
  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting
  • T Development Opening
  • Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)

  • Ubuntu Server Team Events
  • Open Discussion
  • Announce next meeting date, time and chair


Meeting Information


There were no actions from the previous meeting. The primary focus of this weeks meeting was to review the high and critical Ubuntu Server bugs at http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-t-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server, and to for everyone to write up blueprints and get them ready for approval by team leads. A decision was also made to only cut Ubuntu Cloud images for Alpha 1 in the Trusty cycle. James Page will also initiate a review of the server seed. Additional details can be found below in the logs and action items.

Meeting Actions

  • smoser sync with utlemming on building cloud images for alpha 1, targets = seed-review, gpt
  • jamespage do seed-review email
  • jamespage, gaughen review blueprints and accept for trusty
  • gaughen file bug with status.u.c to get ubuntu server topic tracking in there
  • all: write up blueprints, and have them ready for review by November 28

Action items, by person

  • gaughen
    • jamespage, gaughen review blueprints and accept for trusty
    • gaughen file bug with status.u.c to get ubuntu server topic tracking in there
  • jamespage
    • jamespage do seed-review email
    • jamespage, gaughen review blueprints and accept for trusty
  • smoser
    • smoser sync with utlemming on building cloud images for alpha 1, targets = seed-review, gpt

Trusty Development

The discussion about "Trusty Development" started at 16:03.

Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:25.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)" started at 16:26.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)" started at 16:27.

Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)

The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)" started at 16:29.

Ubuntu Server Team Events

The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:29.

Open Discussion

The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:31.

Announce next meeting date and time

The discussion about "Announce next meeting date and time" started at 16:32.

  • NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 2013-12-03 at 1600 UTC


 16:02 <arosales> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team

 16:02 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Nov 26 16:02:08 2013 UTC.  The chair is arosales. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

 16:02 <meetingology> 

 16:02 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

 16:02 <arosales> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting

 16:02 <arosales> No actions from previous meeting

 16:03 <arosales> #topic Trusty Development

 16:03 <arosales> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule

 16:04 <arosales> we have an alpha coming up I think . . .

 16:04 <arosales> Dec 19th

 16:04 <arosales> opt in for flavors

 16:04 <arosales> smoser, jamespage is server opting in?

 16:05 * arosales doesn't see utlemming for cloud image confirmation

 16:05 <jamespage> as a core flavor we don't normally opt in - I'm happy to stick with that for alpha1

 16:05 <arosales> jamespage, ack

 16:05 <arosales> #subtopic Release Bugs

 16:05 <arosales> #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-t-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server

 16:05 <smoser> jamespage, well, i like to create cloud images.

 16:06 <arosales> smoser, I think cloud images has done an alpha in the past .  . .

 16:06 <smoser> i'd like for us to opt in for alpha1 cloud images, with some actual targets.

 16:06 <jamespage> sure

 16:06 <smoser> the seed-review and gpt

 16:06 <smoser> jamespage, have you done a seed-review email ?

 16:07 <arosales> #action smoser sync with utlemming on building cloud images for alpha 1, targets = seed-review, gpt

 16:07 * meetingology smoser sync with utlemming on building cloud images for alpha 1, targets = seed-review, gpt

 16:07 <jamespage> smoser, urgh - not yet

 16:07 <jamespage> arosales, please action me todo that asap

 16:07 <arosales> will do

 16:07 <arosales> #action jamespage do seed-review email

 16:07 * meetingology jamespage do seed-review email

 16:07 <arosales> onto bugs :-)

 16:08 <arosales> got two high @ http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-t-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server

 16:08 <arosales> no critical

 16:08 <arosales> http://launchpad.net/bugs/1243762

 16:08 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1243762 in juju-core (Ubuntu Trusty) "[MIR] juju-core, golang" [High,Confirmed]

 16:08 <jamespage> that will stick on the report until either we decide not to or it gets in main

 16:09 <arosales> jamespage, ok, thanks

 16:09 <arosales> bug 1062336

 16:09 <ubottu> bug 1062336 in nova (Ubuntu Trusty) "nova-compute expects libvirtd group" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1062336

 16:09 <arosales> zul ^

 16:09 <rbasak> We should perhaps track bug 1248283, since at the moment it seems to affect all MAAS/juju on Saucy, and presumably Trusty too. I don't know how much this needs to be tracked by us as opposed to juju upstream, though.

 16:09 <ubottu> bug 1248283 in juju-core "Juju deploy of Charm in MAAS fails because dbus fails" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248283

 16:09 <arosales> nevermind jamespage looks like your marked won't fix

 16:09 <jamespage> zul, that will get fixed up under the kvm packaging review

 16:09 <zul> rbasak:  its been removed in trusty

 16:10 <rbasak> zul: what's been removed exactly?

 16:10 <zul> arosales: the xcp stuff has been removed in nova

 16:10 <zul> rbasak:  sorry not you :)

 16:10 <arosales> zul, thanks

 16:11 <arosales> rbasak, you are referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1248283

 16:11 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1248283 in juju-core "Juju deploy of Charm in MAAS fails because dbus fails" [High,Triaged]

 16:11 <rbasak> Yes

 16:11 <arosales> good one to track

 16:12 <arosales> jamespage, which team to we add to get in on the bug tracking list?

 16:13 <arosales> ~ubuntu-server ?

 16:13 <arosales> smoser, ^

 16:14 <jamespage> no - dbus should not be on the server list

 16:14 <jamespage> raise a task for juju-core - I think that will do it

 16:14 <smoser> there is a task for juju-core thre.

 16:14 <arosales> juju-core has a task

 16:15 <arosales> while we work on that is there any other bugs we want to cover?

 16:15 <jamespage> juju-core in Ubuntu

 16:15 <arosales> there are a few other mediums and lows

 16:15 <jamespage> not upstream

 16:15 <rbasak> I think you might need a packaging task against a package that ~ubuntu-server subscribes to that also has a Trusty task.

 16:15 <rbasak> I'm not sure this is a good way to do it, mind.

 16:15 <arosales> jamespage, ah ok

 16:16 <jamespage> rbasak, is the bug in dbus?

 16:16 <rbasak> Debatable. I'd say the primary bug is in juju-core.

 16:16 <rbasak> (or perhaps the MAAS provider in juju if that's separate)

 16:16 <arosales> rbasak, could you add a task for juju-core in Ubuntu?

 16:16 <rbasak> dbus would ideally not fail, and ideally log a message explaining what happens when it does.

 16:17 <rbasak> But juju should not try to restart networking. It doesn't need to do that anyway.

 16:17 <jamespage> rbasak, raise a distro bug task for Ubuntu and target to trusty

 16:17 <jamespage> so we can track it

 16:17 <rbasak> ack

 16:17 <arosales> rbasak, thanks

 16:18 <arosales> any other bugs we should cover

 16:18 <rbasak> Done. Importance?

 16:18 <arosales> got the highs and critical ones done @ http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-t-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server

 16:18 <rbasak> I'll say Triaged/High.

 16:18 <arosales> rbasak, thanks for brining in one we needed to track too

 16:18 <arosales> ok we covered those

 16:18 <arosales> not the others on the list are openstack

 16:19 <arosales> less websockify

 16:19 <arosales> moving on

 16:19 <arosales> #subtopic Blueprints

 16:19 <arosales> jamespage, to my failing did you create a topic bp?

 16:19 <jamespage> yes

 16:19 <arosales> #link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/group/topic-t-servercloud-overview.html

 16:19 <arosales> ah and you must have updated the notes

 16:19 <arosales> well done -- thank you

 16:19 <arosales> :-)

 16:20 <arosales> http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/group/topic-t-servercloud-overview.html

 16:20 <arosales> hmm not loading for me atm

 16:20 <jamespage> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-t-servercloud-overview

 16:20 <arosales> working for others?

 16:21 <arosales> hmm http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/ looks to may need a kick

 16:21 <jamespage> arosales, no

 16:21 * arosales doesn't see any topic BPs there

 16:21 <jamespage> arosales, gaughen: we need to go through all blueprints and priortize and accept for trusty

 16:22 <jamespage> so as its only UDS + 2 days really

 16:22 <arosales> #action jamespage, gaughen review blueprints and accept for trusty

 16:22 * meetingology jamespage, gaughen review blueprints and accept for trusty

 16:22 <gaughen> okay

 16:22 <smoser> yeah.

 16:22 <jamespage> can respectfully suggest that everyone write up their blueprints from last week by thursday

 16:22 <jamespage> using the blueprint spec

 16:22 <jamespage> and mark 'Pending Approval'

 16:22 <arosales> #action gaughen file bug with status.u.c to get ubuntu server topic tracking in there

 16:22 * meetingology gaughen file bug with status.u.c to get ubuntu server topic tracking in there

 16:23 <arosales> gaughen, I hope you don't mind that action

 16:23 <jamespage> then smoser, gaughen and I will know which ones to review

 16:23 <arosales> gaughen, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-work-items-tracker/+filebug

 16:23 <arosales> gaughen, ping me if you have any questions

 16:23 <jamespage> so I guess for folks in the US that means be end of wednesday

 16:23 <jamespage> ....

 16:23 <jamespage> sorry

 16:23 <gaughen> nope don't mind but i will have questions :-)

 16:23 <jamespage> actually - this makes no sense

 16:23 <arosales> #action all: write up blueprints, and have them ready for review by November 28

 16:23 * meetingology all: write up blueprints, and have them ready for review by November 28

 16:24 <jamespage> end of week - then we can review early next week

 16:24 <smoser> end of week.

 16:24 <smoser> (which may be in a few hours for some US folk)

 16:25 <arosales> # all write up bluerprints, using blueprint spec, mark 'pending approval', and have complete by November 29

 16:25 <arosales> any other BP topics?

 16:25 <arosales> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

 16:26 <arosales> caribou any bugs to bring up here that we didn't already cover?

 16:26 * arosales doesn't see caribou online atm

 16:26 <arosales> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)

 16:26 <psivaa> No updates from us,

 16:26 <arosales> psivaa, ok thanks

 16:27 <arosales> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)

 16:28 <arosales> smb any updates?

 16:28 * arosales doesn't seem smb here atm

 16:29 <arosales> any folks from kernel

 16:29 <arosales> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)

 16:29 <rbasak> No updates from me. Any questions?

 16:29 <arosales> any questions for rbasak ?

 16:29 <arosales> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events

 16:30 <arosales> we had a lot of events we just came back from

 16:30 <arosales> ODS, uVDS, RubyConf, AWS re:Invent

 16:30 <arosales> I don't know of any upcoming in the next week

 16:30 <arosales> any other folks have any events to bring up here?

 16:31 <arosales> #topic Open Discussion

 16:31 <arosales> any other agenda items?

 16:32 <arosales> going once

 16:32 <arosales> twice

 16:32 <arosales> thrice

 16:32 <arosales> #topic Announce next meeting date and time

 16:32 <arosales> NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 2013-12-03 at 1600 UTC

 16:32 <arosales> Thanks for joining the ubuntu server team meeting!

 16:32 <arosales> #endmeeting

Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)

MeetingLogs/Server/20131126 (last edited 2013-12-03 08:18:58 by cpe-70-114-163-113)