Dev Week -- Ubuntu Desktop Q&A -- seb128 -- Mon, Jul 11th, 2011
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1 [18:01] <ClassBot> Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session.
2 [18:01] <seb128> hey
3 [18:01] <seb128> thanks dholbach
4 [18:01] <seb128> welcome to the desktop team Q&A
5 [18:02] <seb128> ok, ready
6 [18:02] <seb128> how is everybody today?
7 [18:02] <seb128> I hope you had fun with Daniel
8 [18:02] <seb128> let's see what sort of questions you have for the desktop team ;-)
9 [18:03] <seb128> ok, let's get started, I see a few desktop contributors and members in the room, I will answer questions but might dispatch a few ones for others in the desktop team if appropriate
10 [18:04] <ClassBot> ben72 asked: will gnome3 be easier to install in the coming ubuntu releases?
11 [18:04] <seb128> yes!
12 [18:04] <seb128> GNOME released after the natty freeze and we were busy with unity
13 [18:05] <seb128> so rather than doing a suboptimal job at the best to get GNOME in natty we rather stayed on 2.32 and delayed to this cycle
14 [18:05] <seb128> we have GNOME3 proper in oneiric already and are working on GNOME 3.1
15 [18:06] <seb128> the fact that we moved to unity by default also means we reduced our number of GNOME patches
16 [18:06] <seb128> so if you start a GNOME classic session (gnome-panel) or a gnome-shell session in oneiric you should have a pretty much upstream complete experience
17 [18:06] <seb128> GNOME classic and GNOME shell will not be on the CD but an apt-get install away and well maintained and supported
18 [18:07] <seb128> I hope we will keep GNOME users happy since we still love GNOME ;-)
19 [18:07] <seb128>
20 [18:07] <ClassBot> dell asked: Why is default theme on ubuntu always bad as compared to windows or mac
21 [18:07] <seb128> is it?
22 [18:07] <seb128> I've no strong opinion on that, I like the light variant of the default theme
23 [18:08] <seb128> but you should comment on the ayatana list if you have specific issues or suggestions
24 [18:08] <seb128> or open bugs on launchpad against the theme if you find bugs in it
25 [18:08] <seb128>
26 [18:08] <ClassBot> NMinker asked: With Oneiric, how was the transition to Linux 3.0? Was it any different from past kernel upgrades (2.6.37, 2.6.38, etc.)?
27 [18:09] <seb128> no a very desktopish question so I'm not sure but from I know it's pretty similar to any kernel update
28 [18:09] <seb128>
29 [18:09] <ClassBot> auToeXeC asked: Will Ubuntu be officially supported with GNOME?
30 [18:09] <seb128> I'm not sure to understand the question
31 [18:09] <seb128> GNOME doesn't support officially or not distributions that I know about
32 [18:10] <seb128> you should maybe reformulate the question?
33 [18:10] <seb128>
34 [18:10] <ClassBot> rww asked: Does GNOME Shell in Oneiric use notify-osd, indicator applets, etc., or does it use the upstream alternatives to those?
35 [18:10] <seb128> GNOME shell is oneiric should be a stock upstream experience (i.e no notify-osd, no indicators)
36 [18:10] <seb128> if you find cases where it's not please open bugs
37 [18:10] <seb128>
38 [18:11] <ClassBot> dell asked: Ubuntu 11.04 did not install with default setting in my old 32-bit computer, but previous versions did. So is it a mith that ubuntu supports old hardware
39 [18:11] <seb128> how did not install? it's hard to say without details on your configuration, but 11.04 should not be limited over previous versions
40 [18:11] <seb128> it could be a bug
41 [18:11] <seb128>
42 [18:12] <ClassBot> grungekid_ asked: There is a post in the ubuntu forum currently about Ubuntu frying Macbook cpu's due to OSX managing the voltage on the processor itself and Linux not doing a good enough job. Is there any truth behind this?
43 [18:12] <seb128> good question, not really desktopish though and to be honest I've no clue, I down own any mac computer and didn't read anything about those issues
44 [18:12] <seb128>
45 [18:12] <ClassBot> ashams asked: Where to report *non-bitsize* User Experience bugs? Is there any team or person who collect&fix them?
46 [18:13] <seb128> on the component they affect
47 [18:13] <seb128> or use the ayatana mailing list if you want to discuss the issues with dx or design
48 [18:13] <seb128>
49 [18:13] <ClassBot> coalitians asked: How are the feedbacks you are getting for implementing Unity?
50 [18:13] <seb128> good question
51 [18:14] <seb128> we have quite a range of reactions to unity
52 [18:14] <seb128> some users don't like change and so don't like it
53 [18:14] <seb128> some users are used to tweak their configuration in precise ways and they don't like it much either
54 [18:15] <seb128> some users first didn't like it because it was different but gave it a chance and after a while found themself very happy with it
55 [18:15] <seb128> new users seems to be the ones most positive about it
56 [18:15] <seb128> they like the modern look and they like how easy it is to use
57 [18:16] <seb128> we got from the feedback though that we still need to improve, the current version still has stability issues and rough edges
58 [18:16] <seb128> the product is still new and dx and other teams are working hard to improve it, let's see how it goes this cycle and for the lts
59 [18:17] <seb128> but we are quite confident that if manage to make it solid and polished a bit users feedback will keep being good
60 [18:17] <seb128>
61 [18:17] <ClassBot> dell asked: There is a post that windows 7 is less power consuming that ubuntu. Is it true ubuntu is more power hungry due to desktop
62 [18:18] <seb128> it's hard to say, power usage is depending of what is running, of your hardware, of the drivers for your hardware, etc
63 [18:18] <seb128> not really a desktopish question either btw
64 [18:18] <seb128> I've no doubt some drivers could do better and our desktop could do better as well on some components
65 [18:19] <seb128> but what I read around on the internet didn't show ubuntu being that power hungry either
66 [18:19] <seb128> would be a better question for the kernel team though ;-)
67 [18:19] <seb128>
68 [18:19] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: Are there any plans to expand on the social integration in Oneiric?
69 [18:20] <seb128> expand how?
70 [18:20] <seb128> gwibber is being rewritten and the new version should land in oneiric soon
71 [18:21] <seb128> it will be lighter and better but I don't know of plan to add support for things which were not available before
72 [18:21] <seb128> better to check with kenvandine though
73 [18:21] <seb128>
74 [18:21] <ClassBot> saimanoj60 asked: why is the laptop edition and desktop editon merged?
75 [18:22] <seb128> because maintaining 2 editions has a cost
76 [18:22] <seb128> it requires extra images to maintain, build, test, host, mirror, etc
77 [18:22] <seb128> the differences between the two edition were small as well
78 [18:23] <seb128> unity works fine on laptop and desktop configs so we decided we better spend the resources on making one solid product rather than dividing efforts
79 [18:23] <seb128>
80 [18:23] <ClassBot> auToeXeC asked: Earlier Ubuntu versions were packed with ubuntu. Now, the 11.04 isn't available with GNOME. I'm asking if further versions will have GNOME like Kubuntu is with KDE?
81 [18:23] <seb128> were packed with GNOME you mean?
82 [18:24] <seb128> there is no plan right now from the current team to do a GNOMEbuntu flavor of Ubuntu
83 [18:24] <seb128> but that's mainly because it's easy to install gnome-shell over Ubuntu and because the current team is busy
84 [18:24] <seb128> that would be a nice project if there is a motivated community wanting to maintain it
85 [18:25] <seb128> if you want to work on that feel free to join on #ubuntu-desktop we can help you to start on it and maintain it
86 [18:25] <seb128>
87 [18:25] <ClassBot> Godji asked: Do you plan to make Unity highly customizable (at least as much as GNOME 2.x is, and ideally as much as the KDE 4.x desktop)? If yes, is it a high priority task?
88 [18:25] <seb128> no
89 [18:26] <seb128> customization is nice but it makes the code harder to maintain, increase the number of bug, etc
90 [18:26] <seb128> we decided to focus on doing things one way and doing them well
91 [18:27] <seb128> but GNOME classic, xfce, KDE, etc are still available and maintained for those who like other experiences
92 [18:27] <seb128> or like tweaking
93 [18:27] <seb128> or have a difference vision
94 [18:27] <seb128>
95 [18:27] <ClassBot> dell asked: Can't ubuntu provide vlc by default. And the stuffs like mp3 can be later updated when user first starts it. Default media player on ubuntu is not good.
96 [18:27] <seb128> what is no good with totem?
97 [18:28] <seb128> we didn't look at vlc recently, it's a great product but I think the way they distribute codecs make it non pratical to ship it by default
98 [18:28] <seb128> there are lot of codecs that are patented and which can't be legally distributed
99 [18:29] <seb128> gstreamer does ship codecs in different sources to address those issues and have legal solutions for i.e mp3 playing which you can buy
100 [18:29] <seb128> it's not likely we could switch to vlc
101 [18:29] <seb128> without speaking about CD space or ui consideration...
102 [18:29] <seb128>
103 [18:29] <ClassBot> kamil_p asked: are you working at making indicators work in gnome-shell?
104 [18:30] <seb128> we as the ubuntu desktop team are not but there is a bug on with a patch for that I think
105 [18:30] <seb128> so it should be possible to get code to load them in gnome-shell in some way
106 [18:30] <seb128>
107 [18:30] <ClassBot> coalitians asked: How are the Application integration with Global Menu Bar happening?
108 [18:30] <seb128> you mean?
109 [18:30] <seb128> it should happen automatically for gtk and qt applications
110 [18:31] <seb128> the appmenu-gtk and appmenu-qt code strip menubars from applications and export those for you without having to do anything
111 [18:31] <seb128> there is still some buggy case, if you find one open a bug against libdbusmenu
112 [18:32] <seb128> (that's for gtk and qt, other toolkit are not supported though firefox and lo got code exporting their menu, but that's not automatic for those)
113 [18:32] <seb128>
114 [18:32] <ClassBot> dell asked: One issue I found was ubuntu started fan under 8 minutes and that on windows 7 was i think more than 15 minutes. This way the computer gets more heated and more power consumption
115 [18:32] <seb128> open a bug with the detail of what is running, your hardware configuration, etc I guess
116 [18:33] <seb128> it could be lot of reason, something using the cpu in the session, suboptimal drivers, ...
117 [18:33] <seb128> not really a desktop question though
118 [18:33] <seb128>
119 [18:33] <ClassBot> Shock asked: Why was compiz 0.9.x released with so many regressions compared to 0.8.x? Why not stick with 0.8.x until 0.9.x became mature enough?
120 [18:33] <seb128> the situation was a bit unfortunate but there was no obvious or easy choice
121 [18:34] <seb128> compiz 0.8 was written in C
122 [18:34] <seb128> compiz 0.9 is in cpp
123 [18:34] <seb128> so the choice was to start writing unity in C and on a non maintained codebase
124 [18:35] <seb128> which would have probably mean the new codebase would have got testing and that unity would have been to be rewriten or refactored a lot later on
125 [18:35] <seb128> or to move forward, skip on the new codebase, write code ready for what is maintained and is the way to go and fix the issues on the way
126 [18:36] <seb128> in practice that's lot of work and the team has limited resources so they didn't manage to get it all sorted in one cycle
127 [18:36] <seb128> we do believe that's what put us in the best position to have a stable codebase we can maintain soon
128 [18:36] <seb128> especially before the next LTS
129 [18:36] <seb128> the tradeoff is a bit less stability during one cycle or two out of the LTS...
130 [18:36] <seb128>
131 [18:37] <ClassBot> NMinker asked: Not a "desktopish" question, why was a Netbook edition available for Natty, even though it was discontinued?
132 [18:37] <seb128> was there? or was it only an armel version?
133 [18:37] <seb128> the armel team kept using the netbook edition because armel has poor 3d support and unity2d was not there yet
134 [18:37] <seb128>
135 [18:38] <ClassBot> saimanoj60 asked: Relating to my previous question - merging desktop and laptop editions-- Then how are the differences like touchpad and webcam features are provided? If they are included, are not they burden for desktop users?
136 [18:38] <seb128> I'm not sure to understand what differences you talk about
137 [18:38] <seb128> most laptops nowadays have a touchapd and a webcam built in
138 [18:39] <seb128> most desktop users have a webcam
139 [18:39] <seb128> the options for devices which are not available are just not showed
140 [18:39] <seb128> the same way as printer drivers for example are available, it doesn't mean you have to use a printer, but if you want to that makes it easier
141 [18:39] <seb128>
142 [18:39] <ClassBot> amorphous1 asked: How can we change the font size to a custom one in Oneiric?
143 [18:39] <seb128> use dconf-editor
144 [18:40] <seb128> the ui options are in org.gnome.desktop.interface
145 [18:40] <seb128> that's not really user friendly though
146 [18:40] <seb128> you can also install gnome-tweak-tools
147 [18:40] <seb128> or ubuntu-tweak-tools I guess (need to look what they provide with it)
148 [18:41] <seb128> we still plan to look at the options GNOME3 dropped from its ui and figure what to do for them in oneiric
149 [18:41] <seb128> so maybe themes and some other will come back in some way in the UI
150 [18:41] <seb128>
151 [18:41] <ClassBot> saimanoj60 asked: If the codecs are patented, I dont understand how the commercial operating system(windows) is able to distribute those codecs.
152 [18:41] <seb128> they pay a patent fee by system
153 [18:42] <seb128> it's easy for them to pay let's say $1 by windows copy to provide the codecs since they charge you for the OS
154 [18:42] <seb128> Ubuntu is free, it's hard to pay to include things to something you give for free
155 [18:42] <seb128>
156 [18:43] <ClassBot> dell asked: Totem does not handle video well like vlc, It always displays the visualization window and stuffs like that. VLC is by the way best on all platform. So since, it is free and open source, why not go for the best
157 [18:43] <seb128> if you have specific bugs with totem please open those
158 [18:43] <seb128> I've no doubt vlc and mplayer are great player and probably do better than gstreamer and totem in several cases
159 [18:43] <seb128> but as said before they would not be easy to distribute
160 [18:44] <seb128> but feel free to start a discussion on the ubuntu-desktop mailing list about it
161 [18:44] <seb128> that's probably the best way to have a discussion and to summarize reasons
162 [18:44] <seb128> we might figure after discussion that we could change in one of the next cycles who knows ;-)
163 [18:44] <seb128>
164 [18:44] <ClassBot> LibertyZero asked: If you plan to stick with totem, are there any plans to redesign the interface? It's currently not only ugly but also do the large controls and the statusbar waste quite a lot of screen space unnecessarily.
165 [18:45] <seb128> not that I know about
166 [18:45] <seb128> we are busy enough working on the desktop, we don't really have resources to redesign applications
167 [18:45] <seb128> that's probably something you should raise on upstream lists on bring up to the totem writers
168 [18:46] <seb128> we might be able to do some tweaks to address some obvious issues, so if you have some of those please open bugs or mail the ayatana list for discussion
169 [18:46] <seb128> but we will not like redesign it
170 [18:46] <seb128>
171 [18:46] <ClassBot> MedaRock asked: how is the feedback for unity 2d, and what i need to know to help?
172 [18:46] <seb128> hum, good question
173 [18:47] <seb128> so didrocks who is mostly maintain it is not there this week but he would be the best placed to answer
174 [18:47] <seb128> the feedback I read was good so far
175 [18:47] <seb128> they have a small team and could use some help for sure
176 [18:47] <seb128> so maybe ask on #ayatana during european office hours
177 [18:47] <seb128> or checking launchpad for bitesized bugs
178 [18:48] <seb128> or open bugs that you feel like you could help on, I'm sure they would appreciate contributions
179 [18:48] <seb128>
180 [18:48] <ClassBot> saimanoj60 asked: If the codecs are to be payed for use, then how are we able to download for free? Is it not legal?
181 [18:48] <seb128> downloading things for personal use and providing things in a "product" are different things
182 [18:49] <seb128> or said differently nobody is going to sue you for installing a mp3 player without rights
183 [18:49] <seb128> but Canonical could be a better target to sue to get money
184 [18:49] <seb128>
185 [18:50] <ClassBot> Cuzzie asked: Is there any difference between mplayer and totem?
186 [18:50] <seb128> is there anything common between mplayer and totem? ;-)
187 [18:50] <seb128> mplayer uses ffmpeg, totem gstreamer
188 [18:50] <seb128> mplayer has different interfaces including command lines ones, totem is a GNOME application
189 [18:51] <seb128>
190 [18:51] <ClassBot> mhall119 asked: At UDS, Mark said that there was going to be a big focus to make webapps first-class citizens on the desktop, how is that going to be accomplished?
191 [18:52] <seb128> that's a good question and I've not really seen anything coming out of that yet and I'm probably not the best person to ask, maybe watch the ayatana list if they discuss the topic there
192 [18:52] <seb128> but I guess desktop integration will come with things like making webapps showing as applications on the unity launcher
193 [18:52] <seb128> (there is a bug and work being done for that with chromium I think)
194 [18:52] <seb128> i.e a webapp running in a chromium tab would be listed as any application in the launcher
195 [18:53] <seb128> I guess they will figure other smart things to do over time as well ;-)
196 [18:53] <seb128>
197 [18:53] <ClassBot> datastream_ asked: sometimes when i have a long folder name on my desktop, and its close to another folder they overlap. anything i can do to fix this besides moving the folders?
198 [18:53] <seb128> not that I know about, seems like an old known bug
199 [18:53] <seb128>
200 [18:53] <ClassBot> oscar-colombia asked: is onerci coming in gnome3 - gnome-shell desktop enviroments?
201 [18:54] <seb128> oneiric Ubuntu will have unity-3d and unity-2d on the CD
202 [18:54] <seb128> but gnome-shell and gnome-classic will still being available, supported, and one apt-get install away
203 [18:54] <seb128> there seems to be some community interest also around doing a GNOMEubuntu flavor, i.e a CD with GNOME by default, let's see if that happen
204 [18:55] <seb128> but if not GNOME will still be maintained as a first class citizen and very easy to install and run
205 [18:55] <seb128>
206 [18:55] <ClassBot> dell asked: When will ubuntu go for gnome 3
207 [18:55] <seb128> Oneiric is already using GNOME3
208 [18:55] <seb128>
209 [18:55] <ClassBot> acklee asked: in terms of the Ubuntu desktop interface, whether other distros such as Mint also contribute?
210 [18:56] <seb128> not that I know, they work on the interface of their distribution but i've not seen them engage a lot with us about improving the stock Ubuntu interfaces
211 [18:56] <seb128>
212 [18:56] <ClassBot> NMinker asked: Will GNOME still be there if you upgrade from Natty to Oneiric?
213 [18:57] <seb128> yes, there is no reason it should go away ;-)
214 [18:57] <seb128>
215 [18:57] <seb128> ok, 3 minutes left and the queue is empty
216 [18:57] <seb128> if you have a few remaining question now is the time to ask ;-)
217 [18:58] <seb128> <NMinker> I'm referring to GNOME classic, obviously
218 [18:58] <seb128> reply to that from -chat
219 [18:58] <seb128> GNOME will have a GNOME Shell session and a GNOME classic
220 [18:59] <seb128> GNOME classic will be similar to GNOME2, i.e gnome-panel etc
221 [18:59] <seb128> with some redesign coming from GNOME
222 [18:59] <seb128>
223 [18:59] <ClassBot> robinparriath asked: there were rumours of android apps on ubuntu. True or false
224 [18:59] <seb128> no idea
225 [18:59] <seb128> I've no read or seen anything about that ;-)
226 [18:59] <seb128>
227 [18:59] <ClassBot> john_g asked: Is libdbusmenu going through much change to use the new interfaces?
228 [19:00] <seb128> what new interfaces?
229 [19:00] <seb128> there is some improvements planned for this cycle as every cycle I think but better to check with dx team for the specific
230 [19:00] <seb128> they got us 2 abi breaks already :p
MeetingLogs/devweek1107/DesktopTeamQA (last edited 2011-07-12 07:53:23 by dholbach)