
   05:02 Kamion      I'll chair - just finding the list of people to ping elsewhere
   05:03 fabbione    Kamion: in the wiki?
   05:03 dholbach    mvo has his last holiday today
   05:03 dholbach    dunno about benc
   05:03 Kamion      fabbione: yes, but need to compare with /names here
   05:03 ogra        dholbach, his last *ever* ?
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   05:03 ogra        dholbach, so we'll never have a broken apt again ?
   05:03 fabbione    Kamion: it has both actually
   === pitti is terribly lagged, apologies in advance if I slack with answering to someone
   05:03 Mithrandir  ogra: yeah, no more slacking for mvo.
   05:03 dholbach    ogra: we'll see
   05:03 ogra        :)
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   05:04 Keybuk      Mithrandir: says the guy who delayed a milestone release due to "too much wine"
   05:04 Mithrandir  Keybuk: it was delayed already. :-P
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   05:04 Kamion      is heno expected to be away at the moment?
   05:04 fschoep     Yes, he is on holiday.
   05:04 Kamion      ah, thanks
   05:05 pitti       darn, I try connecting to another freenode server, brb
   === pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:06 Kamion      ok, we should get started
   05:06 Kamion      has everyone read the wiki page? not everyone has filled in their information on it
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   05:06 fschoep     Kamion: I added myself even though I wasn't on there, is that OK?
   05:06 Kamion      fschoep: yes, that's fine - we should probably add you to the template in fact
   05:07 Kamion      BenC: could you quickly dump your info into the wiki page, for the record?
   05:07 BenC        yeah
   05:07 kwwii       my name is not on that list
   05:07 Kamion      kwwii: same as fschoep, if you want to dump your done/todo in there for the record, that would be good
   05:07 kwwii       will do
   05:07 Kamion      ok, in the meantime, we'll go from the bottom up
   05:08 Kamion      I suggest we try not doing the paste thing this week, in the hope that people have read the wiki page
   05:08 iwj         I think next week we should have an announcement in advance, giving a deadline for completing the report, and encouraging the addition of extra people, etc.  I'll write one up.
   05:08 fabbione    pitti is having network problems
   05:08 Kamion      iwj: in fact there was an announcement on warthogs@, but that's too private; should be with the meeting announcement on -devel-announce
   05:08 zul         Kamion: ditto
   05:08 iwj         Kamion: Oh, warthogs again.  It seems I never read warthogs on Wednesdays :-).
   05:09 Kamion      anyway, we should still go through everyone to make sure people have a chance to be quizzed and to say anything they have to say
   05:09 iwj         Right.
   05:09 Kamion      Mithrandir: you're first; anything of particular note this week?
   05:09 fabbione    sfllaw: any specific reason for keep moving these announcements in non public places?
   05:09 Kamion      or anything you want to grab people for next week?
   05:09 Mithrandir  I'd like to apologise for the week-long freeze.  I thought we were more ready than we were.
   05:09 Mithrandir  hopefully, it won't happen again.
   === pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:10 ogra        it was necessary
   05:10 Mithrandir  apart from that, I don't have anything in particular.
   05:10 Kamion      I think we'll be better off next time. Most of it was because the installer just wasn't there yet.
   05:10 ogra        we now have a stable base :)
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   05:10 Kamion      ogra: not for much longer; feature development awaits ...
   05:10 Mithrandir  yeah, and that was a bad call on my part.  I should have waited a bit.  But, done is done.
   05:10 ogra        Kamion, sure, but you have something to compare to ... to find regressions/errors next milestone ...
   05:10 Kamion      Mithrandir: looks like you have a fair bit of coordination with Adam next week, but that's nothing new I guess
   05:11 Kamion      Mithrandir: also, congratulations on Knot-1
   05:11 Mithrandir  Kamion: same goes to you, for fixing ubiquity and d-i.
   05:11 Mithrandir  also, thanks.
   05:11 Kamion      I expect we'll need a bit more testing of derivatives next time round
   05:11 Kamion      the first milestone is generally quite rough and ready
   05:11 Kamion      Mithrandir: we should decide on Knot-2 timescales
   05:12 ogra        edubuntu is fine though
   05:12 Kamion      I suggest leaving a clear two weeks from now
   05:12 Kamion      just because otherwise the release team get nothing else done
   05:12 Kamion      does that sound reasonable?
   05:12 Mithrandir  I'll be gone on vacation + wedding + honeymoon from next friday, JFYI.
   05:12 Mithrandir  and won't be back until the sprint in London
   05:12 dholbach    wow
   05:12 Mithrandir  uh, not London
   05:12 Mithrandir  Wiesbaden
   05:12 rodarvus    :)
   05:12 Kamion      ah, noted; infinity/mdz/I will deal with releases, then
   === pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:13 Kamion      Mithrandir: please dump current sane-installer-keyboard status on me when you leave
   05:13 Mithrandir  Kamion: willdo
   05:13 Kamion      ok, thank you
   05:13 Kamion      sfllaw: anything from you this week?
   === pitti waves, sorry
   05:13 Kamion      (if you're here ...)
   05:14 Mithrandir  he's not, I think.
   05:14 Kamion      doesn't look like it
   05:14 Kamion      seb128: anything from you?
   05:14 seb128      nop
   05:14 Hobbsee     looks to be not here.   [01:14]  [Whois]  sfllaw has been idle for 10 hours, 41 minutes and 20 seconds.
   05:15 Kamion      seb128: how is GNOME 2.15 looking upstream?
   05:15 seb128      pretty good, already GNOME 2.15.90 next week (2.16 beta 1)
   05:15 seb128      so they start freeze, etc
   05:15 fabbione    Kamion: sorry pitti can't get here on freenode properly. I can forward any request to/from him
   05:15 Kamion      feels very early, but of course our cycle is very late this time
   05:15 highvoltage Mithrandir: congrats
   05:15 ogra        fabbione, he's here
   05:15 seb128      right, we only packaged one devel version this cycle
   05:16 pitti       fabbione, Kamion: I'm here now, though lagged
   05:16 Kamion      so at 2.15.90, GNOME will be in API/ABI freeze, is that right?
   05:16 dholbach    so from now it gets better and better ;)
   05:16 seb128      Kamion: API, ABI, UI frozen
   05:16 Kamion      handy for our feature development; I see a few shiny new features in GTK
   05:16 seb128      and components list too
   05:17 Kamion      all right
   05:17 Kamion      Keybuk:
   05:17 seb128      yeah, GTK 2.10 is great, especially the new printing framework (but only epiphany uses it atm I think)
   05:17 Keybuk      Kamion: not much to report, Debian (for the most part) seem happy with the new PTS mails
   05:17 Kamion      it was little things like linkbutton that I noticed
   05:17 pitti       seb128: will the other apps be converted to use the new printing api, too?
   05:18 seb128      yeah, lot of new cool things too (linkbutton, recently used, etc)
   05:18 iwj         Keybuk: Do we have an official contact from Debian yet ?
   05:18 Keybuk      I'll be doing the UUID stuff and teardown now Knot Freeze is over
   05:18 Kamion      Keybuk: we need to get together early next week or tomorrow or thereabouts to make sure the partman changes for libata are right
   05:18 Keybuk      iwj: in which sense?
   05:18 Keybuk      Kamion: yup, agree
   05:18 seb128      pitti: not much this cycle, they have the same issue as we have ... cycles are short and manpower is limited
   05:18 pitti       seb128: how urgently do you need the new hal-cvs-head-on-crack-plus-policy-kit-on-top-of-it?
   05:18 Kamion      I forgot to note that in my to-do
   05:18 iwj         I remember mdz complaining that there wasn't anyone to have an official `Debian' opinion about this kind of thing.
   05:18 iwj         I mean, about cooperation with Ubuntu, PTS mails, etc.
   05:18 Keybuk      iwj: there are vague movements with the DCT and Utnubu
   05:19 Keybuk      buxy has been my contact for the PTS stuff
   05:19 Kamion      does anyone in Debian really want to place themselves in front of the firing squad on that, though? :-)
   05:19 seb128      pitti: no idea, apparently gnome-power-manager requires it to sleep and suspend and nothing else really requires it this cycle ...
   05:19 ogra        pitti, as soon as we can ... else we'll miss many g-p-m bugs
   05:19 Keybuk      and I've found madduck to be useful to "find the right person" and me a general middle-man
   05:19 pitti       iwj: hard to get such an opinion, short of doing an official vote...
   05:19 seb128      pitti: we might want look are rolling back gnome-power-manager code if that's an issue
   05:19 iwj         Kamion: Well, I've got a thick skin and would volunteer except for err slight conflict of interest :-).
   05:19 Kamion      iwj: yes, I think most of us here are similarly problematic
   05:19 iwj         pitti: DPL should delegate.  But a `no' from Keybuk seems to be the answer.
   05:20 ogra        seb128, pitti, that whould be possible, but a lot of work, since exactly the code parts we need are vanished (or split up)
   05:20 Keybuk      aye, was just going to say, we could contact the DPL or DPL-of-Vice and ask for a delegate
   05:20 Keybuk      but then they'd probably ask for one from us in return
   05:20 seb128      ogra: we can stay to 2.14 for edgy ...
   05:20 Keybuk      and I'd be scared it'd be me
   05:20 Kamion      Keybuk: well volunteered
   05:20 ogra        seb128, yup, thats what i thought
   05:20 iwj         Keybuk: I'd volunteer too if you don't want to.
   05:20 Riddell     pitti, seb128: having a decision on HAL would be handy for me working on kubuntu-power-management
   05:20 pitti       ogra: TBH I'd rather let the dust settle down upstream and let them do a release first, but I will at least dive into it and look at the new stuff
   05:20 iwj         But I suspect you might do a better job.
   05:20 iwj         We could discuss it informally with Steve Mac if we make it to the Debian UK BBQ ?
   05:21 ogra        pitti, then lets keep 2.14, i'll look into regressions
   05:21 seb128      ogra, pitti: in any case we should open discussion with upstream on the topic and the concerns we have
   05:21 ogra        seb128, yeah, to avoid such stuff in the future at least
   05:21 Kamion      ok, lots of conversations going on at once here, perhaps the out-of-sequence ones could move to #ubuntu-devel
   05:21 seb128      ogra: will you contact upstream to let him know that PolicyKit is an issue?
   05:21 ogra        seb128, yup
   05:21 Kamion      rodarvus: anything from you?
   === ogra keeps quiet now until its his turn
   05:21 rodarvus    not much, besides what can be read "between the lines" on my status report
   05:22 seb128      ogra: that's going to be an issue for GNOME anyway, 2.16 can't depends on policykit if that's CVS code
   05:22 iwj         lots of conversations> It's good to get people talking to each other but yes, perhaps elsewhere while the meeting goes on ?
   05:22 pitti       Riddell: right, but I absolutely do not want to say yes to it until I understand fully what they are doing
   05:22 Keybuk      rodarvus: I'd like ssh access to the OLPC hardware at some point to do a general health check
   05:22 Kamion      (really ugly) Hack to automagically check updates to packages in Debian and Ubuntu, to easy the task of comparing changes in the future (do we have some "official" tool to achieve this?)
   05:22 Kamion      rodarvus: isn't that very closely related to what MOM does?
   05:22 Keybuk      ie. a look around the hardware for anything that might be a problem for us, or any tricks we can do
   05:22 rodarvus    Keybuk: sure, I'll try to handle that this week or next
   05:22 Riddell     pitti: I don't care either way, just so I know what I have to develop against
   05:22 rodarvus    Kamion: I suppose so, yes
   05:22 Keybuk      rodarvus: echo subscribe debian PACKAGE | mom@ubuntu.com
   05:22 Kamion      if it doesn't quite do the right job, I'd suggest talking to Keybuk for what you need
   05:22 Keybuk      rodarvus: ^ once elmo turns it on
   05:23 rodarvus    I just made a quick hack to be able to check this "on my own", after the usual mom runs end
   05:23 Kamion      rodarvus: do you expect any changes required outside the X subsystem for X 7.1?
   05:23 Keybuk      though that might not be what you want, talk to me!
   05:23 rodarvus    I will, thanks for the heads up! :)
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   05:23 Mithrandir  rodarvus: are you trying to check if Debian and we are in sync or whether we're in sync with upstream?
   05:23 rodarvus    Kamion: no, not really
   05:23 Kamion      rodarvus: there's also some noise about escalated support on certain X bugs; I'll chat with you about that afterwards if mdz hasn't done so already
   05:23 rodarvus    Mithrandir: both things, actually
   05:24 rodarvus    Kamion: he hasn't, not yet
   05:24 Kamion      the xresprobe blank-on-install bug and an i810 bug
   05:24 Mithrandir  rodarvus: for the upstream bit, there's watch files.
   05:24 rodarvus    Mithrandir: indeed
   05:24 rodarvus    (but it was just four lines on the script to check upstream too :) )
   05:25 doko        rodarvus: we had a spec to follow upstream versions, have to ask lifeless when it gets deployed. tracking debian versions will be done when debian is imported into launchpad (according to cprov)
   05:25 rodarvus    though it would be nice to have watch files for all X packages (which currently don't have one)
   05:25 Keybuk      doko: we have our own implementation of debian tracking in MoM
   05:25 Kamion      doko: that's not likely in the edgy cycle
   05:25 doko        watch file checking however was delayed
   05:25 Keybuk      probably easier to tweak that than rely on mythical launchpad features
   05:25 Kamion      (Debian imported into Launchpad)
   05:26 Kamion      ok, time's marching on
   05:26 Kamion      LaserJock would like to deliver a docteam update and has to go soon
   05:27 LaserJock   From the Documentation Team:
   05:27 LaserJock   Edgy to this point - Mostly wiki work. Category Documentation wiki pages were moved from wiki.u.c to help.u.c/community (BetterWikiDocs spec) so that all help related documentation is at one URL. Lots of structural and cleanup work is left to do.
   05:27 LaserJock   This Week - Tomorrow we are having an organizational meeting to chart Edgy docs. Looks like NEW docs might be "Switching from Windows" and "Security Guide".
   05:27 LaserJock   Continue shaping up Packaging  Guide and Server Guide. Merging information from the Official Ubuntu Book into the Desktop Guides.
   05:27 LaserJock   Done
   05:27 Riddell     LaserJock: what should we start packaging snapshots of the docs?
   05:27 ogra        i'd like to note that i find the wiki forwarding pretty painful
   05:27 Riddell     s/what/when/
   05:27 Kamion      LaserJock: IIRC doko's been working on some kind of "differences from Debian packaging to Ubuntu packaging" document; have you been coordinating on that?
   05:28 Kamion      ogra: yes, it's been jarring on me as well
   05:28 Kamion      DebuggingProcedures being on help.u.c/community/ was particularly weird
   05:28 doko        LaserJock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingChangesSpec
   05:28 LaserJock   Riddell: I haven't really seen much new stuff yet, I'd give use a few weeks, but you might want to ask mdke
   05:28 LaserJock   doko: ok cool, I'll have to talk to you about that and see what we can put in the Packaging Guide
   05:29 LaserJock   Kamion: yes, it was an automatic move (anything with Category Documentation) so some stuff needs to be moved back
   05:29 LaserJock   ogra: just need to update your links ;-)
   05:29 Kamion      LaserJock: does it continue to be automatic? that is will new Category Documentation pages be moved?
   05:30 LaserJock   Kamion: I don't think so, we are creating new wiki pages on help.u.c/community
   05:30 ogra        LaserJock, well, sure ... but that wont make the forwarding faster for people who bookmarked the pages ...
   05:30 mhz         ogra: indesd +1 ;)
   05:30 mhz         eed
   05:30 Kamion      LaserJock: I'd suggest an announcement on -devel-announce about it if there wasn't already; I only noticed when it happened
   05:30 LaserJock   we will be checking wiki.u.c. periodicly for moving
   05:30 Kamion      although it's possible I missed the announcement
   05:31 LaserJock   Kamion: it was announced but the actual move was delayed (I think because of preperationf for Paris, etc.)
   05:31 Kamion      ah
   05:32 Kamion      perhaps a reminder would be appropriate then
   05:32 LaserJock   anyway, if you are having problem with the wiki move or want specifc pages moved please let the doc team know
   05:32 LaserJock   we will try our best to make things as smooth as possible
   05:33 Kamion      ok, thanks LaserJock
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   05:33 Kamion      ogra: your turn
   05:33 Kamion      ogra: what's up with student-control-panel-completion?
   05:33 ogra        well, nothing beyond what i wrote on the wiki
   05:33 ogra        i notified mdz that i'D need time to fix it up ...
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   05:34 Kamion      hmm, I see
   05:34 ogra        it went a bit back and forth ... and then knot 1 came ... i hope to find time this weekend to finish the last bit
   05:34 pitti       hi BenC
   05:34 Kamion      it seems to be in review state at the moment; you know to chase up reviewers for that I assume? I doubt most of them are watching for new review specs now
   05:35 ogra        sadly the feature is to important to just strke it
   05:35 BenC        pitti: hey
   05:35 ogra        Kamion, yes i know ...
   === ogra wonders why its in review ... should be drafting
   05:35 Kamion      up to you to maintain that
   05:35 ogra        yup
   05:36 Kamion      ok, I'd really like to see that approved by next week
   05:36 ogra        i'll care for it
   05:36 Kamion      ogra: "common buildsystem" => common between Edubuntu and LTSP upstream?
   05:37 ogra        common in the meaning of: we dont use debian/*.install files but automake and the like
   05:37 ogra        so other distros can adopt it
   05:37 iwj         ogra: Just for the avoidance of any doubt, you don't think yet that you've addressed my comments about "Execution of programs in the users session(s)" ?
   05:37 ogra        iwj, nope, thats why i was surprised that its in review, i cat remember changing the status
   05:37 iwj         I notice that my brief comment isn't in the wiki page.  Perhaps I should paste that email exchange between you and me and mdz into the wiki ?
   05:38 ogra        *cant
   05:38 ogra        iwj, mdz made his comments to the spec via mail and i'll adress them ...
   05:38 iwj         OK.  It's just that it's easy to lose things when the reviewer/approver doesn't have the mail in front of them.
   05:39 ogra        iwj, i was planning to ask mdz to review/approve it ...
   05:39 Kamion      yes, I'd recommend putting that in the wiki just so it doesn't get lost
   05:39 iwj         OK.
   05:39 ogra        he should know what its all about :)
   05:39 Kamion      even if one has been previously involved, it's possible to forget, and it's useful for informing others
   05:39 Kamion      right, time I think
   05:40 ogra        well, that would make the spec pretty big ...
   05:40 ogra        i'll point it our if i ask him for review
   05:40 ogra        *out
   05:40 iwj         ogra: put it in a sub-page with a link to it ?
   05:40 Kamion      ogra: no harm in that, if the issues have been unaddressed
   05:40 Kamion      once the issues are addressed, it should be factored into the document
   05:40 ogra        ok ok, i'll add it ...
   05:40 Kamion      mvo is on holiday; I seem to have been uploading apt for him ;-)
   05:40 Kamion      doko: anything from you?
   05:41 doko        Kamion, nothing else as in the report
   05:41 Kamion      your report reminds me, promotions/demotions
   05:41 doko        gnat-4.1 in NEW and promotion of python2.5 to main would be nice
   05:42 Mithrandir  doko: OOo to dapper-proposed-updates or dapper-updates, btw?
   05:42 doko        Kamion: yes, removals of binary packages would be nice as well.
   05:42 Kamion      anastacia output is enough of a nightmare right now that we are not really processing promotions/demotions automatically, so if something's at all urgent, bug somebody in ubuntu-archive
   05:42 Kamion      doko: likewise, been gradually working my way through, but if there's anything that's urgent, notify us
   05:42 doko        Mithrandir: dapper-proposed-updates first, dapper-updates is too risky. Need to prepare three or four packages
   05:42 Kamion      some removals have been done
   === mdz [n=mdz@56.Red-81-33-244.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:43 Riddell     hi mdz
   05:43 doko        Kamion: it would be nice to get a status of state of python-packaging, not that urgent
   05:44 Kamion      doko: promoting python2.5 to main implies some degree of commitment to it for edgy; I assume that the outcome of "Decide if it is a viable option to support python2.5" from the python2.5 spec is therefore "yes"?
   05:45 doko        Kamion: yes, but we can drop it again, followed by "binary-NMU's".
   05:45 Kamion      with regard to dapper updates, I think we're still reasonably on-target for an early-August dapper point release, although I need to poke the Soyuz team about status of some of the things we were planning to rely on there
   05:45 fabbione    Kamion: early August?
   05:45 Kamion      doko: right, hence "some degree of" rather than "absolute"
   === fabbione sighs
   05:45 Kamion      fabbione: ?
   05:46 fabbione    Kamion: if that's the target we need to find somebody to complete the sparc changes for dapper point release.
   05:46 Kamion      fabbione: if that has to be for the next point release, that's life
   05:46 fabbione    Kamion: meh ok
   05:46 Kamion      given long-term support, I expect there'll be plenty of room for more than ne
   05:46 ogra        Kamion, fabbione will likely be in hospital getting his baby ...
   05:46 Kamion      one
   05:47 Kamion      ogra: understood, but we can't leave it much later because then we'll be into edgy release
   === BenC volunteers
   05:47 ogra        yup
   05:47 iwj         We're getting seriously behind here ...
   05:47 Kamion      and it is necessary to get something done before shipit for dapper stops
   05:47 Kamion      iwj's right
   05:47 Kamion      pitti: anything from you?
   05:47 fabbione    Kamion: let's take this after the meeting
   05:47 pitti       apart from what's written in the wiki, I just want to mention that I'm looking for a nice name for the crash report daemon; Mithrandir proposed 'apport', and I really like it; ping me if you have a terrific idea :)
   05:47 Kamion      fabbione: yep
   05:47 iwj         pitti: Debian did a 1.0.x ff upload but there doesn't seem to be a coordinated 1.0.8 orig.tar.gz anywhere.
   05:48 pitti       my only blocker so far is the kernel crashdump helper, I'm going to discuss this with BenC, but not in the meeting
   05:48 Kamion      pitti: any idea of edgy langpacks?
   05:48 pitti       iwj: oh, wow
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   05:48 iwj         They've just done a 1.0.4.orig.tar.gz-based security update.
   05:49 iwj         I was following the list but it was hard to piece the bits together and there was no message of the form "here is the thing which is finally done" except for this URL:
   05:49 iwj         http://people.debian.org/~eric/mozilla-firefox/
   05:49 iwj         (Note bad practice of a signed .dsc not uploaded ...)
   05:50 iwj         I haven't done anything else about this.
   05:50 pitti       Kamion: I asked carlos several times, he said they are close now
   05:50 iwj         But I thought I should pass the `info' on.
   05:50 pitti       iwj: I thought they actually used 1.0.7 the last time and just called it 1.0.4 to not break reverse dependencies?
   05:50 pitti       iwj: thank you
   05:50 iwj         Something like that, yes.
   05:50 Kamion      ok, thank you pitti
   05:51 Kamion      Riddell: anything from you?
   05:51 Riddell     avahi-daemon now in kubuntu-desktop
   05:51 Riddell     bunch of stuff will shortly need moved to main for gpgsm
   05:51 Kamion      what's gpgsm for?
   05:51 Riddell     Kamion: s/mime support in kmail
   05:51 Riddell     also need UVF exception for kopete
   05:52 Hobbsee     (yay, more bugfixes for kopete)
   05:52 Kamion      is the kubuntu zeroconf stuff following the enormous thread on ubuntu-devel?
   05:52 Riddell     Kamion: no, it's been planned for a while and specced at the summit, I've not seen the thread on ubuntu-devel
   05:52 Kamion      we should avoid divergent security policies between Ubuntu and Kubuntu if we can
   05:52 Riddell     I'll take a look at it
   05:52 Riddell     Kamion: it's disabled by default, else pitti would kill me
   05:52 dholbach    hihihi
   05:53 ogra        Riddell, prepare to spend the afternoon with it if you didnt see the thread yet :P
   05:53 Kamion      Riddell: some concerns raised in the thread about the ineffectiveness of offering users a choice between keep-my-machine-secure and do-what-I-want-to-do
   05:53 Kamion      anyway, that's for the mailing list
   05:54 Kamion      thankks Riddell
   05:54 Kamion      iwj: ?
   05:54 iwj         Nothing else from me.
   === Whatsisname [n=whatsisn@rrcs-67-52-37-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:54 iwj         But note that I changed the wiki entry quite recently: Chuck will be reporting about Xen.
   05:54 iwj         (Chuck = zul)
   05:55 Riddell     is he bountied for it?
   05:55 fabbione    Riddell: no he is masochist last i checked :P
   05:55 BenC        there's a bounty on him, not for him :)
   05:55 Kamion      iwj: with regard to dpkg Breaks deployment, are you aware that Debian's base freeze for etch is RSN?
   05:55 dholbach    you're so mean :)
   05:55 Riddell     ok, so we should still be polite
   05:55 Kamion      so it'll need to squeeze in before thhat
   05:55 zul         fabbione: yep thats me
   05:55 Kamion      zul: we'll grab you at the end, if you're around for that long
   05:56 iwj         Kamion: Err, no, I wasn't.
   05:56 zul         im not going anywyere
   05:56 iwj         What's the date for that ?
   05:56 iwj         It would be really nice if we could get it into Debian's dpkg this time round.
   05:56 Kamion      iwj: IIRC 8 August but see debian-devel-announce
   05:56 iwj         I'll go check.  Thanks for the heads-up.
   05:56 iwj         I'll have to spend a bit of weekend thinking about deployment plan for Debian too.
   05:56 Kamion      sympathy (in every sense) on the heat
   05:56 Kamion      heno is on holiday
   05:57 Kamion      fschoep: anything from you?
   05:57 fschoep     Besides the Wiki, I've got two things:
   05:57 fschoep     I'd want some input on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/WideThemeSwitcher
   05:57 fschoep     For your information, here's a summary of what we've been doing lately: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/EdgyProposals/Summary_18JULY2006
   === isheep [i=isheep@cc1027458-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:57 fschoep     The spec is on Launchpad but I don't own it and Etienne is off for holiday so that takes some more time to get in line I'm afraid.
   05:58 fschoep     That's all for now.
   05:59 dholbach    shiny shiny
   05:59 Kamion      fschoep: if you need stuff tweaked on Launchpad I believe that anyone in ubuntu-drivers can probably force it
   05:59 fschoep     OK, that's probably the best thing to do now. Once I've got that in line, who should I contact about the contents? It's GNOME related.
   05:59 Kamion      fschoep: dapper-backport> see my comment above about dapper point release timing, if you weren't aware
   06:00 fschoep     Kamion: you sent me a Wiki link to the schedule last time.
   06:00 Kamion      right, I forget sometimes :)
   06:00 Kamion      #ubuntu-desktop is probably a reasonable fallback ...
   06:00 fschoep     Kamion: is there a list of artwork things you want to get in there or should we make one?
   06:00 ogra        fschoep, hmm, you are not on -devel ... whats the difference between Lsplash and the gnome splash screen in that spec ?
   06:01 Kamion      fschoep: I expect to be largely release-monkey plus installer fixes; I doubt I will have time to look into artwork in detail, so if you could prepare something fairly conservative then I'm happy to look over it
   06:01 fschoep     There is none, it's just that I've been calling it login-splash and suddenly everyone calls it lsplash.
   === dholbach wanted to call the package session-splash :-p
   06:01 ogra        ah, ok ... was a bit confusing :)
   06:01 fschoep     Kamion: will create a list.
   06:01 dholbach    more confusion :)
   06:02 Kamion      ok, thanks fschoep, we need to move on; please somebody desktopish coordinate with fschoep for uploads and stuff
   06:02 fschoep     Sorry, I only recently became accustomed with the "Lsplash" term.
   06:02 Kamion      fabbione: anything from you?
   06:02 ogra        lets just keep gnome splash :P  users know the term
   06:02 fabbione    Kamion: what's on the wiki, we just got rid of all non-upstream cluster suite patches.
   06:02 fabbione    Kamion: otherwise it's ok...
   06:03 seb128      ogra: no no, or people will assume than dholbach and I are responsive for bugs about it :p
   06:03 Kamion      given your imminent awayness, that is definitely good news ;)
   06:03 ogra        seb128, i didnt say "GTK boog screen" :P
   06:03 fabbione    Kamion: i am worried about GFS at the moment. there is a regression and seems to be "our" issue
   06:03 Kamion      fabbione: is there likely to be any cluster work that needs to be done after you disappear?
   06:03 Kamion      perhaps you could braindump on somebody
   06:03 fabbione    Kamion: yes, the spec and fix what's there
   06:04 fabbione    Kamion: anyone in particular you would like me to use as ratlab?
   06:04 Kamion      ... I'm not sure anyone else has the experience/knowledge to take it from zero
   06:04 fabbione    (needs to have at least 3 machines)
   06:04 fabbione    (same arch is better to start with)
   06:05 fabbione    any volunteer?
   06:05 fabbione    or is this going to be like me asking for X help in London?
   === fabbione watches everybody running away screaming
   06:05 BenC        I can help, but I don't have the "same arch"
   === ogra doesnt
   06:05 Kamion      volunteers -> #ubuntu-devel
   06:05 Kamion      thanks fabbione
   06:05 Kamion      dholbach: ?
   06:05 dholbach    two things: it'd have been nice if there had been more people at the HUG DAY yesterday - i know it was short notice, but it was a 2-3 man show. I think this needs more attention, as everybody complains about too many bugs, but not everybody's willing to help people get involved in bug triage. the other thing is: the motu team is looking for people willing to give a short session on packaging related topics (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sc
   06:05 dholbach    hool/Requests) - it'd be nice if you could think about it.
   06:05 fabbione    thanks Kamion
   06:06 dholbach    (apart from what I have on the wiki.)
   06:06 ogra        dholbach, re: hug day ... many people were very busy with CD tests ...
   06:06 Kamion      I have to admit I didn't see the announcement until after the event - must get caught up on mail
   06:06 dholbach    ogra: i know
   06:06 dholbach    there's always a lot to do :)
   06:06 ogra        dholbach, i just mean the date was a bit unfortunate
   06:06 dholbach    and note: i'm not complaining in capital letters :)
   06:07 dholbach    that's all :)
   06:07 seb128      ogra: I'm sure not everybody was busy with CD testing for the whole day
   06:07 Kamion      MOTU tutor volunteers -> #ubuntu-motu
   06:07 ogra        seb128, surely not (i was though, and in the spare time i was in -bugs, but still)
   06:08 Kamion      thanks dholbach
   06:08 Kamion      my turn
   06:08 Kamion      further to the wiki, I've started making seed/cdimage changes in preparation for revive-tasksel
   06:08 Kamion      so if you see weird seed commits from me, that's why
   06:09 Kamion      derivative seed merging should get easier rather than harder (especially now that server -> server-ship), but feel free to ask me about stuff
   06:09 ogra        well, as long as Mithrandir doesnt plan a knot2 this week .... :)
   06:09 Kamion      I think two weeks' time will be pretty sane
   06:10 Mithrandir  ogra: no worries.
   06:10 ogra        :)
   06:10 Kamion      that will pretty much coincide with when we need to be doing dapper point release testing, mind you
   06:10 Kamion      I will try to get ubiquity into dapper-updates in the next week or so, so that we can start doing image testing early
   06:10 dholbach    nice
   06:11 Kamion      nothing else from me
   06:11 Kamion      zul: ?
   06:11 zul         this week - kernel security updates, xen kernel image, xen userspace fixes,
   06:11 Kamion      zul: how long do you expect the xen-edgy work to take?
   06:11 Kamion      noting that it's a blocker for some other things, so for planning
   06:11 zul         next  - apply kernel-package xen infrastructure,xen-kernel testing, xen testing  release kernel-security updates
   06:12 zul         Kamion: i expect another of couple of days, the xen kernel image is done but it doesnt boot, userspace is done and works,
   06:12 Kamion      good answer. :-)
   06:13 zul         right now the xen kernel doesnt use kernel-package so that might be a bit of breakage there, right now its failing at the initramfs level
   06:13 Kamion      ok, well sounds better than I expected, so hopefully automated-testing-deployment won't be stalled too much longer
   06:13 Kamion      thanks zul
   06:13 zul         and i was going to upload to universe if it worked
   06:14 Kamion      zul: yep, that's reasonable to start with
   06:14 Kamion      BenC: anything from you?
   06:14 BenC        not really
   06:14 BenC        just chugging along
   06:14 Kamion      BenC: since you're on vacation next week, you+me+Keybuk to sort out the UUID stuff tomorrow would probably be best
   06:15 BenC        sounds like a plan
   06:15 Keybuk      yup, I'm good with that
   06:15 Kamion      with any luck timezones will be favourable so we can present you with a list of bugs when you wake up ;-)
   === ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   06:15 Keybuk      it's not so much timezones as heat at the moment that's the problem
   06:16 Hobbsee     icecubes...
   06:16 Kamion      Keybuk: early mornings are good for avoiding that
   06:16 Kamion      (never thought I'd hear myself say that)
   06:16 ogra        late nights are !
   06:16 BenC        hehe
   06:16 Kamion      infinity's not here, I forget whether he's on holiday or not
   06:16 Keybuk      Kamion: *nods* I've found that an early morning and late evening is the best time
   06:16 Riddell     Scotland's all cold today
   06:16 Kamion      kwwii: anything you want to add?
   06:16 Keybuk      Kamion: I think he's still in bed with soyuzitis
   06:16 kwwii       pretty much what I put in the wiki...kinda wanted to know the process for putting stuff on the DIYMarketing page
   === mdz_ [n=mdz@219.Red-81-35-132.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   06:17 Kamion      I must say it's the first I've heard of that page
   06:17 kwwii       :p
   06:17 Kamion      kwwii: contact previous editors, and/or silbs?
   06:17 Kamion      probably silbs for preference
   06:17 kwwii       yeah, I'll send an email and figure it out
   06:17 ogra        Kamion, its made by silbs and jdub iirc
   06:18 ogra        in hoary/breezy time somewhere
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   06:18 Kamion      right, and I think that's it
   06:18 Keybuk      is anybody else planning to attend LugRadio Live this weekend?
   06:18 Riddell     Keybuk: me
   06:19 Riddell     and heno I think
   06:19 Kamion      not me this year, I'm afraid
   06:19 Riddell     and sabdfl too
   06:19 Kamion      did the no-paste-just-the-wiki thing work this time? I'm not sure, it seemed a bit forced
   06:19 Riddell     I didn't like it
   06:19 fabbione    i don't like how the meeting was
   06:20 Kamion      I thought it was worth a try
   06:20 fschoep     Riddell: heno is indeed going
   06:20 Mithrandir  I didn't like it either.
   06:20 iwj         I think it slowed things down, in some weird counterintuitive way.
   06:20 fabbione    worth a try yes
   06:20 Keybuk      it worked better with the pastes
   06:20 Mithrandir  sure, worth a try, but it didn't work out well.
   06:20 Riddell     so scrap wiki page and bring back pastes?
   06:20 Keybuk      but if we're going to do the paste, I don't see the point in trying to get the wiki ready days in advance ... I think it should be enough that at the meeting start, it's up to date
   06:20 Keybuk      the wiki page is nice as a replacement for JaneW's SpreadSheetOfDoom
   06:20 Riddell     true
   06:20 Kamion      Keybuk: yes, I agree, it's good to have for the record but ...
   === pitti thinks we shuold just paste here and forget about the wiki
   06:20 iwj         It does mean you can read ahead on the wiki page.
   06:21 Kamion      pitti: the wiki is useful as a permanent record, rather than IRC logs
   06:21 Hobbsee     pitti: better for people reading the logs of the meeting later, too...
   06:21 pitti       doing things twice and trying to keep the wiki up to date didn't work so well for me TBH
   06:21 fschoep     Kamion: indeed
   06:21 Riddell     I fear lots of conflicts if we all add our bits in the 2 minutes before the meeting
   06:21 iwj         conflicts> That's very true.
   06:21 fabbione    i think we can just paste here
   06:21 fschoep     Aren't there edit locks on the Wiki?
   06:21 ogra        Riddell, well iwj and me usually have them there :)
   06:21 Kamion      there is no need to keep it up to date really; you can always add stuff next week
   06:21 fabbione    and update the wiki within 1 hour of the meeting
   06:21 seb128      I liked the previous meeting way better too
   06:21 ogra        ++
   06:21 fabbione    so we keep both irc meeting as before
   06:22 fabbione    and records on the wiki
   06:22 pitti       Kamion: but we already have activity mails (or, rather, we should have)
   06:22 iwj         I find the wiki very useful but we should relax and say to edit it an hour or two in advance.
   06:22 Kamion      *cough*
   06:22 fabbione    but it needs to be mandatory to fill up the wiki within the hour
   06:22 fschoep     One problem this time was we strayed a bit off the main path a bit too long I think.
   06:22 Kamion      pitti: actually they're not really the same
   06:22 Kamion      pitti: my activity reports are (when I send them) a lot more verbose, and stuff is often duplicated across days
   06:22 Keybuk      really?  I just write my paste by reading my activity reports for the past week
   06:22 iwj         Keybuk: Yes, but it's quite condensed.
   06:22 Mithrandir  I liked the "fill out the wiki 24 hours a day in advance", I must admit.
   06:23 Kamion      what iwj said
   06:23 Keybuk      Mithrandir: I really don't ... it makes the wiki text almost meaningless
   06:23 ogra        Mithrandir, that akes then one day outdated
   06:23 Keybuk      "here's where I was up to over 24 hours ago"
   06:23 pitti       Keybuk: you too? :)
   06:23 fabbione    Keybuk: ++
   06:23 Keybuk      generally my TODO is only 24-hours in advance anyway
   06:23 Kamion      iwj: I think the reason it slowed things down was that there wasn't so clear a boundary between people's turns
   06:23 iwj         Kamion: Yes.
   06:23 Keybuk      so by the time we get to the meeting, I've actually done everything in my todo list anyway
   06:23 Kamion      and we basically need to go through everyone anyway
   06:23 iwj         Perhaps paste a  =========== FSmith =========== ?
   06:24 kwwii       ok...time for me to cook dinner for the family...guess we are done here?
   06:24 Kamion      would work but doesn't seem a huge win over paste-report
   06:24 iwj         I'm tempted to write a turn-taking robot which hassles people when we go slow, too :-).
   06:24 iwj         Kamion: Right.
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   06:24 Kamion      right, I think we're done, unless there are any other announcements
   06:24 iwj         But it would shut up the people who think the wiki is a duplication :-).
   06:24 Riddell     any volunteers to fix ruby on powerpc?
   06:25 Riddell     fabbione: you were previous uploader
   06:25 fschoep     kwwii, dholbach: meet in ubuntu-devel in thirty minutes / one hour?
   06:25 zul         heh..
   06:25 pitti       hm, somehow the pasting feels more like an RL meeting
   06:25 fabbione    Riddell: i was forced to do the merge. kthxbye
   06:25 iwj         pitti: I think that might be part of it, yes.
   06:25 pitti       thanks everyone
   06:25 dholbach    fschoep: fine - i'll do a break now myself
   === ogra runs hearing the word ruby
   06:25 fabbione    Riddell: there is also davis.ubuntu.com that you can use
   06:25 Kamion      Riddell: I'll have a look and see what I can manage
   === vincent_ [n=vincent@abo-71-198-68.ang.modulonet.fr] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"]
   06:25 Kamion      thanks all, adjourned

MeetingLogs/UbuntuDev_2006-07-20 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:59 by localhost)