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NeoTaoistTechnoPagan on






Nov 30, 2008

At the moment I am having an issue installing mysql on my lappy - anyone care to assist me?

*NOTE* [SOLVED] - for some reason the system was not automatically making the mysql user. It still does this when an app needs user-level access (like clamav).

**SOLVED** I had some custom bash scripts installed and one for 'adduser' was called BEFORE the system one - so I mucked up the PATH. Fixed path order and all good now.


Ok, go ahead and ask - "What's up with the name?"

It's the best way I could describe myself.

I'm somewhat of a new-age thinker, Taoist in the way that I think and approach the world, Techno because, well, I'm a geek ok? Finally, Pagan - yes, I am Pagan - albeit an eclectic mixture of Taoism, Buddhism, Wicca, Druidism, and even some Hindu. I'm on my own path and and it's taken me a while to find it.

So as to why I am here, well I enjoy tinkering with Linux. I started with Mandrake at 7.1 and then tried out FreeBSD 4.2 - getting X to work back then wasn't anywhere as easy. From there I tried Debian and was hooked on it until I found Linux From Scratch (LFS). I then found myself in Gentoo Land and was very happy. I still say to this day that Gentoo is my distro of choice, but I do enjoy using Ubuntu and Debian as well.


Accomplished so far:
IconsPage/iconCircle.png Attended the first Ubuntu LIVE! in Portland, Oregon in July '07
IconsPage/iconCircle.png Moved to Saint Augustine in June/July of '08
IconsPage/iconCircle.png Upgraded my kids' PCs to 8.04

Currently working on:
IconsPage/iconCircle.png Getting a new (bigger & faster) HDD for the laptop and moving to Gentoo.

  • (Yeah, I know - it's not Ubuntu, but I honestly prefer it...)

IconsPage/iconCircle.png Keeping this page updated more often!

My Affiliations With Ubuntu & Linux

  • Member of the FloridaTeam Loco

  • Active in Gentoo Linux
  • Starting the Saint Augustine LUG & will partner with JaxLUG


  • I use JeOS & gobuntu to build servers and Edubuntu on recycled PCs to give to kids (My kids LOVE it!)

  • I can (more often than not) find the answers I need to problems I or others have in the forums & Google

My Future With Ubuntu

  • Spreading the word in my area, mostly by example. I love the *wow*-factor with Compiz Wink ;-)

NeoTaoistTechnoPagan (last edited 2008-11-30 09:54:42 by 97)