32] <ttx> mathiaz: not for today, I don't think so :)
[19:33] <Daviey> hmm
[19:33] <robbiew> or me
[19:33] <ttx> well, robbiew could mention the interim management
[19:33] <robbiew> I'm interim manager...done
[19:33] <robbiew> lol
[19:33] <ttx> ^ team, that's how ACTIONs get closed.
[19:34] <Daviey> ttx: not with that bot syntax :)
[19:34] <ttx> all hail our new fearless leader.
[19:34] <robbiew> all interested applicants please send email to rick.spencer@canonical.com
[19:34] <robbiew> not me :D
[19:34] <robbiew> thank you...thank you...please...hold your applause
[19:35] <ivoks> hail!
[19:35] <ttx> robbiew: some previous server team managers said they would offer one beer for every community member that would find them at UDS
[19:35] <ttx> ivoks: are you coming, btw ?
[19:35] <hggdh> and the associated QA contact!
[19:35] <ttx> robbiew: feeling up for the same challenge ?
[19:35] <ivoks> ttx: no, but i'm counting on you sending me a t-shirt
[19:35] <ttx> aw
[19:35]  * ScottK has a topic.
[19:36] <ttx> ScottK: go ahead
[19:36] <robbiew> lol
[19:36] <ScottK> There was some discussion on ubuntu-devel about fixing hostname detection/setting on the call for ideas.
[19:36] <ScottK> (for UDS)
[19:36] <ScottK> That didn't get translated into a spec for discussion (that I've found).
[19:37] <ttx> ScottK: I suspect that wouldn't be server-specific, right
[19:37] <ttx> ScottK: maybe a foundations spec
[19:37] <ScottK> ttx: No, but I think we're the primary victims of the current problems.
[19:37] <ScottK> I don't have the time to lead an effort in this area and was hoping someone else would be willing to grab it and run with it.
[19:38] <ttx> robbiew: could that be folded into one of the BPs server pushed to foundations this time ?
[19:38] <ttx> ScottK: I think SpamapS had an interest in this
[19:38] <ttx> he could push it. After all, he is absent to this meeting
[19:38] <robbiew> if someone could point me to the discussion thread
[19:38] <ScottK> Perfect.
[19:38] <robbiew> I can run with the BP/session
[19:38] <ttx> ScottK: link?
[19:38] <ScottK> robbiew: I'll dig it up.
[19:38] <robbiew> cool
[19:39] <ttx> ScottK: thanks for bringing it up, I've not been keeping tabs on all the threads
[19:39] <ttx> anything else ?
[19:40] <zul> oh...that sucks Tom Bosley died
[19:40] <Daviey> oh no!
[19:40] <ttx> sigh
[19:40] <ttx> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time
[19:40] <MootBot> New Topic:  Announce next meeting date and time
[19:40] <ttx> Tuesday 2010-11-02 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting (10/26 cancelled for UDS)
[19:40] <ScottK> robbiew and ttx: Discussion starts at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2010-October/031785.html
[19:40] <ttx> since today nobody from the west coast is around, we should discuss another time for the meeting
[19:41] <robbiew> ScottK: ack
[19:41] <ttx> (maybe next time)
[19:41] <ttx> oops
[19:41] <ttx> #endmeeting
[19:41] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 13:41.

MeetingLogs/Server/20101019 (last edited 2010-10-20 08:52:16 by lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246)