
Differences between revisions 1 and 8 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2007-08-25 13:26:12
Size: 842
Editor: 147
Comment: Esbozo mi perfil..
Revision 8 as of 2008-06-02 19:01:10
Size: 1246
Editor: 16
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#format wiki
#language es
= meisok =
== Sobre mi ==
Mi nombre es Javier, vivo en Galicia (España), me apasiona la informatica y el diseño grafico, creo en la filosofia del software libre, es mi principal motivacion a la hora de participar en cualquier proyecto en el que pueda aportar algo.

Actualmente colaboro en el equipo de administracion de, encargandome del diseño grafico de la web, y tambien impulsando uno de los nuevos proyectos de Ubuntu-es, en el que pretendemos crear un marco y una estructura de colaboracion y coordinacion a nivel internacional entre todos los LoCo team de habla hispana.

== Contacto ==
== About me ==
My name is Javier F. Garrido (aka meisok), I'm an administrator for the Spain and Latinoamerican Local team [ Ubuntu-es], custom graphic design, and participated in several projects, an extension for Firefox (ubuntu-is-menu), helping coordinate the project #cupie, and helping in any way we can.
=== Contact me ===
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'''Jabber:''' '''Jabber:'''
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== Contributions ==
*I'm administrator of Ubuntu-es since February 2007,during this time, I was responsible for contacts with other spanish LoCo Teams, create the necessary artwork..etc
*Themes for, and
*Ubuntu-es-menu for firefox []
*Creation and coordination of project #cupie alongside fetova (

== In the future... ==
I would like to help consolidate the Hispanic community, creating a common resource base, and an environment of collaboration and common development to join forces in creating documentation, support etc. ..

== Suport for membership ==

About me

My name is Javier F. Garrido (aka meisok), I'm an administrator for the Spain and Latinoamerican Local team [ Ubuntu-es], custom graphic design, and participated in several projects, an extension for Firefox (ubuntu-is-menu), helping coordinate the project #cupie, and helping in any way we can.

Contact me

Email: MailTo(meisok AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com)


IRC: meisok en el servidor


*I'm administrator of Ubuntu-es since February 2007,during this time, I was responsible for contacts with other spanish LoCo Teams, create the necessary artwork..etc *Themes for, and *Ubuntu-es-menu for firefox [] *Creation and coordination of project #cupie alongside fetova (

In the future...

I would like to help consolidate the Hispanic community, creating a common resource base, and an environment of collaboration and common development to join forces in creating documentation, support etc. ..

Suport for membership


Meisok (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:06 by localhost)