18:55 cody-somerville \o/ 18:56 sommer hello 18:56 meborc hi 18:56 vinze Hi 18:57 cody-somerville Heya jm1 :) 18:57 keescook (ubuntu security team meeting: please join #ubuntu-hardened -- we've had a room conflict) 18:57 cody-somerville Heya jgamio, vinze, TheSheep, etc. etc. :) 18:57 vinze Hey cody-somerville :) 18:57 vinze I've managed to make it :) 18:57 jgamio hi cody-somerville * cody-somerville cheers. 18:58 jgamio hi everybody 18:58 bobi hi 18:58 tomplast Hello 18:58 cody-somerville It looks like we've gotten a good turn out 18:58 jm1 hi cody-somerville 18:58 solar_george hi 18:59 jono_ hi all! :) * vorian waves === jono_ is now known as jono 18:59 tomplast Hello Jono 18:59 jono hi vorian tomplast :) * heno waves 19:00 keescook (ubuntu security team meeting: please join #ubuntu-hardened -- we've had a room conflict) 19:00 vinze keescook, perhaps that'd be useful in the topic? === ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Security Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 28 Mar 04:00 UTC: MOTU | 02 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 09 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team 19:00 highvoltage hello jono 19:01 keescook vinze: ubotu controls that. 19:01 jono hey highvoltage 19:01 vinze O ok 19:02 jono right 19:02 jono is everyone here? 19:02 tomplast #define everyone ? 19:02 tomplast ;) 19:02 cody-somerville Jim isn't here. 19:02 zoredache everyone = people who matter 19:02 jono anyone who wants to be involved in the xubuntu meeting :) 19:03 meborc i'm here ;) 19:03 tomplast Then at least I'm here :) 19:03 tomplast And you ;) 19:03 vinze cody-somerville, Jim did plan to be there didn't he? 19:03 vorian /me waves again :) 19:03 cody-somerville Yup. He said he might be a few minutes late though, IIRC. 19:04 vinze O OK 19:04 jono ok, lets wait a few mins and then begin * cody-somerville notes that he is at work and will have to leave for 15 minutes in an hour to go home. :) * meborc makes food for everyone 19:04 cody-somerville \o/ 19:04 cody-somerville Speak of the devil :) 19:04 jono ok, all set? 19:05 jono anyone else who should be here? 19:05 highvoltage we could probably do some warm-up talk. who had enough time to properly think about the questions that cody-somerville asked? 19:05 j1mc hi all. i have 1 hour. :) 19:05 jono I have an hour too 19:05 jono ok.... 19:05 vinze Hi j1mc 19:05 highvoltage I found some of them a bit tough, but thought of it when I had a few gaps here and there :) 19:05 jono for those who don't know me, I am Jono Bacon, I am the Ubuntu Community Manager 19:05 jono and I generally try to help the community tick along as smoothly as possible 19:05 jono while listening to very loud metal :) 19:06 cody-somerville :) 19:06 heno highvoltage: are these questions on a mailing list? Got URL? 19:06 vinze Hehe 19:06 jono cody-somerville came to me to raise a few of these problems in the community 19:06 vinze heno, on the mailinglist 19:06 highvoltage heno: yes, just a sec and I'll get you a link 19:06 jono and the aim of this meeting is to raise the key issues and begin the road to solving them 19:06 heno thx 19:06 highvoltage heno: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2008-March/005242.html 19:06 highvoltage everybody who hasn't read it yet, please do so before we get going. 19:06 jono lets keep this meeting as cordial and happy as possible - it is about fixing problems, and we *can* fix these things * cody-somerville nods. 19:07 jono so cody-somerville, 19:07 jono could you summarise the key issues in a few short sentances? * cody-somerville nods. 19:09 cody-somerville I believe the root issue for Xubuntu right now is that it lacks definition. There is no mission statement, no core objectives, no strategy, and no structure. This has resulted in a number of conflicts and has ultimately lead to several key contributors deciding that it isn't worth their time anymore. 19:09 vinze Agreed 19:09 jono right 19:10 jono so this is something we should absolutely do - produce a mission statement, and a strategy for what you want to achieve with Xubuntu 19:10 jono something that key contributors agree to * cody-somerville nods. 19:10 _MMA_ Are those people even known? 19:11 _MMA_ "key contributors" 19:11 cody-somerville Thats an excellent question. 19:11 jono _MMA_: maybe not, but regular contributors may be 19:11 jono I am not talking about importance 19:11 jono I am talking about who does the work 19:11 bobi is the decision of the key contributors definitive? 19:11 vinze jono, beyond packagers I assume? === \sh_away is now known as \sh 19:11 _MMA_ jono: Sure. In Ubuntu Studio we have those people on a list. 19:12 j1mc with xubuntu we seem to have a small handful of people who do the packaging / seed work, and a few others who contribute in non-technical areas 19:12 jono I think we need to approach this by first producing an approx strategy 19:12 j1mc the conflict was on the technical side 19:12 jono and then people going in and refining * cody-somerville nods. 19:12 jono I think it would be advisable for one person to drive these changes where possible 19:12 \sh hi guys...sorry for being late...just got home 19:12 jono is this some people would be happy cody-somerville doing - and would you be interested in doing this cody-somerville? 19:13 jono it is not about just cody-somerville's view, but him fairly taking in feedback and adjusting the strategy 19:13 j1mc i would be happy with cody drafting the strategy. i think he has a good take on what xubuntu is about and could be about 19:13 vinze I'm all for cody-somerville * _MMA_ gives a +1 for Cody as he has been the most active and visible head of Xubuntu for a while. 19:14 jono from my experience of cody, I would support him to do this too 19:14 jono anyone else? 19:14 meborc support on my side 19:14 highvoltage well, cody has certainly taken initiative in getting things back on track again, by getting this meeting together and addressing the issues. no one else has. I think xubuntu needs cody-somerville to get things into shape a bit. 19:14 charlie-tca I would support cody 19:14 highvoltage so I support him too. 19:14 vinze Btw, cody-somerville, are Lionel and/or Jerome here? === ubotu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Xubuntu Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 26 Mar 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 28 Mar 04:00 UTC: MOTU | 02 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 09 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team | 16 Apr 21:00 UTC: Server Team 19:14 mr_pouit +1 for cody too 19:14 jono cody-somerville: would you be happy to do this work? 19:14 vinze Ah 19:14 vinze :) 19:15 cody-somerville I'd be happy to. :) 19:15 jono excellent 19:15 jono so this is a great first step - someone to help drive this process 19:15 jono I can also work with cody-somerville to assist him on getting a good strategy document together * cody-somerville nods. 19:16 cody-somerville I'd appreciate that. 19:16 jono they key thing is that when this strategy document is in place, that the project can work to it - it will need broad acceptance 19:16 vinze I think that should be no problem if community input is gathered 19:16 _MMA_ So then it's official, Cody is the lead on Xubuntu? I ask so there is a clear record. 19:16 meborc ok 19:17 jono ok, question for everyone now - please state one sentence aboiut what you feel the purpose of Xubuntu is - if someone else says what you think +1 them 19:17 jono _MMA_: no, he is producing a strategy document, not neccessarly a lead 19:17 vinze Producing a user-friendly desktop system, allowing for advanced configuration options without getting bloated 19:17 highvoltage jono: could I provide a short reasoning for it? 19:17 jono highvoltage: one sentance please 19:17 meborc xubuntu is a LIGHTWEIGHT OS using xfce as a DE and lightweight applications 19:17 jono we don't have a lot of time in this meeting 19:18 solar_george +1 <vinze> 19:18 bobi +1 vinze 19:18 tomplast +1 vinze 19:18 highvoltage "Xfce Distribution built on Ubuntu core values with usability as main focus." 19:18 charlie-tca A desktop system for the older, slower systems that are not capable of running most GNOME and KDE 19:18 tomplast ...and "a low memory footprint"i hope... 19:18 meborc +1 charlie-tca 19:18 _MMA_ jono: I feel this needs to be established in this meeting. Otherwise, you get a continuation of the last cycle. 19:18 vorian +1 highvoltage 19:19 jono _MMA_: just give me some time 19:19 Odd-rationale Xubuntu should aim to be a light and fast OS that uses xfce desktop and xfce/gtk apps as defaults as much as possible. 19:19 meborc i believe the main fight was in either including or excluding some gnome applications... this should also be somehow said in the statement! 19:19 j1mc +1 Odd-rationale 19:19 _MMA_ +1 highvoltage (even if it means GNOME apps) 19:20 mr_pouit +1 Odd-rationale 19:20 meborc +1 Odd-rationale 19:20 highvoltage _MMA_: yes, that is one of the things I would've like to explain ;) 19:20 vinze meborc, that should follow from the purpose 19:20 jono anyone else? 19:20 charlie-tca +1 _MMA_ 19:20 jono I am trying to amalgomate much of the key themes into a single mission here 19:21 vinze I think that might become a big problem 19:21 meborc vinze, yes, but if the purpose is a wide "political" talk, then anyone can misinterpret it 19:21 vinze Two goals are quite conflicting 19:21 jono would people agree with this: 19:21 jono To produce an easy to use distirbution, based on Ubuntu, using Xfce as the graphical desktop, with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a particular focus of running on lower powered computers. The integration in Xubuntu is at a configuration level, a toolkit level, and matching the underlying technology beneath the desktop in Ubuntu. 19:21 vinze Hmm, true 19:21 vinze No 19:21 j1mc to me, the key issues are to decide on which side of the user-handholding of gnome and the lightness of gtk-only / xfce apps. 19:21 vinze I don't think this would be a solution 19:21 bobi i would see performance as the main of the three goals 19:21 jono vinze: which bit? 19:21 _MMA_ And this conflict is why I believe there needs to be a clear lead who can say "THIS is what we're doing". 19:22 meborc i agree with j1mc 19:22 jono _MMA_: please...wait 19:22 j1mc _MMA_: agreed 19:22 jono _MMA_: we will get there 19:22 antares79 jono, i think a term like "lower-powered computer" is a little too vague these days.. just my 2¢ 19:22 Odd-rationale j1mc: I agree 19:22 _MMA_ SUre 19:22 charlie-tca _MMA_ agreed 19:22 jono ok, in the sentance I posted above, what is good and what is bad? 19:22 Seveas antares79, $¢ or €¢? 19:22 vinze jono, when you say "focus on integration, usability and performance", then you will still be having the discussions on whether to include heavier but user-friendly applications or not 19:22 vinze Because usability and performance can conflict 19:23 Seveas (oops, sorry, thought I was in -offtopic -- I'll be quiet) 19:23 jono vinze: I agree - this is not about specifics, but general goals 19:23 bobi jono: good is to set the focus on performance, usability and integration 19:23 vinze Ah, then I think we can all agree on that 19:23 jono ok 19:23 highvoltage jono: I think you missed the ubuntu values part. not sure if that was intentional :) 19:23 jono so do we all agree that the sentence I posted is a general goal 19:23 highvoltage bobi++ 19:23 vinze +1 for highvoltage 19:23 posingaspopular im worried about that performance bit jono 19:23 solar_george jono yes 19:24 tomplast Do we have to say "focus of running on lower powered computers" isn't "focus on making an effective and memory conservative system" better *-). 19:24 bobi jono: yes, but we need to priorize priority, usability and integration 19:24 bobi because they can conflict 19:24 j1mc jono: i think that the "integration in Xubuntu is at a configuration level" requires some clarification, but i like the empahis on lower-powered computers. 19:24 jono ok everyone, hold up 19:24 highvoltage tomplast: indeed. and lots of people run Xubuntu on high-end computers too. 19:24 bobi sorry, ment performance 19:24 jono let me read 19:24 vinze bobi, <jono> this is not about specifics, but general goals 19:25 jono To produce an easy to use distribution, based on Ubuntu, using Xfce as the graphical desktop, with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a particular focus on low memory footprint. The integration in Xubuntu is at a configuration level, a toolkit level, and matching the underlying technology beneath the desktop in Ubuntu. Xubuntu will be built and developed as part of the wider Ubuntu community, based around the 19:25 jono ideals and values of Ubuntu. 19:25 jono how about that? 19:25 bobi sounds good 19:25 tomplast Sound good to me as well :) 19:25 vinze Same here 19:25 meborc +1 :) 19:25 solar_george +1 19:25 charlie-tca +1 19:25 j1mc jono: still don't understand the "the integration in Xubuntu is at a ..." but maybe i just don't get it because i'm not uber-technical. 19:26 j1mc what is "the integration?" 19:26 jgamio jono: i like change the easy with light 19:26 j1mc in plain english 19:26 highvoltage I agree too, is it necessary to say "easy to use" and "usibility" though? (I realise their a bit different, but I think it's the usability part that's actualy important) 19:26 Odd-rationale when you say "with a focus on integration, usability and performance" is it in that order? 19:26 jono j1mc: it basically means - xubuntu will be integrated and feel like a unit with configuration, the gui toolkit 19:26 vinze Odd-rationale, <jono> this is not about specifics, but general goals 19:27 Odd-rationale ok 19:27 j1mc jono: ok. thank. 19:27 bobi just a short general question: is there a place for new, unexperienced developers to help with xubuntu? 19:27 cody-somerville For Xubuntu, I'd personally like Xubuntu be a powerful, useful desktop that is smart, concise, and usable. 19:27 jono ok 19:27 vinze bobi, I'd say a post to the xubuntu-devel mailinglist would be good to get you started 19:27 posingaspopular bobi: yes, and it depends on where you want to start 19:27 jono so would everyone agree that my sentence is a good general goal 19:27 vinze bobi, and there's always xubuntu.org/devel 19:27 jono does anything scream out as wrong? 19:27 vinze Yup 19:27 vinze No 19:27 bobi jono: yes 19:27 antares79 jono, should this statement help to resolve conflicts between "integration and usability" (ie. feature-rich gnome apps) and "low memory footprint" (ie. gtk-only apps)? 19:28 antares79 if not, then +1 ;-) 19:28 jono we are getting into specifics too much people 19:28 cody-somerville jono, My only concern is making the primary emphasis a light memory footprint. 19:28 jono I want _general_ concensus on _general_ goals 19:28 _MMA_ jono: To me, it doesnt settle to core conflict that has been going on over this dev cycle. 19:28 cody-somerville I think Xubuntu should be useful before light. 19:28 antares79 alright, then +1 19:28 vinze So nothing is emphasized yet 19:28 Odd-rationale jono: Generally, good. 19:28 jono _MMA_: listen...I am going to get to this 19:28 meborc if general goal is for low memory, then i'm for it 19:28 jono _MMA_: this is an iterative process 19:28 meborc :) 19:28 _MMA_ jono: See my PM. 19:29 meborc jono, sorry, this is a very painful topic for many of us 19:29 vinze Xubuntu has a few goals, there has been a conflict on which has the highest priority, but atm we're just defining those goals, right? * cody-somerville notes that almost half of the meeting is up for most people. 19:29 highvoltage jono: to be honest, it's difficult to get general consensus when it affects big specific things that are important to many people, such as the gnome libs inclusion issue. 19:30 jono all I am looking for before we discuss any specifics of leadership, or specific libraries or gnome inclusion, is a general viewpoint on what we are trying to achieve 19:30 jono it seems that me in a nutshell you folks want to produce a sleek, usable distro with a focus on performance * j1mc nods 19:30 Odd-rationale jono: Correct. That is what I want. 19:30 cody-somerville IMHO, I don't think we have the expertise to have a focus on performance. 19:31 cody-somerville Although, I think we could certainly strive to be light weight. 19:31 solar_george sounds about right 19:31 _MMA_ jono: What Xubuntu is trying to achieve is really up to the people involved. 19:31 jono right - I am just looking for a general agreement on what the high level goals are 19:31 \sh jono: I think xubuntu has the very same problem as Kubuntu has, which is integration with the core part of ubuntu...so I think to get Xubuntu on track, you should focus on core OS integration level (hal, dbus et all) 19:31 jono \sh: indeed this is _general_ goals * meborc has to leave :( but i'm screaming on my way - MAKE XUBUNTU LIGHT AGAIN :) have a nice evening all... 19:32 jono please folks, we will get to specifics, but before we can we need to understand what is the general goal of Xubuntu 19:32 jono it seems that "To produce an easy to use distribution, based on Ubuntu, using Xfce as the graphical desktop, with a focus on integration, usability and performance, with a particular focus on low memory footprint. The integration in Xubuntu is at a configuration level, a toolkit level, and matching the underlying technology beneath the desktop in Ubuntu. Xubuntu will be built and developed as part of the wider Ubuntu community, ba 19:32 jono sed around the ideals and values of Ubuntu." seems to cater for most general goals 19:32 highvoltage jono: well, it seems that in _general_, people do actually agree with that general goal 19:32 jono how those thngs are implemented is another discussion naturally * j1mc nods 19:33 vinze OK, so I think we all agree on that? 19:33 jono so it seems the key themes are: usability, performance, integration, community processes 19:33 jono agreed? 19:33 Odd-rationale I agree with that goal statement. 19:33 vinze +1 19:33 jono ok cool 19:33 highvoltage +1 19:33 _MMA_ +1 19:33 bobi +1 19:33 solar_george +1 19:33 tomplast +1 19:33 cody-somerville I think that statement is a good start, +1 19:33 j1mc +1 19:33 posingaspopular +1 19:33 jgamio +1 19:34 jono now what I think we need to do is to use that statement as a general mission statement for the project 19:34 jono we can now begin discuss exactly how this is implemented 19:34 jono now, I want to focus on what _MMA_ discussed 19:34 jono leadership 19:34 jono there seems to be a lot of faith in cody-somerville 19:34 jono do you all feel there should be a leader, and if so, would it be cody-somerville? 19:35 bobi yes 19:35 vinze I think currently Lionel is project lead, right? 19:35 jono (you don't have to say if you would want to be a leader, yet) 19:35 cody-somerville vinze, Lionel has stopped contributing to Xubuntu for the time being 19:35 vinze Ow, OK, thanks cody-somerville 19:36 jono I personally feel cody-somerville is demonstrated good leadership skills from what I have seen 19:36 highvoltage afaik, cody-somerville seems to be the only person who has made himself available to do it, and he seems capable to me. 19:36 jono what does everyone else think? 19:36 _MMA_ I have watched Cody really step up. He is active in the Ubuntu development channels and looks to really want Xubuntu to shine again. 19:36 vinze Agreed 19:36 j1mc i get the feeling that, if we have a leader, that they will likely have the final say on some technical matters, and that everyone might not agree with their perspective, but that is part of having a leader. i just think it's important to mention that. 19:36 Odd-rationale +1 cody-somerville 19:36 tomplast Has Lionel said anything about this? 19:36 bobi +1 cody 19:36 j1mc mr_pouit: ? 19:36 vinze On the other hand, I think we should involve Lionel in this 19:36 j1mc comments? 19:36 vinze And mr_pouit 19:36 solar_george +1 cody-somerville 19:36 cody-somerville vinze, mr_pouit is Lionel :) 19:36 vinze Ehm, wait 19:36 vinze Yeah 19:36 _MMA_ I have had many talks with Cody and also looks to be able to devote the time needed. 19:36 vinze Sorry, Jerome I meant >.< 19:36 mr_pouit j1mc: I'm still ok with cody ;) 19:36 vinze (What's his nick?) 19:37 smarter jeromeg 19:37 jono ok, next question: 19:37 vinze Thanks smarter 19:37 j1mc +1 for cody... :) (had to get that in there) 19:37 cody-somerville :) thanks. 19:37 jono would you all be happy for cody-somerville to lead the project, based upon the general goal we agreed earlier? 19:37 posingaspopular +1 cody 19:37 vinze Yes 19:37 Odd-rationale aye 19:37 jgamio +1 19:37 j1mc Yes 19:37 _MMA_ +1 Cody 19:37 vorian +1 19:37 highvoltage +1 19:37 solar_george +1 cody-somerville 19:38 bobi +1 19:38 jono next question: 19:38 jono do you think that Xubuntu would REALLY KICK ARSE with cody-somerville leading and based on that general goal earlier? :) 19:38 highvoltage jono: for the record, Xubuntu already really kicks arse ;) 19:38 jm1 +1 19:38 highvoltage (but yes, it would) 19:39 Odd-rationale + 19:39 Odd-rationale 1 19:39 tomplast +1 from what I have seen so far 19:39 bobi :) +1 19:39 vinze +1 for highvoltage's comment :) 19:39 vinze But yeah 19:39 jono cody-somerville: would you be interested in leading the Xubuntu project? 19:39 cody-somerville Yes, sir! :) 19:39 vinze \0/ 19:40 jono in which case we have made three important steps forward here: 19:40 jono 1) picked a leader 19:40 jono 2) agreed on a general mission statement of goals 19:40 jono 3) agreed that cody-somerville will develop a strategy based on that mission statement 19:41 Odd-rationale now for specifics? 19:41 j1mc i just want to reiterate that, part of having a leader is that we may not always agree with cody's gnome/non-gnome app choices, but that we need to make sure that we're respectful of each other in the decision-making processes, and that we still work together as a community. 19:41 cody-somerville Well said j1mc 19:41 _MMA_ j1mc: +1 19:41 Odd-rationale j1mc: +1 19:42 jono I believe the next step is for cody-somerville to develop an initial strategy based on his experience of the project, and then we can use that as a basis for the next meeting 19:42 jono we need something to work from to move forward effectively 19:42 jono so I recommend cody-somerville works on this document and then presents it to the community for comment and we schedule another meeting * cody-somerville nods. 19:42 posingaspopular when would the next meeting be? 19:43 jono posingaspopular: whenever cody-somerville has the document completed 19:43 jono I recommend in a week or so 19:43 vinze I think you can track xubuntu-devel for that 19:43 posingaspopular i certainly dont want to rush cody-somerville 19:43 vinze (Perhaps a notice on xubuntu.org?) 19:43 jono I think cody-somerville is likely to be well aware of the key themes and concerns 19:43 jono and his strategy should seek to satisfy the general goals we agreed earlier 19:43 jono is everyone in favour of this step forward? 19:44 highvoltage well, maybe there should be some kind of draft in about a week or so, and then there could be a request for comments. 19:44 cody-somerville +1 19:44 vinze +1 19:44 highvoltage +1 19:44 jono highvoltage:yep 19:44 tomplast +1 19:44 Odd-rationale +1 19:44 bobi +1 19:44 j1mc +1 19:44 solar_george +1 19:44 jm1 +1 19:44 jono great stuff 19:44 vinze Thanks jono 19:44 jono I think we made some good progress here folks :) 19:44 _MMA_ I'd also like to see some of this CC'e to the devel-discuss ML. 19:44 jono I will help cody-somerville flesh something definitive out, and then lets meet again when the document is complete 19:45 bobi at least, it's a very good first step 19:45 jono I would recommend posting the meeting log 19:45 jono thanks everyone for your participation 19:45 Odd-rationale Thanks, jono. 19:45 jono :) 19:45 Odd-rationale Good luck, cody-somerville 19:45 cody-somerville Thank you everyone for your kind words * vinze thanks jono and our newly-apponted leader cody-somerville :) 19:45 cody-somerville I appreciate your faith and I look forward to working with all of you 19:45 bobi congratulations cody-somerville ;) 19:45 j1mc :) 19:45 vinze Congrats cody-somerville :) 19:45 jono :) 19:45 cody-somerville And a big thanks to jono for coming out to help us 19:45 highvoltage and thanks cody-somerville 19:45 vorian best of luck cody-somerville :) 19:45 solar_george all hail cody-somerville * _MMA_ wonders if Cody is old enough to get a pint in Prague? :P 19:45 jono cody-somerville: your welcome :) 19:46 posingaspopular congrats cody-somerville 19:46 highvoltage and thanks to jono too. this might have been a very long meeting without him :) 19:46 posingaspopular thanks jono 19:46 tomplast Congrats cody-somerville 19:46 cody-somerville _MMA_, I'm sure we'll share a few ;] 19:46 jono no worries folks :) 19:46 _MMA_ ;) 19:46 vinze highvoltage, we're no easy crows, eh? ;-) 19:46 charlie-tca_ good luck cody-somerville 19:46 vinze s/crows/crowd 19:46 tomplast you will need it :E. I vote for only KDE-apps in Xubuntu ;) 19:46 cody-somerville I welcome everyone over to #xubuntu-devel for further chit chatting and brainstorming :) 19:46 vinze +1 for tomplast :P 19:46 cody-somerville <g> 19:46 highvoltage vinze: heh, yes. 19:47 jono later all 19:47 jono :) 19:47 vinze Bye jono 19:47 tomplast bye Jono, bring some bacon next time ;) 19:47 cody-somerville I can write up a meeting summary and post it/send it out/etc. if nobody else absolutely wants to :) 19:47 bobi bye jono, thanks * highvoltage hits the end-of-meeting-gong 19:47 highvoltage *gong*
MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2008-03-26 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:22 by localhost)