Agenda for meeting on 5 September 2007
Reminder: Software Freedom Day at PACS
- September 15th, 8am - 3pm (Dave's Presentation begins at noon).
- At the IRC meeting, Joe Terranova will remind everyone about this upcoming event.
On Friday, September 14th, Dave Harding will send an announcement to the LoCo mailing list reminding everyone about this upcoming event.
September Event
- Which Day?
- Which Venue?
- Schools back in session soon. What can we do to recruit from Colleges and High Schools?
- What other methods can we use to get more people on the team?
- What events do we want to work on in the future?
- Work with non-profits?
- Work with local vendors?
NewJerseyTeam/Agenda/20070905 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:30 by localhost)