
Thursday 5 August 2010 an IRC (Instant Relay Chat) meeting has been held by the members of the Ubuntu-ma LOCO on the "#ubuntu-ma" channel hosted on the Freenode servers. the goal of this meeting was to plan future activities of the community and ensure the renewal of the certification of Ubuntu-ma by the LOCO Council.


The agenda was as follows:

  • Organizing Regular IRC meetings
  • Designating people for producing meeting reports and maintaining the WIKI
  • Organizing IRL (in real life) meetings during the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Remarks about the WIKI


Organizing regular IRC meetings

On the proposal of Hassan El Jacifi (Waver), The community has discussed organizing periodic IRC meetings in order to insure favorobale condition to the re-certification of our Loco team by the Loco council. The following decisions have been taken:

  1. Organizing a vote on the frequency of community meetings on IRC: http://doodle.com/nbg624hrypzw7gxq

  2. Organizing a vote on which days to select for our IRC meetings: http://doodle.com/2p3g44utzzepi3z2

Explanation: If Tuesday is selected as the day to hold the meetings, and 2 monthly meetings a month are chosen, the meetings will hold place every odd Tuesday (example: for the month of September : Tuesday 7 sept 7 & Tuesday 21 sept).

Multiple suggestuions were made and will be discussed during future IRC meetings:

  • A marketing strategy to promote Ubuntu in Morocco.
  • Reported Abuse of the use of the Ubuntu-ma LOGO by 3rd parties without requesting the teams consent.
  • Setting-up a forum on http://ubuntuforums.org and designating a moderation team.

  • Setting-up a validation process for the events organized by the team members.
  • Discussions around targetting the right public : High schools, private schools, others...
  • A new mailing list thread shall be opened to collect suggestions on the Agenda for the coming IRC meetings.

Designating people for producing meeting reports and maintaining the WIKI

La communauté a désigné lors de cette réunion les membres chargés du maintien du wiki et de la rédaction des rapports de réunions IRC. Ceci est dans le but de maintenir la qualité du wiki et d'afficher au mieux les activités du Loco. Les désignations sont comme suit :

  • Reporting group:
    • Maintining reports in French and taking IRC meetings minutes:
      1. Ubuntuman (Sghiouar AbdelFattah)

      2. Bunix (Hamza Badih)
  • Wiki group:
    • Wiki Rectification and formatting:
      1. Daker.
  • Translation group:
    • English :
      • Maintining the English section of the Wiki:
        1. ha55an ()
        2. kosaidpo()
      • Translation of the reports to English:
        1. ha55an()
    • Arabic:
      • Maintaining the Arabic section of the Wiki:
        • TBD, check the Mailing List
      • Translation of the reports to Arabic:
        • TBD, check the Mailing List
  • Assisting Group :
    • Proofreading reports, wiki and translations:
      1. Waver (Hassan El Jacifi)
      2. Bunix(Hamza Badih)
      3. Kenix (Mohamed Essedik Najd).

The community invites all those who want to help in translation and proofreading the Wiki and meeting reports in the Arabic Language.

Author's note: The following process has been adopted for producing the reports:

  1. Writing the report by the « Reporting group» (Ubuntuman or Bunix)
  2. Transfer to the « Assisting group » (WaVeR or Bunix) for proofreading.
  3. Transfer to the « Wiki group » (daker) for initial formatting, transfer to the « Translation group EN,AR » to start the translation work.
  4. Transfer to the « wiki group » for formatting the EN/AR version and informing the « Assisting group » For proofreading the EN/AR versions.

Organizing IRL (in real life) meetings during the holy month of Ramadan.

The community would like to organize some team building activities during the holy month of Ramadan. For this, it was decided to vote on the date and place of the first meeting via a thread on the Mailing List. The organisation of future meetings and their agenda will be done during this first meeting.

Remarks on the WIKI

During this meeting, multiple remarks were made about the wiki:

  1. The team members page needs to be redone.
  2. Implementing a page based on this model: http://kaart.ubuntu-nl.org/

  3. Sending a request on the Mailing List to ask for the sources of the old ubuntu-ma logo or asking volunteers to redo it from scratch (Ha55an), volunteers to restyle the new logo.

Appendix: Other issues outside of the agenda

  1. Initiating a collaboration with "preparatory classes" teachers for organizing events in their respective institutions.
  2. Seeking a contact from the Free Software NGO "SOUSE".

MoroccanTeam/Meetings/20100805-en (last edited 2010-08-09 22:36:15 by 84-73-106-140)