App Developer Week -- Introducing Bazaar Explorer: Version Control for your Apps - Riddell -- Mon, Sep 5th, 2011
1 [17:01] <dpm> Next up is Jonathan Riddell, the Kubuntu rockstar who's on his way of becoming a bzr rockstar this cycle too
2 [17:01] <Riddell> good day everyone
3 [17:02] <Riddell> I'm going to give an introduction to Bazaar Explorer
4 [17:02] <Riddell> and convince you it's a developer tool everyone should use
5 [17:02] <Riddell> you can follow along by following the images at
6 [17:02] <Riddell> access with guest/guest
7 [17:03] <Riddell> Bazaar is the world's finest revision control system
8 [17:03] <Riddell> if you're coding on files, or even have any non coding files you should use it to keep track of them
9 [17:03] <Riddell> it's fully distributed so you can use it to collaborate with others very easily
10 [17:04] <Riddell> you don't need a fancy server to use it, it works locally fine
11 [17:04] <Riddell> but it's also easy to put on a server, http or ssh is all you need
12 [17:04] <Riddell> if you don't want it distributed you don't have to
13 [17:04] <Riddell> and it's designed to be easy to use for people familiar with CVS or Subversion
14 [17:05] <Riddell> it gives the full power of tools like git but it's understandable to people other than Linus
15 [17:05] <Riddell> it's used everywhere in ubuntu
16 [17:05] <Riddell> to store all our packaging and code
17 [17:05] <Riddell> and it's used in large projects like mysql
18 [17:06] <Riddell> most people will be familiar with Bazaar through bzr, the command line interface
19 [17:06] <Riddell> command line interfaces are great for those of use who are comfortable with command lines
20 [17:07] <Riddell> but as Ubuntu spreads out amongst non-geeks we need it to be available to everyone
21 [17:07] <Riddell> and besides sometimes GUIs are just better even for hardcore geeks
22 [17:07] <Riddell> so Bazaar Explorer is the GUI for Bazaar
23 [17:07] <Riddell> well I should say it's /a/ GUI for Bazaar
24 [17:07] <Riddell> but it is by far the most complete
25 [17:08] <Riddell> bulldog98 asked: what toolkit is it written in?
26 [17:08] <Riddell> it's written in Qt with Python
27 [17:08] <Riddell> an excellent choice for writing any GUI application
28 [17:09] <Riddell> Qt means its cross platform so it runs anywhere
29 [17:09] <Riddell> Python means its easy to fix and improve
30 [17:09] <Riddell> you can install it from any package manager
31 [17:09] <Riddell> sudo apt-get install bzr-explorer will do it
32 [17:10] <Riddell> and run it from the application menu where it's listed as Bazaar Explorer
33 [17:10] <Riddell> or from a command line as: bzr explorer
34 [17:11] <Riddell> when you start it, it'll look like the image 01 on that owncloud server or
35 [17:11] <Riddell> actually if you've never used Bazaar before it'll probably prompt you for your name and e-mail first
36 [17:13] <ClassBot> bulldog98 asked: what toolkit is it written in?
37 [17:13] <ClassBot> bulldog98 asked: why does the oneiric package depends on tango? Can’t oxygen be used?
38 [17:13] <Riddell> hmm, this bot is fiddly
39 [17:13] <Riddell> it uses Tango icons, there's not currently an option to use Oxygen icons I'm afraid
40 [17:13] <Riddell> fixes welcome :)
41 [17:14] <Riddell> let's use bzr explorer to get some code
42 [17:14] <Riddell> shows us going to the "Get project sources from elsewhere" tab
43 [17:15] <Riddell> I want to branch a project to make a change to it
44 [17:15] <Riddell> so I click on the Branch button and enter into the address box lp:ubuntu-cdimage
45 [17:15] <Riddell>
46 [17:15] <Riddell> you can host Bazaar branches anywhere but one of the most common places to do so is in Launchpad
47 [17:16] <Riddell> which hosts any free software project for free, how very generous
48 [17:16] <Riddell> Launchpad branches have a nice shortcut to their location which is lp:
49 [17:16] <Riddell> and in this case I'm wanting the trunk from the ubuntu-cdimage project
50 [17:16] <Riddell> so I tell it to branch that code
51 [17:17] <Riddell>
52 [17:17] <Riddell> ah but wait, what's this, which I like to initialise a shared repository?
53 [17:17] <Riddell> bzr is so good at making branches that it's common to make a new branch for any notable change
54 [17:18] <Riddell> then you can edit the branch with out worrying about mistakes
55 [17:18] <Riddell> and merge it into the main branch when you're happy
56 [17:18] <Riddell> this leaves a load of branch directories around on your hard disk
57 [17:18] <Riddell> which might be wasteful of disk space
58 [17:19] <Riddell> so a shared repository will share all the history which is the same in your branches
59 [17:19] <Riddell> so yes we do want to make the shared repository
60 [17:19] <Riddell> a new dialogue box pops up
61 [17:20] <Riddell> we let it do its initialisation then we get the branch we want
62 [17:20] <Riddell> an voila, bzr explorer is ready to work on this branch
63 [17:20] <Riddell> <bulldog98> I can’t see a pic in the owncloud server
64 [17:21] <Riddell> well just use the flickr images, they're the same
65 [17:21] <Riddell> if you look in a file manager it will have made a ubuntu-cdimage/ directory and within it a trunk/ directory
66 [17:22] <Riddell> the ubuntu-cdimage/ directory is our shared repository and the trunk/ directory is our branch we just made
67 [17:23] <Riddell> in the bottom right of Bazaar Explorer is the working tree, you can open files from there to edit them if you wish
68 [17:23] <Riddell> or open the whole directory in a file manager or an IDE
69 [17:23] <Riddell> today I'm going to add a new Ubuntu flavour
70 [17:23] <Riddell> Bazaarbuntu!
71 [17:23] <Riddell> it's going to be the distro to take over the world
72 [17:24] <Riddell> so I'll edit the file in ubuntu-cdimage to start making those CD images
73 [17:25] <Riddell> having made the edit the Bazaar Explorer page will refresh to note that I have changes
74 [17:25] <Riddell> (if it doesn't automatically refresh then you have a version without my automatic refresh patch, you can click the "refresh" button)
75 [17:25] <Riddell> if I want to see my changes I can click on Diff
76 [17:26] <Riddell> and if I want to save the change to the Bazaar repository I can click on commit
77 [17:27] <Riddell> this will save the change to my local branch
78 [17:27] <Riddell> but now I want to publish the change to the wider world so I need to push it to another location which is publically available
79 [17:27] <Riddell>
80 [17:27] <Riddell> there I'm pushing it to a branch on Launchpad
81 [17:29] <Riddell> so now anyone can see my branch on the web
82 [17:29] <Riddell> and anyone can download it or review the change
83 [17:29] <Riddell> Bazaar Explorer can access most of the functions of bzr, such as looking at the log of commits
84 [17:29] <Riddell>
85 [17:30] <Riddell>
86 [17:30] <Riddell> infact it can access all the functions of bzr because if there's a bzr command without a gui you can use the "All" option to run it
87 [17:31] <Riddell> if I want to make more complex changes I probably want to make a new local branch
88 [17:32] <Riddell> and work on that, then merge it in to trunk when I'm happy
89 [17:33] <Riddell> of course you don't always care about having branches
90 [17:34] <Riddell> you might prefer to work more like subversion or cvs where you just checkout directly from the server
91 [17:34] <Riddell> and commit directly back
92 [17:34] <Riddell> Bazaar and Bazaar Explorer support this
93 [17:34] <Riddell> back on the welcome page i click Checkout
94 [17:35] <Riddell> here I checkout the ubuntu seeds
95 [17:35] <Riddell> I make my change (adding bzr-explorer)
96 [17:35] <Riddell> and commit directly back
97 [17:35] <Riddell> that's working with existing projects
98 [17:36] <Riddell> but we are App Developers and we want to make our own projects!
99 [17:36] <Riddell> the Welcome page has a "Start a new Project" tab
100 [17:36] <Riddell>
101 [17:37] <Riddell> I initialise a new project
102 [17:37] <Riddell> there's a few options for what sort of branch you want, Feature Branches is the best sort for most cases
103 [17:37] <Riddell> that'll make a shared repository and a trunk branch inside it
104 [17:38] <Riddell>
105 [17:38] <Riddell> this takes us to a new page which lists the available branches
106 [17:38] <Riddell> from here we can open a branch or make a new one
107 [17:39] <Riddell> as a new project working on trunk is expected so we can add our files
108 [17:39] <Riddell> and commit them
109 [17:39] <Riddell>
110 [17:39] <Riddell> and if I wanted I could push it to Launchpad or anywhere else
111 [17:40] <Riddell> <trinikrono> bazaar explorer is awesome!
112 [17:40] <Riddell> why thank you trinikrono, free hugs to you
113 [17:40] <Riddell> now I said that Bazaar is used throughtout Ubuntu
114 [17:41] <Riddell> we now have (almost) every ubuntu package kept in a Bazaar branch
115 [17:41] <Riddell> so you can use Bazaar Explorer to branch any Ubuntu package if you feel the need to fix it or otherwise look at the source code
116 [17:41] <Riddell>
117 [17:42] <Riddell> here I'm getting the code to Ubuntu's choqok package
118 [17:42] <Riddell> by branching ubuntu:choqok
119 [17:42] <Riddell> which gives me the code to work on
120 [17:42] <ClassBot> bUbu87 asked: so upstream development just maps to pull requests on the package's launchpad branch?
121 [17:43] <Riddell> bUbu87: you're talking about the Ubuntu package branches? Those are imports of packages in Ubuntu so they're not the upstream development branch
122 [17:43] <Riddell> so if you want to fix a problem which is specific to ubuntu then use those
123 [17:44] <Riddell> if it's a general problem in the program then use the normal upstream code whereeever that is kept
124 [17:45] <Riddell> Bazaar Explorer is a nice GUI which works along with your IDE or file manager/text editor for working with code in Bazaar branches
125 [17:45] <Riddell> there is a half way between the GUI and command line interfaces
126 [17:46] <Riddell> which is to launch QBzr commands directly from the command line
127 [17:46] <Riddell> so if you're into using command lines but want an easier way to, say, browse a branch history you can run
128 [17:46] <Riddell> bzr qlog
129 [17:46] <Riddell> instead of bzr log
130 [17:46] <Riddell> which will give you a GUi to look at the log
131 [17:47] <Riddell> I use this a lot whenever the history is more complex than straight commits
132 [17:48] <Riddell> the same goes for bzr qcommit or bzr qbranch
133 [17:48] <Riddell> it's a nice alternative for when the command line is showing its limitations
134 [17:48] <ClassBot> dpm asked: are there Bazaar Explorer packages for platforms other than Ubuntu? (e.g. Win, Mac...)
135 [17:49] <Riddell> if you install Bazaaron Windows the installer comes with explorer
136 [17:49] <Riddell> same for Mac I'm sure
137 [17:49] <Riddell> so it's actually the main UI for non-Linux users
138 [17:50] <Riddell> which is why if you follow the Take the Tour link on it shows you Bazaar Explorer
139 [17:50] <Riddell> that's all I have prepared, any other questions?
140 [17:50] <ClassBot> There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.
141 [17:51] <ClassBot> bulldog98 asked: will there be a port to freedesktop icon usage?
142 [17:51] <Riddell> I see this is an important issue for you :)
143 [17:52] <Riddell> I think when Bazaar Explorer was started Tango was the obvious choice
144 [17:52] <Riddell> since then Oxygen has come along and the freedesktop icon standard is more available
145 [17:52] <Riddell> but I don't think freedesktop icons are built into Qt so there's a little bit of code needed there
146 [17:53] <Riddell> do file a bug if it's something you want done and hopefully we'll get round to iy
147 [17:53] <Riddell> it
148 [17:53] <ClassBot> dpm asked: apart from Bazaar Explorer, are there other recommended graphical tools? I.e. I know there's qbzr and bzr-gtk, but I don't know if picking one over the other is a matter of choice or whether there is a recommended one to use
149 [17:53] <Riddell> qbzr is the GUi for individual commands
150 [17:53] <Riddell> e.g. bzr qlog
151 [17:54] <Riddell> when you ask Bazaar Explorer to show you the branch log it will run QBzr's qlog
152 [17:54] <Riddell> you can also tell Bazaar Explorer to run bzr-gtk commands instead of QBzr if you really want
153 [17:54] <Riddell> but QBzr is generally better maintained and is the default
154 [17:55] <Riddell> the other main graphical tool is Loggerhead which is the web UI
155 [17:55] <ClassBot> There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.
156 [17:55] <Riddell> elite Bazaar hackers recently changed that from spitting out HTML directly to spitting out JSON so it's now a lot more flexible as a way of making UIs
157 [17:56] <Riddell> e.g. Launchpad can now show you a recent changes diff for merge proposals
158 [17:56] <Riddell> there's some other UIs such as my own Dolphin Bazaar plugin for KDE's file manager
159 [17:56] <Riddell> and there's even some experimental integration with Qt Creator
160 [17:57] <ClassBot> bulldog98 asked: is there a graphical way to see my bazaar config, eg what bazaar plugins are run after a commit (cia-client?)
161 [17:57] <Riddell> The settings menu lets you change your Bazaar config
162 [17:58] <Riddell> but it doesn't do everything from a GUI
163 [17:58] <Riddell> User Configuration has your user setup
164 [17:58] <Riddell> but stuff like cia plugin config can only be done with editing a text file for now (Settings -> Locations)
165 [17:59] <Riddell> Bazaar Explorer is extendable so it should be possible for the bzr-cia plugin to add that
166 [17:59] <ClassBot> Mipixal asked: What about Bazaar branches that are mirrored from other sources (not hosted on Launchpad). Does pushing commits make them available only on Launchpad or to original sources too ?
167 [18:00] <Riddell> it depends where you push them
168 [18:00] <Riddell> if you push them back to where you got it from then it'll be available in the same place
169 [18:00] <Riddell> if you push it to Launchpad it'll be available on Launchpad
170 [18:00] <Riddell> there's no fixed tie in between bzr and Launchpad
171 [18:00] <Riddell> it's just that Launchpad has been designed to work very well with Bazaar
172 || Event: App Developer Week - Current Session: Your App and Launchpad best practices - Instructors: jderose
173 [18:00] <Riddell> time up!
174 [18:00] <dpm> Thanks Riddell for a really awesome session - even with pictures!
MeetingLogs/appdevweek1109/IntroducingBazaarExplorer (last edited 2011-09-05 18:05:24 by ABTS-KK-Static-006)