
  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting
    • Previous meeting (July 1st) actions:
      • None
  • U Development
  • Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)

  • Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)

  • Ubuntu Server Team Events
  • Open Discussion
  • Announce next meeting date, time and chair


  • Alpha 2 coming July 31st
  • QA team reports no major issues
  • Kernel team reports no major issues
  • ODS Nov 2014 is now accepting paper proposals

Meeting Actions

  • No actions for this week

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday July 15th 16:00:00 UTC 2014 in #ubuntu-meeting.


Jul 08 11:00:44 <rharper>       #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team
Jul 08 11:00:54 <rharper>       will wait a bit for some more folks
Jul 08 11:00:57 <--     henrix (~henrix@bl16-214-47.dsl.telepac.pt) has left #ubuntu-meeting
Jul 08 11:01:06 *       rharper wonders if the meeting bot will ever get fixed 
Jul 08 11:01:25 <michagogo>     seems it's in other channels (-2)
Jul 08 11:02:29 -->     howefield (~howefield@pdpc/supporter/active/howefield) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Jul 08 11:02:49 -->     rbasak (~robie@canonical/rbasak) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Jul 08 11:03:25 <rharper>       ok, starting the agenda 
Jul 08 11:03:30 <rharper>       #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting
Jul 08 11:03:43 <rharper>       I don't see any ACTION points from the previous meeting
Jul 08 11:03:55 <rharper>       #topic Utopic Development
Jul 08 11:04:02 <rharper>       #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule
Jul 08 11:04:28 <rharper>       we're heading toward Alpha2, scheduled for July 31st 
Jul 08 11:04:33 -->     sforshee (~sforshee@ has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Jul 08 11:04:43 <rharper>       smoser: any comments on alpha1 ?
Jul 08 11:04:54 <smoser>        old news?
Jul 08 11:05:03 <rharper>       probably
Jul 08 11:05:10 <rharper>       moving on
Jul 08 11:05:15 <rharper>       #subtopic Release Bugs 
Jul 08 11:05:21 <rharper>       #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-u-tracking-bug-tasks.html#ubuntu-server
Jul 08 11:05:43 <rharper>       The same high as before bug #1317587
Jul 08 11:05:46 <ubottu>        bug 1317587 in clamav (Ubuntu Utopic) "ClamAV 0.98.1 is Outdated" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1317587
Jul 08 11:07:04 <rharper>       not much changed since last week,  moving on
Jul 08 11:07:07 <rharper>       #subtopic Blueprints
Jul 08 11:07:13 <rharper>       #link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-u/group/topic-u-server.html
Jul 08 11:07:21 <rharper>       #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-u-server
Jul 08 11:08:10 -->     matsubara (~matsubara@canonical/launchpad/matsubara) has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Jul 08 11:08:35 <rharper>       any comments for blueprints?
Jul 08 11:10:02 <rharper>       #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
Jul 08 11:10:27 <rharper>       I don't see caribou here
Jul 08 11:11:49 <rharper>       caribou is sprinting, but reports no issues
Jul 08 11:12:03 <rharper>       #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)
Jul 08 11:12:22 <psivaa>        rharper: nothing much to update from our side :)
Jul 08 11:12:30 <rharper>       psivaa: great, thanks for the update
Jul 08 11:12:39 <rharper>       #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)
Jul 08 11:12:44 <smb>   No news from my side either. Or maybe that I managed to submit a merge-proposal for uvtool by now.
Jul 08 11:12:55 <smb>   Apart from that I have nothing
Jul 08 11:12:59 <rharper>       smb: ok, thanks
Jul 08 11:13:11 <rharper>       #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events
Jul 08 11:13:24 <rharper>       any upcoming events?
Jul 08 11:13:33 <gaughen_>      o/
Jul 08 11:13:39 ---     gaughen_ is now known as gaughen
Jul 08 11:13:50 <rharper>       openstack dev summit is accepting papers now (Paris, Nov 2014) 
Jul 08 11:14:17 <rharper>       I think there's a linuxcon coming up too, not sure if anyone from the team is going
Jul 08 11:14:49 <rharper>       gaughen: any other server team events ?
Jul 08 11:15:09 <gaughen>       I think you covered it rharper, thanks!
Jul 08 11:15:29 <rharper>       cool
Jul 08 11:15:34 <rharper>       #topic Open Discussion
Jul 08 11:15:41 <rharper>       anything else to discuss?
Jul 08 11:17:19 *       rharper hears the pin drop
Jul 08 11:17:26 <rharper>       #topic Announce next meeting date and time
Jul 08 11:18:04 <rharper>       seven days from now - 18 minutes
Jul 08 11:18:11 <rharper>       #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/Server/20140708 (last edited 2014-07-08 16:32:36 by raharper)