
Massachusetts Team


Events / Projects


Team Development
Idea Pool


Last Meeting:
Thursday, August 5th 2010, 7:30pm EST (details)
Next Meeting:
Thursday, September 2th 2010, 7:30PM EST (details)

Maverick Release Party:

Team Info

The Ubuntu Minnesota Local Community Team advocates Open Source, Free Software, and the use of Ubuntu as well as connect users throughout the State of Minnesota. Our LoCo Team is on of the USTeams.

The team operates in accordance to the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.

Ubuntu The Ubuntu Minnesota Team is not an officially approved team yet.


  1. Educate
    • Teach the public about Ubuntu, Open Source, and Free Software
  2. Promote
    • Advocate Ubuntu to groups like schools, libraries, families, businesses, etc.
  3. Supply
    • Provide supplies and information for getting Ubuntu
  4. Support
    • Offer local support for getting and using Ubuntu
  5. Connect
    • Bridge connections between Ubuntu users

Join Our Team

To become a member of the Ubuntu Minnesota Local Community Team please

  1. Subscribe to our mailing list where all meetings and work is coordinated.

  2. Join our team on Launchpad

  3. Join our team forum

  4. Add yourself to the TeamList

  5. Participate and Get Involved!

It is important that you are on the mailing list to stay in the loop.

You should also join the #ubuntu-us-mn IRC channel on irc.freenode.net.

How you can help

If you would like to support the Ubuntu Minnesota Local Community Team, please consider:

Please feel free take on a member task below if you are willing.

As a Member

If you would like to get involved with the team on any level:
You can help our team by:

Also see: ContributeToUbuntu

Sub-pages : CategoryLoCoTeams

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