Dev Week -- Contribute to Ubuntu Server, do Server Papercuts ! -- ThierryCarrez -- Thu, Jul 15th, 2010
(02:00:55 PM) ttx: Hello everyone ! (02:01:16 PM) ttx: My session is a continuation on the "it's easy to help Ubuntu" theme, but more specifically addressing Ubuntu Server. (02:01:37 PM) ttx: Remember, feel free to ask questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat, prefixed by [QUESTION] (02:01:49 PM) ttx: I'll stop a few times to answer them as we go (02:02:03 PM) ttx: So this session is about how to contribute to Ubuntu Server by helping with the Server Papercuts project. (02:02:20 PM) ttx: Thanks to vish you now already know everything there is to know about the One hundred Papercuts project. (02:02:33 PM) ttx: As a reminder, that project is about finding and fixing minor annoyances that affect the usability of the desktop. (02:02:48 PM) ttx: Those are usually low-hanging fruit, but can be hard to spot for seasoned users. (02:03:05 PM) ttx: When we discussed how to improve Ubuntu Server polish for 10.04 LTS, the Server team came up with the idea of doing Server papercuts. (02:03:19 PM) ttx: Finding and fixing minor annoyances that affect the Ubuntu Server sysadmin experience. (02:03:32 PM) ttx: We did that over the two beta iterations for Lucid Lynx and fixed 19 bugs. (02:03:48 PM) ttx: At UDS Maverick we decided to continue that effort over the Maverick cycle. (02:04:05 PM) ttx: One common thing I hear at conferences or when meeting Ubuntu Server users is "how can I help". (02:04:25 PM) ttx: It is wonderful to have such a helpful community, but sometimes it's difficult to find something for them to start with. (02:04:47 PM) ttx: In this session I'll present the Server papercuts effort as an easy way for you to participate to Ubuntu Server. (02:04:56 PM) ttx: Questions so far ? (02:05:35 PM) ttx: OK then, let's continue (02:05:49 PM) ttx: Dealing with papercuts is a two-step effort: (1) Collection and (2) Fix (02:06:02 PM) ttx: If you're an Ubuntu Server user, you can help in the Collection area. (02:06:16 PM) ttx: If you want to get involved in development or packaging, you can help in the Fix area (02:06:33 PM) ttx: Just a few words about the structure of the effort. We organize separate iterations. (02:06:47 PM) ttx: In Lucid we had two: one during beta1 and the other during beta2. (02:07:03 PM) ttx: In Maverick we have 3 of them: one during alpha2, one during alpha3 and one during beta. (02:07:22 PM) ttx: The alpha2 one is completed (10 bugs fixed): (02:07:48 PM) ttx: The alpha3 one is in progress (18 bugs targeted): (02:08:09 PM) ttx: The beta iteration will soon start and will be tracked at (02:08:31 PM) ttx: So the first stage of the process is the Collection. If you are an Ubuntu Server user, you can help us with that. (02:08:51 PM) ttx: If you notice anything that represents a minor annoyance impacting the usability of Ubuntu Server, you can report it as a Server papercut. (02:09:02 PM) ttx: The process to nominate Server papercuts is the following: (02:09:18 PM) ttx: 1. If the papercut isn?t already filed as an Ubuntu bug in Launchpad, file a bug against the affected Ubuntu package (02:09:33 PM) ttx: 2. Look up the bug you want to nominate as a Server papercut, then click on ?Also affects project? (02:09:45 PM) ttx: 3. Click ?Choose another project? and type in ?server-papercuts?, click ?Continue? (02:09:54 PM) ttx: 4. Click on ?Add to Bug report? (02:10:07 PM) ttx: Then a new task will be added to the bug to show it's been reported as a Server papercut. (02:10:24 PM) ttx: You can start now to nominate bugs for the beta iteration of the Maverick Server Papercuts ! (02:10:36 PM) ttx: It sounds like a minor task, but it's really useful for us. (02:10:49 PM) ttx: We are so used to how Ubuntu Server behaves that we overlook things. (02:11:09 PM) ttx: Your input is therefore very valuable, and a very simple way to contribute to Ubuntu Server success ! (02:11:26 PM) ttx: Any question on the Papercuts nomination process ? (02:12:14 PM) ttx: Our only listener said "nope", so I guess I'll continue :) (02:12:36 PM) ttx: The nomination period for the Maverick Beta iteration will end on August 1st. Our goal for this one is to have 12 targets. (02:12:56 PM) ttx: During the August 3rd Ubuntu Server meeting (at 1800 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting), we'll review the nominations and select the targets based on the following criteria: (02:13:08 PM) ttx: 1. Must affect server packages (in main, universe or multiverse) (02:13:18 PM) ttx: 2. Should meet current freezes requirements (02:13:39 PM) ttx: Since the beta iteration starts after FeatureFreeze, we will reject for this one papercuts that imply to add new features (or change behavior)... (02:13:49 PM) ttx: We'll keep them for the next papercuts cycle ! (02:13:59 PM) ttx: 3. Must affect "Server experience", like: (02:14:31 PM) ttx: * Out-of-the-box readiness (bad default configs, package requiring manual steps to go from installed to running) (02:14:43 PM) ttx: * Teamplay (packages not working well together, while making sense to be used together) (02:15:04 PM) ttx: * Smooth operation (anything requiring tedious or repetitive manual work) (02:15:17 PM) ttx: * Missing documentation (missing man pages, missing inline comments in default configs) (02:15:30 PM) ttx: * Upgrade issues (init scripts failures blowing up maintainer scripts) (02:15:39 PM) ttx: * Cruft (broken symlinks, residue of purge) (02:15:49 PM) ttx: * Server feeling (abusive recommends) (02:16:04 PM) ttx: 4. Must be easy to fix (less than 2 hours to fix, with an obvious and non-controversial solution) (02:16:19 PM) ttx: That's about it for the Collection stage. Questions ? (02:16:30 PM) ttx: <saji89> QUESTION: Does server papercut involve only small bugs from the ubuntu server edition, or can it include bugs reported by users using LAMP server, etc on their Ubuntu desktop edition? (02:17:05 PM) ttx: There is no strict separation between desktop and server... it's the same platform, only different packages installed (02:17:34 PM) ttx: so if the bug they experience is on a server package deployed on a desktop setup, that's ok (02:18:00 PM) ttx: (as the "pure" server users would probably be affected too) (02:18:24 PM) ttx: Any other question ? Questions on the criteria ? (02:19:14 PM) ttx: ok, let's move to the second stage then (02:19:22 PM) ttx: The second stage is actual bugfixing. (02:19:39 PM) ttx: If you are interested in participating to Ubuntu Server development and packaging, Server Papercuts are the best bugs to start with. (02:19:53 PM) ttx: Criteria (4) above says that the bug should take less than 2 hours to fix and have an obvious solution. (02:20:10 PM) ttx: Furthermore, the Ubuntu Server team will be available to help you in #ubuntu-server in getting your fix together, and to sponsor it when done. (02:20:25 PM) ttx: So it's really a neat way to start with Ubuntu Server development and bugfixing, if you're interested in that. (02:20:52 PM) ttx: If you're interested to participate in the maverick beta iteration, starting Aug 3rd you'll be able to pick bugs from (02:21:14 PM) ttx: If you want to participate *now*, feel free to have a look at (02:21:33 PM) ttx: If you see an yet-unfixed bug there that you'd like to fix, contact its current assignee (or comment on the bug) (02:21:45 PM) ttx: He should be very happy to help you fixing it, rather than fix it himself ! (02:21:54 PM) ttx: Teach a man how to fish... or something like that (02:22:14 PM) ttx: The papercuts bugs are mostly small packaging bugs (02:22:39 PM) ttx: If you need pointers about Debian packaging or Ubuntu development in general, please see: (02:22:54 PM) ttx: The Server papercuts project is at : (02:23:09 PM) ttx: The Server papercutters team (with a cool badge) lives at: (02:23:31 PM) ttx: Feel free to join the team if you want to get notified on new papercuts ! (02:23:50 PM) ttx: The Spec describing the Maverick Papercuts iterations is at: (02:24:02 PM) ttx: That's about it for the Server papercuts ! Questions ? (02:25:53 PM) ttx: No question -- so it's all crystal clear and everybody will soon help us finding and fixing Server Papercuts ! Cool ! (02:26:08 PM) ttx: Since we have quite some time left, I'll mention other great ways of contributing to Ubuntu Server :) (02:26:39 PM) ttx: To improve our bug reports, we use apport hooks to automatically provide the relevant information (02:26:54 PM) ttx: Writing an apport hook is quite easy and documented at: (02:27:13 PM) ttx: We have a list of packages that could use an apport hook, see: (02:27:57 PM) ttx: If you want to help in that area, zul is your man (02:28:33 PM) ttx: Another possibility is to help us continue migrating services to upstart (02:29:10 PM) ttx: It's slightly more complex than writing an apport hook, and more FAIL when you get it wrong (02:29:48 PM) ttx: tracks that effort (02:30:21 PM) ttx: Questions on apport hooks or upstart scripts ? (02:31:32 PM) ttx: OK then, moving on to more exciting ways to contribute to Ubuntu Server then :) (02:32:11 PM) ttx: There are several tasks for contributors... (02:32:22 PM) ttx: You can triage bugs and become a Triager. (02:32:32 PM) ttx: The goal is to move bug that are in a NEW status to a CONFIRMED or INVALID status. (02:33:15 PM) ttx: Since it is difficult to know each and every server package in Ubuntu, we plan on setting up communities of practice over sets of server packages (02:33:37 PM) ttx: like "mail services", "directory services"... (02:34:01 PM) ttx: Thos would be ubuntu-server subteams, grouping experts in each field (02:34:22 PM) rosset is now known as rosset|away (02:34:27 PM) ttx: We are still thinking how we can pull that off, but that's the direction we are heading to (02:34:37 PM) ttx: You can improve packages and become a Packager (02:34:54 PM) ttx: that's basically taking bugs and fix them, forwarding patches to Debian in the process (02:35:09 PM) ttx: You can participate in testing plans and become a Tester... (02:35:33 PM) ttx: There are two types of testing efforts: milestone testing (ISO testing) and calls for testing (02:36:11 PM) ttx: At every milestone we produce Ubuntu Server deliverables (ISOs, UEC cloud images, EC2 AMIs...) (02:36:30 PM) ttx: those need to be tested, and that's done through (02:37:07 PM) ttx: In some cases we also call for testing on a specific feature or upgrade (02:37:23 PM) ttx: Testing is just invaluable. (02:37:32 PM) ttx: <Omahn87> QUESTION: Is there anyone in particular in the server team that I should contain for mentorship on creating upstart scripts? (02:38:00 PM) ttx: That would be the incredible zul again (02:38:27 PM) ttx: Though the foundations team is the ultimate arbiter for upstart script viability :) (02:38:53 PM) ttx: OK, finally you can maintain documentation and become a Documentor (02:39:14 PM) ttx: there is an Ubuntu Server guide, and also community-maintained wiki pages (02:39:47 PM) ttx: sommer is the one to contact if you'e interested in writing a new section, or help with doc in general (02:40:09 PM) ttx: Becoming a member of the Ubuntu Server Team is really easy: (02:40:37 PM) ttx: Process is "Subscribe to the ubuntu-server mailing list" then "Apply for membership for the ubuntu-server team on launchpad" :) (02:40:52 PM) ttx: We meet every Tuesday on IRC at 1800 UTC on #ubuntu-meeting (02:41:00 PM) ttx: Come and see us :) (02:41:25 PM) ttx: Questions ? (02:42:01 PM) ttx: OK, that's about it for the 99 best ways to contribute to Ubuntu Server... (02:42:44 PM) ttx: For the next 15 minutes, we can turn that into a general Q/A session for the Ubuntu Server technical lead (02:43:06 PM) ttx: So you can fire any question :) (02:43:45 PM) ttx: ... (02:44:00 PM) ttx: <saji89> QUESTION: I see a list of 48 people still pending approval for the Ubuntu Server team. (02:44:09 PM) ttx: uh... :) (02:44:45 PM) ttx: That's because we've done a lousy job processing them. I'll make sure I use a big stick to beat the responsible to death. (02:45:06 PM) ttx: <abhijit> QUESTION: this is in general question. I read somewhere that I can setup my own mail server. so does it mean that i wll have email id? now if it is possible is it compusory to run my server 24 hours? (02:45:52 PM) ttx: abhijit: well, you first need a domain name, set it up so that the MX record points to your server... (02:46:30 PM) ttx: then set up a server. It's better if it runs 24hours a day, though you can use a relaying server somewhere else and pull from that one (02:46:43 PM) ttx: <penguin42> QUESTION: In general does server-papercuts include virtualisation issues? (02:47:40 PM) ttx: penguin42: yes, in general. Virtualization is in the server realm. (02:48:41 PM) ttx: Other questions ? Like "what is cloud computing ?" (02:48:53 PM) ***ttx can make up hard questions himself. (02:49:24 PM) ttx: <abhijit> now answer yourself!!! :D (02:49:30 PM) ttx: I may miss some time :) (02:49:47 PM) ttx: So, cloud computing is not a specific product or a specific technology (02:50:10 PM) ttx: It's a technological transition towards the usage of computing as a service... (02:50:18 PM) ttx: which comes in several forms... (02:50:25 PM) ttx: <Omahn87> QUESTION: Is it possible to ensure old style init.d scripts don't come up before the network and other upstart enabled services? (I'm thinking NIS here!) (02:51:21 PM) ttx: Omahn87: the unfortunate answer to that is to upstartify the things that need to depend on already-upstartified services (02:53:27 PM) ***ttx continues on cloud computing, unless another question is asked :P (02:53:41 PM) ttx: one of those forms is IaaS, infrastructure as a service (02:54:06 PM) ttx: Ubuntu Server provides two solutions for IaaS (02:54:14 PM) ttx: <saji89> QUESTION: SRU means? (02:54:18 PM) ttx: Stable Release Update (02:54:27 PM) ttx: an update to an already-released Ubuntu version. (02:54:44 PM) ttx: One is a complete IaaS solution to build your own private cloud, it's called UEC (02:54:48 PM) ttx: and based on Eucalyptus (02:55:29 PM) ttx: the other is guest images to run on a IaaS solution (like Amazon's EC2 or UEC): that's out Ubuntu Server cloud images (02:56:03 PM) ttx: ok, that was the "cloud computing primer" :) (02:57:03 PM) ttx: <Omahn87> QUESTION: Is UEC still the future of internal clouds in Ubuntu? You expressed some doubt at the last UKUUG conference. (02:57:30 PM) ttx: We are technology enablers. If something else comes up, we should support it as well (02:58:27 PM) ttx: There are a few issues with high availability in Eucalyptus, it's a feature of their Enterprise Edition (02:58:53 PM) ttx: hopefully by friendly and popular pressure they will recondider that and push it to the open source edition :) (02:59:49 PM) ttx: ok, I'm done, thanks for listening (03:00:05 PM) ttx: without questions it went quite fast :)
MeetingLogs/devweek1007/ServerPapercuts (last edited 2010-07-15 20:45:38 by pool-71-123-28-183)