Welcome! This is the home page of the Nebraska Ubuntu Local Community Team (Launchpad Page) We are advocates for the use of Ubuntu Linux in homes, schools, businesses, and governments throughout the state of Nebraska and Western Iowa.
How to Join Us!
* You can sign up for our mailing list at
* You can join our Launchpad team at (The Nebraska Team Page)
How to Contribute
As of April, 2009, the Nebraska team is getting re-started. We've got lots of opportunities for people to contribute:
- Teaching
- Installation
- Local "Hands On" Support
- Evangelizing
See our NebraskaTeam/Projects projects page.
- Look for opportunities to do presentations about Ubuntu
Look for a chance to help with a BarCamp in the Omaha area
- Setup presentation of Ubuntu and how it can help an organization
Next IRC Meeting: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 8pm CDT in #ubuntu-us-ne
NebraskaTeam (last edited 2014-08-09 15:50:29 by rstreeter78-deactivatedaccount)