

As of 2010-11-19, there 170 blueprints targeted to Natty. This page summarizes the Essential and High blueprints that represent product changes for Desktop, Server, and ARM Editions. This summary only includes Essential and High changes, and does not include changes delivered by teams such Dx, Ubuntu One, and others, but rather only the changes created or closely tracked by the Ubuntu Engineering Team and related community members.



Users are going to get a new desktop shell, Unity. This experience will be simpler, faster, and more pleasing than any desktop they've encountered before. Furthermore, the Desktop and Netbook Edition will be combined into a single edition. Defaults suitable for small or large screens will be determined at install time. All of the essential applications that users love and use today will still work under Unity.

The Ubuntu Engineer team's work in this area does not include building the Unity Shell itself, that will come from the Dx team. The Ubuntu Engineering Team's work does include:

  1. Integrating Unity into the desktop
  2. Setting correct defaults at install time




Deliver a single Unity-based experiene for netbooks and desktops


2d Experience

For users who either lack the hardware to run Unity (3d hardware is required), or who still prefer the "classic" desktop, a non-accelerated desktop experience, dubbed the "2d Experience". This will be essentially comprised of a classic Gnome 2.3.x desktop, but of course with all of the Ayatana enhancements, such as indicators, and notify-osd. This will also include the global application menu, and perhaps other enhancements. It will lack the Unity Launcher, and Unity Places, however.

A key aspect of this work will be determining the hardware on which Unity will run. This will be determined through testing and community feedback.




Detect graphics hardware capabilities and offer a 2d experience if needed

2d Fallback

Will also be included by default for users who simply prefer this experience

Testing to maximize graphics hardware compatibility

GPU Testing

Dx Team Deliverable

Software Center

For users, the primary change to software center will be the addition of ratings and reviews. Users will be able to read reviews of software in the software-center before they install it, and will be able to rate and review software themselves as well.

The Canonical ISD team will be endeavoring to extend the current software center payment capabilities in order to add the ability for users to support open source software projects that are capable of accepting donations. This will require some work on the software center as well.

Finally, there may be some tweaks and improvements to the existing software center experience as time permits.




Add Ratings and Reviews to Software Center

Ratings and Reviews

Tweak Software Center experience

Software Center

Add Donations To Software Center


Mostly dependent on ISD, though some front end work


The Ubuntu Engineering QA team will be spearheading the creation of an automated desktop testing program for the purpose of quickly discovering regressions in integration of software on the desktop. During Natty this will focus on ensuring that applications continue to work properly in Unity.




Provide daily integration tests to ensure the robustness of a Unity-based desktop experience

QA Test Plan

Testing Unity itself

Dx Test Plan

Application Selection

As usual, the desktop team will stay abreast of the best that the current open source stack has to offer.




Select the most stable parts of the Gnome 3 stack

Gnome 3

Change to Banshee and Libre Office

App Selection


Other important goals that will pursued are to continue our work around boot experience, in Natty striving to ensure that the boot experience is clean and without warnings or text on as much hardware as possible. In order to better support OEMs, there will be tweaks to the OEM Config tool, and the Kernel team will move to a 2 week SRU cadence into order to facilitate hardware enablment for OEM partners in a more predictable manner.




Create a text free boot experience

Text Free Boot

Will not be available for all hardware

Tweaks to OEM Config

OEM Config

Create a 2 week SRU Cadence

SRU Handling


The Server Team has three top level goals:

  1. Be a great host
  2. Be a great guest
  3. Be great at common workloads

Common workloads may run in a guest, or may run on bare metal servers.


Being a great host in Natty will focus on tightening up containers.




Make containers a type of host under UEC

Containers in UEC

Will have to patch eucalyptus

Linux Container Tools

Linux Container Tools

Ensure the separateness of user namespaces in containers

Containerization of ptrace and kill


Guest images will see some tweaks based on user feedback, and will also see improvements to booting and initialization of guest images. Boot improvements should extend to bare metal servers as well.




Tweak the guest images based on user feedback

Guest Images

Create a startup experience appropriate for server admins

Upstart on Server

Ensure robust initialization of guests

Cloud Init

Work Loads

The two essential work loads currently targets are for web scale, and clustering.




Have a suite of of web scale packages

Web Scale

Have an integrated cluster solution

Cluster Stack


Similar to the client, there will also be a focus on automated testing.




Ensure robustness of guests and hosts through automated testing

Automated Server Testing


Aside from turning the crank on omap 3 and omap 4 images, the ARM team will invest in tools to make it more easy and fun for the Ubuntu on ARM developer community.




Deliver a image appropriate for enthusists and developers

Minimal ARM Image

Allow the creation of public PPAs for ARM

ARM Cluster

Natty/PlanningSummary (last edited 2010-12-15 14:48:38 by eth3)