Open Week -- Energizing an Ubuntu Community -- Randall Ross -- Wed, May 5
EDT -5
(02:01:17 PM) rrnwexec: Thanks everyone for joining this session. It's my first ever, so if goof up, please be kind :) (02:01:48 PM) rrnwexec: First, a little bit about me: (02:01:48 PM) rrnwexec: I'm Randall Ross, widely known as the Ubuntu Vancouver "Buzz Generator" and the Community Manager of the Ubuntu Vancouver LoCo. (02:02:02 PM) rrnwexec: I have been using Ubuntu on my personal computing equipment since 2006. Before that, I used a long string of GNU/Linux based distro's dating back to approximately 1996, and before that many UNIX variants. (02:02:06 PM) stgraber left the room. (02:02:17 PM) rrnwexec: I am a strong FLOSS advocate and supporter and I believe in the need to fix Bug #1 quickly. (02:02:36 PM) rrnwexec: I believe that Ubuntu represents the best chance we have to do that. But, we have to hurry. (02:02:59 PM) rrnwexec: Vancouver BC Canada? Remember the Winter Olympics? They were here! Watching NHL hockey recently? We apparently have a team in the playoffs ;) Want to find us? We're on the west coast of Canada. (02:03:22 PM) rrnwexec: Ubuntu Vancouver LoCo is my main Ubuntu focus (aside from this talk of course). Trust me, it's enough to keep me busy. Ubuntu Vancouver LoCo is currently over 330 people in Vancouver. We meet at least 4-5 times a month, sometimes more. Our events are very diverse and fun: parties (real ones), restaurant social events, presentations, support events. (02:03:52 PM) rrnwexec: So what I'll present today are some lessons learned from "The School of Hard Knox" on how this city was energized. These tips and tidbits will hopefully help you get more people excited about Ubuntu in your city or town. I hope to offer some practical advice on how to get started, or in other words what works to help "catalyze" the spread of Ubuntu. (02:04:21 PM) rrnwexec: Having said that, and with that intro, all of this is from my point of view. (After all, I'm the one giving the talk.) You might not agree with everything I will say, but please hear me out. Suspend your disbelief. (02:04:40 PM) rrnwexec: Ok... Let's dive in and see how the water feels! (02:04:51 PM) rrnwexec: Marketing Ubuntu Locally.. Why Should you Bother? (02:04:59 PM) rrnwexec: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (02:05:16 PM) rrnwexec: You like Ubuntu. That's why you're here. You like to help other people. You want to see Bug #1 fixed in your lifetime (possibly so your kids won't have to suffer the way you or I did.) (02:05:31 PM) rrnwexec: You want to be surrounded by people who "get" Ubuntu (in both senses of the word). (02:06:07 PM) rrnwexec: What I'm Not Going to Cover (02:06:07 PM) rrnwexec: This is not about geeking out. This is about getting people excited. Everyday humans. I'm not going to talk about building a "l33t team of Ubuntu hackerz" or code jockeys. (02:06:22 PM) rrnwexec: I really do believe that we have to step way beyond the traditional boundaries of this project and expand our reach by at least a factor of 10. That means we need to focus on the other 99.9% of the population: Everyday Humans. (02:06:48 PM) rrnwexec: A few words about Ubuntu "ratholes". Ratholes are time-wasters. Topics (sometimes debates) that spring up in the Ubuntu (and FLOSS) "community" that steal our energy. Though interesting, we need to maintain focus. I'll give you 3 examples. (There are more). Don't be suckered into any of these: (02:07:02 PM) rrnwexec: "Ubuntu is just another version of Linux". I'm going to assume that you understand why Ubuntu is different. (02:07:12 PM) rrnwexec: "A LUG is the same as an Ubuntu group". It's not. (02:07:21 PM) rrnwexec: "Ubuntu isn't really free". I'm going to assume you've not fallen for that (or any other) FUD that stifles passion. (02:07:35 PM) rrnwexec: A bit about terminology. In order to talk about something it is important to get the terminology right, and to express it clearly. I will talk about "community" a lot. (I just did above.) When I said "community" what came to mind? (02:07:58 PM) rrnwexec: If you're like many people, you thought of the forums, online discussions, blogs, etc. That's not what I mean by community at all. I will use the definition in the most local sense. Community = Those people geographically close to you within a short walk, bicycle, or bus ride. (02:08:13 PM) rrnwexec: A rule of thumb I use is that if you can't get to a place in under 30 minutes on a local bus, it's likely not really part of your community. Of course, there are exceptions but that's my guide. Think walking distance. How good are your legs? (02:08:45 PM) rrnwexec: On of my pet peeves (personal opinion of course) is that we have these things called "LoCo's" that aren't really "local" or "communities". Sure, it's great that we have them and they do serve extremely important roles but I feel that Ubuntu advocates need to get much more local and focused. (02:09:18 PM) rrnwexec: Take Canada for instance. 7 time zones, dozens of distinct languages and cultures. Cities and towns here each have their own unique dynamics, economies, priorities. (02:09:29 PM) rrnwexec: Not to pick on the fine folks in any national "LoCo" but how can we possibly expect any national or even regional Ubuntu team to be effective at marketing at a local level. (If that were even its goal). And, Canada is simpler that many countries in that regard. (02:09:58 PM) rrnwexec: So, first and foremost I advocate a much more literal interpretation of the term LoCo. Think of warfare (I know, strange analogy when talking about humanity but hear me out). Name a war that was won with air power only. None that I can think of. Now, think of our current LoCo structure (mostly national and regional). That's "air power". (02:10:22 PM) rrnwexec: The LoCo's that I envision are on the ground. They take cities block-by-block and neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood. By take, I mean spread awareness of Ubuntu and help people regain control of their information tools. They embrace those around them and give them the "Huge Ubuntu Bear-hug"! (02:10:53 PM) rrnwexec: A Thought Experiment (02:11:02 PM) rrnwexec: Imagine that Bug #1 was fixed in your city/town. What would that look like? (02:11:19 PM) rrnwexec: Well, first it means that you should be able to walk down your street, or any random street in your city and ask people whether they use Ubuntu. The majority should say "Yes", the minority that does not should still at least know what Ubuntu is. (02:11:37 PM) rrnwexec: You should be able to go to a local computer store and ask the clerk for a computer that is running Ubuntu. S/he should have a many to choose from. You should be able to walk into your local library and borrow some books on Ubuntu. (02:11:54 PM) rrnwexec: You should be able to buy an Ubuntu magazine or three from your local bookstore. Your roomate should be using it. Your family too. If you have a child in school, the computers they learn on should be running Ubuntu. (02:12:14 PM) rrnwexec: That sounds easy enough, right? Ok. Let's get started! (02:12:24 PM) rrnwexec: Why start with marketing? (02:12:35 PM) rrnwexec: Marketing is what makes or breaks a product. If you don't have it, then people don't know about you. If people don't know about you, then you enter that spiral. <Insert operating system that failed here.> (02:12:53 PM) rrnwexec: Can you think of an inferior operating system that has become popular through brute-force marketing? Can you think of a system that is hostile to its users, yet wildly popular? See the power of marketing. (02:13:10 PM) rrnwexec: Watch what happens when it fails, but please not on this project! (02:13:22 PM) rrnwexec: What gets people excited about something? (02:13:35 PM) rrnwexec: They get excited when there's buzz. When they can feel energy and passion when they are near it, they get excited. When they sense that it is really worthwhile and can make an immediate impact in a practical and positive way, they get excited. (02:13:52 PM) rrnwexec: When they feel something really important is happening and they aren't "in the know" they get motivated to learn. Excitement breeds excitement. (02:14:16 PM) rrnwexec: Your job as a person interested in energizing (catalyzing) a town or city is to ensure that that energy field always remains strong. Note that this does not mean that you always have to be the *direct* source of that energy. All it means is that you are always on the lookout for a dip in energy level and are ready to make a few phone calls or send a few emails to key Ubuntu people. It also means that you're always ready to help with a project or (02:14:50 PM) rrnwexec: two to help Ubuntu energy stay high. You're always ready to catalyze. (02:15:05 PM) rrnwexec: I'm going to walk you through a series of steps that you might use to begin catalyzing and creating buzz about Ubuntu in your town. (02:15:15 PM) rrnwexec: Step 0. Realize (02:15:23 PM) rrnwexec: Realize that Ubuntu is "the next big thing". Realize that Wikipedia was once very small and Encyclopedia Britannica was once a powerful monolithic reference volume. (Skill testing question: Where are they now?) (02:15:38 PM) rrnwexec: Realize that "No town is too small." You will always be able to find at least one other Ubuntu user. As soon as you do, you have a group (by definition). (02:15:38 PM) rrnwexec: Realize that in order to change something, you have to be the first change. Ghandi had it right. (02:15:53 PM) rrnwexec: Step 1. Use Ubuntu. (02:16:10 PM) rrnwexec: Don't try to skip this step. I mean really use it everyday, for everything. Make it the centre of your computing world. If you can't take this step, then it is going to be difficult to advocate and market it. (02:16:34 PM) rrnwexec: People will sense it if you are reluctant yourself. People will sense if you have obvious knowledge gaps. And if they do, they may perceive it's because Ubuntu must be difficult to use. (Not that I'm talking about average humans, not computing super-heroes). (02:16:54 PM) rrnwexec: Step 2. Start Energizing Your Personal Circle (02:17:04 PM) rrnwexec: (You'll need the strength and support later.) (02:17:17 PM) rrnwexec: Your friends and family are *really* important. If they don't share at least some of your passion for Ubuntu, their lack of passion may impact you later. Or, as the "computer gal" in your family you may find yourself caught in a nasty tech support scenario of competitor's systems, draining your energy. (02:17:35 PM) rrnwexec: An anecdote: (02:17:46 PM) rrnwexec: At "Ubuntu Vancouver LoCo" meetings I always ask this question in my presentations. "Of your three closest friends and family members, how many use Ubuntu?" The number of people that say 0, or 1 shocked me initially. (02:18:06 PM) rrnwexec: Can you guess how many % said 0 or 1? (02:18:17 PM) rrnwexec: Please give your answers in chat ;) (02:18:28 PM) rrnwexec: I would have thought/hoped that in a room filled with Ubuntu people that the majority would already be surrounded by Ubuntu users. That wasn't the case. It still isn't, but it is getting better. Keeping the focus or spotlight on a problem does help. I begin to sound like a broken record at times. Focus. Focus! (02:18:47 PM) rrnwexec: Step 3. Don't Assume Someone Else is Doing It. (02:19:04 PM) rrnwexec: Assume is a compound word ;) (02:19:13 PM) rrnwexec: You probably don't have a LoCo in your city/town. Ask around. Search the web. Look for Ubuntu meetings/events. Did you find anything? Probably not, and if you did, you are lucky. So, you're now in a spot where you likely have a bunch of random and friendly Ubuntu users in your town with no real way to connect to one another. (02:19:32 PM) rrnwexec: Step 3a: Let's Rewind and Assume that you found a local Ubuntu group. Wow! (02:19:46 PM) rrnwexec: Track them down. Go to their meetings. Get to know them and their culture. What are their goals? Are they making progress? Do they have any focus and energy on marketing? Do they need help? It's important to really understand a group before trying to help it, lest you offer the wrong help. (02:20:06 PM) rrnwexec: Step 4. Don't wait for (or expect) "support from the top". (02:20:31 PM) rrnwexec: I put this step early in the process but it really belongs everywhere. (02:20:49 PM) rrnwexec: Ubuntu is a community project. Always try to look at your efforts through that lens. Do it because you want to do it and because it's the right thing to do. If you sit back and wait for a barrel of cash (or monkeys, or CD's) from Canonical (or any other Ubuntu supporter/sponsor for that matter), it may be a long wait. If the local marketing and advocacy you want to do requires a large infusion of cash, you might be on the wrong track, taking on (02:21:18 PM) rrnwexec: Step 5: Become a Connector (or ask someone to be one) so You Can Spread the Fun (02:21:36 PM) rrnwexec: Ubuntu users and advocates need someone to help them find each other. Be that person. It starts with one connector. If you're not comfortable connecting people together, perhaps enlist the help of your most sociable friend. They may be up for an interesting challenge. (02:22:16 PM) rrnwexec: Step 6. Find a Free (or nearly free) Place to Gather (02:22:26 PM) rrnwexec: Start small. If you have a local coffee shop or community gathering place in your neighbourhood, that's a great venue for your first marketing group meeting. You can likely host a lot of initial meeting in informal settings like this. Make it an easy spot to get to for you and your neighbours. Really make it easy, otherwise you'll be burning energy just to get to meetings. (02:22:42 PM) rrnwexec: Step 7. Send Word Out in Your Neighbourhood (02:22:54 PM) rrnwexec: It's easy: "Hey fellow Ubuntu users! We gather at <insert local coffee shop> here on the first Monday of every month at 7pm to help spread Ubuntu. Hope you'll join us!" Keep it friendly, human, and clear. (Like Ubuntu). (02:23:17 PM) rrnwexec: This type of notice can be put on local public bulletin boards, in libraries, on a pole on (pedestrian) busy intersections, bus stops, etc. (Make sure it's allowed though. Don't come back to me later and say "You made me break the law." Check all local regulations. Find friendly places to post things). (02:23:38 PM) rrnwexec: You can also sometimes get free listings on community web sites, newspapers, and entertainment magazines. Your initial goal is to attract people that are looking for this kind of stuff, so don't worry if you don't have a massive ad campaign. Some people will find you. The people that find you first are sometimes the ones that have the most interest. It's important to commit to a regular meeting. People like to know there's recurrance. (02:24:01 PM) rrnwexec: Step 8: Look for Unconventional Places (02:24:17 PM) rrnwexec: I'm going to take a guess that many of you are somewhat technical. You found your way to Lernid, to IRC, to this session. That took some technical prowess. So, this step may seem interesting. (02:24:31 PM) rrnwexec: When looking for others that are "into Ubuntu" you will obviously find some in tech circles, universities, and places like that. You can try to attract them, but in reality, they will find you sooner or later. Instead, try harder to attract people from places/settings that are unconventional. (02:24:46 PM) rrnwexec: Find them at community festivals. Find them at your local library (more on that later). The people you attract from outside the "Ubuntu tech crowd" will likely have really fresh ideas and language that will make your marketing come alive. You need the connectors in "strange places". (02:25:05 PM) rrnwexec: An anecdote from Ubuntu Vancouver: I'm always extremely happy when someone new finds us, but even more so when they've come to us from a strange place. We have kayak instructors, teachers, musicians, construction workers, doctors... the list goes on and on. The only people we don't seem to have in our group yet are shepherds and lighthouse keepers, but I'm looking. (02:25:34 PM) rrnwexec: I'll take a short pause here to field a few questions (02:25:42 PM) ClassBot: balto_ asked: What if there are not enough people with the same interest in the walking distance? shouldn't we use the global village? (02:26:13 PM) rrnwexec: Good question. My view is that we start as local as we can as our first step. (02:26:37 PM) rrnwexec: If we cannot find people this way, by all means reach out to chat rooms, discussion boards, etc. (02:26:59 PM) rrnwexec: even use google search to find people that are talking about Ubuntu in your 'hood. (02:27:07 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:27:10 PM) ClassBot: sebsebseb asked: Bug 1 yeah, but surely it shouldn't all be about Ubuntu, other distro's here and there as well? Be honest with people give them a choice of distro when trying to convert them from Windows, and that kind of thing? (02:27:42 PM) rrnwexec: I like this question, and it's one that I get from time to time here too. (02:28:02 PM) rrnwexec: My job as Ubuntu Buzz Generator is to promote Ubuntu. (02:28:12 PM) rrnwexec: I love all FLOSS. I really do. (02:28:15 PM) rrnwexec: but... (02:28:45 PM) rrnwexec: buzzining and marketing Ubuntu is where I'm at. This is the best chance I can see for FLOSS to go completely wild. (02:28:53 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:28:56 PM) ClassBot: takelifeeasy asked: To help solve bug 1 and as business drive most things in life, what are your thoughts about creating a “community” solely helping businesses transitioning off of the Microsoft drip. Ubuntu seem to concentrate on the end user and there seems to be a gap for a community to help business (note I am excluding Canonical as I am thinking of a user community promoting Ubuntu rather than a commercial comp (02:29:29 PM) rrnwexec: I think this is a very important goal. (02:29:52 PM) rrnwexec: Having said that though, beware the challenges of a community-focussed group approaching businesses (02:30:09 PM) rrnwexec: A more professional group would be needed. (02:30:26 PM) rrnwexec: People with companies, deeper experience, etc. (02:30:53 PM) rrnwexec: You may of course find a small business or three to help... perhaps that's a way to get started. (02:31:17 PM) rrnwexec: But I really feel it starts with energy on the friend and neighbour level. (02:31:32 PM) rrnwexec: (Some of these people will be business owners and managers) (02:31:38 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:31:41 PM) ClassBot: waltercool asked: People Nerby of Empathy seems helping to make a Ubuntu community shared places (public internet connection)? (02:31:54 PM) rrnwexec: That is awesome! (02:31:59 PM) rrnwexec: thank you for bringing it up (02:32:20 PM) rrnwexec: ok... so we all know where "Peaople Near By" came from? (02:32:26 PM) rrnwexec: Hint: Cupertino. (02:32:54 PM) rrnwexec: ironically the purchasers of those competitor systems don't seem to know how to really uses it. (02:32:58 PM) rrnwexec: *use it (02:33:08 PM) rrnwexec: so, we have an opportunity to show them (02:33:21 PM) rrnwexec: in cafes and crowded places please turn that feature on (02:33:29 PM) rrnwexec: and tell everyone you know to do it (02:33:39 PM) rrnwexec: put an Ubuntu looking name in your nick line ;) (02:33:48 PM) rrnwexec: promote the Ubuntu brand :) (02:34:21 PM) rrnwexec: I'm going to continue the presentation... and take more questions in a bit. (02:34:36 PM) rrnwexec: Step 9: Have a Few "Meetings" (02:34:50 PM) rrnwexec: I call them meetings, but really the early ones will likely be casual conversations and get-togethers. (That's actually a good thing.) Meetings and formality can scare people away. Just get people talking. See what interesting ideas emerge. Catalyze the conversation by asking them how you could make more people aware of Ubuntu. (02:35:29 PM) rrnwexec: After a few get-togethers you may notice an interesting idea: some fun marketing work. (Yes those two words really can go together). The key is to select something fun. For example, maybe you and your new friends want to put up some posters about Ubuntu, or hand out some Ubuntu CD's. Maybe you want to go give a talk to a school or a local club or group. If you have a few passionate people you can make this happen. (02:35:52 PM) rrnwexec: One caveat: I think that early on, your projects should be simple and require minimal logistics. You should also focus on spreading the word and getting more people into your group (and by osmosis into Ubuntu), so make sure that everything you hand out or present gives the audience some way of finding you later... your meeting times, location, etc. Make sure that all your effort includes a strong dose of "let's grow our group". That's fuel. (02:36:12 PM) rrnwexec: (** Note: It's also good to set up a very simple wiki or web page with an easy URL that you can give to people you meet. This allows you to have a single place to point people for updates and information.) (02:36:22 PM) rrnwexec: Step 11: Don't Get Distracted (02:36:33 PM) rrnwexec: It's tempting to try to "Boil the ocean". It's also tempting (though equally ecologically insane) to try to "pave the earth". Keep your efforts focussed and simple. (02:36:49 PM) rrnwexec: Ok, since I've mentioned web page earlier, I want to caution you about ploughing all your scarce new-found friend energy into web development. (This is a rat-trap when your group is young, and maybe even longer.) Use the KISS principle. (Keep It Simple Stupid). The ubuntu.com wiki is a good way to get something up fast. You can create a page or your group. Read and follow the guidelines and learn a bit about it's layout first though.) (02:37:42 PM) rrnwexec: Another form of distraction is in losing sight of your community. If the energy you are expending is spread too far and wide on areas outside your community, then you're not going to be able to focus on the people near you. The people near you are the ones that matter the most to your daily life. (02:38:09 PM) rrnwexec: Distraction alert: Back to web sites. They're great ways to get to "connected" (in the wired sense) people all over the world. (02:38:21 PM) rrnwexec: How many of the people in your town will find you on the web? Likely some. If you have a super flashy web site or one with deep functionality, will it attract more? Probably not. Are there people in your community that are unable to use the web effectively? Absolutely. Are these people valuable? Absolutely! So, get to them another way. If your nearest friends and neighbours haven't heard of Ubuntu, you can fix that without ever creating one line (02:38:50 PM) rrnwexec: Step 12: You're Making Progress (02:39:01 PM) rrnwexec: You've had some regular meetings. You've added a few (or many) more people to your Ubuntu group. Now it's time to take it up a notch. Get a somewhat larger project underway, again around advocacy and marketing. If you're fortunate to have enough people already to do some Ubuntu presentations and demos, start organizing some. They are great advocacy too. They are also very useful and valuable to people outside Ubuntu because they show them what's (02:39:17 PM) rrnwexec: Step 13: You Have a Real Group! (02:39:27 PM) rrnwexec: People are starting to hear about you. You continue to market Ubuntu and your group's place in it. The news of your demos and presentations spreads. Congratulations! You are now real, and you've taken a major step to an Ubuntu community. Where you were once "the only one", you now have friends. Ubuntu friends! Your group is having regular meetings. (02:39:45 PM) rrnwexec: Step 14: Giving More People More Reasons to Join You (02:39:59 PM) rrnwexec: As you attract more and more people, you'll begin to notice that there are new opportunities. Each new person that joins your group brings in new possibilities. The possibilities that open up to you will be in part related to your town or city and what passions people have. (02:40:19 PM) rrnwexec: Find out what their passions are, and try to find fun ways for them to express that passion. Do you have a graphic artist in the group? Have her present some topics on Graphic Arts using Ubuntu to your group, and extend invitations out to other artists. (02:40:28 PM) rrnwexec: Gimp, Inkscape, all that good stuff. Did you attract some programmers? Have them work on a program that will benefit the group. Maybe it's a custom application that does something useful like keeping track of your group's growth... which leads me to: (02:40:40 PM) rrnwexec: Step 15: Make a Map! (02:40:51 PM) rrnwexec: Understanding where your group is will become very important. It helps you optimize meeting locations. It also helps you understand where your marketing is working, and where it's not. With a good map you can focus scarce resources. Make a map. Always keep an eye on it. (Note that I'm not advocating that you have home addresses of all your group or community. General areas work well: postal codes and zip codes). (02:41:00 PM) ralemi: . (02:41:45 PM) rrnwexec: Step 16: Is This Building Buzz? (02:42:01 PM) rrnwexec: If you have people regularly meeting and enjoying snazzy Ubuntu demos, you're going to start to get buzz. But don't stop there. Not everyone wants to learn about computers all the time (so I'm told). Have some other events too. Some of them should be purely social. (02:42:09 PM) rrnwexec: Parties and social events without a computer in sight. (Hint: Release Parties should be real parties!) Use those events to talk about other aspects of Ubuntu and the positive energy of the idea. Use them to build local community. Meet your neighbours. Spread your passion. (02:43:00 PM) rrnwexec: Step 17: Expand and Reach Out (02:43:18 PM) rrnwexec: The number one problem is awareness. You need to get the word Ubuntu out into your community. Here are some ideas that have worked in mine: (02:43:31 PM) rrnwexec: a) Small posters and flyers in neigbourhood places (02:43:39 PM) rrnwexec: b) Small stickers with a tiny URL pointing to your group page (02:43:46 PM) rrnwexec: c) Adopt businesses. Find places that like to host your events and help them in return for their hospitality (02:43:56 PM) rrnwexec: d) Embrace other groups that are established in your community (02:44:13 PM) rrnwexec: e) Using the meetup.com online channel. It's a superb meeting management engine, promoting face-to-face community. Added bonus: the network effect. (02:44:28 PM) rrnwexec: Step 18: Remove the Barriers (02:44:41 PM) rrnwexec: "I'd like to use Ubuntu but...." (02:44:50 PM) rrnwexec: a) There's no support. Build a community support event that occurs regularly (some people call these Installfests) (02:45:01 PM) rrnwexec: b) I can't buy it in the stores. Identify local independent stores that can provide Ubuntu certified equipment and partner with them. (02:45:25 PM) rrnwexec: c) It's too much work to learn. Ask the teachers in your group to engage their passion and run some community classes (02:45:37 PM) rrnwexec: d) I'm happy with what I have. This is a tough(er) one. But, if you have built a lively and diverse community around Ubuntu, people will begin to care less about their favourite OS. The real parties are with your group. Remember: have real parties. (02:45:52 PM) rrnwexec: Step 19: Don't Expect Everyone to Join Your Group Immediately (02:46:04 PM) rrnwexec: People are in different stages of life. Their timing may not match yours or the latest realease cycle. They may have significant barriers that prevent them from getting involved (or even in test-driving Ubuntu). That's ok. (02:46:25 PM) rrnwexec: Over time they'll come to a realization that this project is "the next big thing" and that might get on bandwagon. They will. Until that happens, focus on people that easier (more receptive) to change. (02:46:36 PM) rrnwexec: Step 20: Have Fun (02:46:44 PM) rrnwexec: I can't emphasize this enough. (02:46:56 PM) rrnwexec: Step 20: Have Fun (02:47:09 PM) rrnwexec: Do it for fun, and not for money. Do it because it feels good to help others and to spread something that's worthwhile. When the fun stops, the party's over. (02:47:29 PM) rrnwexec: What does fun look like? (02:47:37 PM) rrnwexec: There's this: (02:47:40 PM) ClassBot: sebsebseb asked: Surely it would be a bad thing really if Ubuntu gained about as much market share as Windows has now on the Desktop? Imagine developers of other distro's who also contribute upstream, how annoyed loads of them would probably be? So ideally distro's should work more together, and ideally a few popular distro's should have the big 80% or so desktop market share, if any. (02:47:57 PM) rrnwexec: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2722/4065495885_d6950d1a59_m.jpg (02:48:06 PM) rrnwexec: and this! (02:48:15 PM) rrnwexec: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2645/4200762208_c2f4b80978_m.jpg (02:48:40 PM) rrnwexec: (Question: Do they look like they're having fun? ;) (02:48:57 PM) rrnwexec: I'll take some more questions now (02:49:32 PM) rrnwexec: sebsebseb: Thanks. I don't thing that's something we need to be too worried about at the moment. (02:49:56 PM) rrnwexec: Think 92% (Windows) (02:50:04 PM) rrnwexec: we have a long way to go. (02:50:14 PM) rrnwexec: When we get to 70%, let's revisit ;) (02:50:19 PM) rrnwexec: <next question> (02:50:26 PM) ClassBot: waltercool asked: How can i make the step 2, when your friends are fans of World of Warcraft, DoTa (Warcraft 3) or other Windows Games? Bug #1? (02:50:45 PM) rrnwexec: Thanks and good point. (02:51:04 PM) rrnwexec: The avid gamers I know swear that Ubuntu has no games. (02:51:16 PM) rrnwexec: But, we're strating to prove them wrong (02:51:41 PM) rrnwexec: not only that, but we've spun up an Ubuntu Vancouver Games Group... to make sure we can always showcase and build the best games (02:51:56 PM) rrnwexec: this group is making real progress locally. (02:52:06 PM) rrnwexec: the key is: find the good games and demo them! (02:52:13 PM) ClassBot: mhall119 asked: comment really, I've found wearing an ubuntu-branded shirt in public gets me connected to people who have heard about it and have questions (02:52:14 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:52:25 PM) rrnwexec: OOO! (02:52:28 PM) rrnwexec: perfect. (02:52:54 PM) rrnwexec: This happens to me a lot. Some days when I wear my Ubuntu polo shirt, people (nice people) approach me to say hi (02:53:07 PM) rrnwexec: At first I was a bit startled (02:53:13 PM) rrnwexec: then I learned a trick ;) (02:53:31 PM) rrnwexec: Always carry business cards that point back to meetings of your group ;) (02:53:39 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:53:40 PM) ClassBot: nealmcb asked: are there neighborhood sub-groups are in your loco? How often do they meet? (02:54:00 PM) rrnwexec: We are currently encompassing metro-Vancouver (02:54:24 PM) rrnwexec: meaning we have some municipalities that are a bit farther than the 30 minute rule. (02:54:28 PM) rrnwexec: and that's ok! (02:54:34 PM) rrnwexec: they are amazing people and friends. (02:54:50 PM) rrnwexec: I expect as we get denser, we'll see evenmore locality (02:55:02 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:55:03 PM) ClassBot: ubuntoogle asked: How can we contact you? (02:55:16 PM) rrnwexec: email. randall@executiv.es (02:55:26 PM) rrnwexec: (note that i'm not really in Spain ;) (02:55:33 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:55:41 PM) ClassBot: nealmcb asked: Do you have a Step 10? (02:55:55 PM) rrnwexec: very funn (02:55:59 PM) rrnwexec: *funny ;) (02:56:04 PM) rrnwexec: <next question please> (02:56:05 PM) ClassBot: mhall119 asked: about those 99.9% non-geeks, most of them aren't going to care about gimp, inkscape, or any other software, how do you make them want to join your Ubuntu group? (02:56:16 PM) rrnwexec: Ah. Good one! (02:56:28 PM) rrnwexec: Focus on the result, not the tools (02:56:48 PM) rrnwexec: Show them things like: "How to make a greeting card for your Mom" (02:56:54 PM) rrnwexec: her day is coming, remember? (02:56:59 PM) rrnwexec: <next question> (02:57:04 PM) ClassBot: mhall119 asked: don't forget http://loco.ubuntu.com/events (02:57:25 PM) rrnwexec: yes, great mention of that. we do use that too... we're starting to use it more. (02:57:42 PM) rrnwexec: and the dev's are doing great things with it. Expect more features soon. (02:57:47 PM) rrnwexec: <next please> (02:57:49 PM) ClassBot: JR0cket asked: I have started trying to build a buzz within an existing community, so I already know many of their interests. It must be hard to do this if you dont know or have common interests? (02:58:15 PM) rrnwexec: Ok, this will be the las question (02:58:27 PM) rrnwexec: You have something in common with Ubuntu. (02:58:33 PM) rrnwexec: start with that (02:58:44 PM) rrnwexec: and if not the software, start with the Humanity (02:58:52 PM) rrnwexec: ok a few closing words ;) (02:59:03 PM) rrnwexec: I hope you've found this interesting and maybe even somewhat useful. As "Buzz Generator" for Ubuntu Vancouver it just wouldn't be a complete talk without me saying: If you're ever out our way, please do look us up and enjoy one of our parties. (02:59:16 PM) rrnwexec: Our friendly team of Ubuntu Ambassadors is always ready to give you a HUB. (Huge Ubuntu Bear-hug.) Speaking of which, this whole adventure has been made more fun by our Ubuntu Vancouver's First Ambassador Rex Alemi. (02:59:24 PM) rrnwexec: Rex: thank you! And I want to also thank all my friends and supporters in Ubuntu Vancouver. You rock! (02:59:30 PM) akgraner: Thanks! rrnwexec - Great Session!! (02:59:34 PM) rrnwexec: For all you people tuning in from towns and cities all over this world, you now know what you have to do: Get your neighbours excited about Ubuntu! Please hurry. (02:59:43 PM) rrnwexec: :) the end. (02:59:58 PM) akgraner: You rock! Thanks again!
MeetingLogs/openweekLucid/EnergizeCommunity (last edited 2010-05-05 19:08:05 by pool-71-123-16-225)