- Review ACTION points from previous meeting
ACTION SpamapS - Add "verify SRU fixes" to the ServerTeam/GettingInvolved wiki page.
- Natty Development
- Ubuntu Server Team Events
- Recent
Strata - Feb 1 -3, San Francisco (DustinKirkland - attended)
FOSDEM - Feb 5-6, Brussels - Belgium (DaveWalker, JamesPage)
- Upcoming
SCALE9x - Feb 25 - 27, Los Angeles (ClintByrum attending, DustinKirkland presenting)
- Recent
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0)
- Open Discussion
- Announce next meeting date and time
- Tuesday, February 8 2011 16:00 UTC
Meeting Actions
Agree on next meeting date and time
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb 8th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
[16:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is Daviey. [16:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:00] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:00] <Daviey> - SpamapS - Add "verify SRU fixes" to the ServerTeam/GettingInvolved wiki page. [16:00] <MootBot> New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:00] * Daviey looks [16:01] <Daviey> looks DONE [16:01] <Daviey> \o/ [16:01] * smb stumbles in [16:01] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Current Development [16:01] <MootBot> New Topic: Current Development [16:01] <Daviey> robbiew ? [16:01] <robbiew> alpha2 is this week [16:01] <Daviey> Okay, we we have just hit soft freeze for A2 natty. [16:01] <robbiew> done [16:01] <robbiew> lol [16:01] <Daviey> anyone have any concerns regarding A2? [16:02] <smoser> i'm just happy it is this week. i was concerned when the archive closed last tuesday :) [16:02] <Daviey> hggdh, how is automated testing looking? [16:02] <robbiew> smoser: heh...we should have pitti falsely announce every time [16:03] <Daviey> okay, hggdh can update us in his section. [16:03] <Daviey> Related, is the upcoming Lucid point release of, 10.04.2. Seems we are in good shape for this, zul, happen to know if there is anything we should be tracking that is release critical that we should be jumping on? [16:03] <hggdh> Daviey, it looks good, but I am not sure we already have an ISO to test... [16:03] <zul> Daviey: nope i think we are in good shape [16:04] <hallyn> when is freeze for 10.04.2? [16:04] <hallyn> there's a data corruption bug with qemu virtio > 1tb, i'd like to paper that over before freeze [16:04] <Daviey> hallyn, good qustion... i'm not sure there is a set date.. [16:04] <Daviey> skaet, happen to know when the archive freeze for 10.04.1 is? [16:04] <zul> a while ago i think [16:04] <Daviey> 'freeze' == 'deadline' i guess [16:05] <skaet> Daviey, 10.04.2 was frozen on 1/20 [16:05] <Daviey> zul, ah, you caught me [16:05] <Daviey> okay.. dandy, thanks skaet [16:05] <hallyn> bad me. 10.04.3 it is i guess [16:05] <Daviey> moving on... [16:05] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Upcoming Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:05] <Daviey> - Strata - Feb 1 -3, San Francisco (DustinKirkland - attending) [16:05] <Daviey> - SCALE9x - Feb 25 - 27, Los Angeles (ClintByrum attending, DustinKirkland presenting) [16:05] <Daviey> - FOSDEM - Feb 5-6, Brussels - Belgium (DaveWalker, JamesPage) [16:05] <MootBot> New Topic: Upcoming Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:06] <Daviey> So, looks like kirkland can't be here today as he is at Strata. [16:06] <Daviey> SpamapS, Hello! Fancy talking about SCALE9x ? [16:06] <ttx> kirkland should go to the openstack release party Thursday. [16:07] <Daviey> ttx, Ooooo.. i didn't know you had one planned! I'm sure he'll be happy to know about it. [16:07] <ttx> I think its a free beer thing [16:07] <SpamapS> Daviey: sure.. unfortunately it looks like I will miss most of Sat. and all of Sun, but will be there for Fri. [16:07] <Daviey> ttx, /me wonders if it's too late to organise a flight. [16:07] <hallyn> Daviey: depends how closely you want to get to know the tsa guards i think [16:07] <Daviey> SpamapS, Well - will be interesting to hear what you bring away from it. [16:08] <ttx> Daviey: for you yes. You shoud rather arrive Friday night so that we have a few beers at the FOSDEM beer night [16:08] <Daviey> Okay, James and myself will both be at FOSDEM this weekend... ariving friday evening [16:08] <zul> hallyn: hah tsa was not that bad [16:08] <SpamapS> Daviey: yeah, was hoping to attend all 3 days but travel is conflicting. :-/ [16:08] <ttx> Daviey, kirkland: [16:08] <Daviey> We'll get a chance to talk to plenty of upstreams including openstack, puppet and some others. James also mentioned that there will be a java event, which sounds good. [16:09] <Daviey> Equally, plenty of Debian devs will be there - so should be a good chance to meet all of our upstreams. [16:09] <Daviey> SpamapS, :( [16:09] <Daviey> [ACTION] ttx to buy Daviey and JamesPage beer at FOSDEM, friday night. [16:09] <MootBot> ACTION received: ttx to buy Daviey and JamesPage beer at FOSDEM, friday night. [16:10] <Daviey> \o/ [16:10] <Daviey> okay, great - moving on [16:10] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:10] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:10] <ttx> Daviey: only if you ensure ambiance in my "Why we hate java" talk [16:10] <hggdh> well, here I am [16:10] <Daviey> \o/ [16:11] <hggdh> (1) automated ISO tests -- going well, I had some updates done to the marvelous ubuntu-server-iso-testing [16:11] <Daviey> hggdh, The automated testing of the daily ISO's... anything scary caught? [16:11] <hggdh> apart from my issues on getting the bloody d-i syslog in, no [16:11] <Daviey> heh [16:11] <hggdh> only one iffy, samba, wbinfo -u is not returning the current user [16:11] <Daviey> hggdh, Anything else we should be concerned about? [16:11] <Daviey> eeek [16:12] <hggdh> I *think* this may be related to running in background, without a real login [16:12] <Daviey> samba had an upload in the last couple of days as it wasn't starting correctly [16:12] <Daviey> could that be it? [16:12] <SpamapS> hggdh: been talking with jhunt about adding some boot-up / shut-down tests for the automated testing... [16:12] <hggdh> IDK, still testing. Today's image still fails [16:12] <hggdh> SpamapS, that would be nice indeed [16:13] <Daviey> :( [16:13] <hggdh> even more if it helps to test upstart integration [16:13] <SpamapS> hggdh: probably will have to wait until UDS but wanted to put it on your radar.. we are particularly interested in testing with , say, all of the server seed packages installed.. does the system boot-up/shut-down properly 100 times in a row [16:13] <zul> Daviey: that would be the winbind daemon i think [16:13] <Daviey> zul, ack [16:13] <hggdh> SpamapS, duly noted, sir, thank you [16:13] <hggdh> re. Alpha2: we are still waiting for official (tentative) images to be released [16:14] <Daviey> hggdh, okay - great! Can you keep us posted on anything scary, and talk out of band about A2 testing/ [16:14] <hggdh> *if* there is no change to today's ISO, we are doing *very* well indeed [16:14] <Daviey> 3 cheers! [16:14] <hggdh> :-) [16:14] <Daviey> okay, anyone have anything for hggdh ? [16:15] <Daviey> super, thanks hggdh [16:15] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:15] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:15] <hggdh> welcome [16:15] <smb> hi [16:15] <Daviey> hello smb [16:15] <smb> I have not got much this week [16:15] <Daviey> This is a *good* thing, surely? [16:15] * smb seems to have spent infinite time on natty and t1.micros [16:15] <smoser> he doesn't have much because he fixed all the problems [16:16] <smb> Sadly there are always some left. :-P [16:16] <Daviey> smoser, my problems extend outside the kernel space :) [16:16] <smoser> but if anyone wants some fun, bug 708920 [16:16] <Daviey> okay, anyone have anything for smb ? [16:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 708920 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "Strange 'fork/clone' blocking behavior under high cpu usage on EC2" [Undecided,New] [16:16] <Daviey> smoser, you must have! [16:16] <smoser> complete with HD youtube video: [16:16] <smb> That is one thing to look into next [16:17] <smb> and the missing console and ... [16:17] <smb> And should I run out of ec2 things there still should be the rare nfs race somewhere [16:18] <smb> .. [16:18] <Daviey> poor smb... [16:18] <Daviey> smb, is that everything? [16:18] <smb> yup [16:18] <Daviey> super, thanks [16:18] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Doucmentation Team (sommer) [16:18] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Doucmentation Team (sommer) [16:19] * Daviey motions to remove this from the current agenda [16:19] <Daviey> seems sommer is not able to regularly attend... :( [16:19] * Daviey suggests adding it AdHoc. [16:19] <Daviey> carryover... [16:20] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [16:20] <MootBot> New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [16:20] <Daviey> I imagine kim0 is unable to attend at the moment, due to issues outside his control. [16:20] <smoser> that is nuts [16:20] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:20] <MootBot> New Topic: Open Discussion [16:20] <ttx> Daviey, JamesPage: when do you arrive ? [16:21] * Daviey checks [16:22] <Daviey> ttx, Arrive in Brussels at 17:33 hrs [16:22] <Daviey> ttx, you? [16:22] * Daviey takes it out of band. [16:22] <Daviey> Any other other biz? [16:22] <ttx> I'm already i nBrussels [16:23] <Daviey> oh :) [16:23] <Daviey> ok [16:23] <Daviey> 3 [16:23] <Daviey> 2 [16:23] <Daviey> 1 [16:23] <Daviey> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [16:23] <Daviey> Tuesday, February 8 2011 16:00 UTC [16:23] <MootBot> New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time