
Revision 18 as of 2011-11-04 01:37:55

Clear message

The official meeting times for the MissouriTeam are every Sunday at 7pm. Meetings are held on in #ubuntu-missouri. Anyone interested in the MissouriTeam LoCo is welcome to attend.

Agenda for next meeting (January 20, 2011, 7:00 PM CT)

If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda of the next meeting, please add a brief bullet point here along with your IRC contact. If you are not comfortable editing these pages, please contact MatthewCopple who will make sure the pages are updated with your request. Deadlines for agenda submissions are the Monday prior to the meeting at 04:00 UMT (10:00PM CDT).

  • Review of last meeting.
  • Main Sub: Website Space, that has been secured for the team.
  • Talk of Natty Narwhal Release and impact.
  • Communication
  • Logo Vote (MatthewCopple) -- Submissions can be found at the LoCo Logo Page

  • Projects
    • Project Leads
    • Install Fest (Spr0k3t)
    • Marketing
  • Regional LUG meetings
  • After notes

Past meetings

Take a minute to go through the latest meeting notes. If you have anything you would like brought up, please notify MatthewCopple and we will be sure to include any questions or issues on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting.



August 15th, 2007

There are still some items to iron out. There are some concerns of liability which need further research. The focus of projects at this time will need to start small while the team is young, later the projects can be fleshed out. The logo ideas have started and the vote on which design to work with will be at the next meeting.

August 1st, 2007

Smoother than the first meeting the officiating went smooth the way a meeting should be run. We covered the use of GPG for signed documents and systems logs and talked about the next get together or event. Initial projects were mentioned to help get the ball rolling for the team.

July 18th, 2007

The first official meeting of the MissouriTeam LoCo. The initial meeting hammered out setting up the LoCo and finalizing areas that needed updated, added, or fixed. A face to face BBQ event was held the following Saturday in celebration of starting the LoCo which went quite well.

Regional LUG Meetings / IRC Sessions


LUG / Channel


CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryCategory CategoryMissouriTeam