Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting [13:10:23] <charlie-tca> The xubuntu communtiy meeting is underway [13:10:33] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Agenda: [13:10:34] <charlie-tca> # Old business [13:10:35] <charlie-tca> # Team updates (Packaging, Bug Triage, Development / Coding, Testing, Documentation, Artwork) [13:10:35] <charlie-tca> # Announcements [13:10:35] <charlie-tca> # Governance structure [13:10:35] <charlie-tca> # Any Other Business [13:11:22] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Old Business [13:11:43] <charlie-tca> I don't have any old business to continue today. Is there any I forgot? [13:12:17] <mr_pouit> no, I think it's ok [13:12:19] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Team updates (Packaging, Bug Triage, Development / Coding, Testing, Documentation, Artwork) [13:12:30] <charlie-tca> Great, lets move on. [13:12:46] <charlie-tca> mr_pouit, got an update for development? [13:13:08] <mr_pouit> Uploaded new releases of xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-appfinder, xfwm4, ristretto, xfce4-dev-tools, xfce4-volumed a few days ago. [13:13:26] <mr_pouit> Waiting for the alpha 1 before uploading xfce4-panel :p [13:13:35] <charlie-tca> Great! [13:13:52] <charlie-tca> Testing the images already. They are all working for Xubuntu [13:14:04] <mr_pouit> nice [13:14:17] <charlie-tca> Anything else, mr_pouit ? [13:14:51] <mr_pouit> nope [13:15:11] <charlie-tca> Thank you very much. [13:15:19] <thorwil> charlie-tca: hi! please ping me if artwork becomes a topic [13:15:24] <charlie-tca> Artwork is next [13:15:35] <charlie-tca> We have some submissions already for new wallpaper [13:15:40] <thorwil> ah, great timing :) [13:15:46] <charlie-tca> thorwil has done a great job getting us specs [13:15:53] <charlie-tca> heh [13:16:02] <charlie-tca> thorwil, got anything you can say here? [13:16:09] <thorwil> yes [13:16:36] <charlie-tca> Please go ahead [13:16:37] <thorwil> i wrote a script that produces a "screenshot" with transparent desktop [13:16:58] <thorwil> so you get an image with panels, icons, any window that was up [13:17:14] <thorwil> that can be overlayed on wallpaper proposals [13:17:44] <charlie-tca> wow [13:17:59] <thorwil> so we will need screenshots that show the xubuntu theme [13:18:29] <thorwil> but what are the plans regarding icons and gtk-theme? [13:18:54] <thorwil> like mentioned earlier, adjusting the gtk-theme to fit a wallpaper would also make sense [13:19:01] <charlie-tca> ochosi is working on faenza icon set for xubuntu [13:19:25] <charlie-tca> and I think he is also doing something to the bluebird theme to make it work better [13:19:44] <mr_pouit> greybird yeah [13:19:53] <charlie-tca> He said the theme is http://shimmerproject.org/hg/bluebird-colors -> greybird [13:20:10] <charlie-tca> and the icons are # Old business [13:20:10] <charlie-tca> # Team updates (Packaging, Bug Triage, Development / Coding, Testing, Documentation, Artwork) [13:20:10] <charlie-tca> # Announcements [13:20:10] <charlie-tca> # Governance structure [13:20:11] <charlie-tca> # Any Other Business [13:20:17] <charlie-tca> huh [13:20:21] <mr_pouit> oops :p [13:20:33] <charlie-tca> http://shimmerproject.org/hg/faenza-xfce [13:20:52] <thorwil> charlie-tca: so basically ochosi is in charge there? [13:21:21] <charlie-tca> sure [13:21:47] <charlie-tca> He seems willing to be very helpful [13:22:12] <thorwil> single person to talk to sure makes things easy :) [13:22:20] <charlie-tca> I agree [13:22:35] <charlie-tca> Will you get with him, then? [13:22:41] <thorwil> yes [13:22:52] <mr_pouit> (btw, I've been using greybird for a week now, and I like it ) [13:24:13] <charlie-tca> :-) [13:24:18] <charlie-tca> Thank you, thorwil [13:24:37] <charlie-tca> I have tripped long enough on that artwork, maybe [13:25:46] <thorwil> np :) [13:25:57] <charlie-tca> I like the idea of using a script to see what really works well together. [13:26:28] <charlie-tca> Anything else on artwork? [13:26:53] <thorwil> not as far as i'm concerned [13:27:01] <charlie-tca> I am seeing some really nice looking submissions coming in. I am grateful to those artists for trying. [13:27:19] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Testing and Bug Triage [13:27:37] <charlie-tca> Alpha1 is looking good. [13:27:52] <charlie-tca> It should get out today or, at the latest, tomorrow [13:28:25] <charlie-tca> Bugs are falling behind a bit, but will be looked at real soon [13:28:44] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Announcements [13:29:05] <charlie-tca> The only announcement I have today is the alpha1 will not have powerpc or ps3 images [13:29:12] <charlie-tca> Are there any others? [13:29:30] <mr_pouit> ok, as expected [13:29:49] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Governance structure [13:30:21] <charlie-tca> Nominations for Xubuntu Project Lead are due to the Community Council by December 15 [13:30:42] <charlie-tca> Feel free to nominate yourselves or someone you think will be good for the project [13:31:15] <charlie-tca> Any questions on the nomination process? [13:31:36] <charlie-tca> [TOPIC] Any Other Business [13:31:45] <charlie-tca> Anyone have anything to bring up? [13:31:56] <mr_pouit> yeah [13:32:04] <charlie-tca> Please go ahead, mr_pouit [13:32:21] <mr_pouit> I'm wondering if we should switch from notify-osd to xfce4-notifyd [13:32:35] <mr_pouit> the new release just uploaded in natty supports many features [13:33:02] <mr_pouit> I'll probably mail xubuntu-devel@ about that [13:33:24] <charlie-tca> soren, are you thinking about backporting it to Maverick and Lucid then? [13:33:51] <charlie-tca> soren, are you thinking about backporting it to Maverick and Lucid then? [13:33:52] <soren> charlie-tca: it? [13:34:06] <charlie-tca> sorry, soren. something wrong with my xchat. [13:34:13] <soren> mkey [13:34:18] <charlie-tca> mr_pouit, are you thinking about backporting it? [13:35:13] <mr_pouit> charlie-tca: it depends on the 4.7 libraries, so it's not really easy to do [13:35:31] <charlie-tca> Okay [13:35:51] <charlie-tca> But you mention switching to it. That would be for Natty, then? [13:36:40] <mr_pouit> yeah yeah, I won't change a previous release, of course [13:37:26] <charlie-tca> Okay. I like the idea, myself [13:37:53] <charlie-tca> Can we just do it as a trial and see where it goes? [13:38:16] <mr_pouit> yep, good idea [13:38:22] <charlie-tca> Thanks [13:38:40] <charlie-tca> anything else for discussion? [13:39:18] <charlie-tca> Everyone is welcome to grap the images for testing today. [13:39:24] <charlie-tca> s/grap/grab [13:39:30] <mr_pouit> I'll send a more detailed mail to -devel then :) [13:39:35] <mr_pouit> nothing left from me :) [13:39:50] * charlie-tca nods [13:40:54] <charlie-tca> The next meeting will the Thursday, 2010-12-09 at 19:00 UTC right here [13:41:03] <charlie-tca> #endmeeting Meeting ended.
MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2010-12-02 (last edited 2010-12-02 21:09:37 by 71-209-13-130)