Ubuntu Open Week - Kubuntu - Richard Johnson - Tue, Oct 23, 2007
see also Thursday session.
21:08 -!- popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | Please ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat not here | Current session: Kubuntu - Richard Johnson 21:08 < Rudd-X> long live kubuntu! 21:08 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-o popey] by popey 21:09 < nixternal> Rudd-X: same here, Chicago!!! 21:09 < dorto> it's 2:31AM here :( 21:09 < FADON> it already started? 21:09 < ajmitch> oh dear :) 21:09 < nixternal> can someone k/b ajmitch please, he is a troll 21:09 < Rudd-X> Guayaquil! represent! 21:09 < Rudd-X> :-) 21:09 < nixternal> kthxbye! :) 21:09 < ajmitch> nixternal: can do 21:09 < nixternal> lol 21:10 < FADON> 21:02 UTC 21:10 < nixternal> ok, let me start this out with a quick intro 21:10 < nixternal> Name: Rich Johnson, 33, Chicago, IL - Kubuntu, KDE, and Debian geek, Been with the Kubuntu project for about 2 years now, been using Linux since the Navy in 1994 21:11 < nixternal> ummm, I do dev, motu, and doc work mostly, and the chicago loco team 21:11 < nixternal> OK, that is out of the way 21:11 < nixternal> I want to take a quick poll 21:11 < nixternal> Who is here for the dev type stuff? Who is here for just the end user KDE rocks my socks stuff? 21:12 < dorto> ubunturos: yeah, India. You? 21:12 < Rudd-X> I'm here for both 21:12 < nixternal> groovy 21:12 < Daisuke_Ido> a little of column a, a little of column b 21:12 < Rudd-X> I want juicy dev porn 21:12 < Riddell> both! 21:12 < lieter> nixternal, last one 21:12 < Otenkiya> Mostly rocks my sox, a little dev. 21:12 < robc4> end user 21:12 < FADON> just like a user 21:12 < awkorama_> i'm here for very ulikely convincement to switch to kde 21:12 < nixternal> thanks Riddell :) 21:12 < Sanne> both 21:12 < ttread> both 21:12 < Rudd-X> sup jonathan 21:12 < peppych> to learn more so I would say both 21:12 < PwrKroll> both! 21:12 < BonesolTeraDyne> a bit of both 21:12 < ajmitch> the former 21:13 < moriancumer> user 21:13 < nixternal> alrighty, lets kick off with some dev talk....I am sure you all followed the 7.10 release closely 21:13 < nixternal> So as most of you know we added Strigi (hold down the boos), and we incorporated Dolphin (not D3lphin) as the default file manager 21:14 < nixternal> We were the first distro to release KDE 3.5.8, and actually the only one still to day, with a major release 21:14 < Riddell> ? it was D3lphin 21:14 < nixternal> well it is dolphin now, someone woke up and realised you don't spell it with a 3 :) 21:15 < Riddell> aye, we patched the name 21:15 < nixternal> alrighty, the past is done, lets talk about Hardy and what we are looking at for the next 6 months of development 21:16 < nixternal> since Hardy is going to be an LTS release, our main goal is definitely going to be stability 21:16 < nixternal> there are a lot of bugs with Kubuntu right now, and only a handful of developers...so if there is one thing you take out of this entire talk, it should be...We need you! There is plenty of work, not only for developers, but for people who just installed Linux today, or are going to install it tomorrow 21:17 < nixternal> let me retract that "lot of bugs with kubuntu" 21:17 < nixternal> there are a lot of K related bugs 21:18 < nixternal> which of course when we absorb the packages, Kubuntu absorbs the issues as well...granted the vast majority are minor and usually easy to work around, but we have some bugs that we are definitely interested in getting them worked out with Hardy 21:18 < nixternal> as for our plans, next weekend in Boston, most of our ideas will be on the firing line, or the drawing board in Boston at the Ubuntu Developer Summit 21:19 < nixternal> so as it stands, nothing is yet set in stone....so hopefully we will be able to get some user input this following week of likes and dislikes...because we create Kubuntu for you more so than we do for us 21:19 < nixternal> KDE 4 21:19 < nixternal> how many ofyou just woke back up? 21:19 * Rudd-X did 21:19 * Otenkiya raises her hand 21:20 < xjdriver69> me 21:20 * DShepherd yawns 21:20 < nixternal> I love how I can just throw that out and people perk right up like I dropped something in their drink 21:20 * daSkreech raises head 21:20 * BonesolTeraDyne ditches #kubuntu to hear this 21:20 < nixternal> hahaha 21:20 < Daisuke_Ido> i think i'm the only one not impressed so far :) 21:20 * begert__ drinks drink 21:20 < Daisuke_Ido> (with kde4, not nixternal :) 21:20 < nixternal> Riddell: you can throw in a little with this one as well, since you are the boss, but I would like to toss out my idea for Hardy, and I am sure, well I know we have talked about it 21:21 < nixternal> How about a Live CD with KDE 4 by default? 21:21 < Riddell> ooh, yes please 21:21 * daSkreech fires up his burner 21:21 < DShepherd> nixternal, that's usable? sure 21:21 < nixternal> Seeing as we will not release the LTS with KDE 4, but instead keep with the more stable KDE 3.5 branch 21:21 < Riddell> lets do that on the day of 4.0 release 21:22 < Rudd-X> I think that would be a great idea *if* the packages in the KDE4 livecd are the same packages in a publicly available tentative repo 21:22 < nixternal> Rudd-X: they would be 21:22 < Rudd-X> Riddell: that would be a major PR coup 21:22 < nixternal> we only use the Ubuntu repos, so what would be on said CD, would be available for everyone no matter what *buntu they installed 21:22 < daSkreech> Rudd-X: do you mean if they track the KDE4 repos? 21:23 < Rudd-X> I basically mean what nixternal just confirmed. that we as users can use it as an everyday desktop choice, not just on livecds. 21:23 < nixternal> If I can push Riddell a little more, I would like to work on getting the Live CD started prior to the 4.0 release, maybe an RC release so we can get people to start filing bugs on it 21:23 < stdin> please keep the chat in -chat :) 21:24 < Riddell> how usable KDE 4 is of course depends on the KDE developers 21:24 < Riddell> it's a first rate platform which will last for years 21:24 < nixternal> so with that said, we will bring you KDE 4, on a Live CD, that you can install and run as your main system if you want to, but don't expect 5 years of support on it :) 21:24 < Riddell> 4.0 however won't be the most stable of desktops 21:24 < nixternal> hehe 21:25 < nixternal> that is true 21:25 < Daisuke_Ido> so... am 8.04 LTS and an 8.04 regular release, depending on DE? 21:25 < nixternal> 4.1 will be the release that gets KDE 4 up to the specifications that the amazing KDE developers came up with 21:25 < nixternal> 8.04 LTS and lets say and 8.04 gift for the hollidays release? 21:25 < nixternal> s/and/an 21:26 < nixternal> OK, forget the spelling, because I messed up holidays as well 21:27 < Riddell> the 4.0 CDs will be an updated 7.10 21:27 < nixternal> That is going to be the really big bit of dev news really for Hardy...but I really want you to know, that if you are an aspiring developer, I mean if you just looked at a #include today, or an import pyqt4 today, we can definitely use your help, and teach you as we go 21:27 < nixternal> Riddell: OK, that is how we are going to do it then? 21:27 < Riddell> yep 21:28 < Riddell> dev news for hardy.. 21:28 < nixternal> ya, that makes more sense, seeing that at the end of December, we won't even be at the halfway point with 8.04...good call 21:28 < Riddell> we hope to catch up more with bits we miss compared to Ubuntu 21:28 < Riddell> this will be the main spec for UDS https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHardyCatchup 21:29 < Riddell> current notes at the bottom 21:29 < nixternal> and you beat me to it :) 21:29 < nixternal> Riddell: mark Rudd-X down as a Python guy looking for work! 21:29 < Riddell> but we lack in printing, compiz, codec install (of course we had that first mind), printing support and a couple other areas 21:30 < Riddell> we can always use some of them 21:30 < nixternal> always 21:31 < nixternal> whoever is controlling questions, if there are dev questions, throw them in right nwo before we continue..is that cool? 21:31 < nixternal> nice lag 21:33 < nixternal> daSkreech: do me a fave, copy/paste the questions from chat into here? 21:33 < daSkreech> Sure 21:33 < nixternal> I am w/o mouse right now 21:33 < FADON> XD 21:33 < Rudd-X> QUESTION: Assuming we are going to KDE4 which has compositing already. Does it make sense to integrate compiz now? 21:33 < nixternal> and that is why I love KDE...no mouse, yet I can still do almost all of what I need 21:34 < nixternal> Rudd-X: for 3.5 branch of KDE, yes it does make sense, since there will still be some 3.5 users, they want their eye candy as well 21:34 < nixternal> stdin: bring the questions in here :) I can't c/p right now :) 21:34 < Rudd-X> <daSkreech> QUESTION: Are we allowed to know how many Businesses are requesting Kubuntu vs Ubuntu? And if they require changes what those changes are? 21:34 < stdin> nixternal: gotya 21:35 < nixternal> Riddell: ^^ that would be a Canonical question 21:35 < Riddell> Rudd-X: short answer is I've no idea, I don't work in support or bizdev 21:35 < nixternal> I can at least say there has been a few major roll outs of Kubuntu... the Canary Islands have their implementation as well as the French Parliament 21:36 < Riddell> longer answer is we have some big rollouts in Georgia and Canary Islands and French Parliament and various others 21:36 < nixternal> Georgia, the country, as well 21:36 < ubunturos> <BonesolTeraDyne> QUESTION: When will we get KOffice installed by default instead of OpenOffice? 21:36 < nixternal> ya 21:36 < nixternal> when KOffice is a tad bit more usuable for new users would be my answer 21:36 < Riddell> I don't get large amounts of commercial requests, a printer company asked me to review their PPD files for some reason 21:37 < nixternal> I use and prefer KOffice over OOo, but I have tested a lot of new users with it, and they didn't respond as well 21:37 < ubunturos> QUESTION: Regarding KDE and its bugs... Any idea if KDE 4 is going to be a long-lived, stable platform that will have the chance to be ironed out? 21:37 < Riddell> most support is for server anyway of course 21:37 < nixternal> ubunturos: most definitely 21:37 < ubunturos> <BonesolTeraDyne> QUESTION: When will we get some games installed by default? At least we could include KMines. 21:37 < nixternal> I think when KDE 4 rolls out, you will see more free software developers jump on and help with the future development 21:38 < Rudd-X> <Rudd-O> QUESTION: Any special attention towards automating and easing enterprisey needs such as lockdown (kiosk) and profile predefinition tools (sabayon)? 21:38 < nixternal> holy smokes, I think that is a first I have seen the "games by default" question 21:38 < nixternal> Riddell: are there any plans for Games by default? 21:38 < Riddell> we have had parts of KOffice by default, Krita and Kexi, but those are first in line to be pushed off when we need more CD space 21:38 < Riddell> mm, games I'm unsure about 21:38 < Riddell> it comes down to do we want another language on the CD or do we want kmines 21:38 < Riddell> and I've always gone for more languages 21:38 < Riddell> I'm willing to be persuaded of course 21:39 < stdin> <Rob125> QUESTION: nixternal, can you go into a little more depth about aspiring developers and our use? If we're looking to contribute, what's the best possible way we can get involved or educate ourselves toward what's needed for Kubuntu? 21:39 < nixternal> there you heard it, persuade him 21:39 < Riddell> some of the KDE 4 games are beautifully slick 21:39 < Rudd-X> I think you would need to assess whether kmines will give you that extra delta X users compared to a new language 21:39 < nixternal> Rob125: one sec, and I will get that one, let me get Rudd's really quick about kiosks 21:40 < Riddell> Rudd-X: Gutsy was the first release to have Kiosk in main. unfortunately the tool is not well supported upstream and there's no KDE 4 version in the works (it would be a good target for someone wanting to get into KDE development) 21:40 < nixternal> We have the OEM install so far, and I do know there is a Kiosk mode available for Kubuntu, only because our local courthouse uses Kubuntu and Ubuntu in Kiosk mode, and my church uses it as well 21:41 < Riddell> nixternal: they do? excellent! 21:41 < nixternal> For Aspiring Devs: There are many uses and of course each depends on your experience 21:41 < nixternal> Riddell: ya, I heard the startup sounds during jury duty last year 21:41 < nixternal> If you are fluent in Python or C++, then of course if you look at the notes that are in the Spec, you can see we will have plenty for one to do 21:42 < nixternal> but it doesn't stop there whatsoever 21:42 < nixternal> If you are just learning a language, like I am with Python, we can still use you and actually teach you along the way...Kubuntu has some of the greatest Devs I have had the priviledge of working with and are always helping new developers 21:43 < nixternal> you can start out with some bug triage to get familiar with the processes we endure 21:43 < nixternal> you can apply patches 21:43 < nixternal> you can help write full-fledged applications, like mhb did with Gdebi in Gutsy 21:43 < nixternal> or front-ends to be more precise 21:43 < Riddell> he wrote restricted manager too, go him! 21:43 < nixternal> packaging is another thing not only Kubuntu needs, but Ubuntu in general 21:44 < nixternal> oh ya, k-r-m was mhb as well...he would be the superdev of Gutsy w/o a doubt 21:44 < Riddell> nixternal: pst, merges! 21:44 < nixternal> that goes with the packaging of course...we have a lot of "K" packages that we need to merge from Debian 21:45 < nixternal> as it stands, there are probably less than 10 Kubuntu packagers to help maintain thousands of packages 21:45 < Riddell> http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html loads of packages! 21:45 < nixternal> of course we get a little help from the Ubuntu developers when they get some time, but even then, we are still under 100 21:45 < nixternal> I just merged bitlbee for Hardy, so that will be one less on that list :) 21:45 < Riddell> all needing merged with Debian 21:45 < stdin> <lieter> QUESTION: is it possible to attract also 'regular' ubuntu devs to the kubuntu project for a larger devbase? Or do you really need 'fresh blood'? 21:46 < nixternal> Both...I think fresh blood brings fresh ideas 21:46 < nixternal> I even enjoy the younger generation of developers, because they have a nack for stuff that me being an old time doesn't see 21:47 < ubunturos> <daSkreech> QUESTION: Are you planning on upping the number of Developers for Kbuntu? 21:47 < nixternal> ie. compiz and such...not a fan of it, but there are definitely millions who are 21:47 < nixternal> I finally left a black/green terminal after more than 10 years :) 21:48 < nixternal> I wonder if he meant Paid Developers or Volunteer Developers 21:48 < Rudd-X> I think he meant both 21:48 < nixternal> well we always plan on upping volunteer developers, and I know a lot of us try to recruit new developers 21:48 < nixternal> the paid devs is on Mr. Kubuntu himself to answer 21:49 < nixternal> see, Kubuntu has a small developer community...so as a developer, you don't have to worry about getting lost in the mix 21:49 < nixternal> we know our devs are volunteers and we try not to stress them, we let them do as they wish and if they can't do it and can pass it on, we totally celebrate that 21:49 < Riddell> if someone wants to sponsor more developers that would be great, I don't believe Canonical has any plans to do so currently 21:50 < ubunturos> <frank23> QUESTION: Does kubuntu always aim for feature-parity with ubuntu? Right now, kaffeine doesn't ask to install video codecs when you try to play an unsupported video like totem does in ubuntu. Does kubuntu have the feature where you plug in a printer and its automagically setup ? 21:50 < nixternal> we are a very fun community behind the scenes loaded with some very talented people, and some of the greatest personalities you could imagine 21:50 < nixternal> frank23: that is what our plans are for Hardy 21:50 < FADON> ubuntu still being ubuntu, kubuntu has his own way 21:51 < nixternal> as a matter of fact, if you read https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHardyCatchup you will see everything you just asked 21:51 < stdin> <begert__> QUESTION: how does being a KDE developer differ than being a Kubuntu developer? 21:51 < nixternal> well with Kubuntu you are concentrating more so on the release, but you are keeping upstream, KDE in this instance in the back of your mind 21:51 < nixternal> and being a Kubuntu developer, will more than likely lead you to becoming a KDE developer 21:51 < nixternal> it did for me at least 21:52 < nixternal> even though I am just a mouse compared to the giants 21:52 < nixternal> KDE devs are developing for KDE and KDE only, all application type work 21:52 < stdin> <Rudd-O> QUESTION: what is the singgle biggest factor (repeating hurdle, consuming task) that would multiply our packaging forces, to reuse Debian efforts? 21:53 < nixternal> Kubuntu devs are taking what the KDE devs do, and tweak it a bit, and make sure it gets to the user in the best possible condition 21:53 < nixternal> we do reuse debian efforts, and debian reuses ours 21:53 < nixternal> the single biggest factor though, would be the lack of people getting into development 21:54 < nixternal> remember that Ubuntu attracts a lot of new users who aren't familiar with the free software world 21:54 < nixternal> so we need to let them know it is safe, it is fun, and you will learn 21:54 < nixternal> Juan (Jucato) is a perfect example of that 21:54 < nixternal> in less than 2 years he is one of Kubuntu's greatest assetts 21:55 < nixternal> and when I say 2 years, I mean he installed Linux for the first time just 2 years ago 21:55 < nixternal> no prior dev expiernce at all 21:55 < ubunturos> <Rudd-O> QUESTION: Any special attention towards automating and easing enterprisey needs such as lockdown and profile predefinition tools? 21:55 < nixternal> keeping people interested, preventing them from burning out, are also some steep hurdles 21:55 < nixternal> OEM 21:56 < Riddell> kiosktool is in main as I say, but it needs attetion upstream 21:56 < nixternal> I haven't heard much from KDE about those, but there are plenty of utilities that you ask about available for Linux, and I can attest that they work fine with KDE 21:56 < nixternal> we have to use them at the university, so I know 21:57 < nixternal> Riddell: I think Rudd-X wants to help develop that, he does ask about it quite a bit ;) 21:57 < Rudd-X> I asked only once :-) 21:57 < nixternal> man, there are some good questions in the queue 21:57 < Rudd-X> I'm just reporting a bug, as a matter of fact 21:57 < ubunturos> <Daisuke_Ido> QUESTION: Would a Western/Eastern edition of (k)ubuntu be feasible? english on all, split the languages, and you have the ability to have more software by default? 21:58 * Riddell doesn't understand that question 21:58 < Daisuke_Ido> we hashed it out in the other channel, disregard 21:58 < ajmitch> I think it's producing 2 CDs & splitting langpacks amongst them 21:58 < nixternal> it is feasible, but would require numerous seeds in order to accomplish such a task 21:59 < Riddell> there are geographic derivatives of Kubuntu such as ArabicLinux, but Kubuntu itself should be as general as possible 21:59 < ubunturos> <FayZee> QUESTION: I love KDE and I love lot's of programs. That's one of the reasons I go for Knoppix when I want to run live. Has anyone considered making a rich Kubuntu for a large capacity memory stick at a premium price? 21:59 < nixternal> you could always do what some other countries do, and that is create your own Kubuntu with exactly that...I have been impressed seeing the different countries doing that 22:00 < nixternal> Kubuntu will always be free! 22:00 < nixternal> free in every sense 22:00 < nixternal> I have seen "Ubuntu" sticks floating around, so I am sure a Kubuntu stick wouldn't be to difficult 22:00 < nixternal> and honestly, I would love to have one in my pocket...much easier than carrying around a CD :) 22:00 < Riddell> Canonical isn't really into selling software, but there's plenty of shops selling Kubuntu CDs and I'd welcome it on a memory stick too 22:01 < nixternal> I haven't tried it on a memory stick, I want to now...man, I would need more than 4gb, that is expensive :) 22:01 < Riddell> nixternal: CDs are 700MB, that's all that's needed 22:02 < nixternal> ya, but I want to run Kubuntu from the stick, not the iso 22:02 < Rudd-X> I tried it on memstick, and I lug it around all the time. I use it to fix my poweredge (no cd drive) when I can't boot it. 22:02 < nixternal> that is exactly how we did the Ubuntu one, and it was slow 22:02 < stdin> <frank23> QUESTION: Appart from catching up feature-wise with ubuntu, are there major new features planned for Kubuntu 8.04. Will bug fixing and stabilizing be a major priority? 22:02 < Rudd-X> I think I used isolinux or ms-sys to make the stick boot from the files copied on the disk. 22:03 < nixternal> Bug fixing, stabalizing, and catching up will be huge, but of course we are always open to what the users want and we will listen 22:03 < Riddell> the major new feature will be KDE 4.0 22:03 < Riddell> (for the brave!) 22:03 < nixternal> if we can't get it on the disc, we can put it elsewhere so it is easy for you to get, as long as it is free of course :) 22:04 < stdin> <ttread> QUESTION: Where should an aspiring developer go for more info? 22:04 < nixternal> #kubuntu-devel 22:04 < nixternal> we sit in there and watch Riddell dance and drink irn all day long! 22:04 < ryanakca> wow 22:04 < Riddell> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu too 22:05 < nixternal> which of course needs to be updated, so if someone wants to help do that, there you go :) 22:05 < Riddell> :) 22:05 < nixternal> for people who are brand new and want to get in and working towards being a developer, we have plenty of small jobs, and seeing as I do the documentation, any help is tremendous help in that arena especially if you read and write english at least as bad as I do 22:06 < nixternal> translations!!!! translations!!!! but I will talk more about that on Saturday during the documentation talk 22:06 < nixternal> Just so everyone knows, Kubuntu has our philosophies, and that is what I love, but we also have the users that we need to make happy, so user input is a huge must 22:06 < nixternal> that is where fresh blood really comes in handy 22:07 < nixternal> like I said, if you just installed Linux, or you are running Apple or Windows and want to know what this Linux is, even if you don't like it, tell us how to make it better so in the future you will like it 22:07 < stdin> and help your fellow man/woman in #kubuntu (sorry for the plug) 22:07 < nixternal> hahaha, most definitely 22:08 < nixternal> see if you can top Jucato in the amount of help he has doled out...which I thing is a tough one to beat 22:08 < nixternal> in 2 years, I didn't even equal him in 6 months 22:08 < nixternal> wow, jcastro no 2nd class citizen man! :) 22:08 < frank23> nixternal: what is the schedule for hardy kubuntu documentation? I had helped out for the dapper kubuntu docs. This time around, I'd like to at least proofread the documention. things tend to get outdated when they don't get reviewed as I noticed in the gutsy docs 22:08 < nixternal> you guys got some ideas, some feedback. let it roll 22:09 < hydrogen> make adept not suck. 22:09 * hydrogen hides :) 22:09 < nixternal> frank23: I will probably start working on it again in the next 2 or 3 months, when we know for sure what is going to be set in stone 22:09 < nixternal> hydrogen: hahaha, I was going to say "that's impossible", but I know there is a plan somewhere on doing just that 22:10 < nixternal> I have just started using Adept here again just to check it out, and I will see it has gotten better 22:10 < hydrogen> mm, searching is still a "please just shoot me in the head" type of thing 22:10 < hydrogen> but, i'll stop disturbing 22:10 < nixternal> ya, it really is filtering and not searching 22:10 < hydrogen> back to being productive! 22:10 < nixternal> hehe 22:11 < ubunturos> a small request, nixternal: use the nick while answering questions (if x asked it, x: answer) - *request* 22:11 < Daisuke_Ido> a qt package manager that's more like synaptic? >_> 22:11 < nixternal> ubunturos: no problem 22:11 < popey> time is pretty much up 22:11 < popey> but you're free to carry on 22:11 < nixternal> popey: carrying on here :) 22:11 < Rudd-X> adept dies on me sometimes 22:12 < stdin> we KDE users like to rock hard :) 22:12 < Daisuke_Ido> adept just makes me cry 22:12 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-oo LjL AndrewB] by ChanServ 22:12 < Riddell> it's unclear what will happen to adept with KDE 4 22:12 < nixternal> OK, so it seems like Adept is something we definitely need to work on 22:12 < Riddell> it may get ported, or we may start from scratch using something like packagekit 22:12 < hydrogen> mm 22:12 < nixternal> oh ya, I forgot about PackageKit 22:12 < Rudd-X> yeah! what about packagekit? 22:13 < Rudd-X> that is one of the "projects to watch"! 22:13 < Riddell> well, packagekit is interesting, but currently very incomplete for apt and without an apt maintainer 22:13 < Rudd-X> is it gonna be integrated? 22:13 < frank23> adept... well it's better than kynaptic anyways ;) 22:13 < nixternal> heh 22:13 < Rudd-X> i just made a quick addition about adept in the helpingkubuntu page 22:13 * Mez bashes head on wall at the mention of kynaptic 22:13 < ubunturos> adept helped me solve a problem, I couldn't otherwise 22:13 < nixternal> lol 22:14 < nixternal> Mez: I haven't been ignoring you :) 22:14 < nixternal> well, I have, just didn't want to sound mean 22:14 < nixternal> hehe 22:14 < Mez> nixternal, I know, I didnt realise you were doing your talk - tis cool... 22:14 < nixternal> what do you guys/gals want to see in Hardy? 22:14 < nixternal> besides Adept :p 22:14 < ttread> nixternal: When an app fails to launch, I get the bouncing cursor for 30 sec or so... and then nothing. Any way to get better feedback to the user? 22:14 < ryanakca> nixternal: better eGroupWare support in Kontact ;) 22:14 < ubunturos> more K apps ;) 22:15 < Mez> ttread, er, I believe in gutsy that apport is worknig for kde aps ;) 22:15 < Rudd-X> ttread: how hard would it be to show a nice message with stdout/err of apps that returned with a != 0 external code? 22:15 < nixternal> only way I can think of is launching it from the command line to see why it bugs up on you 22:15 < nixternal> ryanakca: amen! 22:15 < Daisuke_Ido> for the end user, a better way to install themes (window decorations, etc) 22:15 < Riddell> ttread: that's hard to do because KDE doesn't know if the app has sucessfully quit or just not started, but it's an upstream issue not Kubuntu specific 22:15 < Daisuke_Ido> so many questions about installing from kde-look :\ 22:15 < frank23> qtparted has a very long lasting bug. It streches to several times the width of the screen on a big drive. 22:15 < Rudd-X> Riddell: but kde apps that start sucessfully fork and return 0 22:15 < frijolie> how do you get rid of the bouncing cursor? 22:15 < frijolie> that's annoying 22:15 < ryanakca> frijolie: somewhere's in System Settings... 22:15 < Rudd-X> frijolie: in your startup notification settings 22:16 < Rudd-X> don't bother with system settings yet, use kcontrol directly 22:16 < pointwood> Riddell: stability, stability, stability ;) 22:16 < Rudd-X> type notif in the search box and you will see 22:16 < ryanakca> frijolie: in some dark corner covered in cobwebs that nobody ever goes in 22:16 < pointwood> @ what I want from hardy 22:16 < Riddell> Rudd-X: true, well patches welcome :) 22:16 < Riddell> pointwood: funny thing about bugs, we have people helping with features but for some reason bug fixing is boring :) 22:16 < stdin> frijolie: "system settings > keyboard & mouse > mouse > Visual feedback on activation" (it's well hidden) 22:16 < Mez> Rudd-X, system settings is quite good for what it is IMO 22:17 < stdin> oh wow, 1 second quicker... 22:17 < nixternal> so good in fact that it is the new systems manager for KDE 4 22:17 < Mez> but not as flexible as kcontrol 22:17 < nixternal> not yet 22:17 < hydrogen> speaking as a developer as well as a user.. I think it would be nice if kubuntu could either work out a way to install debug symbols by default for packages, or at least make it really easy to install them 22:17 < Rudd-X> and I think not as complete either 22:17 < nixternal> but it will be 22:17 < Rudd-X> hydrogen: yes! debug symbols! 22:17 < Mez> hydrogen, pitti has a debug symbols archive somewhere 22:17 < nixternal> hydrogen: packagename-dbg if it is available for that package 22:18 < Rudd-X> it should be an option directly on adept 22:18 < nixternal> that would be for Ubuntu in general 22:18 < Mez> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-September/000195.html 22:18 < hydrogen> nixternal: yea, I realize they can be gotten, it would be nice if they were there by default though 22:18 < stdin> hydrogen: there is, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs/ is an archive will -dbgsym ddebs for all packages 22:18 < Riddell> hydrogen: that's an interesting idea 22:18 < nixternal> Rudd-X: good idea! 22:18 < Rudd-X> something that we don't need to do manually with intervention 22:18 < nixternal> Riddell: Rudd-X said it should be an option in Adept 22:18 < nixternal> that is a good idea actually 22:18 < Riddell> yes, or apport 22:18 < Rudd-X> not so much an option 22:18 < peppych> Have to go now, thanks nixternal for the session and thanks to all for this other great OW day, I cant wait tomorrow. see you all 22:18 < Rudd-X> as a setting that defaults to off but when you turn it on, all subsequent packages you install get their -dbg appended to the trnasaction 22:18 < hydrogen> because getting backtraces that are full of ?? is not all that helpful, and sometimes crashes are not easily reproducable 22:18 < nixternal> thanks peppych 22:18 < vyoman> for how long do you see KDE 3.x to continue after the launch of version 4? 22:18 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-v stgraber] by ChanServ 22:19 * hydrogen is thinking till at least 4.1 22:19 < Rudd-X> hydrogen: yes, the precious backtraces I get are useful 22:19 < nixternal> vyoman: I thought it was done, but I heard it will continue until 4.1 is a viable replacement 22:19 < Rudd-X> is there a way to combine saved cores with separately downloaded or even installed debug symbols ? 22:19 < nixternal> > or >> :) 22:19 < Rudd-X> nixternal: rofl 22:19 < nixternal> hehe 22:20 < nixternal> I wondered the same thing actually, as that would make it less of a mess when I am going through them on LP for sure 22:20 < vyoman> i am thinking that much work on the next release could be lost when moving to version 4 22:20 < hydrogen> othre than that.. I've been very happy with gutsy so far 22:20 < BonesolTeraDyne> Here's an idea: A lauchpad front-end in an application. YOu could view and search bugs\answers\ect without having to go to the site in a browser 22:20 < Rudd-X> LP should be able to combine them and show the proper symbols 22:20 < Rudd-X> but I don't think that's easy 22:20 < Rudd-X> and it would requiore a HUGE symbosl archive 22:20 < stdin> I think LP re-runs backtraces with debugging symbols when bugs are reported from apport 22:20 < nixternal> vyoman: it is a loss we are willing to make, even though I think changes we make now will be easy to carry into KDE 4 22:20 < hydrogen> compiz by default in hardy would be nice 22:20 < stdin> but I have no clue how that's done 22:20 < Riddell> Rudd-X: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DebuggingProgramCrash might help 22:21 < Rudd-X> Riddell: thanks 22:21 < Daisuke_Ido> hydrogen: as hardy is designed for stability, i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you 22:21 < Rudd-X> 80% gnome-system-tools 22:21 < pointwood> my bet is that bling will come when kde4 becomes default 22:21 < hydrogen> Daisuke_Ido: its been definatly improving 22:21 < Riddell> BonesolTeraDyne: bughelper 22:21 < hydrogen> pointwood: well, kde4 will have compositing built in 22:21 < pointwood> integrated into kwin 22:21 < nixternal> hydrogen: if they can get the KDE bugs worked out with Compiz, then it will defintely be looked into, at least add an easy option to enable it 22:21 < pointwood> hydrogen: exactly 22:21 < Rudd-X> haha festival pronounces kwin "queen" 22:22 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+v nixternal] by ChanServ 22:22 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+v Riddell] by ChanServ 22:22 < hydrogen> one thing I would really like to see.. and I realize that its not that easy, is for kubuntu to not lag a release or so behind when it comes to the new user friendly applications 22:22 < BonesolTeraDyne> Riddell: I mean an all in one, not just for bugs 22:22 < stdin> hydrogen: that's why we need more developers 22:23 <+nixternal> hydrogen: we would like to see that too, but of course we need help in ensuring that 22:23 < hydrogen> it would be really nice if they started pioneering the new apps, but having it by the same release would be nice enough 22:23 < stdin> hydrogen: like Balmer says "Developers!!! Developers!!! Developers!!! AHHHH!" 22:23 <+nixternal> omg, the monkey dance 22:23 < pointwood> ugh! bad pics in my head! get rid of them! 22:23 <+nixternal> haha 22:23 < hydrogen> nixternal: well, yea.. the thing that I see is that a lot of times the feature is not announced as being part of the next release of gnome until after the freeze 22:23 < hydrogen> which is too late to make a kde frontend 22:24 <+nixternal> ahhhhh, I see what you are saying...yes 22:24 <+nixternal> ie. Gdebi :) 22:24 <+Riddell> hydrogen: anything specific in mind? 22:24 <+nixternal> but we were slow on that one 22:24 < hydrogen> Riddell: restricted-manager, update-manager 22:24 < vyoman> developers: I think the QT java bindings could help, tapping into the java dev could be huge 22:24 < Rudd-X> hang on gonna get some beerz 22:24 <+nixternal> vyoman: we have them \o/ 22:25 < stdin> how long did it take to have a "working" version upgrade system for Kubuntu? ;) 22:25 < vyoman> ai ;) 22:25 <+nixternal> Qt Jambi is in Gutsy!!! 22:25 * nixternal uses it 22:25 < Mez> stdin, do we have one yet? 22:25 < Mez> mine keeps telling me that gutsy's available 22:25 <+nixternal> Mez: I hope so, I just documented it 22:25 < stdin> Mez: yep, upgraded my feisty deskrop today 22:25 < Mez> (any time I get a gutsy update) 22:25 < BonesolTeraDyne> Mez: Mine too, even though I'm running Gutsy. 22:25 < stdin> having -proposed enabled helps 22:26 <+nixternal> nice wallop there, #sandiegofire if anyone is affected by the fires right now...to late for my aunt, she lost her crib yesterday 22:29 <+Riddell> any more questions? 22:29 < vyoman> I would like to see harddisk encryption in the next release, its a must in gov and enterprise for laptops, can kubuntu do that alone or is it a joined effort with ubuntu? 22:29 < Daisuke_Ido> how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? 22:29 < Daisuke_Ido> sorry... i had to :\ 22:29 < FADON> I only want to know, what is going to happen with konqueror in the future 22:29 <+nixternal> crunch 22:29 <+nixternal> FADON: nothing, it is staying! 22:29 <+Riddell> vyoman: that's an installer issue so common to all variants, d-i may be able to do it already I'm not sure 22:29 < stdin> vyoman: that has to be a low level thing, in the base system 22:30 < vyoman> got ya thanks 22:30 <+nixternal> FADON: Dolphin will just be a simpler file manager, Konqi will still do what it does, and do it better 22:30 < Daisuke_Ido> vyoman: i would imagine that would be joint. maybe the guys behind truecrypt would be useful? 22:30 < FADON> great :D 22:31 <+Riddell> looks like we're about done 22:31 < Fujitsu> Daisuke_Ido: The alternate/server installer *buntu 7.10 supports disk encryption, and Ubiquity hopefully will for 8.04 LTS. 22:31 <+nixternal> rock on! 22:31 <+Riddell> thanks nixternal, top session 22:31 < Fujitsu> s/installer/installer in/ 22:31 <+nixternal> thank you Riddell for the help :) 22:31 < stdin> ooh, here's a question (more for Riddell), how much support does Kubuntu receive from Canonical compared to Ubuntu? 22:32 <+Riddell> stdin: you mean commercial support offering sold by canonical? 22:32 <+nixternal> hey everyone, kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com for development stuff, kubuntu-users@lists.kubuntu.org for support, and http://www.kubuntuforums.net for forums support 22:32 < stdin> Riddell: well that, and the time/money canonical devote to kubuntu 22:32 <+nixternal> if you have ideas and what not, we will open up a wiki page, if it hasn't been done already, so you can add your ideas....you all had great questions and some really great ideas 22:32 < hydrogen> of course I did 22:33 < hydrogen> i'm great after all 22:33 < FADON> in my opinion, i've seen much more forums and blogs about ubuntu instead of kubuntu, is like not all the people knows about "the other offers" 22:33 <+Riddell> stdin: hard to break down since we're just variants of each other and 90% the same, most work applies to both. but I'm the only person paid to work full time on it by Canonical 22:33 <+Riddell> stdin: in regards to commercial support offering, they're both entirely supported, buy some now from shop.canonical.com! 22:34 < andrei> QUESTION: will there be kubuntu backpacks at the Canonical Store ? :D 22:34 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+o Mez] by ChanServ 22:34 < FADON> they always are there 22:34 -!- Mez changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | Please ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat not here | Sessions will resume at 15.00 UTC on Wednesday 24th October 22:34 < stdin> I want one of those huddies from shop.canonical.com, but kubuntu branded :) 22:35 <@Mez> stdin, speak to sealne 22:35 < popey> or gerry carr 22:35 <@Mez> I remember scott saying something about him possibly making some up 22:35 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-vv nixternal Riddell] by Mez 22:35 < FADON> ok, tomorrow 12 Hs argentina, during the lunch :P 22:35 -!- mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-o Mez] by ChanServ 22:36 < Riddell> andrei: you'd need to ask Gerry the marketing man (gerry.carr@canonical) 22:36 < Riddell> or /msg sealne for t-shirts indeed
MeetingLogs/openweekgutsy/Kubuntu1 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:32 by localhost)