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The current contacts for these activities are: Laura Czajkowski, Penelope Stowe
As part of the Advocacy part of the NGO team's activities, we:
Interview NGOs to discover their needs. (czajkowski)
- Record Case Studies of NGO implementations,
- Liaise with NGOs long-term to keep track of development,
Whenever we get notified about NGO specific bugs or generally bugs that affect NGOs, please make sure you add a the ngo tag in the Launchpad bug.
Find the (+) "Add tags" link
Add the "ngo" tag
Creating Paper Jams for NGOs. (czajkowski)
Invite NGOs to LoCos,
Maintain the NGO Blog.
NGO/Advocacy (last edited 2009-11-26 17:08:20 by nj-71-2-45-188)